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silent_jay 01-06-2004 07:26 PM

the last person to post in this thread wins take 2
i am winning:D

todd 01-06-2004 07:37 PM

now I am

bernadette 01-06-2004 08:29 PM

<font color="red" size="20"><b>-- THREAD CLOSED --</b><font>


silent_jay 01-06-2004 08:35 PM

i'm winning again yeah

cylune 01-06-2004 09:52 PM

How about the 5th person to post wins?

Hmmm I guess that would be... me :D

silent_jay 01-06-2004 10:55 PM

the sixth sounds better

KWSN 01-06-2004 11:10 PM


originally posted by BuDDaH
Closed, due to the lack of any intelligence after reviewing this thread..
Guys... it was closed for a reason.

BuDDaH knew what he was talking about, stop it if he wants you to.

silent_jay 01-06-2004 11:25 PM

sounds reasonable

rideough 01-07-2004 03:16 AM

ok its stopped

I Win!

sillygirl 01-07-2004 01:06 PM

But we LOVE our senseless game...... :love:

InTeGrA77 01-07-2004 02:30 PM


Originally posted by sillygirl
But we LOVE our senseless game...... :love:
i second that!

bernadette 01-07-2004 02:33 PM


Originally posted by InTeGrA77
i second that!
but i win!!!!!!!!1~ w00t~! :D

skier 01-07-2004 02:39 PM

You guys, this is childish. Do you really have to win at everything?

BTW i guess buddah won the last one right?

sillygirl 01-07-2004 02:42 PM

Holy shit. People are posting in this one, too? 0_o Jay and I won the last one, so we take any future winnings, also.

silent_jay 01-07-2004 03:03 PM

i thought it was done but i guess people liked it more than i thoughtr


Originally posted by sillygirl
But we LOVE our senseless game...... :love:
she is so wise

cylune 01-07-2004 03:14 PM

Hey... the bandwidth isn't going to use itself up, lol.... So I guess it's up to people like us to keep the amount of free internet bandwidth in check with topics like these.....

silent_jay 01-07-2004 05:00 PM


MacGnG 01-07-2004 06:56 PM

shut up :p

KWSN 01-07-2004 06:58 PM


Originally posted by MacGnG
shut up :p

Crack 01-07-2004 07:22 PM

I will not belittle myself by posting in this thread..... Damn it, I was tricked, I swear admins, I am not part of the problem, I was just trying to state a fact that I would not post in this thre.. I hate you all ;)

sillygirl 01-07-2004 07:32 PM


i thought it was done but i guess people liked it more than i thoughtr

Originally posted by sillygirl
But we LOVE our senseless game......

she is so wise
Oh, Jay, you know how to make a girl blush...:o

Munku 01-07-2004 07:35 PM

Guys, the last one was closed due to the lack of intelligence. So lets keep this one alive by starting up a discussion on Micro Economics. The Average Variable Cost of buying a car is equal to.. aww who am I kidding..

This is nonsense.

Fly 01-07-2004 07:41 PM


Originally posted by Munku
Guys, the last one was closed due to the lack of intelligence. So lets keep this one alive by starting up a discussion on Micro Economics. The Average Variable Cost of buying a car is equal to.. aww who am I kidding..

This is nonsense.


i wanna hear more about the damn car!!!!!!!!!

silent_jay 01-07-2004 07:47 PM

i'm curious how nonsnse and intelligence go together, other than that intelligent people hang out in nonsense.


Originally posted by sillygirl

Oh, Jay, you know how to make a girl blush...:o
i only state the truth.

intelligent how about we discuss the effects of global warming on the north?

Fly 01-07-2004 07:52 PM

lottsa snow here.

and we be playin in it most definately

backyard rinks and all............here's mine...


many games played here.


silent_jay 01-07-2004 07:58 PM

nice flyman, so global warming is having no affect on BC anyone else?

cylune 01-07-2004 08:00 PM

Today I threw a snowball at one of my friends and she punched me in the nuts. It sucked.

Fly 01-07-2004 08:12 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
nice flyman, so global warming is having no affect on BC anyone else?

actually..............we here in B.C. got the shit kicked out of us this year.

all the fires............floods up the ying-yang..........now all the freakin' snow......(don't get me wrong...i love the winter sports,...especially here in the mountains.)

*hehe....they're fucking everywhere..........shhh,......don't let secret out.*



silent_jay 01-07-2004 08:12 PM

man i haven't been hit in the nuts in so long, i bet it still hurts as much as i remember. at least there was snow around

sillygirl 01-07-2004 08:31 PM

What's snow? I still wear shorts and t-shirts here at home.

silent_jay 01-07-2004 08:36 PM


Originally posted by sillygirl
What's snow? I still wear shorts and t-shirts here at home.
there must be great sight seeing in your area

sillygirl 01-07-2004 08:49 PM

Okay, I've been outta the game too long.... I don't know if I should smile and blush or tell you about the places to go camping. :-/

