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Old 07-09-2005, 09:45 PM   #81 (permalink)
Location: Australia
Originally Posted by Johnny Pyro
I would destroy everything I could. Go to the army bases and get weapons,tanks,etc. After I was done, I would kill myself out of loneliness
That's a bit... dark.

Moving right along. I would probably just try and stockpile as much knowledge as I could, and then make a database of human society and culture so that when I would die, the human race would not just disappear, never to be seen again.

I'd also treat myself to the luxuries I always wanted.
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Old 07-10-2005, 10:21 PM   #82 (permalink)
Gatorade Frost's Avatar
Chances are I'd kill myself right off the bat. Why stockpile everything? Chances are it'll be destroyed as soon as a storm, tornado, etc. hits wherever you stockpiled it and I for sure am not one man army enough to build a complex to store all of the world's junk. No reason for me to go around places (Well, not sure how I'd get there) because when I travel it's nice to get the nicest things, but who is going to make you the finest foods? Treat you great? Etc.

I think given a chance I'd nuke myself. Just end it there. Sit down with a bottle of alcohol and pull the pin on a nuke while at a nuclear power plant. At least I'd have the most extravagant death the world's ever seen.
I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Emo Philips
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Old 07-10-2005, 10:59 PM   #83 (permalink)
Eat your vegetables
genuinegirly's Avatar
Super Moderator
Location: Arabidopsis-ville
I'd probably cry a lot... hug my dog and drive my car to the middle of nowhere in a forest somewhere. Move into my dream cabin, and have an awesome garden. Read a lot... write even more. Let my life revolve around my dog, a bunny, and my garden.
"Sometimes I have to remember that things are brought to me for a reason, either for my own lessons or for the benefit of others." Cynthetiq

"violence is no more or less real than non-violence." roachboy
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Old 07-11-2005, 05:43 AM   #84 (permalink)
The Mighty Boosh
djflish's Avatar
Location: I mostly come out at night, mostly...
The first thing I would do is visit the houses of all the hot girls I knew, and look for their digital cameras.
It would probably be fun at first, but eventually when there's no more electricity and stuff like that, I'd go stir crazy and makes friends with a volleyball alá Castaway!
Europes two great narcotics, Alcohol and Christianity.
I know which one I prefer.
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Old 07-11-2005, 06:59 PM   #85 (permalink)
Last person on earth... wow. the possibilities.

1) well, I would look around town for something entertaining, like a sledgehammer or something. Then i would smash some stuff cuz i like hitting things with sledgehammers.

2) Id loot! look around for diary's or secret things of my neighbors, they have to have their own porn stash somewhere in their basement or something.

3) I would get some guns and ammunition. No animals near me, but just target practice on stuff couldn't hurt.

4) I would go get one of the fastest cars and got to DC and see the secrets of the nation.

5) Go to Tops or w/e and get all the vitamins i could find so i wouldn't get scurvy or anything after everything rots.

6) If the vitamin thing doesn't work, I would maybe learn to farm or something. I would go to the local pound and get a bunch of animals and let the rest loose. All the Shih-Tzus would be mine!

7) after that day is done, i would go back to my home, mourn for hours, accept the fact that what is done is done. After like... a week of fun stuff like this, i would probably kill myself in fear of something bad happening to me like, falling off a cliff or something. I want my death to be known by me beforehand. So after praying for forgiveness of my suicide, i would do some thing quick and/ or painless. Sleep aid, throat cut, somethin easy.

8) Re-assure myself that everything happens for a reason.
Check and mate, now king me.
bobophil is offline  
Old 07-16-2005, 09:22 PM   #86 (permalink)
Location: Central Wisconsin
First of all, I would mourn my family and friends. I would construct a memorial to them, pictures and other mememtos, where I could go to see them and remember them. Of course they'd still be in my heart at all times. I'd just want a physical display that they were here.

Second, I would probably go to the bank. I know, this seems stupid since I am the only person left, but We have lived paycheck to paycheck for as long as I can remember. I would want to feel the money and be able to "purchase" what I want not need. I'd leave money for everything, even if its really not my money.

Third, I'd "buy" myself all new clothes. And burn them after I wore them so I'd never have to do laundry again. Styles would never change because there is no competition for them to. I could finally wear anything I want and not worry what anyone thinks because I am the only one.

I would plant a garden every spring and watch it grow through the summer. I'd have a beautiful flower garden with ever kind of flower I could get to grow, I'm not much of a green thumb, but I'd learn.

