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Old 11-25-2007, 07:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
2007, A Year In Review...

Another year has almost past...

What are some of the moments of 2007 that are most memorable for you?

Good, bad, and/or wacky. TFP related, on-line, and/or in real life...

For me:

The Good:

Really, REALLY enjoying my job.
Made time to see my friends I hadnt seen in years.
Went to London over the summer and loved it.
Paid off my car.
Lost 20 pounds.

The Bad:

My great-uncle lost his battle with cancer and died in March.
My grandma spent a significant time in hospital and isnt ever going to fully recover.
Constant overwhelming fear of failure.

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Old 11-25-2007, 07:17 PM   #2 (permalink)
soma's Avatar
Location: USA
Started working out
Met someone new

Mom in hospital
Got dumped
Having Girl Problems?
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Old 11-25-2007, 07:37 PM   #3 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
Plan9's Avatar
Left the army.
College slammin'.
Bought a motorcycle.
Started karate.
Got that divorce.
Found the TFP.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 11-25-2007, 07:37 PM   #4 (permalink)
Wise-ass Latino
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Location: Pretoria (Tshwane), RSA
One more month to go, the jury is still out.
Cameron originally envisioned the Terminator as a small, unremarkable man, giving it the ability to blend in more easily. As a result, his first choice for the part was Lance Henriksen. O. J. Simpson was on the shortlist but Cameron did not think that such a nice guy could be a ruthless killer.

-From the Collector's Edition DVD of The Terminator
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Old 11-25-2007, 09:04 PM   #5 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
Still alive

Still alive
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 11-25-2007, 09:37 PM   #6 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
Plan9's Avatar
Originally Posted by World's King
Still alive

Still alive
That was 2006.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 11-25-2007, 09:55 PM   #7 (permalink)
More Than You Expect
Manic_Skafe's Avatar
Location: Queens

-Randomly bought a guitar and I've been playing ever sense.
-Sorted out what sort of career I wanted to pursue and I've been taking more pictures ever sense.
-Finally got my drivers license after 3 years of having a learners permit.
-Inherited my first car.
-Spent a lot of time with my family.
-Broke things off completely with the ex
-Went to more concerts this year than ever.


-My father passed away.
-Got into a car accident in which my first car was rendered totaled.
-Finally broke things off with the ex.
-Working a lot more than I'd like to.
"Porn is a zoo of exotic animals that becomes boring upon ownership." -Nersesian
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Old 11-25-2007, 11:43 PM   #8 (permalink)
blktour's Avatar
Location: Anchorage, AK
great job with great pay,
have my health,
hang out with family alot. (we all live in the same neighborhood.)

getting fat lol
still in the Guard.
chipped my tooth. /boo
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Old 11-26-2007, 01:48 PM   #9 (permalink)

- School all year, it's been a shitload of fun
- When this year is over, I'll finally be done with school and I can move out of my parents' house.
- Started recording online radio show with my best friend. Started as an hour show shared with friends over myspace, and now has a pretty robust website behind it and actual listeners who aren't just a handful of our immediate friends and past guests.


- School ALL YEAR. I do love it, but holy shit it's relentless.
- Was sick for a solid month, then off and on a lot for the month that followed. It was not good. I lost like 20 pounds in a month, which is not healthy even if you're losing weight on purpose.
- Liked a chick a hell of a lot. Didn't tell her how I felt and lost her. Got interested again, told her how I felt, was happy for a bit, lost her a second time. It hurt a lot more the second time.
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Old 11-26-2007, 02:16 PM   #10 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
The Bad

Dave has made 7 trips to 4 different countries and 2 different states and been gone a total of 5 months of the year

I have had the worst year health wise ever...3 broken teeth, 2 broken ribs, pnuemonia for 2 months and 3 months of thinking I was being attacked by misquitoes and finding out it was an allergic reaction to my BC pills

The good

I finally got a pair of black pearls (I've been wanting a pair since I was a little girl)


We got to take Amanda on her first family vacation (Me her and Dave)


I have not missed or been late on one single car payment and it has earned me a credit card (Havent had one since 1999) so now I can relax a little about "emergencies"


Hosted my first family (for Dave's family) Thanksgiving and it went off fantastically


Dave and his best friend finally are being friends as adults and making my life a little easier by not wanting to choke the life out of said best friend everytime I see him


I made some amazing discoveries in my genealogy research AND have started a successful forum where others are being helped in great ways

and finally...Dave

above all else, and no matter how long he's been gone, he's been the best part of my year
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 11-26-2007, 02:19 PM   #11 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
Ustwo's Avatar
Good: New baby
600k investment in a new office.