SVT01Cobra 01-07-2004 08:54 PM

There's a good spot to go camping in my pants...:p

silent_jay 01-07-2004 09:24 PM


Originally posted by sillygirl
Okay, I've been outta the game too long.... I don't know if I should smile and blush or tell you about the places to go camping. :-/

i was talking about you walking around in shorts and t-shirts that's my idea of sight seeing. you have been outta the game for awhile, but that's ok

sillygirl 01-07-2004 10:59 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
i was talking about you walking around in shorts and t-shirts that's my idea of sight seeing. you have been outta the game for awhile, but that's ok

In that case, :o . I'm hard to make blush, but that about did it! And give me some credit, there are some great places in Arizona to sightsee! ;)

And Cobra, you're a dork :p

silent_jay 01-07-2004 11:09 PM

farthest south i've been in the states is Nashville when i was a kid with my parents was not a big fan don't like country music don't know why they dragged me there. From what i've seen on nature channels Arizona looks beautiful.


Originally posted by sillygirl

And Cobra, you're a dork :p

good to see i never made the dork catageory

sillygirl 01-07-2004 11:15 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
farthest south i've been in the states is Nashville when i was a kid with my parents was not a big fan don't like country music don't know why they dragged me there. From what i've seen on nature channels Arizona looks beautiful.
Arizona is beautiful... in parts. I live in the Valley of the Sun. It's hot. Always... well, there have been a few days when it was cold. You know, 65 degrees or so.

silent_jay 01-07-2004 11:28 PM

65 degrees the temp outside in Ontario right now is -30 now that's cold. but to a Canadian it's not really that cold we're a strange lot

sillygirl 01-07-2004 11:37 PM

heh. All summer I bitch that it's too damn hot. And then it drops below 80 and I'm like, "Damn! Is it winter already?"

silent_jay 01-07-2004 11:45 PM

that's not winter you could still walk around in a bikini in the winter. i went outside in shorts the other day for 2 minutes and thought i lost an important part of my anatomy.

sillygirl 01-07-2004 11:48 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
that's not winter you could still walk around in a bikini in the winter. i went outside in shorts the other day for 2 minutes and thought i lost an important part of my anatomy.
Yikes. No, no bikini in winter... and I'm glad for you that you didn't lose an important part of your anatomy. That'd suck to be you, eh? *refrains from dirty joke*

silent_jay 01-07-2004 11:55 PM

thank you for refraining from jokes it must have been hard.

sillygirl 01-07-2004 11:57 PM

Very hard. Very very hard. Jk. I wouldn't make mean jokes about my buddy Jay! After all, he's my buddy!... right?.....

taylorspl 01-07-2004 11:59 PM

I should go walk around outside in a bikini right now. That would be a good idea.

sillygirl 01-08-2004 12:00 AM


Originally posted by taylorspl
I should go walk around outside in a bikini right now. That would be a good idea.
I'd pay money to see that! :lol: Hey, why don't you walk over here in your bikini and give me that Pepsi I wanted? :p

taylorspl 01-08-2004 12:03 AM

Thats kind of a long walk to bring you a pepsi in a bikini I might freeze my jibblets off. Although I probably could skate to your house by morning :)

sillygirl 01-08-2004 12:03 AM

get to skatin! I'm too lazy to drive the 2 minutes (or less) to Circle K and get one! ;)

taylorspl 01-08-2004 12:18 AM

bwahahaha I don't skate 100 miles for nothing. I want, I dunno something, a message. WTF I'll probably need a message the farthest I've ever skated straight was like 12 miles.

rideough 01-08-2004 03:15 AM

hey Jay if you can't remember the last time you were kicked in the nuts you can drop by tonite and i'll show ya!...Wear shorts so it'll hurt a little more!
Or we can go out kickin other people's nuts! with frozen MUKLUKS!!!!

sillygirl 01-08-2004 07:09 AM


Originally posted by taylorspl
bwahahaha I don't skate 100 miles for nothing. I want, I dunno something, a message. WTF I'll probably need a message the farthest I've ever skated straight was like 12 miles.
You want a message? I'll give you a message! Now where's my Pepsi, damnit?!:p

silent_jay 01-08-2004 08:07 AM

he did say message, but i'll take a massage, of course i'm your buddy sillygirl


Originally posted by rideough
hey Jay if you can't remember the last time you were kicked in the nuts you can drop by tonite and i'll show ya!...Wear shorts so it'll hurt a little more!
Or we can go out kickin other people's nuts! with frozen MUKLUKS!!!!

sounds like a party rideough.

sillygirl 01-08-2004 12:15 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
of course i'm your buddy sillygirl

sillygirl 01-08-2004 01:29 PM

Ya know Jay, I was just looking at our Locations, and I noticed that we're basically in the same place! *just an observation*

silent_jay 01-08-2004 04:17 PM

i am bitter sometimes and i am alone not always bitter though...............i rather enjoyed my last location when i was contemplating the meaning of string. i never did find it

sillygirl 01-08-2004 04:41 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
i rather enjoyed my last location when i was contemplating the meaning of string. i never did find it
All I can say is.... :lol:

silent_jay 01-08-2004 04:47 PM

do you know the meaning? are lost and broken he same as bitter and alone?

sillygirl 01-08-2004 05:32 PM

Here's the meaning of string for ya


and I don't think that lost and broken and bitter and alone are the same... but I was feeling the same when I posted that...