I'd drive a brand new car and learn to drive a motorcycle. I'd do all the things that time won't allow now. I'd learn to sew and read everything I could. I'd go to church and pray. I'd watch movies I missed when they were released. I'd enjoy a sunset. I would do everything I possibly could.

I'm not a very social person as it is, I don't like to leave the house now so I don't think I would miss the people. I would miss my family and friends that I have become close to. I'd miss my kids and husband the most. I'd also miss my neighbors and the kids I babysit for. I love dogs, so if I had dogs around, I don't think I would be lonely.

I don't think I would live alot longer. As my prescriptions expire and the drugs at the pharmacies get old and lose their potency, I would probably end up dead soon after. I'd live it up until then.

As good as it all sounds, I wouldn't wish this to happen ever.
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Old 07-17-2005, 12:23 AM   #87 (permalink)
Location: Louisiana
This would mean losing all of the creature comforts I have grown my happy little world around. Misery would be my friend, quickly. There would be books to read, but I'd miss playing on the computer, watching tv, listening to music, bask cooly in air conditioning through a Southern Summer and all other lovely things brought to me by electricity. I would fear to drink the water without any treatment. I don't want to even think of how I might manage to eat. I was never a Boy Scout!
IF, by some strange miracle there was still electricity, clean water and food was fresh forever....it would be the best damn vacation I had ever had.
Min is offline  
Old 07-18-2005, 08:05 AM   #88 (permalink)
Location: Texas
Hummer first, then a trailor, a gas powered generator or 2 and some pumps so that I can continue to get to fuel. Then get some firearms, probably a 357 or 45 pistol, a 12 guage with various types of shells, and a couple of good rifles. Stock up on ammo, then off to a high end sporting goods store for top shelf camping and hunting / fishing equipment.... then off to the supermarket to stock up on canned goods and non-perishable food items. um, unless the everquest 2 servers were still up, then I'd probably die in my office chair with a high level character looking for more annoying quests...
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies
like a banana.
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Old 07-26-2005, 12:49 PM   #89 (permalink)
Location: London, UK
Here's a strange thought and to be honest I don't know why I had it, but I thought of breaking into the houses of my friends and family and read all their diaries and go through their personal effects. I don't think I would feel disrespectful, after all if the human race is over, ethics and morals ceases to exist, right? Now there's a question! My motivation would be that, before I killed myself as I surely would I would want to know as much as there was to know about humanity. Something like that. Haven't completely worked it out but just thought I'd share the thought!
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Old 08-08-2005, 08:22 PM   #90 (permalink)
Stiltzkin's Avatar
I'm responding before reading any other posts so as to not influence my thoughts and make them genuine.

With 6 million people still left scattered around the Earth... I'd try to have sex at least once before dying ...

Other than that, I'm not sure. It depends a lot. I'd probably bust into a Barnes&Noble and read every last book, and then I'd bust into a Borders and read every book that Barnes&Noble didn't have, and then I'd bust into all the local bookstores and read all of them books. You get the idea.

You know, there is some proof that a cladogenic event has happened to human beings like this before, and we rebuilt. I don't remember what exactly that evidence is, since it was something that I learned in my last biology class... but I'm most likely too lazy to look it up. One thing that I can say is that I was watching a documentary on the Discovery Channel about the world's largest volcano in history, which is now a city in modern day (I'll be damned if I can remember the name of the city though), and it is thought that the eruption of this volcano could be the cladogenic event that killed off nearly 70% of the human population at the time. Maybe all of this is already mentioned in a post above me... if not, here it is.

