- School all year, it's been a shitload of fun
- When this year is over, I'll finally be done with school and I can move out of my parents' house.
- Started recording online radio show with my best friend. Started as an hour show shared with friends over myspace, and now has a pretty robust website behind it and actual listeners who aren't just a handful of our immediate friends and past guests.
- School ALL YEAR. I do love it, but holy shit it's relentless.
- Was sick for a solid month, then off and on a lot for the month that followed. It was not good. I lost like 20 pounds in a month, which is not healthy even if you're losing weight on purpose.
- Liked a chick a hell of a lot. Didn't tell her how I felt and lost her. Got interested again, told her how I felt, was happy for a bit, lost her a second time. It hurt a lot more the second time.