Originally Posted by Augi
Such a language somewhat exists and is known as Esperanto, which I wish I was taught first since I suck at learning new languages.
The trick with having 6 million people left alive on Earth is that not many people are as altruistic (possibly philanthropic) and existential as you, Stiltzkin. Yes, some may look at this a golden opportunity--"We have been spared to rebuild it: better, faster, strong" and the 6 Million Dollar Man theme queues up. If you banded together with such other people seeing this as the time for enlightenment, what is to be done with the remainder of people there who enjoy the idea of simply destroying what is left?
I know I would be one of those who would go out and find the first gas station and set it a blaze. Or better yet, change the gas price up there to "$0.99 9/10" like it was when I was a kid! Then burn it.
I would come to my senses after having my fill of senseless destruction and help rebuild, do everything I can to better this new society, but how to either combat or integrate those that do not see this as the bold journey ahead?
Just a thought.
Those people would be dealt with ruthlessly ::evil grin::
Actually, I don't know. Until such time, I'll just have to think about it