2012 - 7/10 My pastime is playing around with special effects and basement level cgi so I love disaster movies. They usually are pretty bad, but the special effects scenes are always worth viewing. This was the best disaster movie I've seen.
The Road - 6/10 The acting, directing were good. Production was fair. It was the story. I never read the book. I don't mind dark stories, but this one was pitch black.
New Moon - 5/10 Even though the vampire vs werewolf (or vampires in general) has worn itself out with me, I liked the first film. The second one seemed to have a tone of "lets make this one because we are supposed to".
Avatar - 10/10 I loved every aspect of this movie. One of the best I have seen.
13 Days - 9/10 I missed this when it came out. I thought it was a great production, I don't know how historically acurate it is.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking