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bundy 03-21-2004 07:19 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
I'll be glad when ya get back on here on a regular basis, the vast majority of them seem to be getting sticks shoved up their asses all uptight and shit don't mention this, don't mention that, jesus nothing is kosher to talk about anymore I used to be able to say I wanted to Fuck the Shit out of Bea Arthur no complaints, now someone would complain, how about we discuss scraping the cottage cheese out of some old ladies snatch with a spatula and spreading it on toast mmmmmmmm sounds delicious there find something to bitch about that (I'm sure people will). there that can't offend anyone or hit nerves, but I bet it will with some people.

So in conclusion bring back the jesus doing funny shit pics ( I loved these as I'm sure others did also), Uday and Qusay are still funny no matter what a girl says, rideough and I still use them and I guarantee we know funny more than you, one opinion doesn't speak for the vast majority, I do thats right me, and third I LOVE GOOOOOOOOOOOLD is still funny and has nothing to do with fat bastard, now if I said "I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, ribs, GET IN MY BELLY! Then you would have a case.
By the way sorry about your friend, I hope they are okay, and I didn't mean any disrepcect for my rant but I'm getting sick of being told what is and isn't kosher to discuss, I made the goldmember remark 12 hours before you made the comment about your friend being in an accident so there is no way of me knowing this had happened, unless I picked up pointers from John Edwards, which I doubt. And one last thing UDAY, QUSAY,SADDAM, OSAMA, SILENT_JAY----The Al-Quaeda Hirearchy!!!


Silent Jay, exactly who is it thats had sticks shoved up their asses?

and how exactly can Fly help in this situation?

Fremen 03-21-2004 08:09 PM

Halt! Who goes there?

silent_jay 03-21-2004 08:22 PM


Originally posted by bundy

Silent Jay, exactly who is it thats had sticks shoved up their asses?

and how exactly can Fly help in this situation?

Well at least fly has a sense of humour about things that are typed here even if they are right out to lunch, and I enjoy what he contributes to the conversation of joke whatever it may be called.

Not exactly people with sticks up their asses (at least no need to name names), but maybe they forgot to take the hanger out of the shirt, loosen up a little stop being so sensitive it's pathetic, I made a comment about a movie I Love Gooooooold and next thing you know I get "my friend was T-Boned by some guy who looks like fat bastard" Do you actually think I knew this, oh my John Edwards powers are coming back just playing (if he's white and fat chances are he looks like fat bastard) and like I said before Goldmember said I Love Goooooooold not Fat Bastard.

In conclusion I think that sillygirl should be the one to pick the topic seeing as she has the most disaggreements about what is typed and discussed, not that I really care, I'll still type UDAY and QUSAY and if people don't find them funny, I really don't give a shit, my humour is more to shock people than make them laugh.heheh


silent_jay 03-21-2004 08:27 PM

Like it would shock someone if it was said that I would eat the corn out of Elisha Cuthberts shit, I really really would. she will be mine, oh yes she will.


silent_jay 03-21-2004 08:47 PM

smoke 2 joints in the morning, smoke 2 joints at night, smoke 2 joints in the afternoon cause it makes you feel alright

sillygirl 03-22-2004 12:31 AM

Dude. Jay. Take a chill pill. *offers pills*

I didn't get pissy about anything. If you wanted pissy, you should've seen me at the hospital at about 4 am after sitting there for God knows how long. :p He's fine, by the way.

And if I'm supposed to pick the topic now, howbout we talk about how Jay has a stick up HIS butt? Sheesh, man, what's up lately?

silent_jay 03-22-2004 06:42 AM

no need for chill pills, would you like some hydroxycut maybe?naw just playin!! well considering anything that I seem to type in lateley is either not funny according to you or it hits a nerve, I mean if I type in good morning it might hit a nerve because you haven't had a good day.

Your topic really makes no sense considering you don't actually know me (unless chatting is considered knowing), and if you did you'd see there is no stick (maybe a ferrett, but no stick) up there I'm quite laid back and relaxed, and only get bitter with stupid people. So there ya go Jay isn't bitter there's no stick up my ass.
I'm as happy as a pig in shit.

