The Bad
Dave has made 7 trips to 4 different countries and 2 different states and been gone a total of 5 months of the year
I have had the worst year health wise ever...3 broken teeth, 2 broken ribs, pnuemonia for 2 months and 3 months of thinking I was being attacked by misquitoes and finding out it was an allergic reaction to my BC pills
The good
I finally got a pair of black pearls (I've been wanting a pair since I was a little girl)
We got to take Amanda on her first family vacation (Me her and Dave)
I have not missed or been late on one single car payment and it has earned me a credit card (Havent had one since 1999) so now I can relax a little about "emergencies"
Hosted my first family (for Dave's family) Thanksgiving and it went off fantastically
Dave and his best friend finally are being friends as adults and making my life a little easier by not wanting to choke the life out of said best friend everytime I see him
I made some amazing discoveries in my genealogy research AND have started a successful forum where others are being helped in great ways
and finally...Dave
above all else, and no matter how long he's been gone, he's been the best part of my year
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!