Moved in with ratbastid and lurkette
Best sex of my LIFE (
Should be divorced by the end of this year
Handling my own divorce, paperwork and all, and being very proud (will be more so when it's ACTUALLY DONE)
Lost a little weight
Got my mom back in my life
Learned to stand up for myself
Work's getting better
Passed the GRE
Every day, really, falls under "good"
Ex's grandmother has been really sick and may not last the year... I love her so much and she's the only reason I get sad about my break-up
Money's tight but should ease up soon
Screwed up my divorce paperwork and had to refile everything, thereby giving myself a massive panic attack and losing a lot of sleep
Honestly, this has been the best year I can remember. I'm healthier, calmer, happier, and easier to be with. A lot of that has to do with being in absolute stupid love with the two best people I've ever met, and knowing that I'm loved right back. Having that with me at all times has helped me make some decisions and face some fears that I never thought I could manage in the past. Yay!