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bundy 02-26-2004 04:01 AM

yes... you have lost... and all hope of that post has died.

but we're all dying in here...

bookerV 02-26-2004 07:26 AM

i iz teh W1n!!

Scorps 02-26-2004 07:39 AM


Originally posted by silent_jay
It's the Canadian non-corporate-whorish version of Krispy Kreme or Starbucks.
thats about it....but the coffee and donuts are better:lol:

silent_jay 02-26-2004 07:55 AM


Originally posted by bundy
yes... you have lost... and all hope of that post has died.

but we're all dying in here...

I will never die, as long as Bea Arthur is alive

Scorps 02-26-2004 07:56 AM


Originally posted by silent_jay
I will never die, as long as Bea Arthur is alive
Who is this Bea Arthur...heard o the person but never seen a picture

bookerV 02-26-2004 07:58 AM

If i remember correctly Bea Arthur is the man/woman from the Golden Girls.

I have much respect for anyone that could actually stomach sleeping with Bea Arthur and live to tell the tale...

Scorps 02-26-2004 08:01 AM

arn't they all old?

bookerV 02-26-2004 08:05 AM

Yup. Very. But she is old and sounds like a man, and looks like a man, but is actually a woman. scary isnt it?

For all your Bea Arthur needs go here...
(Google owns)

Scorps 02-26-2004 08:06 AM

Oh damn:eek:

forget I asked!

bookerV 02-26-2004 08:08 AM

Have you signed up to be on the Bea Arthur mailing list yet?

Golden Girls = the suck!

Scorps 02-26-2004 08:10 AM


Originally posted by bookerV
Have you signed up to be on the Bea Arthur mailing list yet?

Golden Girls = the suck!

Fuck no

bookerV 02-26-2004 08:17 AM

Well thats good to hear. Everytime I think of the golden girls I get the chills...

That was a scary show. I think its still on some of the old people channels.

Scorps 02-26-2004 08:18 AM


Originally posted by bookerV
Well thats good to hear. Everytime I think of the golden girls I get the chills...

That was a scary show. I think its still on some of the old people channels.

I think it might still be on prime, with all the other old ass shows...Like MASH and shit like that! but I never watched it thank god!

bookerV 02-26-2004 08:23 AM

IMO, Prime = worst channel EVER

Scorps 02-26-2004 08:27 AM


Originally posted by bookerV
IMO, Prime = worst channel EVER

I know, my dad watchs M.A.S.H. and all in the family all the time...oh how I hate the 5.1 surround sound when those shows come on!

silent_jay 02-26-2004 09:20 AM

dude Al lIn the Family is one of the greatest shows ever and Archie Bunker is maybe the most colourful and opinionated characters ever on TV, if you tried to have a show like that on TV now there would be so many protest groups bitching which is why I love it, All In The Family shows just how sensetive the world has become, things that were said in the 70's on that show could never be pulled off today.

Scorps 02-26-2004 10:00 AM


Originally posted by silent_jay
dude Al lIn the Family is one of the greatest shows ever and Archie Bunker is maybe the most colourful and opinionated characters ever on TV, if you tried to have a show like that on TV now there would be so many protest groups bitching which is why I love it, All In The Family shows just how sensetive the world has become, things that were said in the 70's on that show could never be pulled off today.
well you may like it but I don't watch a whole lot of TV, and when I do watch TV it is Wild On or a car show:D

sillygirl 02-26-2004 03:24 PM

I wanna watch Spy Game

NoLa 02-26-2004 03:52 PM

Its the thread that never ends. :rollseyes:

bundy 02-26-2004 04:13 PM

Bea Arthur isn't looking too good these days... she was out here doing some stage show, and let me tell you, she looked ill.

silent_jay 02-27-2004 06:32 AM

Bea Arthur didn't look too good back in the day either, Joyce Dewitt was the hot actress from the 80's

sillygirl 02-27-2004 06:44 AM



Bill O'Rights 02-27-2004 06:48 AM

Eeewww. Thanks a lot sillygirl. Now I'm gonna have to spend the better part of the day trying to purge that mental picture, that has seared itself into my mind. Ow ow ow ow ;)

bookerV 02-27-2004 06:49 AM

Brittany Spears is now ruined for me....