Glad to hear your friend is fine, hope he makes a full recovery.


Originally posted by sillygirl
what's up lately?
not much, how about you? been doing well?

Fly 03-22-2004 07:15 AM

to go w/ your sublime tune.....

"What I Got"

Early in the morning, risin' to the street
Light me up that cigarette and I strap shoes on my feet
Got to find a reason, a reason things went wrong
Got to find a reason why my money's all gone

I got a dalmation, and I can still get high
I can play the guitar like a mother fucking riot
Life is (too short), so love the one you got
Cause you might get runover or you might get shot

Never had to battle with no bulletproof vest
Never start no static I just get it off my chest
Take a small example, take a tip from me
Take all of your money, give it all to charity
Love is what I got
It's within my reach

And the Sublime style's still straight from Long Beach
It all comes back to you, you'll finally get what you deserve
Try and test that you're bound to get served
Love's what I got
Don't start a riot
You'll feel it when the dance gets hot

Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that
Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that

(That's) why I don't cry when my dog runs away
I don't get angry at the bills I have to pay
I don't get angry when my Mom smokes pot
Hits the bottle and goes right to the rock
Fuckin' and fightin', it's all the same
Livin' with Louie dog's the only way to stay sane
Let the lovin', let the lovin' come back to me

Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that
Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that

Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that
Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that

Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that
Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that

Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that
Lovin', is what I got, I got I got I got I...got

*sorry phil....not tryin' to step on the mystro's toes*

*and i know mystro is spelled wrong*

sillygirl 03-22-2004 07:22 AM

I've been doing really well, Jay. It's just been a busy week. I got a schedule change at work, so now I'll be up when the normal people are awake. :)

I hope that ferret doesn't bite you while he's up there. :p

silent_jay 03-22-2004 07:23 AM

good job fly

silent_jay 03-22-2004 07:25 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl
I hope that ferret doesn't bite you while he's up there. :p
naw he's pretty tame, his name is Tiddlywinks

Fly 03-22-2004 07:45 AM

i knew you had a ferret in your ass...........'cept i woulda called it a SHE...........not a he

Scorps 03-22-2004 08:16 AM


Originally posted by flyman
i knew you had a ferret in your ass...........'cept i woulda called it a SHE...........not a he
he likes guys in his ass:D

sillygirl 03-22-2004 08:20 AM

This thread always makes me smile in the morning.... I think this is the official looney bin of the TFP. :p

silent_jay 03-22-2004 08:32 AM

What are y'all making fun of poor Tiddlywinks for? it is a she, not a he, no I don't like guys in my ass, and your lucky people can't get hit through a computer or you'd be getting it. (just joking dude you know that) Can I be the ring leader of the looney bin I wanna fuck Bea Arthur is that not looney enough

Scorps 03-22-2004 08:36 AM


Originally posted by silent_jay
What are y'all making fun of poor Tiddlywinks for? it is a she, not a he, no I don't like guys in my ass, and your lucky people can't get hit through a computer or you'd be getting it. (just joking dude you know that) Can I be the ring leader of the looney bin I wanna fuck Bea Arthur is that not looney enough
you should be in a home for wanting to fuck Bea Arthur!

Fly 03-22-2004 08:43 AM


Originally posted by Pain Train
you should be in a home for wanting to fuck Bea Arthur!

i totally agree.......

silent_jay 03-22-2004 10:18 AM

Get off poor old Bea, pigs need lovin too

as do sheep BAAAABAAAA

Scorps 03-22-2004 10:50 AM


Originally posted by silent_jay
Get off poor old Bea, pigs need lovin too

as do sheep BAAAABAAAA

why do people love farm animals so much?


sillygirl 03-22-2004 11:02 AM

Jay I'm gonna buy you some rubber boots.

silent_jay 03-22-2004 12:36 PM


Originally posted by Pain Train
why do people love farm animals so much?


