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#1 (permalink) |
Bass problems...
Hi, I'm not sure this is right place to post this... but it's car audio.
I'm new to car audio and I just got an Alpine CDM-7874 Head Unit. There are settings where I can change the Bass frequency from 60Hz, 80Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz. Can anyone tell me the difference between each of these please? (I listen to mostly rap and r&b so I like my heavy bass) Also, there is a Bass Band Width (Q-Factor) Where I can change it from WIDE 1-4 Which is Wide ------> Narrow. I have no idea what this means. Help would be mucho appreciated! ![]() Thank you in advance! |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: Chitown!!
The Bass Frequency you speak of is the frequency that will be boosted when you turn the bass up. Listening to rap, I'd probably set it at 80 Hz.
The Q Factor is how wide of a frequency range will be boosted. I.E. how much above and below 80 Hz will also be affected by the boosting of the bass. As far as which is which, I couldn't tell ya.... which sucks cuz I sell Alpine and use Alpine.... I just say fuck it and defeat all that shit. I'm a purist.
Well behaved women rarely make history. |
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#3 (permalink) |
Fucking Hostile
Location: Springford, ON, Canada
That is a parametric EQ. The first is the center frequency (I had initially thought this may be a crossover freq, brandon knows more about Alpine than I do), the second is the slope.
The wider the slope, the more frequencies will be affected, as brandon said. Which works best for your music depends on many, many things. I listen to metal and have found for my situation centering around 80 with a fairly narrow slope works well for solid kick drum. Some things it depends on: size of sub, type of enclosure, crossover freqency. Also depends on the size of the vehicle. And ya, EQs are of the devil.
Get off your fuckin cross. We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr. |
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#4 (permalink) |
Minion of the scaléd ones
Location: Northeast Jesusland
Dude, your stereo will definitely work better if you don't try hooking it to a fish. Unless you use treble hooks.
If that's not the least helpful comment on this thread, then I should be slapped with a bass.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life. |
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#6 (permalink) |
Yea that was probably the least helpful to me tophat665
![]() Unless it has some hidden meaning but I'm puzzled. Anyways thanks brandon, tinfoil, and a big thank you to tophat for your help! I will try 80Hz with a bit narrower bandwidth and adjust to my liking. By the way, I have NO subs. Does this make a diff? |
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#7 (permalink) | |
Location: Chitown!!
Well behaved women rarely make history. |
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#9 (permalink) |
new info
hey, just recently i looked at the car and underneath the glove box there are 2 small black boxes that say "Passive Crossover Network" on them. There are buttons on it that say 'Low Pass' 'High pass' I'm not sure exactly what these are. I also have a 'Proton' amp underneath the passenger seat. These are aftermarket speakers, I believe the company is ADS for both the speakers and 'passive crossover network'.
This info might have been useful before i assume ![]() please enlighten me brandon, thank you very much in advance. |
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#10 (permalink) |
Fucking Hostile
Location: Springford, ON, Canada
Passive crossovers, really any crossover, is a circuit that will split a full-band audio signal into a number of smaller ones.
For example, your tweets can't handle low frequencies so feeding them low freqs is quite useless as the speak will actually still try to reproduce them. Same with the woofers, though it feeds them everything below a certain freq, more or less. There's slopes and such involved here as well, but you get the general idea. Near perfect sound can be acheived with good speaks and a good crossover network. EQ's need not apply.
Get off your fuckin cross. We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr. |
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#11 (permalink) |
Location: Houston TX
lol you people have alot to learn... I did IASCA (International Auto Sound Challenge Association) copetition back in the day... I'm not REAL famaliar with an alpine head unit... but I can guarantee you that a REAL bass freq. is anywhere from 20-80 hertz... anything MORE than that is MID-range.. PERIOD.... if you "centered" your DBFB (Dynamic Bass Frequency Boost) around 100 or 200 hertz... you will only make the stereo noizy... not bass boosted..