Brittany + Bea = Sick bookerV

silent_jay 02-27-2004 07:15 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl


Oh why,Oh why can my mind not be an etch-a-sketch, so I could just shake my head and the horror would be gone.

Scorps 02-27-2004 11:15 AM

well if I was a admin that picture would have been gone a long time ago....oh well:hmm:

sillygirl 02-27-2004 11:38 AM

heeheeheehee......... sorry guys. :p I figured since everyone was so in love with both of 'em, it'd be... hot? for them to be together! 0:-)

Scorps 02-27-2004 11:44 AM


Originally posted by sillygirl
heeheeheehee......... sorry guys. :p I figured since everyone was so in love with both of 'em, it'd be... hot? for them to be together! 0:-)
in love with both?

if you edited the picture to have Britney kissing Christina now that would be awesome

floonine 02-27-2004 12:19 PM


Scorps 02-27-2004 12:26 PM


Originally posted by floonine

silent_jay 02-27-2004 05:06 PM


Originally posted by floonine
You get to shave Bea Arthur!!!


Originally posted by sillygirl
heeheeheehee......... sorry guys. :p I figured since everyone was so in love with both of 'em, it'd be... hot? for them to be together! 0:-)
That was just wrong at least you could have put up the Janet nip slip

sillygirl 02-28-2004 01:40 AM

Guys, I didn't edit that pic. It was on google. I searched for 'young bea arthur'

silent_jay 02-28-2004 01:54 AM

i believe you but it's still wrong

bundy 02-28-2004 05:04 AM

poor Bea Arthur.

sillygirl 02-28-2004 10:25 AM

yeah no shit. Britney's just gross.

Scorps 02-28-2004 02:29 PM


Originally posted by sillygirl
yeah no shit. Britney's just gross.
you got that around the wrong way:p

sillygirl 02-28-2004 11:34 PM

No, I got it right :p

bernadette 02-28-2004 11:54 PM



<img src="http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/kennnnnnnnnn/rosiekiss.jpg">

thread = dead now


bundy 02-29-2004 01:55 AM

To help them on their way, AIR enlisted the help of Radiohead and Beck producer, Nigel Godrich and Serge Gainsbourg's string arranger Michel Colombier, whose '60's string arrangements were akin to sonic panty-remover. Collaboration with artists of various disciplines has always been vital to AIR, from their soundtrack work on Sofia Coppola's films, The Virgin Suicides and Lost in Translation, to live theatrical literary readings with iconic Italian author Alessandro Baricco and most recently,, their compositions for a ballet in Paris. "It's so important to us to do side projects with different artists because everything is related, like the ecosystem," Godin ventures. "But it's hard to make albums just for art's sake because the labels don't like it, they need to make money. Like our album with Alessandro Baricco. Sometimes i'm very sad that the other stuff is not very promoted. When we make an album, it's a photograph of our life, and each time we meet these people, work with these artists, we change. It's very important for us to work with people outside the music, or pop music business, because it's so limited. Working with these people feeds us, the artists feed us. And you get to see the world through different windows."

It was this common appreciation of art that lead them to commission renowned painter and photographer, Richard Prince to create the album cover for, Talkie Walkie. On it, Godin and Dunckel stand before a background of mathematical equations, making fists in black leather gloves, both staring off into separate distances. "Richard know that JB used to be a maths and physics teacher and that i used to be an architect, so he included these themes," Godin explains. "In the background are the equations of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and that's a perfect symbol of what we do: music is completely relative. One song will be so beautiful for one person and such crap for someone else." Still Godin admits that the one opinion that matters is the man in the mirror's, and he has vowed to give it all up when AIR starts putting out crap. "As a musician, there's a point after your peak - when you had passion and good things to say - where you start going down. This is the curve," he muses. "I don't ask God for much, but i would like him to help me to realise when it's happening. And it happens to even the best musicians. But i feel that i will still have inspiration and power for the next three years or so." How can Godin be so sure that he will know when AIR has passed its prime? The answer, it seems, relates to how the duo knew it was time to stop writing songs about outer space and start crying out for true love - call it Gallic intuition. "As a French guy," he declares with absolute certainty, "I will just know."

iamnormal 02-29-2004 02:36 AM

I the Wins!!!!

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