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Old 05-23-2006, 06:09 PM   #81 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Originally Posted by Nancy
What the...?! 10 years? Apparently there are only IUDs with a max. durability of 8 years here in Denmark. Do you know which company made yours, sage?
(sticks the periscope in her uterus to check)

Nope! Don't Know!

I think the timespan of the IUD is something of a mystery- I mean, they still aren't entirely sure about how it works! I think that some doctors like to err on the side of caution- it being an implant and all- and some doctors are more comfortable with saying ten or twelve years.

hundlove- listen to onesnowy. There is a VERY slim chance of perforation, usually in a case where the doctor isn't very familiar with IUD insertion. When I say VERY slim, I mean the doctor that inserted mine had done at least a thousand procedures, and was in a circle of OBGYN's who all were well-versed in IUD insertion, and had only heard of ONE incident of perforation. Don't let some doctor scare you. You can die from a blood clot when you take birth control, and yet you don't give it a second thought. Take control of your sexuality, go to a VERY educated doctor, and give an IUD a second thought. It's THE BEST decision I've ever made (second only to deciding to kiss Martel that one time ). I haven't regretted it FOR AN INSTANT.

Onesnowy- good for you for thinking about getting an IUD! I am SO HAPPY that I inspired something of a trend here on TFP. Keep us updated!

Nancy- I'm *so sorry* you were in such pain this weekend! I know the craming from an IUD is bad, but with a kidney stone AND a migrane! I hope you're feeling better!

Ladies, I am so happy for all of you who are hearing what I went through and are deciding to *do* something about your birth control. After I had so many problems with my hormonal BC and got an IUD, I was so fired up about what the hormones did to me I wanted to do a book and get the word out that women didn't have to put up with the lousy side effects of hormones! You all have helped me, in your own little ways, feel good about my decision and feel good about sharing my expierence with all of y'all! HUGS!
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 05-25-2006, 06:35 AM   #82 (permalink)
Femme Fatale
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Well I'll be damned. The spotting has stopped only 5 days after the insertion. Maybe this IUD thing isn't such a bad thing after all!
I'm still having a migraine though but I'm hoping it'll vanish once my body has gotten used to the device.

Say, JustJess.. you're a migraine sufferer like myself. Did you get any migraine attacks shortly after the insertion like me? Are the attacks generally on the low?

Originally Posted by Sage
(sticks the periscope in her uterus to check)

Nope! Don't Know!

I think the timespan of the IUD is something of a mystery- I mean, they still aren't entirely sure about how it works! I think that some doctors like to err on the side of caution- it being an implant and all- and some doctors are more comfortable with saying ten or twelve years.

Nancy- I'm *so sorry* you were in such pain this weekend! I know the craming from an IUD is bad, but with a kidney stone AND a migrane! I hope you're feeling better!
I see. Well if they aren't too sure about the lifespan then I better get mine removed after 5 years even though some thinks that it'll last longer than that

Thanks for the concern, sage - but I'll be allright. Eventually
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy.
I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.

Last edited by Nancy; 05-25-2006 at 09:37 AM..
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Old 05-25-2006, 07:06 AM   #83 (permalink)
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Nancy - Mine's a "Paraguard", that's the brand. And no, I didn't have any headache issues - I was too crampy to worry about my head! In fact, since I've gone off birth control in December, I've only had 3 migraines. That's it. Give your body some time to readjust!

Just had my first cycle... wow. I have never bled so much. 3 days, it poured! (This from the person who generally bleeds *maybe* one day) ... and cramps - I'm sure they'd be mild for most, I'm just not used to them. 2 days of cramps. But that's about it. The 4th day, I'm suddenly down to spotting and the 3rd day, not a sign of a cramp. I can take that.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.
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Old 05-25-2006, 11:05 AM   #84 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Oh yeah, the bleeding! They're really serious when they say you'll have "heavier than normal" periods for the first three months! BUT, after about six months, your body gets used to having the IUD, and there's no more spotting or really heavy periods (least for me).
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 05-25-2006, 11:13 AM   #85 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sage
Onesnowy- good for you for thinking about getting an IUD! I am SO HAPPY that I inspired something of a trend here on TFP. Keep us updated!
If/when I get an IUD it will be a Mirena. I've already discussed it with my health practitioner; they said when I wanted to get an IUD that would be the one to get because I do have such horrible periods that I need the hormones, and I certainly wouldn't want to go back to how it was before I was on hormonal birth control.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 05-25-2006, 11:24 AM   #86 (permalink)
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*crosses her fingers for a uterus like Sage's*

Oh, I hope so!! But still... 3 days ain't so bad.

