Beware of some of these companies that purport to sell "public records" etc. for a fee, they are often not nearly as complete as you'd like them to be, but they still take your money for the search.
You probably already have all the personal info you need, but if you don't, or need to reverse look up a phone number or something, there's a program out there called Argali White & Yellow that's real good -- it searches multiple databases with a load of options. It's free, reg. is required, but I used a junk Hotmail address and haven't been spammed or anything.
Google him too. Try the full name, and the full name with middle initial, etc. Google also does reverse phone numbers. You would be surprised what you can find on Google...
I'd highly recommend a restraining/protective order too against him too. And it would not hurt to file the report for breaking and entering either.
Some other ideas:
If you suspect breaking and entering again, there are several motion-detection programs out there than can capture and record video with a webcam.
Read up on surveillance and counter-surveillance yourself, too.
I really believe it's best to know your enemy! Several months ago I received an anonymous threat from a truly crazy mofo and it was so wacked out that I realized I had to protect myself as best I can. There sure are some sickos and crazies out there....
All in all, my best advice would be to *not* do anything illegal yourself, and avoid doing anything that would really get his attention and aggravate the situation. If he knows you're doing some snooping on him, he'll either react defensively or be encouraged simply coz he knows his shenanigans are having the desired effect. And if you ignore him, he just might go away...
Good luck!
Last edited by Fearless_Hyena; 03-20-2004 at 02:23 PM..