not all farm animals just those sexy sexy sheep mmmmmmmm i gotta go find a farm with sheep, ah on the way to the frew wooo hoooo look out sheep here I come, I'm sure rideough will be along for the trip he loves the sheep. mmmmmmmmmmmmsexy sheep mmmmmmmmmmmmm


Originally posted by sillygirl
Jay I'm gonna buy you some rubber boots.
thanks, the size of this thing between my legs it'll take a boot to cover it, the regular condoms just don't work, when you get this big you gotta improvise, and hey if the boot fits use it.

sillygirl 03-22-2004 12:37 PM


silent_jay 03-22-2004 01:10 PM

you said it not me. I merely used my imagination to think what you might of possibly wanted to buy me rubber boots for and that is what I came up with. I have a pretty active imagination don't I? hehehehe


PS- Are you using the work computers to access TFP naughty naughty.

sillygirl 03-22-2004 01:52 PM

Yes, yes I am. But ya know what? I get paid to look at porn all day. So I could be in Wayside and I wouldn't get in trouble. :p

I know it's stupid. I can messageboard all I want (our email system just went down so all I have to do is take phone calls) but I can't chat. *sigh* gayness.

silent_jay 03-22-2004 03:35 PM

shitty no chatting, but at least there is porn, although looking at it all day might be a bit much unless there is some weird and funny shit to look at.

sillygirl 03-22-2004 03:54 PM

Yeah. I hate porn.

silent_jay 03-22-2004 06:07 PM

funny weird porn is cool

sillygirl 03-23-2004 12:16 AM

Um. You try having to watch boys in pantyhose prance around... it's just wrong, I tell you....

mml 03-23-2004 01:27 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl
Um. You try having to watch boys in pantyhose prance around... it's just wrong, I tell you....

Hmmm - while I fancy myself an open-minded liberal, you are right - It's just wrong!

paddyjoe 03-23-2004 04:03 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl
Um. You try having to watch boys in pantyhose prance around... it's just wrong, I tell you....
You finally found those photos of flyman and bundy? :lol:

rideough 03-23-2004 04:07 AM

I like sheep too...especially sheep who dress up like Blanche Dubois!...that dirty girl!

silent_jay 03-23-2004 07:08 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl
Um. You try having to watch boys in pantyhose prance around... it's just wrong, I tell you....
very very wrong

Originally posted by rideough
I like sheep too...especially sheep who dress up like Blanche Dubois!...that dirty girl!
you're not that picky about your sheep, any sheep will do. The same way you are with your roosters rideough any cock'll do heheeh instead of cock'll doodle doo. just playin dude

Fly 03-23-2004 08:56 AM


Originally posted by paddyjoe
You finally found those photos of flyman and bundy? :lol:

at it again eh joe?

your day will come my friend,your day will come.:D

Scorps 03-23-2004 09:01 AM


Originally posted by silent_jay
not all farm animals just those sexy sexy sheep mmmmmmmm i gotta go find a farm with sheep, ah on the way to the frew wooo hoooo look out sheep here I come, I'm sure rideough will be along for the trip he loves the sheep. mmmmmmmmmmmmsexy sheep mmmmmmmmmmmmm

thanks, the size of this thing between my legs it'll take a boot to cover it, the regular condoms just don't work, when you get this big you gotta improvise, and hey if the boot fits use it.

you might want to try Harrowsmith

thats farmer land:D

sillygirl 03-23-2004 09:16 AM

You guys worry me.

Scorps 03-23-2004 09:59 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl
You guys worry me.
hey Im not the sheep fucker....im just telling him where to go!

sillygirl 03-23-2004 10:03 AM

Still, I'm allowed to be worried, no?

Scorps 03-23-2004 10:08 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl
Still, I'm allowed to be worried, no?
worry about jay:D

sillygirl 03-23-2004 10:21 AM

Je ne veux pas avoir le sexe avec un mouton

I know there's a less formal way to say it, but meh.

And yes, PT, I worry about him every day

paddyjoe 03-23-2004 10:39 AM

Well, it took some digging, but I knew our friends bundy and the fly used to, ummm, prance.


They do make a swell 'team', wouldn't you say?

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