Mirena has great reports - that's the one that Lurkette has!
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.

Last edited by JustJess; 05-25-2006 at 11:36 AM..
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Old 05-25-2006, 05:13 PM   #87 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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heh... three days... when I first got mine my periods lasted a week! Now mine last around three or four days and are regular as clockwork- for the first time in my life!
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 05-26-2006, 02:27 AM   #88 (permalink)
Femme Fatale
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Originally Posted by JustJess
Nancy - Mine's a "Paraguard", that's the brand. And no, I didn't have any headache issues - I was too crampy to worry about my head! In fact, since I've gone off birth control in December, I've only had 3 migraines. That's it. Give your body some time to readjust!
Lucky bastard!
I have no idea why the IUD is giving me a migraine. Usually it's only connected to my menstruation; as soon as the content of oestrogen increases the attacks start. And since I'm most likely gonna bleed more from now on I think I can expect more severe migraine attacks. I hope that'll change after 3-6 months though *crosses her fingers*
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy.
I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.
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Old 05-26-2006, 02:30 AM   #89 (permalink)
Femme Fatale
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Originally Posted by Sage
Oh yeah, the bleeding! They're really serious when they say you'll have "heavier than normal" periods for the first three months!
I'm prepared; I just bought three packs of Always ultra long plus san pads
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy.
I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.
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Old 05-26-2006, 04:54 AM   #90 (permalink)
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Nancy - are you sure they gave you the copper IUD, the NON-hormonal one? Right now, it seems to be a lot more common for people to get the progesterone one. Maybe it's a good idea to double check with the doctor's office? Just to reassure yourself...

I'll have to do a little more research for further detail, but as an overview: when you are shedding your lining, your levels of estrogen and progesterone are very low. That's what prompts the shedding. Generally, hormone-linked migraines are due to the changes in levels (usually a negative change, but can be linked to increases as well of course). So it could be that because the IUD is prompting massive shedding, it's creating it's own feedback loop to have your estrogen/progesterone levels drop severely, causing your migraine.

Like I said, that part is just a theory. Let me get more info from people who know more than I do. BUT if my theory is correct, you may actually want the Mirena! Because the progesterone content would keep your levels pretty neutral and thus reduce migraine attacks.

Quick question: how long were you off B/C before going on the IUD? (Wondering because I wonder if your headaches had a chance to regulate themselves and go back to normal without hormones in the system.)
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.
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Old 05-26-2006, 05:41 AM   #91 (permalink)
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I guess I am a little confused by the hormonal IUD... isn't the point of getting an IUD to get *off* hormonal BC? Maybe I just don't know enough about the different hormones involved... can someone enlighten me?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
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Old 05-26-2006, 05:49 AM   #92 (permalink)
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Yep. Voila, Bio class for pre-med types is actually useful!

The two major hormones are Estrogen and Progesterone. FSH is Follicle Stimulating Hormone (stimulates one of the follicles in our ovary to mature to ovulation and start putting out its own estrogen and progesterone) and LH is Leutenizing Hormone, which causes the follicle to actually ovulate and go into the oviduct (beginning of the fallopian tubes) when it surges up.

The major BC pills/patches/rings/etc do one of two things: put out higher levels of both estrogen AND progesterone because that inhibits our hypothalamus from putting out hormones that cause us to eventually ovulate; OR they (like the Mirena) put out no estrogen and high levels of progesterone, which inhibits the anterior pituitary from putting out FSH and LH - thus no ovulation either.

Please note that during pregnancy, your body is producing mid-levels of both estrogen and progesterone (first from the corpeus luteum, which is what forms of the leftover follicle spot the egg came out of in the ovary, and then from the fetus itself) because mid-levels will also keep your lining thick and lustrous to better support a baby... and remember that this also keeps any other follicle from maturing to ovulation, since you only want one at a time.

