Originally Posted by abaya
I guess on TFP I have mostly heard of women wanting to get off those evil artificial hormones (Sage talks often about that), and that's why the IUD is preferable to pill/ring etc, at least for one's health. So when people talk about getting the hormonal IUD, I get confused... isn't it just another hormonal BC? And doesn't it suck like a bitch to have it put in? I guess I wouldn't want to go through that unless I had a ton of good reasons!
I am not sure what would motivate me to get an IUD, especially one with hormones?
Hormones can be evil. For instance, on hormonal BC (and I tried 'em all), I had migraines so regularly they were interfering with my quality of life. I had to take 15 doses of Maxalt Sept. 05 - Dec. 05. Plus all the other stuff I took when that didn't work, or in trying to not have to take it. I would go home ill from them, because the pain was so bad it was making me nauseous. And though I didn't know it at the time, my libido was non-existant. All of this changed immediately when I went off of the hormones in December. Drastically changed!
Now, I want and enjoy the booty again. I have taken 3 Maxalt doses since Dec. 05, and I rarely have to take even OTC stuff for normal headaches. Everything is better (except pimples, but that'll take a lot longer to settle down). And I hate condoms - I'm very sensitive to them and tend to get UTI's all the time from them. SO! I needed another solution. The non-hormonal IUD was that solution.
In snowy's situation, it's a little different. She needs the progesterone-only for quality of life reasons. It's especially good at lightening cycles, as is necessary for her. And let's face it; most of the delivery methods of progesterone only BC aren't as reliable. I believe the one major version is called the "mini-pill" as all the others have estrogen. Most studies cited state that IUD's are about 3-5% more effective than taking birth control pills.
Hormones aren't evil... but they ain't perfect either.
If the Ring works for you, use it! Enjoy it! Rock on! It certainly requires little enough thought or preparation. It just wasn't right for me... or lots of other people. That's why we're so excited about the IUD.