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Old 12-12-2009, 05:15 AM   #3681 (permalink)
I haven't seen Ten Canoes but once saw a trailer for it, was momentarily intrigued then got distracted by other trailers and forgot about it. I'll see if I can find it now - thanks for the reminder. I did very much like Walkabout (admittedly more because of Jenny Agutter than David Gumpilil) and if you liked those two have a look at Picnic at Hanging Rock (Peter Weir 1975), a deeply unsettling film with a very simple premise:

In 1900, schoolgirls set out for a picnic; some disappear and are never found.
and The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith (Fred Schepisi 1978):

In 1900, a half-caste mingles with high-class whites, goes beserk, and slaughters several of them with an axe.

A powerful film on the tragedy of an outcast at home in no society, torn between the world he has lost and the one he cannot gain. The violence is shocking, as it is meant to be. It is one of the great achievements of Australian cinema.
My other suggestions for more films set amongst indiginous peoples before contact with Western civilization are the gobsmacking Cannibal Holocaust (Ruggero Deodato 1980) - the film whose director, upon being charged with the murder of his cast before the cameras, was compelled to produce said cast alive and well as evidence that they had not been murdered; the altogether more sober, epic and stirring Atanarjuat the Fast Runner (Zacharias Kunuk 2001) and, of course, Apocalypto (Mel Giboson 2006) - which is a lot more expensive and less convincing than the rest but worth a look if you haven't seen it.

Atanarjuat the Fast Runner:
In the Arctic two thousand years ago, a struggle for leadership develops between two Inuit families.

A film like no other: based on an Inuit legend, it depicts a way of life, full of strange rituals and magic, that seems other-worldly; the desire for power, family betrayals, and the survival of the wiliest, though, connect with modern life.
And while I'm on the subject the old silent film Nanook of the North (Robert Flaherty 1921) may be worth a look - though I haven't seen it yet.

Thanks to Leslie Halliwell/John Walker for the synopses and opinions.
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Old 12-12-2009, 05:22 AM   #3682 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
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Location: Manhattan, NY
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

I just watched Taken again.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 12-12-2009, 09:36 AM   #3683 (permalink)
Please touch this.
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Up In The Air - 8/10
This was a mix of Michael Clayton, Office Space, and a really cruel romantic comedy (I don't know any names 'cause I don't watch them). I was wrestling with the fact that I actually like George Clooney, even though he just plays himself in every role. Still, it was a good performance. Vera Farmiga is so hot. This movie is brutal though. From the basic subject matter of a guy whose job it is to fire people, to the "lessons" learned by each of the characters... you can stumble away going, "Damn! My heart just got its ass kicked."
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Old 12-13-2009, 07:46 PM   #3684 (permalink)
District 9,good sci-fic film,give it a 4.5/5 tars
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Old 12-15-2009, 07:14 AM   #3685 (permalink)
101 Reykjavík 7/10 is a Icelandic film from 2000 about being idle, getting wasted and having casual sex;
Toy Soldiers 7/10 is a violent teenage action movie from the early 90s starring Sam Gamgee as a naughty kid at a prep school that gets taken over by terrorists; Louis Gossett Jr and Denholm Elliott also star as the Dean and Headmaster respectively;
Swimming with Sharks (aka The Buddy Factor) 6/10 is a very dated, sour, whining and black-hearted film about how awful it is to work in Hollywood and how everyone's such a bloody shit - luckily Kevin Spacey gives a great performance, this film's value would be close to nil without him;
The White Ribbon (aka Das weisse Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte) 7/10 is the new film from arthouse auteur Michael Haneke (Funny Games, Hidden) set in rural Germany in the year leading up to WWI. This is as heavy-going as modern cinema gets and will surely try the patience of anyone who's not specifically a fan either of Haneke or of slow, black and white, subtitled European cinema in which very little happens and from which, after two and a half hours, few if any conclusions can be drawn.
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Old 12-15-2009, 01:55 PM   #3686 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
Originally Posted by oliver9184 View Post
(admittedly more because of Jenny Agutter than David Gumpilil)
I agree