So when you take pills that also put out mid-levels of estrogen/progesterone, they are imitating the state of pregnancy, keeping you from ovulating at all. So it's not really bad for you - studies have shown that women who have had children/been on BC have lower incidence of ovarian/uterine cancers than those who have not. And when you have your off week, the levels drop suddenly and that naturally causes you to shed your lining.

I hope that wasn't too much...
I can also tell you how the IUD actually works if you don't already know...
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.

Last edited by JustJess; 05-26-2006 at 10:32 AM.. Reason: more info
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Old 05-26-2006, 07:13 AM   #93 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
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In addition to the primary effects of hormonal birth control, some of us get to experience positive side effects, and this is why I am going to go with the Mirena. The progesterone of the Mirena generally decreases the amount of lining in the uterus so that periods are lighter. Because of the lighter period, some of us (me) are less likely to have menstrual cramps, or so I've been told. The Paraguard Copper-T, on the other hand, is more likely to give users heavy periods and more cramping. Given that my periods are heavy enough on BC, I don't want to go back to what it was like without the hormonal regulation. I could always afford to take time off of school, but now that I'm in the working world, missing 2-3 days a month because of cramps just won't work, and I can't afford the pain pills they used to put me on. So the Mirena definitely looks like the best option for me.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 05-26-2006, 08:15 AM   #94 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JustJess
I hope that wasn't too much... I can also tell you how the IUD actually works if you don't already know...
Thanks, Jess... not too much at all, and I can always learn more.

I guess on TFP I have mostly heard of women wanting to get off those evil artificial hormones (Sage talks often about that), and that's why the IUD is preferable to pill/ring etc, at least for one's health. So when people talk about getting the hormonal IUD, I get confused... isn't it just another hormonal BC? And doesn't it suck like a bitch to have it put in? I guess I wouldn't want to go through that unless I had a ton of good reasons!

I mean, for Owl, I understand completely wanting to stay on hormonal BC for the benefits of regulating periods. But if you are going to have the same benefits on the hormonal IUD, then I guess I'd wonder why there's a need to switch? Other than for reasons of convenience, maybe? Help me out.

Personally, I love my ring and only think about it once a month, when I take it out/put it in. Since I am not terribly worried about artificial hormones in my body, and I like my period being lighter and less crampy on hormones, then I am fine sticking with it. It's pretty darn convenient for me... I mean, talk about low maintenance. I am not sure what would motivate me to get an IUD, especially one with hormones?

I mean, I think it's great for those of you who have gotten one... I am just not convinced that I want/need one, in particular.

Thanks for your help, ladies.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

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Old 05-26-2006, 10:44 AM   #95 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by abaya
I guess on TFP I have mostly heard of women wanting to get off those evil artificial hormones (Sage talks often about that), and that's why the IUD is preferable to pill/ring etc, at least for one's health. So when people talk about getting the hormonal IUD, I get confused... isn't it just another hormonal BC? And doesn't it suck like a bitch to have it put in? I guess I wouldn't want to go through that unless I had a ton of good reasons!
I am not sure what would motivate me to get an IUD, especially one with hormones?
Hormones can be evil. For instance, on hormonal BC (and I tried 'em all), I had migraines so regularly they were interfering with my quality of life. I had to take 15 doses of Maxalt Sept. 05 - Dec. 05. Plus all the other stuff I took when that didn't work, or in trying to not have to take it. I would go home ill from them, because the pain was so bad it was making me nauseous. And though I didn't know it at the time, my libido was non-existant. All of this changed immediately when I went off of the hormones in December. Drastically changed!

Now, I want and enjoy the booty again. I have taken 3 Maxalt doses since Dec. 05, and I rarely have to take even OTC stuff for normal headaches. Everything is better (except pimples, but that'll take a lot longer to settle down). And I hate condoms - I'm very sensitive to them and tend to get UTI's all the time from them. SO! I needed another solution. The non-hormonal IUD was that solution.

In snowy's situation, it's a little different. She needs the progesterone-only for quality of life reasons. It's especially good at lightening cycles, as is necessary for her. And let's face it; most of the delivery methods of progesterone only BC aren't as reliable. I believe the one major version is called the "mini-pill" as all the others have estrogen. Most studies cited state that IUD's are about 3-5% more effective than taking birth control pills.

Hormones aren't evil... but they ain't perfect either.

