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iamtheone 04-07-2004 04:11 AM

Becks baby, the King of beers.

silent_jay 04-07-2004 04:45 AM

I freakin rule

Scorps 04-07-2004 06:47 AM

Oh come on where is the MGD?:D

sillygirl 04-07-2004 08:58 AM

Gross. I don't like beer. Vodka, baby. That's where it's at

Scorps 04-07-2004 09:04 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl
Gross. I don't like beer. Vodka, baby. That's where it's at
well if there is nothing left to drink then I might drink so Smirnoff Coolers!

sillygirl 04-07-2004 09:36 AM

I don't feel so good...

Scorps 04-07-2004 11:48 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl
I don't feel so good...
Start drinking a little early?

sillygirl 04-07-2004 03:25 PM

Um, I don't remember anything that happened last night... well, not very much of what happened last night... two of my friends and I rented 28 Days Later (stupid movie) and one of the most vivid things that stand out in my memory is Chris putting two fingers on my forehead and pushing, and me landing on my ass...... I'm SO never drinking again.

tinkerbell 04-07-2004 03:40 PM

here is a little stoy that I made up so let's make believe
one year ago I had a party that was too much fun for me
there was this sexy guy, I made out with all night long
I'll tell it to the world, I've just begun, having my fun

:) :) :) :)

craigk 04-07-2004 03:52 PM

damn this is fun...
This is the first thread that comes up when I search "Britney"...

Looking for her "wardrobe malfunction" pics !!!

bernadette 04-07-2004 03:53 PM

our kitchen's being remodeled atm.

i think i would like to have this installed...

<img src="http://www.anthemamerica.com/New%20Jpegs/Hieneken%2520cooler%5B1%5D.jpg">

my hubby calls ^that^ "weasal piss"... that's ok. leaves more for me! :D

sillygirl 04-07-2004 03:56 PM

That shit is NASTY

bernadette 04-07-2004 03:59 PM

hooray!! even more for me :)

sillygirl 04-07-2004 04:14 PM

I dont drink beer.... ugh.. horsepiss... *gags*

bernadette 04-07-2004 05:50 PM

i didn't like beer either until my 3rd year of college when i became a "little sister" at the frat house on campus notoriously known as the "animal house" aka losers house.
it was drink beer or nothing most of the time there. KEGGERS!!
i smoked my first pot there, too...

not sure just why, but sigma chi lost their charter at that university a couple yrs after i left. :lol: didn't really surprise me.

sillygirl 04-07-2004 05:54 PM

yikes! Wow, bern, you really ARE a wild child, ain'tcha?

bernadette 04-07-2004 06:05 PM


i'm an old fart now. just give me some beer or wine nowadays.

and i never was all that "wild" really :)

i've tried a few drugs in my days. luckily never got hooked on much more than beer & cigs... well 'cept for many yrs i did smoke a lot of weed -- NEVER did anything involving needles.

i will still on very very rare occasions have a couple hits of weed with some friends, but i do not keep any for myself any more.

sillygirl 04-07-2004 06:07 PM

holy shit!

silent_jay 04-07-2004 06:32 PM


Originally posted by sillygirl
I dont drink beer.... ugh.. horsepiss... *gags*
That's because it's American beer it all tastes like horsepiss, Heineken is great, you just aren't drinking the right beer yet, try Canadian beer at least it's real, when I ws in Michigan me an 2 other guys drank 15 pitchers of that crap thewy call beer, we had to get a 40 oz of Rye to finish off the night and get a decent drunk on.

sillygirl 04-07-2004 06:52 PM


silent_jay 04-07-2004 06:59 PM

Yeah that's what you do when you are young and making money and not actually working, I was like 20 then so that was back in the day.

sillygirl 04-07-2004 07:02 PM

I'm 20 in 15 days

silent_jay 04-07-2004 07:14 PM

I kinda sorta remember 20, some parts good, some parts not so well, the mid-teens are a blur.

sillygirl 04-07-2004 07:16 PM

I bet they are

silent_jay 04-07-2004 07:51 PM

not that I was bad or anything

sillygirl 04-07-2004 07:54 PM

yeah right
I know how you were

silent_jay 04-07-2004 08:23 PM

or so you think

sillygirl 04-07-2004 08:24 PM

Do I think? I think that when I think it hurts so I stop. Ow.

silent_jay 04-07-2004 08:34 PM

you are strange, but then again aren't we all, I like to think I'm stranger than most though

sillygirl 04-07-2004 08:51 PM

it's NONSENSE, silly!!

silent_jay 04-07-2004 08:56 PM

oh I know, and I'm not silly I'm Jay

sillygirl 04-07-2004 08:57 PM

That's right.. I'M silly!!

SVT01Cobra 04-07-2004 08:58 PM

Well, you're a post whore, that's for sure.

sillygirl 04-07-2004 08:59 PM

:eek: SO not cool!

silent_jay 04-07-2004 08:59 PM

wow, you are so wise, and I'm so tired.

SVT01Cobra 04-07-2004 09:00 PM

Go to sleep, and let me whore it up some. I need an avatar!

silent_jay 04-07-2004 09:02 PM

Posts don't count towards avatars here my friend, at least I don't think they do maybe I'm wrong.

SVT01Cobra 04-07-2004 09:03 PM

I thought it came at the 250 post mark, maybe I'm wrong.

Either way, how's canada?

sillygirl 04-07-2004 09:04 PM

Nonsense doesn't add to post count

SVT01Cobra 04-07-2004 09:06 PM

Cool, that makes sense now doesnt it?

If it did, you'd have more posts than anyone.

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