I've heard of Picnic at Hanging Rock and I think there was some talk about it around the time Rabbit Proof Fence came out. I never got around to watching it though. Now is as good of time as any to give it a rent.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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Old 12-15-2009, 02:05 PM   #3687 (permalink)
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Location: Ontario, Canada
Invictus - about Mandela's use of a rugby game to help unite a divided nation just after the end of Apartheid. Morgan Freeman as Mandela, Matt Damon as rugby captain Francois Pienaar, and Clint Eastwood directing. The movie is good, about an 8/10, but the book is another level above that and I recommend it to anyone who wants insight into this critical period in history.
Si vis pacem parabellum.
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Old 12-16-2009, 06:06 AM   #3688 (permalink)
Rendition 6/10 is a worthy, earnest, serious and slightly tedious film about the CIA's extraordinary rendition flights. That it is worthy, earnest and tedious has a lot to do with Jake Gyllenhaal's presence in the lead. I can't think of an instance in the history of Hollywood of a leading man so dull being so popular. The supporting cast - Reese Witherspoon, Alan Arkin, Meryl Streep, Peter Sarsgaard and J.K. Simmons - do well.
National Lampoon's Animal House 6/10 is too dated to get much enjoyment out of in 2009 but it's not downright bad like more recent National Lampoon films, such as Van Wilder.
The Castle of Cagliostro 8/10 is an early (1979) caper from Hayao Miyazaki. The pacing and reckless sense of fun in this film make it feel a lot younger than it actually is.
Porco Rosso 8/10 is an altogether slower, more sober, and mature film from Miyazaki which wonderfully evokes the interwar period and is brilliantly reminiscent of the sort of thing Hollywood was producing at that time (such as Casablanca and Only Angels Have Wings). Excellent action and flying sequences.
Run Lola Run 9/10 used to be a 10 but it's appeal is waning slightly because I've watched it too many times over too short a period. Definately best seen in a cinema.
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Old 12-18-2009, 07:12 PM   #3689 (permalink)
Location: My head.
I just watched Beowulf again ... man that movie is great. I like every aspect of it. 10/10
Recently watched Fight Club ... dunno what all the fuss is about ... 6/10. I deduct points for it not being engaging enough.
Watched Star WarsI, II, III again ... 4/10, FX is not be all, end all for a movie.
Watched Kill Bill Vol. 1&2 ... 8/10 for both, excellent screenplay.
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Old 12-19-2009, 04:23 AM   #3690 (permalink)
Dumb all over...a little ugly on the side
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Originally Posted by Halx View Post
I was wrestling with the fact that I actually like George Clooney, even though he just plays himself in every role.
except in O Brother, Where Art Thou?
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz

I jus' want ta thank you...falettinme...be mice elf...agin...
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Old 12-19-2009, 11:05 AM   #3691 (permalink)
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Location: Ontario, Canada
The Princess and the Frog.

Yes, I have a 5 year old daughter.

But, it's the best Disney "princess" movie since the Little Mermaid. Really well acted/voiced, dynamic, really good songs, nice story. 9/10 - I think the only the thing I'd change is they had one musical number too many at one point, when they could have just let the story progress through other means.
Si vis pacem parabellum.
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:09 PM   #3692 (permalink)
another passenger
cdwonderful's Avatar
Location: Youngstown, Ohio
G force
a waste of time and gerbils
Richard Gere was kinder to the species than this movie
a solid 2/10
Never try to teach a pig to whistle
it wastes your time,
and annoys the pig.....

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Old 12-19-2009, 07:09 PM   #3693 (permalink)
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Location: Ontario, Canada
Rewatched The 300. It was only OK the first time, it was almost bad the second time around.

Si vis pacem parabellum.
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Old 12-19-2009, 07:32 PM   #3694 (permalink)
ObieX's Avatar
Location: Shirt and Pants (NJ)
Watched Drunken Master with Jackie Chan on Hulu. I had never seen this movie before but heard good things. After watching it i gotta agree with the goodness. Tons of fights with amazing martial arts in multiple styles. The comedy aspect of the movie was great, it was almost like watching a live action anime.

I'm almost willing to give this movie a 10/10.