silent_jay 01-08-2004 05:52 PM


sillygirl 01-08-2004 05:53 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
:lol: Shortest. Post. EVAR. :lol:

taylorspl 01-08-2004 05:54 PM

Wow alot of sameness going on in herr. Yes I said message, so sue me.

silent_jay 01-08-2004 05:56 PM


Originally posted by taylorspl
Wow alot of sameness going on in herr. Yes I said message, so sue me.
its ok we knew what you meant


Originally posted by sillygirl
:lol: Shortest. Post. EVAR. :lol:
that was rather short but now i seem to be a location down now that i know the meaning of string.

sillygirl 01-08-2004 05:58 PM

How about the meaning of dust bunnies?

silent_jay 01-08-2004 06:04 PM

i already know that i've seen dust bunnies the size of peoples heads just insane. they were huge, i think they might have been able to eat a small cat.

sillygirl 01-08-2004 06:21 PM

so what's the meaning?

taylorspl 01-08-2004 06:38 PM

The meaning is I win.

silent_jay 01-08-2004 06:40 PM

they are big ass pieces of fluff that sort of gather in corners and grow bigger each day. when i was in basic training we had some of the biggest ever. when my buddy rideough see's this tomorrow he'll throw in his 2 cents. they aren't even dust really, more like the lint from the dust trap in a dryer.

taylorspl 01-08-2004 06:41 PM

I can't win :(

sillygirl 01-08-2004 06:55 PM

I know what they are, silly! But didn't you know what string was before I told you? :p

silent_jay 01-08-2004 08:02 PM

yes i did i just thought i should make up for the short post with a post that really went nowhere now that i read it. who' this guy who thinks he's won? doesn't he know?

sillygirl 01-08-2004 08:11 PM

Taylor's my buddy. I'll set him in his place, don't worry. ;) He's cool though.:)

taylorspl 01-08-2004 08:41 PM

Yea me = teh cool. I was the last person to post in the thread for like 10 seconds therefore I win for 10 seconds...or something.

silent_jay 01-08-2004 08:44 PM

sounds good

sillygirl 01-08-2004 08:44 PM

NOnono, Taylor, Jay and I always win threads like this! Maybe if you're nice I'll let you ride in Daisy... that is, if Jay's okay with it. :)

silent_jay 01-08-2004 08:51 PM

sur its ok with me

taylorspl 01-08-2004 08:53 PM

is Daisy hot?

sillygirl 01-08-2004 08:54 PM

YES. Pics to follow shortly

silent_jay 01-08-2004 08:56 PM

daisy's a car

taylorspl 01-08-2004 09:01 PM

bah you got my hopes up.

silent_jay 01-08-2004 09:03 PM

i'm not allowed to post attachment sillygirl help me out

sillygirl 01-08-2004 09:25 PM

workin on it... got kicked off the 'puter temporarily. gimme a minute ;)

sillygirl 01-08-2004 09:30 PM




Daisy and sisters! :love:

can be found here


taylorspl 01-08-2004 09:38 PM

It's a transformer. I cannot drive a car right now it would be jail time for sure.

sillygirl 01-08-2004 09:45 PM

Eep. Whyfor? 0_o

taylorspl 01-08-2004 09:52 PM

Mytocsisity to a breathalize would be -

taylorspl 01-08-2004 09:52 PM

Mytocsisity to a breathalize would be -

sillygirl 01-08-2004 09:54 PM


Originally posted by taylorspl
Mytocsisity to a breathalize would be -
hey.... you only had to say it once, man.... :p

taylorspl 01-08-2004 09:56 PM

wow I'm stupid. thats not good I really didnt mean to do that

sillygirl 01-08-2004 09:59 PM

Heeheehee... go take another shot for me, k? :)

silent_jay 01-08-2004 10:46 PM

moi aussi

taylorspl 01-09-2004 12:25 AM

Well tonight is coming to an end the bar kicked us out. I win for now.

silent_jay 01-09-2004 09:18 AM


sillygirl 01-09-2004 04:19 PM


Originally posted by taylorspl
Well tonight is coming to an end the bar kicked us out. I win for now.
Dare I ask? Why did the bar kick you out, Taylor? :rolleyes:

taylorspl 01-09-2004 05:31 PM

Because at 1 they quit making money so they make you leave. There was a fight though that made my night, well besides trying to type at you.

sillygirl 01-09-2004 05:41 PM

Type at me, eh? Your buddy started chatting with me. He said you were getting "shitty" drunk... or something...

telekinetic 01-09-2004 07:21 PM

Hehe...winning while you are all distracted with drunken behavior

taylorspl 01-09-2004 07:31 PM

If this was ping pong I'd be Chinese.

General Giap 01-09-2004 08:57 PM


Fremen 01-09-2004 09:05 PM

*blows raspberry*

sillygirl 01-09-2004 09:24 PM


Originally posted by twistedmosaic
Hehe...winning while you are all distracted with drunken behavior
I am sober... I wish I was drunk though.... :(

silent_jay 01-09-2004 09:27 PM

drinking is wrong

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