If the Ring works for you, use it! Enjoy it! Rock on! It certainly requires little enough thought or preparation. It just wasn't right for me... or lots of other people. That's why we're so excited about the IUD.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.
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Old 05-26-2006, 12:08 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JustJess
In snowy's situation, it's a little different. She needs the progesterone-only for quality of life reasons. It's especially good at lightening cycles, as is necessary for her. And let's face it; most of the delivery methods of progesterone only BC aren't as reliable. I believe the one major version is called the "mini-pill" as all the others have estrogen. Most studies cited state that IUD's are about 3-5% more effective than taking birth control pills.

Hormones aren't evil... but they ain't perfect either.

If the Ring works for you, use it! Enjoy it! Rock on! It certainly requires little enough thought or preparation. It just wasn't right for me... or lots of other people. That's why we're so excited about the IUD.
Basically, I just want a form of birth control I'm not going to have to worry about, or pay for, for 5 years. That's really appealing. Right now I'm poor enough to qualify for free BC, so I want to take advantage of it by getting something that will last me a long time. I also want to have something I don't have to think about though the ring is a great thing and I've loved it the year I've been on it.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 05-26-2006, 01:46 PM   #97 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Right now I'm poor enough to qualify for free BC, so I want to take advantage of it by getting something that will last me a long time. I also want to have something I don't have to think about
Fair 'nuff!! Sounds reasonable to me. Thank you for clarifying, both of you... I was just a tad bit confused.

I definitely know who to ask if I decide to switch!
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

--Khalil Gibran
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Old 05-28-2006, 06:25 AM   #98 (permalink)
Femme Fatale
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Originally Posted by JustJess
Nancy - are you sure they gave you the copper IUD, the NON-hormonal one? Right now, it seems to be a lot more common for people to get the progesterone one. Maybe it's a good idea to double check with the doctor's office? Just to reassure yourself...

I'll have to do a little more research for further detail, but as an overview: when you are shedding your lining, your levels of estrogen and progesterone are very low. That's what prompts the shedding. Generally, hormone-linked migraines are due to the changes in levels (usually a negative change, but can be linked to increases as well of course). So it could be that because the IUD is prompting massive shedding, it's creating it's own feedback loop to have your estrogen/progesterone levels drop severely, causing your migraine.

Like I said, that part is just a theory. Let me get more info from people who know more than I do. BUT if my theory is correct, you may actually want the Mirena! Because the progesterone content would keep your levels pretty neutral and thus reduce migraine attacks.

Quick question: how long were you off B/C before going on the IUD? (Wondering because I wonder if your headaches had a chance to regulate themselves and go back to normal without hormones in the system.)
That would be great - much appreciated, JustJess!

I'm positive that my gyno inserted the copper IUD. She knows about my particular situation from my doctor, we even discussed it before the insertion during which she showed me the copper IUD I was about to have inserted.

I've been off the birth-control pills for two months now. The change already manifested itself a month later, during my second menstruation off the pill. The cycle was still the same: The migraine started on a monday (my menstruation always starts 4 days after that) and continued for a week, getting increasingly severe each day. But after getting off the pill, the attacks have been extremely light which is a big deal for me. Normally I'd take 3-7 maxalt doses during that week but up until now I haven't felt the need to take any! So I really, really hope that it will either continue this way or change for the better.

Getting the Mirena really is my last resource if the copper IUD isn't working out for me. But I won't know for sure until I've given my body a chance to readjust during the next 3-6 months.
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy.
I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.
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Old 05-30-2006, 06:47 PM   #99 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Does has anyone had issues with iuds in regards to sexual activities?

I'm young but because of the cost and ease factor I am considering and iud. I would need the mirenda because of cramping that I get naturally but I want to know if any of you have experienced problems during sex. My partner and I use alot of different positions and techniques and the last thing that I want is to be limited in that respect.
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Old 05-31-2006, 01:38 AM   #100 (permalink)
Femme Fatale
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Originally Posted by cadre
Does has anyone had issues with iuds in regards to sexual activities?