Hulu - Drunken Master - Watch the full feature film now.
We Must Dissent.
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Old 12-20-2009, 01:34 PM   #3695 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Location: Nova Scotia
Avatar in IMAX 3D. Absolutely immersive story experience. I may not be able to go back to watching regular 2D movies ever again.

8/10 for the story, 12/10 for the incredible effects. $500 million well spent, Mr. Cameron!
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
- Job 30:29

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Old 12-20-2009, 02:53 PM   #3696 (permalink)
Just here for the beer.
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Location: Ft. Lauderdale, Floriduh
"The Cove." A documentary about the slaughter of dolphins in Japan. Depressing, but still a great movie.
I like stuff.
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:29 PM   #3697 (permalink)
Avatar 9/10 in 3D Imax. This will only be worth 6 or 7 on a small screen and I suppose 8 in a not-Imax or not-3D cinema. The story is pretty feeble, very old-fashioned and need not have taken up so much time; the characters are likeable enough in their shallow way; and there is plenty of drama of the safe, childish and unchallenging kind. That's what's not so good about this film. What is very good is some of the best action scenes since - well, since when James Cameron was last working. It's so refreshing to see big-budget fantasy action done well for a change after so many awful action scenes (Iron Man, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight) in otherwise decent films which, after all, more or less trade on the action they contain. Before I saw it I knew Avatar would cheer me up like this and I was not disappointed. Films that do Avatar-style stories better than Avatar, but less spectacularly, are Disney's Pocahontas (1995) and Hayao Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke (1997)

McVicar 8/10 is a British cockney crime/prison drama from 1980 starring Roger Daltrey (from The Who) and with a sountrack by the same. Star has a swaggering, menacing physical presence and constantly adopts a tone of fuck you! insolent obtuseness that's funny, engaging and fits the period and character perfectly.

The Lucky Ones 7/10 is a comfortable and easy to watch road movie drama about three returning US Army soldiers who are forced by circumstances to go on a road trip together. They get into scrapes and find things out about themselves and each other. This would have been a good deal harder to like and watch without Rachel McAdams; Michael Pena and the conspicuously tall Tim Robbins also do well.

The Last Kiss 2/10 is an awful supposed romantic 'comedy' which is not at all funny and not really very romantic either. Almost every character (played by Zach Braff, Jacinda Barrett, Rachel Bilson, Blythe Danner, Tom Wilkinson, Eric Christian Olsen and especially Micheael Weston) is so instantly dislikeable - the only exception is Casey Affleck - that watching the banal and predictable events unfold is a hateful ordeal. This would get none or only one out of ten without Casey.

Braindead 9/10 was the first time Peter Jackson got his hands on a decent budget, and the film that perhaps makes best use of his considerable imagination. This is something really rare and unique, I think: the film combines some of the broadest and most universal comedy - really physical silent-film slapstick stuff - with a lot of very wild, professionally accomplished and realistic gore effects. It's like an old Norman Wisdom film made by Lucio Fulci or as if Frank Spencer somehow got transported into Dawn of the Dead. Such ripe comedy wouldn't work without such over the top effects, and vice-versa, but a perfect balance is somehow reached and the two complement each other excellently.

Last edited by oliver9184; 12-24-2009 at 09:51 AM..
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:43 PM   #3698 (permalink)
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Location: Louisville, KY
It Might Get Loud: 8/10
Left a little to be desired. I think I would rather have seen 2 hrs. of the trio (Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White) just sitting around the stage talking guitars and playing each other's songs than the little snippets the editor dished out. If you're a fan of any of the 3 you'd probably enjoy it just because.
"The truth is merely an excuse for lack of imagination." - Garak
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Old 12-26-2009, 07:11 AM   #3699 (permalink)
Where the Wild Things Are 9/10 is a near-flawless film about the last days of childhood when adolescence is looming and inevitable. It perfectly captures the fear, pain, confusion and frustration of childhood without ever seeming insincere or patronising. The lead, Max Records, delivers a performance without a trace of irony or self-consciousness and all the Wild Things speak, look and behave in such a way that you really care about and identify with them in such a way that wouldn't be possible if they were realised in any other way. This should have a huge, and positive, effect on any open-minded kid who's smart and open-minded enough to appreciate it so if you know any such children, take them to see it.