EDIT: Just for the hell of it, I'm also going to assume that I can suddenly live forever, assuming that I don't accidentally kill myself. This puts me in mind of Lazarus Long (Heinlein fans know who I'm talking about). Lazarus Long is such a kick ass character, I'd strive to be like him. So, here's a list of stuff that I'd do if there was 6 million people left and I could live forever:
-Have lots of wild monkey sex
-Create/participate in giant outdoor orgies
-Become a master of every subject so that I, along with the rest of my fellow 6 million people, could start rebuilding the Earth.
-Learn how to fight
-Get into a lot of fights to toughen myself up
-Write a shitload
-Probably keep a journal and write everything down, even insignificant shite
-Of course, try to find other people
-Create my own country (calling it a state sounds too crappy; Country sounds more sovereign and powerful)
-Learn every language and encourage others to do the same
-Make every language the official language (you know, to encourage people to be really eclectic with langauges). I think this'd be really awesome, 'cause right now you got mixes of languages like Spanglish and umm... well you know. Wherever there is a community of people who are fluent in more than one langauge, it becomes inevitable that they start mixing them. Imagine how freaking cool it would be to live in a country where everyone knows almost every language. In perhaps 100 years you'd get a few languages that are the result of mixing all of the Earth's languages (or maybe even one central language that is the result of mixing all of pre-existing languages)
-Invent my own languages
-Create a centralized internet. I'd have a whole city just dedicated to housing servers. It'd be an uber City of Computers... or something.
-Write lots of cool programs in every programming language (I'm already in the process of programming my own forum in PHP that is actually useable already )
-Write my own programming languages
-Write my own OS
-Learn how to build boats, and build lots of them
-Get into really good physical shape
-Read every religious text ever written several times to become fluent in their ideologies and what not
-Be an awesome leader by setting examples (6 million people need a leader, right?)
-Have lots and lots of kids... with different women >.> (okay, so I probably wouldn't be able to do this if I wanted to lead by example... or I could make it socially acceptable to have lots of kids with different women ^_^)
-Drive lots of fancy cars. I'd especially want to drive a Nissan Skyline, and then a McLaren F1, and any other super-fast F1 cars. I'd also want to learn how to drift (you know, like in that anime Initial D)
-Build my own house. I'd blast down a whole neighborhood and clear away all the ruins so that I could build a super-massive mansion. I'd of course make sure that no one was living in any of the houses first. And I'd invite as many people as possible to come live with me. We'd have several out-doors pools and what not.
-Push for space exploration. I'd gladly give up my post on Earth just to sail amongst the stars for the rest of my life, regardless of the cost or the risk involved. I'm a lot like Heinlein in that I want very badly to be able to explore the stars within my lifetime. I love watching anything related to space, and reading about stuff that's out there. Unfortunately, I don't see this actually happening even within my lifetime.
-Rebuild the Tower of Babel
-Build my own pyramid the way the ancient Egyptians did.

I'll stop here since this has gone way beyond the realm of the original post.

EDIT2: Yes, I did take some time to read about 80% of all the posts above after my initial post.

Last edited by Stiltzkin; 08-08-2005 at 09:25 PM..
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Old 08-09-2005, 08:44 PM   #91 (permalink)
has a plan
Hain's Avatar
Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
Originally Posted by Stiltzkin
-Make every language the official language (you know, to encourage people to be really eclectic with langauges). I think this'd be really awesome, 'cause right now you got mixes of languages like Spanglish and umm... well you know. Wherever there is a community of people who are fluent in more than one langauge, it becomes inevitable that they start mixing them. Imagine how freaking cool it would be to live in a country where everyone knows almost every language. In perhaps 100 years you'd get a few languages that are the result of mixing all of the Earth's languages (or maybe even one central language that is the result of mixing all of pre-existing languages)
Such a language somewhat exists and is known as Esperanto, which I wish I was taught first since I suck at learning new languages.

The trick with having 6 million people left alive on Earth is that not many people are as altruistic (possibly philanthropic) and existential as you, Stiltzkin. Yes, some may look at this a golden opportunity--"We have been spared to rebuild it: better, faster, strong" and the 6 Million Dollar Man theme queues up. If you banded together with such other people seeing this as the time for enlightenment, what is to be done with the remainder of people there who enjoy the idea of simply destroying what is left?

I know I would be one of those who would go out and find the first gas station and set it a blaze. Or better yet, change the gas price up there to "$0.99 9/10" like it was when I was a kid! Then burn it.

I would come to my senses after having my fill of senseless destruction and help rebuild, do everything I can to better this new society, but how to either combat or integrate those that do not see this as the bold journey ahead?

Just a thought.
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Old 08-09-2005, 10:20 PM   #92 (permalink)
I like the idea of smashing something! I have to stay reserved in my real life so smashing something would kick ass! My first thought was to clone/impregnate myself but then I decided that going on a rampage of destruction would be cooler. I already read so much so why not take this golden opportunity to deviate from the norm?

Going to the Smithsonian would be awesome! I could go around and around and around the rooms and not have to worry about anyone kicking me out.

I like the idea of wearing whatever I wanted. I would make crazy outfits and then take pictures of myself. Either that or walk around naked all the time!

Yup, it would be good times all around (except for the still quickly decomposing dead bodies).
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"

"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."