I can almost guarantee you that the hertz listed is the crossover frequency for the UPPER limit of the Bass Frequency Boost... and the wider the boost the greater the boost... and on your comment on "do I need subs?" well.. unless you have some SERIOUS and I do mean SERIOUS component speakers you won't even hear a bass frequency worth a flip.... yes the lil factory speakers will play a 40 hertz waveform... but its gonna sound terrible and not have any kick... most factory speakers have a sound to noise ratio of about 80dB's at max volume within the 80-12,000 Hertz range... and under 80 it drops DRASTICALLY to around 40-30dB's.. Just for some kick and idea.. a good rule of thumb: every 7dB's is TWICE a loud as the number b4 it.. say 87dB's is TWICE as loud as 80, and 94 is TWICE that of 87 and 4 TIMES that of 80... etc... its exponential.. anyways... my advice.... find a friend that can do install, most car stereo shops will FUCK you on install, then find some subwoofer on the net that has some credibility to it... buy one from that company that has a GIGANTIC magnet on it >80oz (ideaolgically 100oz for a 10, 120 for a 12 etc.)... (easiest way to explain what a good sub is to ppl who are clueless) then get an amplifier that has the BEST wattage output for your $, watts, are watts, are watts... no REAL need to find an Alpine amp or Boston Acoustics or whatever unless you are hooking a computer to test the waveform... a Pyramid amp or whatever cheap one you find will work wonders.. get like a 500 watt amp or better.. (check the wattage handling of the subwoofer) wire that up, put some cheap lil highpass in-line sound filters on the speaker wire for your high's (the factory speakers) and then blow your eardrums out.... you'll thank me later oh and all your connecting cable... radio shack works fine.. don't bother with the 120$ RCA cables.. get the 10$ one from radio shack, just don't place the signal cable (RCA) next to your power cable... ![]()
Lathan Stanley |
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#12 (permalink) |
Fucking Hostile
Location: Springford, ON, Canada
Wattage isn't the only thing to consider. If you're paying for some serious speaks, you don't want to throw a cheap pyramid at it, especially if you're going to be anywhere close to maxing out the amp. Cheap amps have got terrible noise at high volumes and that terrible noise can do some nasty things to speaks.
As for cables, no you don't need snobbishly high-end crap, but getting cheap cables to go from the head unit to the trunk isn't helping your cause at all. The highest preamp voltage I've seen (though I can't say I have looked all that much lately) is 4V, and that 4V is going to degrade over a 10-20' cheapie cable.
Get off your fuckin cross. We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr. |
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#13 (permalink) | |||||||
Location: Chitown!!
Watts are not watts. Play a 50wpc Jensen piece of shit, then play a 50wpc Alpine V-12 and tell me you don't hear a fucking difference. Quote:
Now that we have that shit settled.... If you aren't running subs and want to use those crossovers, you'd want them in high pass mode. This will allow frequencies above the crossover point to pass (HIGHer than the point PASSes thru). And a/d/s are an awesome speaker.
Well behaved women rarely make history. Last edited by brandon11983; 01-21-2004 at 06:15 PM.. |
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#14 (permalink) |
nice, very nice info!