Taps 6/10 is a very serious teen drama film from 1981. It's very slow and old-fashioned and the only real reason for watching it is the presence of Tom Cruise and Sean Penn in their second and first feature films respectively. They both do well, taking back seats as Cadet Captains to star Timothy Hutton's Cadet Major. Their military academy is due to be sold and turned into Condos and after their mentor General George C Scott is hospitalised they hole up in the school and prepare to defend it, militarily, from the National Guard. As Tom Cruise's role in his first feature, Endless Love, was blink-and-miss-it this is the first proper example of the slightly manic determination he's displayed in almost all his roles ever since; and Sean Penn is the more impressive when you consider the range he displays between this and his next film, which was Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Jerry Maguire 4/10, along with Days of Thunder, is my least favourite Tom Cruise film (though I haven't seen them all yet). As always it's the story of Tom Cruise getting what he wants but this time I didn't care at all if he got it. All the characters and their motivations are disinteresting. Cruise wants to validate himself by bringing integrity back to the (very dull and uncinematic) Sports Management industry....buh. Renée Zellweger wants a man to take care of her and her horrible little boy....duh. Cuba Gooding Jr wants money (and to play football)...*yawn* Because Cameron Crowe (who can in theory make good films) made this, it's flashy and clever and over-edited and ADHD but in a very 90s way that seems really trite and dated now.

8 Mile 8/10 Eminem's acting isn't as remarkable as I thought when I first watched this, especially in the heavier scenes, but his rap battling certainly is. I really like Kim Basinger in this and Mekhi Phifer, and Michael Shannon is hilarious as Greg.
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Old 12-26-2009, 10:58 PM   #3700 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lucifer View Post
Avatar in IMAX 3D. Absolutely immersive story experience. I may not be able to go back to watching regular 2D movies ever again.

8/10 for the story, 12/10 for the incredible effects. $500 million well spent, Mr. Cameron!
Cameron has stated that he will never make a 2-D movie again, if he can help it.

Just watched Sherlock Holmes. It fast-paced, with slick dialogue (its Guy Ritchie, after all), with an intriguing plot and an excellent introduction to Holmes and Watson. 4/5.
"Failing tastes of bile and dog vomit. Pity any man that gets used to that taste."
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Old 12-27-2009, 11:08 PM   #3701 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
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Nine: 4/10 Some of the girls looked great, but this movie has painfully little plot, and hardly even an excuse to go from musical number to musical number. If you really liked how Chicago looked and want to see Daniel Day Lewis do an Italian accent, you have found your perfect movie.

Up in the Air: 10/10 A must see. Poignant, tight and effective. As someone who has been laid off in the last year, it was perhaps even better. The three leads nail their respective parts (someone who is in the Twilight movies can really act? amazing) and the director delivers yet again.
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Old 12-27-2009, 11:30 PM   #3702 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
District 9...10/10
this imho is the best sci fi movie since Alien.
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.
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Old 12-29-2009, 12:50 PM   #3703 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boink View Post
District 9...10/10
this imho is the best sci fi movie since Alien.
Very bold proclamation...but I won't argue.

Nine (2009). 2/10. Waste of time and money except for Penelope Cruz's lingerie dance scene.
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Old 12-29-2009, 02:38 PM   #3704 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oliver9184 View Post
McVicar 8/10 is a British cockney crime/prison drama from 1980 starring Roger Daltrey (from The Who) and with a sountrack by the same. Star has a swaggering, menacing physical presence and constantly adopts a tone of fuck you! insolent obtuseness that's funny, engaging and fits the period and character perfectly.
Damn, haven't seen that in 20 years!
Si vis pacem parabellum.
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Old 12-29-2009, 03:14 PM   #3705 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
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Sherlock Holmes - 8.5/10
What a great movie! Really entertaining and well done.

Avatar - 15/10

Yes you read that right, fifteen out of ten. I saw the trailer for this a while back and thought to myself "yea that looks alright, I could take it or leave it". Well my brother from Vancouver was down and he had already seen it (in 2D) and says to me that I have to go to it in 3D with him. So we get tickets a day in advance for it because its selling out like mad, and holy shit was it worth waiting in line twice for!