Bad: 600k loan needs to be paid.
New baby = crazy wife
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.
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Old 11-26-2007, 03:04 PM   #12 (permalink)
Im_not_bitter's Avatar
-Lots of free time.
-Scam someone into thinking I'm great shit= got a bf
-Got a raise.
-Tried lots of things

-Wasted too much time.
-Having to show proof that there is such a thing as "great" shit.
Just because it's called common sense, doesn't mean it's a common trait

Last edited by Im_not_bitter; 11-26-2007 at 03:11 PM..
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Old 11-26-2007, 04:03 PM   #13 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
snowy's Avatar
Location: Oregon
Had a great job for most of the year that opened up a lot of doors
Got back into university after 2 years off
Got financial aid for university
My honey and I celebrating our 2 year anniversary
Becoming friends with my roommate
Inheriting my "Baby"--a '94 940 Volvo station wagon

My "family" moving to North Carolina and the end of my job
Breaking my nose
Not seeing my parents as much as I would like
Seeing my SO's parents more than I would like
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 11-26-2007, 09:03 PM   #14 (permalink)
Jadast's Avatar
Location: Summerville, SC
- still happily married (19 years) to my high school girl friend
- making more money than last year
- finally bought a Corvette
- my children are all healthy

- gas prices - my SUV only gets 14 MPG
- my son has decided to enlist when he graduates and there is a war going on
- my house was broken into twice
- my cat died
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Old 11-27-2007, 03:28 AM   #15 (permalink)
abaya's Avatar
Location: Iceland
* Moved to Iceland
* Cohabiting with my husband, at last

* Moved to Iceland
* Sucking at being an ABD doctoral student
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

--Khalil Gibran
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Old 11-27-2007, 09:17 AM   #16 (permalink)
Good:-- Changed my major to chemistry to apply to pharmacy school
--Joined a business frat on campus, made tons of contacts
--Saw part of my extended family, including my grandma for the first time in over a decade over summer
--Fully recovered from being, "terminally sick" the previous year
--Still alive and growing as a young individual; learning to embrace the bad and enjoy the good.

Bad: --Didn't do so hot on the first science courses i took over summer
--Haven't really kept up with the business frat because science courses are rough
--Told my best friend of 10 years I had feelings for her and made a complete mess of the entire thing, had a falling out which i'm still getting over
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Old 11-27-2007, 09:30 AM   #17 (permalink)
“Wrong is right.”
aberkok's Avatar
Location: toronto
The good:

-recorded and released my first album
-received my first arts grant
-my wife and I are stronger together than ever
-feeling more comfortable as a teacher
-finding better balance in my free time
-figured out the fitness thing and have made previously unbelievable strides

The bad:

-still procrastinate when it comes to composing
-no closer to buying a house (though we're renting a cheaper place starting Friday)
-still paying off my album!
-still don't have a drivers' license
!check out my new blog! http://arkanamusic.wordpress.com

Warden Gentiles: "It? Perfectly innocent. But I can see how, if our roles were reversed, I might have you beaten with a pillowcase full of batteries."
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Old 11-27-2007, 01:29 PM   #18 (permalink)
StellaLuna's Avatar
Location: hiding behind wings
Moved in with ratbastid and lurkette
Best sex of my LIFE (wheeeeee!)
Should be divorced by the end of this year
Handling my own divorce, paperwork and all, and being very proud (will be more so when it's ACTUALLY DONE)
Lost a little weight
Got my mom back in my life
Learned to stand up for myself
Work's getting better
Passed the GRE
Every day, really, falls under "good"

Ex's grandmother has been really sick and may not last the year... I love her so much and she's the only reason I get sad about my break-up
Money's tight but should ease up soon
Screwed up my divorce paperwork and had to refile everything, thereby giving myself a massive panic attack and losing a lot of sleep

Honestly, this has been the best year I can remember. I'm healthier, calmer, happier, and easier to be with. A lot of that has to do with being in absolute stupid love with the two best people I've ever met, and knowing that I'm loved right back. Having that with me at all times has helped me make some decisions and face some fears that I never thought I could manage in the past. Yay!
Screw tradition!
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Old 11-28-2007, 03:48 AM   #19 (permalink)
Went back to school.
Learned a lot about life than ever before.
Fell in love for the first time.

Got hurt a lot more than I expected in matters of heart (the first love).
Procrastination ruled over sheer luck when it came to getting things done.

Super Good:
After being hurt, comes the ability to move on.
After temporary loss of confidence, comes a new wave of positive attitude.
People who know me closely cannot believe how much my attitude towards everything has changed. For the better.

Would I have wanted this year to happen, had I knew what it was going to be like? Hell YES!
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2007, review, year

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