yes! i just looked at the passive xover network and it had a high pass thingy that wasn't up all the way! i'll adjust THAT! nice, ADS are good speakers, that's good to know, i currently like the bass output they're giving me so i don't think i need subs for now. it's just that at low volumes i might want to hear a little 'bump bump' ya na mean? ![]() thanks brandon, tinfoil, lsstanley. |
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#15 (permalink) |
Location: Houston TX
You boast alot for someone who meerley works in a shop. There is TWO types of ISACA Competition, SQ(sound quality) and SPL (sound pressure level), and you are categorized and ranked by the amount of MONEY you spend on your system.. if you spend 20k then you are ranked with the high doller people, if you spend <1k then you are ranked with the rookies... What Nifu asked to do was make his stereo push more bass. Not replace the entire system. what I was trying to do, becasue I obviously read into his post too far and sought that he was attempting to save money, told him how to save about 70% of the cash spent and STILL pound out as much bass as the guy next to him that had it all professsionally done. Now, What I am gonna ask you Brandon11983, is since you have a shop to yourself.. and probably the resources to test my claims.. spend 375$ on your expensive set of full-range components, and 400$+ on your name brand amp, 30$ on your signal cable, and all your fancy shit, put a dB meter in the car.... tell me what dB level it hits up to 80hertz, because unless they changed things from back in 1997 that was the limit the meters would measure. Total cost 700$ + THEN, take ONLY the 375$ that you spend on the fancy components, buy a sub off the net, say the Logic EX 1200 (just a 12") http://www.logicsoundlab.com/ex1200.html place to purhase: http://caraudiocenter.tripod.com/audiousabiz/id60.html first place to buy them I found... I've seen them for sale for around 165$ not 229$ before... and go guy a Pyramid amp (I'll stick to my example earlier.. though I like crossfire better) http://www.pyramidcaraudio.com/itemp...?model=PB1845X the suggested price of 300$ is never what you'll pay in a store... you'll get one for around 124$ example: http://www.millionbuy.com/pyrpb1845x.html ... This might push you over the 375$ mark to build the install but who cares, Build a box enclosure, sealed, out of 3/4inch MDF 40$ (I build them myself, don't tell me I can't do one for 40$ I do it ALL the time) some rca and powerwire, 20$, and some highpass filters 10$, total project cost ~359$ - 425$ and then tell me who's stereo hits harder, sounds better, and was cheaper..... oh, and don't froget the dB meter ![]() oh... AND on another plus side.. you'll be in a lower competition category at ISACA and you'll win more, bring home MORE trophies, and eventually get sponsored cause you aren't one of the ignorant drones that goes to a Car Audio shop and spends 1500$+ on the same kinda setup... ![]() 700$+ for only door speakers?? ![]() or 359$ for a door rattling, eardrum busting, bass-a-holic ![]()
Lathan Stanley |
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#16 (permalink) |
Location: Houston TX
oh and just for the hell of it...
if you are into EROTIC car stereo bass... http://www.ddaudio.com/caraudio/woof...p?series=9900b QUAD!! Stacked 3in voice coils, 300oz magnet, 5layer kevlar cone, 1500/3000 watt power handling 17" woofers... only one problem, MSRP, 1299.00$ ![]() but THOSE are the SPL leaders of the pack.. you haven't heard ANYTHING until you hear one of those... holy shit... one guy from south africa, 3 DD 15" woofers: 1st Martin Byrne (After-Byrne Audio) ('56 Mini Wagon) 3 x DD 9915Q2 12 x U.S.Amps 2000X 172.9db (New World Record)
Lathan Stanley Last edited by LStanley; 01-22-2004 at 08:28 AM.. |
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#17 (permalink) |
I'm not trying to bust my eardrums mannnn!
![]() I don't understand how some people can take the volume their systems put out... i mean, seriously now, what is the loudest you can listen to without doing permanent damage?? oh and, i have a proton amp but... i'm not sure of any of the details of it. i was wondering if i would need another amp in order to power a small sub. i'll try looking on the amp to see the power n' stuff. also, do u need a box for ur subs? do u actually make one with like pieces of wood and glue it all together and cut it yourself? what exactly is the box for? thanks |
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#18 (permalink) | |
Location: Houston TX
Re: lol
b- how much power the amp produces c- how much power the sub needs and YES you need a box, you ALWAYS do... (there are very very very very small amount of select subs that CLAIM to work outside a box... lol) but yeah subs require air compression to generate the BOOM they make.. and without a box of some sort, no boom, no bass... sealed boxes = good bass on all frequencies (good for SQ) ported boxes = extreme bass on only a few select frequencies and poor on the rest (good for SPL)
Lathan Stanley |
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#19 (permalink) |
Location: Chitown!!
I don't feel that I was boasting at all. And I certainly would not attribute my knowledge as someone that "merely" works in a shop. If you would like to banter on further, we can do that. The issue seems moot now that nifu is banned....
Well behaved women rarely make history. |
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#20 (permalink) | |
Location: Houston TX
I did the balls out 6,000$ stereo when I was in highschool... got screwed a million times over on what I had.... so yeah, now cheap shit slapped together with a lil finesse and the right tweaking works fine for me..
Lathan Stanley |
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bass, problems |