The movie had me enthralled and absolutely engaged the entire time, I can't remember the last time I was so engrossed in a movie like that. While watching it I remember thinking to myself that it was like reading a good book that you just can't put down. I hope to be in the city again in the next few weeks and I am going to see this in IMAX, unfortunately that one was sold out several days in advance so we had to watch the 3D in a regular theatre.
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Old 12-29-2009, 09:09 PM   #3706 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
Originally Posted by powerclown View Post
Very bold proclamation...but I won't argue.

Nine (2009). 2/10. Waste of time and money except for Penelope Cruz's lingerie dance scene.
well, my thought is, the rest of the alien movies are sequels, the original Terminator wasn't near as good as Alien (though I like it) Predator wasn't (imho) as good as Terminator...
and all the sequels of these movies have a strong vibe of being a pissing contest of directors and effects companies just trying to out blockbuster each other rather than actually make a good movie with an interesting STORY (imagine that ??) and that's a problem for most of hollywood these days.
I can't remember if Blade Runner came out before or after Alien but I would put all three of them on the same plane of near perfection in a sci fi movie.

Star Wars franchise maybe good too, but ehh, I see them as focused more on a Jr. High School and lower audience...and all the superhero movies are just kinda eye candy pop culture fluff.

I haven't seen Avatar but the theme is totally derivative, Cameron really is just looking to win pissing contests for marketing and box office.

the CG in District 9 was really good, best I've seen in terms of mixing humans, mechs and alien life forms with CG and most likely a fair amount of physical effects so well I didn't find myself nit picking bad shadowing, washed out coloring on humans or CG characters etc. I mean I'm a fantasy/sci fi geek since Harryhausen movies like 7th Voyage of Sinbad and always look at the effects with a critical eye. I can't help it. this was (imho) better than LOTR and Jackson's King Kong was full of bad CG rendering and integration.

and the story was really great. the main character was really getting on my nerves at first but I was drawn in as it went on. and it wasn't just "aliens bad, must kill aliens- the end."
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.
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Old 12-29-2009, 10:10 PM   #3707 (permalink)
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Location: Detroit, MI
Originally Posted by boink View Post
the CG in District 9 was really good, best I've seen in terms of mixing humans, mechs and alien life forms with CG and most likely a fair amount of physical effects so well I didn't find myself nit picking bad shadowing, washed out coloring on humans or CG characters etc. I mean I'm a fantasy/sci fi geek since Harryhausen movies like 7th Voyage of Sinbad and always look at the effects with a critical eye. I can't help it. this was (imho) better than LOTR and Jackson's King Kong was full of bad CG rendering and integration.

and the story was really great. the main character was really getting on my nerves at first but I was drawn in as it went on. and it wasn't just "aliens bad, must kill aliens- the end."
I too thought the mechs in D9 (as well as in Terminator: Salvation which I thought was VERY underrated) were outstandingly cool looking (also the 'computer-command' shots from within the suit were excellent) and realistic looking in a "looks like it fits in with the scenery" way. I'm also a fan of Harryhausen and the stop action stuff...Clash of the Titans (early 1980s?) comes to mind, another latter day copy of his style of animation. I would agree that D9 was right up there with Alien for originality and intensity (intensity of a different kind).
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Old 01-01-2010, 12:19 PM   #3708 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
Paranormal Activity 9/10 for a scary movie.

This movie was more of an experience. I don't think it's possible to enjoy it unless you're alone with the lights off and no disturbances. This is what I always wanted to happen in one of the "reality" shows like Ghost Hunters.

Perfect Getaway 7/10

I really didn't expect to enjoy it but ended up satisfied. I wasn't really a fan of Timothy Olyphant until this movie. In this movie he reminded me of some of the crazier roles that Bill Paxton has played in the past.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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Old 01-06-2010, 06:15 AM   #3709 (permalink)
Buster (7/10) is a cockney crime drama in a similar vein to McVicar, based on the story of Buster Edwards who was a minor player in the Great Train Robbery of 1963. Phil Collins plays Buster in what must be for him a rare dramatic leading role. His cheerful, cheeky constitution is well suited to the part Buster, the so-called 'lucky thief'. Julie Walters plays his wife June and the film's best scenes come when the two flee to Mexico and she cannot bear how different it is from her dear old East End: it's hot! The food's too spicy! It doesn't rain! etc.

