I feel like the only one here that realizes there is a little one mixed up in all of this. I am more concerned for her than anything else. Is her safety in jeapordy? Would he slip away with her just to get even? I am certain there is far more history here than we are seeing. I would suggest you take the advice of the others and report what you suspect.
I am curious to know what it is you intend to do with the information you are seeking? I would think that your lady would know most of it as he is her little girls father and her ex. I find it a little odd that she wouldn't know these things OR that you don't just ask her. Not sure which it is here.
Knowing any of the stuff you have mentioned (other than the criminal history) is of no use to you unless you intend to get even yourself and try to sabbotage him. The criminal background is easy to find out. Google is a good start. That is the one thing I would want you to know since the little one is involved. Other than that I don't see what you have to gain except trouble.
Just my two pennies.
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer.
~Albert Camus