He put some sort of oil in her gas tank and then someone was in our house whyle we were out of town last week. When we got back there was a vase broken. Nothing was missing and there was no sign of forced entry. The vase had been sitting in that exact spot for three months and there is no way it could have fallen by itself. Also the trajectory and how wide spread the fragments of the broken pieces were is more consistant with someone throwing it down than it falling from where it was sitting.
I would call the police, but the evidence that it is him is only speculative and there lazy asses will just wright it down and go back to harassing people for driving 2 mph over the speed limit and eating doughnuts. The lazy worthless &%$#@!s.
"Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?"
- Joseph Stalin