A Cock and Bull Story (8/10) is a kind of film inside a film inside another film starring comics Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon. They play versions of themselves as well as characters in a period costume drama being shot at a huge country mansion.

The Rules of Attraction (6/10) is a, pseudo hip and cool (and shockingly amoral) college sex romp starring bullet-headed Dawson from Dawson's creek (James Van Der Beek) and long-dead Boone from Lost (Ian Somerhalder). There's plenty to look at from a technical standpoint because the film is at times wildly - and mostly successfully - innovative and experimental. That's fine up to a point but every film needs a way in - some sort of sympathetic or at least identifiable character - and this film doesn't have that. Every character's a dickhead. Also, it feels very dated - like a film from the 90s - even though it's only seven years old.

A Serious Man (?/10) is a film I don't think I can write about or rate out of ten until I see it again.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:14 AM   #3710 (permalink)
bad craziness
m0rpheus's Avatar
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Dances with Blue Aliens... I mean Avatar.

Yes the visuals were stunning and it was probably the nicest looking movie I've seen in a long while BUT the story SUCKED. It was one of the most cliched movies that could have badly used an editor.

That said, if you are going to see it see it in theatre and in 3D because it is beautiful. If you normally hate 3D like me it's not bad at all. It's going to suck on DVD though.
"it never got weird enough for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
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Old 01-06-2010, 06:12 PM   #3711 (permalink)
Originally Posted by boink View Post
District 9...10/10
this imho is the best sci fi movie since Alien.
Literally just finished watching District 9 about 10 minutes ago as a rental from Netflix...very pleasantly surprised. Outstanding movie; action, suspense, borderline grotesque, and touching all at the same time...was actually literally at the edge of my seat the entire time...haven't felt like that during a movie in a VERY long time, WOW!!

Last edited by Frankie Zee; 01-06-2010 at 06:15 PM..
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Old 01-06-2010, 07:23 PM   #3712 (permalink)
powerclown's Avatar
Location: Detroit, MI
Originally Posted by oliver9184 View Post
A Serious Man (?/10) is a film I don't think I can write about or rate out of ten until I see it again.
Had the same reaction...the word 'banal' comes to mind.
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Old 01-06-2010, 08:36 PM   #3713 (permalink)
Life's short, gotta hurry...
Grancey's Avatar
Location: land of pit vipers
The Road 8/10

We had to drive almost to Atlanta to see this because our local theater "didn't get it". That's the response we received from a manager.
The film....very dark. Very, very dark. I liked it because I really love these movies. It is definitely not for those who thrive on comedic idiocy to get their thrills.
Followed the book rather well.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.
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Old 01-07-2010, 11:06 AM   #3714 (permalink)
Laid back
Bacchanal's Avatar
Location: Jayhawkland
Paranormal Activity - 8/10

This is what I always wanted to happen in one of the "reality" shows like Ghost Hunters.
I was thinking the exact same thing when we watched it!

Would have been 10/10 if they had kept the film festival ending. The theatrical ending was OK at best, and I liked the alternate, but the film festival ending is easily my favorite!
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Old 01-07-2010, 01:36 PM   #3715 (permalink)
Location: NC
Just watched Inglorious Basterds on blu-ray. It was even more incredible the second time I saw it. And it looked amazing on blu-ray. Seeing it a 2nd time solidified its status as my favorite movie of the year.
Eh! O'Canada Go!
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Old 01-07-2010, 04:21 PM   #3716 (permalink)
Leaning against the -Sun-
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Avatar 9/10 for stunning visuals
7/10 for plotline

I really feel this needed separate votes for each area.

Visually it was astounding due to the extraordinary amount of detail it encompassed and the beauty of all the elements in it, specifically the flora and fauna of Pandora. I can't give it a 10 because I felt that something was lacking in that there was only the base or pandora, and little else. I needed a 3rd scenario to give the film more depth, otherwise it was always an us vs. them type of two-dimensional story (pun intended ha). I did see this in 3D and I agree with other posters it will not be the same on DVD.