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Old 08-10-2005, 09:03 AM   #93 (permalink)
Stiltzkin's Avatar
Originally Posted by Augi
Such a language somewhat exists and is known as Esperanto, which I wish I was taught first since I suck at learning new languages.

The trick with having 6 million people left alive on Earth is that not many people are as altruistic (possibly philanthropic) and existential as you, Stiltzkin. Yes, some may look at this a golden opportunity--"We have been spared to rebuild it: better, faster, strong" and the 6 Million Dollar Man theme queues up. If you banded together with such other people seeing this as the time for enlightenment, what is to be done with the remainder of people there who enjoy the idea of simply destroying what is left?

I know I would be one of those who would go out and find the first gas station and set it a blaze. Or better yet, change the gas price up there to "$0.99 9/10" like it was when I was a kid! Then burn it.

I would come to my senses after having my fill of senseless destruction and help rebuild, do everything I can to better this new society, but how to either combat or integrate those that do not see this as the bold journey ahead?

Just a thought.
Those people would be dealt with ruthlessly ::evil grin::
Actually, I don't know. Until such time, I'll just have to think about it
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Old 08-10-2005, 10:14 AM   #94 (permalink)
Banned from being Banned
Location: Donkey
I'd do a shitload of drugs.

What else would you do?

At least the drugs will make you feel happy and put you in a state of euphoria.

Then one day you get lucky and OD!
I love lamp.
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Old 08-10-2005, 11:15 AM   #95 (permalink)
Omnipotent Ruler Of The Tiny Universe In My Mind
mystmarimatt's Avatar
Location: Oreegawn

I'd start out by going to the bookstore and collecting all of the books I've ever wanted to read. And I'd sit, and read them all.

That would take a while though, so first, I'd need to procure some source of transportation, some sort of shelter, and a source of food. So I might just make my home in different grocery stores. I probably wouldn't find much fresh produce, but I'm a college student, I've learned to survive on Top Ramen already. I'd jack every car, switching from car to another, when each runs out of gas.

I'd go to all the best fashion boutiques and get a whole new wardrobe.

I'd see things and do things I never would've been allowed to before, like feeding the animals and playing in mud.

I'd Visit national monuments and famous places. No waiting lines will be neat.

I don't deny I'd fancy a look through Angelina Jolie's underwear drawer. (Admit it, think of all the naughty, naughty things you can do now that everyone is dead)

I would steal famous works of art, just for the hell of it.

I'd exist, for as long as I could, solely on the idea that in doing everything I've ever wanted, I have the freedom to do nothing.
Words of Wisdom:

If you could really get to know someone and know that they weren't lying to you, then you would know the world was real. Because you could agree on things, you could compare notes. That must be why people get married or make Art. So they'll be able to really know something and not go insane.
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Old 08-11-2005, 09:09 AM   #96 (permalink)
Location: Meechigan
I would probably start by blowing some stuff up. That is always fun, and would be especially fun to blow big things up. Yes, I am easily amused. I would try to travel, but I don't know if I would trust myself to fly a plane across the ocean to go to Europe or Asia or anything. But, most importantly, when I was ready to die, I would try my hardest to get to space. Maybe steal a space shuttle or a rocket or something, and try to learn how to use it. The reason I would do it when I was ready to die is, I am sure there is really no way I could get back to Earth safely. So, I would just finish my life drifting through space.

Edit: Oh yea, I would probably spend some time at the SETI Institute, and broadcast what the hell happened on this planet everywhere I could.
Freedom would be not to choose between black and white but to abjure such prescribed choices. - Theodor Adorno

Last edited by killeena; 08-11-2005 at 09:13 AM..
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Old 08-11-2005, 09:33 AM   #97 (permalink)
astrahl's Avatar
Location: You don't want to live here
I liked how some said cloning...what do you incubate the eggs in? Unless you're a woman and prepared to impregnate yourself with this fertilized egg (turkey baster) - you are outta luck.
Especially since one person put it right - the power grid would be gone in days. Byebye liqNit freezer tanks.

I would mourn the loss of humans for a long, long time especially family and friends (and Morten Harket). I'd get a bunch of dogs to take care of but would still probably go Hanks and start talking to a volleyball named Wilson. Scratch that - it would be a soccer ball named Copa.
Maybe it was over when she chucked me out the Rover at full speed.
Maybe Maybe...