I'm young but because of the cost and ease factor I am considering and iud. I would need the mirenda because of cramping that I get naturally but I want to know if any of you have experienced problems during sex. My partner and I use alot of different positions and techniques and the last thing that I want is to be limited in that respect.
If you (re)read the entries you'll find that a lot of the ladies have already covered that issue
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy.
I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.
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Old 05-31-2006, 11:43 AM   #101 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Oh man, Martel and I are King and Queen of sex every which way and how. The first two weeks, if Martel went a little deep and hit my cervix it'd hurt a little. That's it. There's no sexual inparement that I have found, aside from every now and then the string will poke Martel in the penis and we'll have to re-adjust it.

Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 05-31-2006, 11:51 AM   #102 (permalink)
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I'd recommend asking the doctor not to cut the string at all, actually. Mine didn't - so it's not pokey at all, just soft string that your SO won't be able to feel unless he's looking with his hands, and looking pretty hard!
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Old 05-31-2006, 02:15 PM   #103 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Well I was looking for something a little more in depth but I guess if none of you have problems then that's not possible. Thanks Sage.
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Old 06-01-2006, 07:27 PM   #104 (permalink)
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Well, that's as in-depth as my expierence was. I'd say, go talk to your OBGYN about it- s/he'll have more to say on the subject than I will. Also, do a google search- it will turn up more stories as well
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 06-03-2006, 05:18 AM   #105 (permalink)
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Has this happened to any of you ladies?

At the end of my period now (I have Mirena), on the last day or so I get cramps...like first of the period cramps (pretty painful). It's only happened since I got my IUD. I'll be going to the doctor for my yearly exam later this month...but I'm just wondering if this has happened to any of you too.
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Old 06-03-2006, 07:32 AM   #106 (permalink)
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Nope, but I've only been on it for about 6 weeks. My first cycle, I got nasty cramps for one day a week before the waterfall of blood (aka my cycle) started.
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Old 06-03-2006, 09:19 AM   #107 (permalink)
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Yeah, for the first six months or so I'd get cramps any time around my period. It's just your body adjusting to having something inside it all the time. But those eventually went away and now my periods are regular and with no excessively heavy bleeding
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
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Old 08-18-2006, 05:26 AM   #108 (permalink)
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IUD side effects

OK, so I've had this thing for 8 months now, and for the most part I've been happy with it. But I'm curious if some odd physical symptoms I'm experiencing are side effects:

Breast tenderness. Specifically, hard, sore nipples. All the time. I'm in the middle of my cycle right now, nowhere near my period, and they've been sore for days. Sometimes this happens if I exercise without wearing a bra, but I've been wearing a bra all week, so it's not that. I mean, even the water in the shower hurts them! I read that this can be a side effect of Mirena, but usually only in the first 6 weeks.

Weight gain. I am not eating any more than I usually do, and I'm exercising regularly, and I've gained 6 lbs in the last 3 months. That doesn't sound like much, but on a 5'1" frame it's enough to make my pants tight and my belly jiggle a little. This is after initiall LOSING weight when I got the Mirena.

Low back pain. It feels like the pain I get when I ovulate, or when I'm cramping, but it's not limited to the time in my cycle when ovulation would occur, nor when I'm having my period. It's random and persistent for days at a time.

Anybody else experience this?

I've otherwise been pretty happy with it - my periods are moderately irregular but extremely light - really just 4-6 days of spotting, and not much cramping to speak of.

Maybe because D is so obsessive about charting her cycle and the symptoms of pregnancy I'm a little paranoid, but could I be pregnant? I know the thing has a very VERY low failure rate, but still not 0.
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Old 08-18-2006, 06:56 AM   #109 (permalink)
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Lurkette- do you have the hormonal or non hormonal one? If you have the hormonal one I'd say that could be causing it, if you don't have the hormonal one then I'd say it's probably something else. Remember that sometimes your body just does strange stuff, and you're like "hrmm... that's wierd" but there's not really a good reason for it. I know that I sometimes have random spotting between periods and I've had my IUD for over a year. According to about.com, IUD failure rates are second only to tubal ligation, so I really wouldn't worry about being pregnant.