Plotline....what can I say? It was supremely annoying that everything seemed to be similar to earth, visually, but with funky colours and extra appendages. The lead character Jake was interesting but I'd have liked more depth even though he was quite nice to look at and had the sexiest voice (sounds just like Patrick Swayze, seriously). The rather forced but necessary love story, the primal female character who was appealing for her boldness and daring but skimmed the surface in every other sense. The brutish and stereotyped Colonel, the predictable outcome of it all.

But I must say overall, the film struck a chord and I was overwhelmed by it, in both good and bad ways. It was both thrilling and depressing to me, oddly. Definitely a film to watch in 3D.
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.

Fernando Pessoa, 1918
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Old 01-07-2010, 07:18 PM   #3717 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
blahblah454's Avatar
Location: On the road...
Yes Man - 7.5/10

Decently funny, overall I really enjoyed it. Makes me want to move back to the city and start having lots of fun again. I always enjoyed doing random stuff. Plus Zooey = WOW!!!
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Old 01-10-2010, 05:26 AM   #3718 (permalink)
Leaning against the -Sun-
little_tippler's Avatar
Super Moderator
Location: on the other side
Yes Man - good story, though predictable, full of quirky little moments and not too much exaggeration from Jim Carrey. 7.5/10...I'd give it an 8 for the good feel of it but I think it's not quite there.

The Surrogates - loved the idea behind the movie. Sort of predictable again. Enjoyable to watch and I liked the ending. 7.5/10 again.

Moon - I seem to really love movies that are a little less spectacular and more pensive. That are not filled all the time with riveting action and endless yapping. This is one of those movies. Though I didn't love the acting, I thought it was pretty great. 8.5/10.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona - awful, awful film. Only worth it to watch Javier Bardem do his sexy thing. All I get from this film is a stereotypical 'Spanish people are crazy' and 'Americans are dumb'. Hated that. Penelope Cruz was good at playing crazy. Can't believe she got an award for this though. This movie was about...nothing! 2/10.

Julie & Julia - no real story to this movie. Only worth watching for Meryl Streep doing a great job of her role as Julia Child. Also loved the details of mid-20th Century Paris. 5/10.

Changeling - despite the really difficult story, this was another quiet movie for me. Thoughtful. Painful. Some of it shocking. It made me sad particularly because it's based on true events. Angelina Jolie was ok in it. Visually interesting and a good storyline. 8/10

The Reader - The first part of this movie is touching, and beautifully filmed. I enjoyed the rest of it but the beginning is crucial to understand the whole. Great performance again from Kate Winslet. It was also not entirely predictable, and I was surprised towards the end. Overall it had a 'real' feeling to it. Also, who doesn't love Ralph Fiennes? 9/10. Possibly a full 10.
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.

Fernando Pessoa, 1918
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Old 01-10-2010, 08:28 AM   #3719 (permalink)
powerclown's Avatar
Location: Detroit, MI
Avatar - 7/10. Here we have a $250 million hollywood movie about exploitation, colonialism and corporate greed cloaked in a shiny pretty exterior that will make a billion dollars for a few bigwigs. Don King would approve.
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Old 01-10-2010, 09:30 AM   #3720 (permalink)
Conspiracy Realist
Sun Tzu's Avatar
Location: The Event Horizon
2012 - 7/10 My pastime is playing around with special effects and basement level cgi so I love disaster movies. They usually are pretty bad, but the special effects scenes are always worth viewing. This was the best disaster movie I've seen.

The Road - 6/10 The acting, directing were good. Production was fair. It was the story. I never read the book. I don't mind dark stories, but this one was pitch black.

New Moon - 5/10 Even though the vampire vs werewolf (or vampires in general) has worn itself out with me, I liked the first film. The second one seemed to have a tone of "lets make this one because we are supposed to".

Avatar - 10/10 I loved every aspect of this movie. One of the best I have seen.

13 Days - 9/10 I missed this when it came out. I thought it was a great production, I don't know how historically acurate it is.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking
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