Last edited by astrahl; 08-11-2005 at 09:36 AM..
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Old 08-12-2005, 08:51 AM   #98 (permalink)
StephenSa's Avatar
Location: Dallas, Texas
If I'm truly the LAST person on earth I'd do as follows. I'd miss my wife terribly but eventually survival instinct and curiosity about the world would kick in and I'd move on. After gathering a fair amount of canned food and bottled water. I'd stockpile some medical supplies, vitamins, and textbooks. There are no doctors after all, gotta try to stay healthy. I'd also carry with me at all times some form of self-euthanasia. If I became injured in some way where I couldn't help myself I wouldn't want to lay there through a slow and miserable death. I'd get some generators and acquire a loaded fuel truck so I could have electricity for my amusement. This way I could watch DVD's and play video games for some sort of simulated human interaction. I'd base out of some place with a really beautiful view and a good clean water supply. I'd probably do some hunting. Canned food is going to get boring so I'd supplement with deer, rabbit, various poultry, cows, pigs and what not. Basically any animal I've eaten before would end up on my dinner table. I'd have a garden for fresh veggies. I'd read a lot of eastern philosophy, try to make peace with my situation. I'd monitor the radio for any other survivors and from time to time travel and explore. Mostly I'd continue with the day to day tasks of living until I died naturally or offed myself.

Now, under the 6 million other survivors scenario, I'd react somewhat differently. I'd still gather food and supplies first but would put more effort into reaching other people. I'd keep myself well armed in case some nut with a messiah complex and a bunch of goony followers tried to strong-arm me. You know, like if Bush survives. (sorry, I just had ta'!) It'd be nice to have another person to talk to from time to time but I wouldn't look forward to any big organized, rule enforcing, god-fearing government to spring up. I'd stay near enough to other people for the occasional visit but far enough away for real solitude. Then I'd just live.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.
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Old 08-12-2005, 09:45 AM   #99 (permalink)
1. Secure generous (almost ludicrous) stockpile of guns and ammunition.
2. Find a female companion. If possible, a bisexual one.
3. Repeat step 2, for obvious reasons.
4. Stockpile lots of good book.
5. Get a place out in the woods near a river, in an area that is fit for fishing and hunting.
6. Live with my women until the end of our natural lives, fucking like rabbits all the way.

(and just for good measure, at some point before moving out to the country, i'd go crazy ape shit on a mall, gas station, that sort of thing, and just blow shit all to hell, destroy stuff, that sort of thing.)

(and also for those wondering why 2 women, it's because company-wise, 3 people is better for everyone's sanity than just 2... and sex with two women is fucking awesome.)
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Old 08-16-2005, 09:58 AM   #100 (permalink)
Location: Currently Canada. I have been in Norway in the last two years, and in Hong Kong before Norway.
If there would be no other human beings than me, the reaction will be both ways.

I might not be too used to be the last human on earth and I might feel a bit weird that from then on only I will understand my words. But on the other hand I do feel relived since I am really tired of all the human norms and rules. After all we humans are merely animals in the very very beginning. Without hesitation I will take all my clothes off, start living in a treehouse and mingle with the animals around me. Probably I will try to intergrate with a Chimp clan- after all we only have 1 pair of genes different from them. In other words we are just X-chimps.

Anyway. I was just about to say I actually would be happy more than sad if everyone else has gone. I just don't really feel like I would ever want to fit into the grown-up human society- finish university, get a job, get an apartment, get a car, get married, earn money, support yourself and your parents, be socialable, stay within the social norms, etc... so I don't really see anything bad if I have to be a real Mowgli and mingle with the lovely animals out in the wild. Life's gonna be free and sweet.
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Old 08-18-2005, 12:15 AM   #101 (permalink)
if i was the last person i would explore the world somehow, prob steal some vehicles. Ive also wondered how would one find the governements secrets? im pretty sure there encrypted and like super guarded with booby traps if you get behidn the door, lol. Also to the person who would steal famous paintings, what happens if those like bars came downa nd trapped you in the room? Not only would you ehar the alarm for days, you would be trapped with no means of escape, with a bunch of artwork (some prob creepy), starve to death, and basically no means of suicide except by running into the steel poles a lot. Man that would blow. After seeing the world, I would build a giant monument that would take the rest of my life and then nuke like a star pattern around the monument so my monuments in the middle and looks crazy from space. and in the end id jus climb to the top of my monument and just use some of those peaceful drugs to kill me. I think that be crazy, but if I feel not to kill myself, i think i would just live among the penguins after.
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