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Old 03-20-2004, 10:30 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: New Orleans/Oakland/San Diego/Chicago
snooping on someone

I am having a little problem with my girlfriends ex husband and I want to do a little research on the guy. Where are some places on the net that I can go to get public records?
criminal, medical, financial records.... just about anything would be good.

what type of info do I need?
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Old 03-20-2004, 11:16 AM   #2 (permalink)
::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.
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Location: this ain't kansas, toto
i ran across this about a week ago...


doesn't seem the information is free of charge though...
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Old 03-20-2004, 11:30 AM   #3 (permalink)
Location: New Orleans/Oakland/San Diego/Chicago
thanks bernadette.
"Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?"

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Old 03-20-2004, 11:31 AM   #4 (permalink)
Location: New Orleans/Oakland/San Diego/Chicago
He put some sort of oil in her gas tank and then someone was in our house whyle we were out of town last week. When we got back there was a vase broken. Nothing was missing and there was no sign of forced entry. The vase had been sitting in that exact spot for three months and there is no way it could have fallen by itself. Also the trajectory and how wide spread the fragments of the broken pieces were is more consistant with someone throwing it down than it falling from where it was sitting.

I would call the police, but the evidence that it is him is only speculative and there lazy asses will just wright it down and go back to harassing people for driving 2 mph over the speed limit and eating doughnuts. The lazy worthless &%$#@!s.
"Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?"

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Old 03-20-2004, 11:32 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: New Orleans/Oakland/San Diego/Chicago
Its kind of a long story, but he basically didnt want us to take the car we were driving to vacation. He had threatened her several times on the phone. I had to tell him to leave our house once when he came to pick up his little girl beacuse he was raising his voice. Then two days before we left my girl was at school and one of the students saw someone putting something in her gas tank. She called the police and it turned out to be some sort of oil. He dosent want to destroy the car, beacuse he is paying for it, so he had someone put oil in the tank so that it would smoke and scare her, but not do much damage. Well, we fix the car and take it anyways and when we get back the vase was broke, but nothing else was missing.
"Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?"

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Old 03-20-2004, 12:02 PM   #6 (permalink)
fhqwhgads's Avatar
Originally posted by iamjero
I would call the police, but the evidence that it is him is only speculative and there lazy asses will just wright it down and go back to harassing people for driving 2 mph over the speed limit and eating doughnuts. The lazy worthless &%$#@!s.
Nice generalizations there....

I find it ironic that when someone blames a second party with a crime, they believe that the police should make an arrest based on speculation. However, when they are the accused, they want fingerprints, video testimony, DNA, and the works. Evidence works the same both ways. Either you have it or you don't.

I would suggest you look into getting a protective order against the ex. Get an order that prevents him from calling/harrassing your family.

edit: I can't remember the last time I got a ticket for eating a doughnut.

Last edited by fhqwhgads; 03-20-2004 at 03:56 PM..
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Old 03-20-2004, 01:31 PM   #7 (permalink)
Regardless if it's a small shred of speculation or solid proof you should still report a possible breaking and entering so that the police will have it on record. If it happens again then they will be more willing to investigate further.

The ex-husband should have no access to your house unless you or your girlfriend are present and only for the sake of picking up his daughter and/or dropping her off. He has no right to verbally abuse you/girlfriend/his daughter on your property.

Good luck with your situation and I hope you don't have any problems here on out.
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Old 03-20-2004, 02:11 PM   #8 (permalink)
Hello, good evening, and bollocks.
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Location: near DC
Beware of some of these companies that purport to sell "public records" etc. for a fee, they are often not nearly as complete as you'd like them to be, but they still take your money for the search.

You probably already have all the personal info you need, but if you don't, or need to reverse look up a phone number or something, there's a program out there called Argali White & Yellow that's real good -- it searches multiple databases with a load of options. It's free, reg. is required, but I used a junk Hotmail address and haven't been spammed or anything.

Google him too. Try the full name, and the full name with middle initial, etc. Google also does reverse phone numbers. You would be surprised what you can find on Google...

I'd highly recommend a restraining/protective order too against him too. And it would not hurt to file the report for breaking and entering either.

Some other ideas:

If you suspect breaking and entering again, there are several motion-detection programs out there than can capture and record video with a webcam.

Read up on surveillance and counter-surveillance yourself, too.

I really believe it's best to know your enemy! Several months ago I received an anonymous threat from a truly crazy mofo and it was so wacked out that I realized I had to protect myself as best I can. There sure are some sickos and crazies out there....

All in all, my best advice would be to *not* do anything illegal yourself, and avoid doing anything that would really get his attention and aggravate the situation. If he knows you're doing some snooping on him, he'll either react defensively or be encouraged simply coz he knows his shenanigans are having the desired effect. And if you ignore him, he just might go away...

Good luck!

Last edited by Fearless_Hyena; 03-20-2004 at 02:23 PM..
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Old 03-20-2004, 05:34 PM   #9 (permalink)
I am Winter Born
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Location: Alexandria, VA
First, document everything you suspect this guy has done - from the oil, to the vase, etc.

Second, the police are your friends in this situation - they take harassing seriously, and as long as you give them thorough documentation, they will give you help. It can make the difference between assault and self-defense if this guy gets violent.

Finally, when you talk with the police, ask what the difference between a peace order and a protective(?) order are - and which one you need to get from a judge in this case. You want to keep this guy away, and if he violates a restraining order he's in a world of trouble.
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Old 03-20-2004, 09:19 PM   #10 (permalink)
Naughty Just Right
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Location: Euphoria
I feel like the only one here that realizes there is a little one mixed up in all of this. I am more concerned for her than anything else. Is her safety in jeapordy? Would he slip away with her just to get even? I am certain there is far more history here than we are seeing. I would suggest you take the advice of the others and report what you suspect.

I am curious to know what it is you intend to do with the information you are seeking? I would think that your lady would know most of it as he is her little girls father and her ex. I find it a little odd that she wouldn't know these things OR that you don't just ask her. Not sure which it is here.
Knowing any of the stuff you have mentioned (other than the criminal history) is of no use to you unless you intend to get even yourself and try to sabbotage him. The criminal background is easy to find out. Google is a good start. That is the one thing I would want you to know since the little one is involved. Other than that I don't see what you have to gain except trouble.
Just my two pennies.

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