Take a pregnancy test if you're concerned, and if that comes up negative go see your OBGYN. Breast tenderness sounds like body wierdness, weight gain might also be body wierdness, back pain could be tight muscles. Who knows? *pats lurkett on the back*
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Old 08-27-2006, 09:50 AM   #110 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Yey, I'm getting an IUD! Hopefully this month but maybe next month since my gyno might be on vacation. She tried very hard to talk me out of it since I'm not married and I haven't had kids but I resisted. Apparently none of the other women in her practice would do it, which is why I might have to wait. I'm getting Mirena (with hormones) Thanks for the info girls!
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Old 08-29-2006, 07:03 AM   #111 (permalink)
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Hope everything goes well cadre!

I was just thinking yesterday how AMAZING it is to have an IUD, and the kind of sexual freedom it represents. I just wish doctors in the US would start getting a clue and prescribing it more as an alternative form of Birth Control. However, I suspect the drug companies would be all up in arms about it if they did. Still, we can have our little grassroots movements!
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Old 08-29-2006, 11:37 AM   #112 (permalink)
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While I'm loving the freedom and the complete lack of periods, I'm NOT loving the side effects (namely, the weight gain and boob tenderness - I did some research, and those are known side effects. Damn.), and the fact that to get rid of the side effects I'm going to have to have the thing removed and then find another method of bc. I think for the time being I'll just adapt - exercise more and do some vitamin therapy around the boob tenderness to see if that helps - but I wish there was a "test drive" to see if this five-year commitment was the right thing for you.
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Old 08-29-2006, 02:41 PM   #113 (permalink)
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Wait wait wait... weight gain and boob tenderness as side effects? I don't remember Lurkie... do you have the hormonal one?
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Old 08-29-2006, 05:06 PM   #114 (permalink)
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Yup - Mirena. And according to their web site, those are some of the side effects people can experience:

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Old 08-29-2006, 07:15 PM   #115 (permalink)
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Well, I mean it is hormones... just in a different form. Weight gain and breast tenderness are common on any type of hormonal BC. It's not the IUD itself, it's the hormones that are causing the side effects.

I'm sorry you have side effects tho... I hope those straighten out!
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Old 09-04-2006, 10:54 AM   #116 (permalink)
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Okay so I'm not getting an iud as soon as I thought. It turns out that my insurance doesn't cover it and at the moment I don't have six hundred dollars to throw at it. I'm gonna try to get the money and hopefully get it in a few months.

Did anyone else have problems with their insurance not covering iuds? I didn't expect that to be an issue seeing as they've covered all of my other birth controls so far.
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Old 09-04-2006, 12:28 PM   #117 (permalink)
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I don't know about the insurance thing, but I did go to my local health department and got one for free. That is always an avenue to persue.

As far as paying for it out of pocket, it's comprable to paying for birth control. If you pay $20 per pack for hormonal birth control:

12 month supply x $20 per pack = $240 per year

So, after two and a half years, the price of paying for hormones equals the price of the IUD. Except that the IUD is good for ten years (at least mine is), so it's 25% of the price of hormonal birth control over time. That's another great thing about an IUD.
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 09-04-2006, 03:10 PM   #118 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sage
I don't know about the insurance thing, but I did go to my local health department and got one for free. That is always an avenue to persue.

As far as paying for it out of pocket, it's comprable to paying for birth control. If you pay $20 per pack for hormonal birth control:

12 month supply x $20 per pack = $240 per year

So, after two and a half years, the price of paying for hormones equals the price of the IUD. Except that the IUD is good for ten years (at least mine is), so it's 25% of the price of hormonal birth control over time. That's another great thing about an IUD.
Local health department hm? I'll have to look into that. I don't pay for my current birth control out of pocket but as far as price goes it is a nice difference. I'm looking to get the Mirena and I am told that is good for five years where as the copper one is good for 10 because it doesn't have the hormones. Even so, six hundred and twenty dollars for five years is pretty good.
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Old 09-05-2006, 05:03 AM   #119 (permalink)
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I would also call your health insurance company and double check. The doctor's office told me it wasn't covered (and it was only $460, by the way, wow $620!!), but the insurance co. told me it was. There was a little back and forth, but I got it straightened out and I'm all good now. All covered, minus the copay, of course. When you talk to the insurance company, remind them that they cover other BC if necessary! Appeal if necessary! You're saving them money in the long run!
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Old 09-05-2006, 04:32 PM   #120 (permalink)
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Yeah, my boyfriend told me the same thing Justjess. I guess I should try that. But if not, I did get a new job offer that's promising so I can probably get the money in a couple months.
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