Nancy - are you sure they gave you the copper IUD, the NON-hormonal one? Right now, it seems to be a lot more common for people to get the progesterone one. Maybe it's a good idea to double check with the doctor's office? Just to reassure yourself...
I'll have to do a little more research for further detail, but as an overview: when you are shedding your lining, your levels of estrogen and progesterone are very low. That's what prompts the shedding. Generally, hormone-linked migraines are due to the changes in levels (usually a negative change, but can be linked to increases as well of course). So it could be that because the IUD is prompting massive shedding, it's creating it's own feedback loop to have your estrogen/progesterone levels drop severely, causing your migraine.
Like I said, that part is just a theory. Let me get more info from people who know more than I do. BUT if my theory is correct, you may actually want the Mirena! Because the progesterone content would keep your levels pretty neutral and thus reduce migraine attacks.
Quick question: how long were you off B/C before going on the IUD? (Wondering because I wonder if your headaches had a chance to regulate themselves and go back to normal without hormones in the system.)
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.