You boast alot for someone who meerley works in a shop.
There is TWO types of ISACA Competition, SQ(sound quality) and SPL (sound pressure level), and you are categorized and ranked by the amount of MONEY you spend on your system.. if you spend 20k then you are ranked with the high doller people, if you spend <1k then you are ranked with the rookies...
What Nifu asked to do was make his stereo push more bass. Not replace the entire system.
what I was trying to do, becasue I obviously read into his post too far and sought that he was attempting to save money, told him how to save about 70% of the cash spent and STILL pound out as much bass as the guy next to him that had it all professsionally done.
Now, What I am gonna ask you Brandon11983, is since you have a shop to yourself.. and probably the resources to test my claims..
spend 375$ on your expensive set of full-range components, and 400$+ on your name brand amp, 30$ on your signal cable, and all your fancy shit, put a dB meter in the car.... tell me what dB level it hits up to 80hertz, because unless they changed things from back in 1997 that was the limit the meters would measure.
Total cost 700$ +
THEN, take ONLY the 375$ that you spend on the fancy components, buy a sub off the net, say the Logic EX 1200 (just a 12") place to purhase: first place to buy them I found... I've seen them for sale for around 165$ not 229$ before... and go guy a Pyramid amp (I'll stick to my example earlier.. though I like crossfire better) the suggested price of 300$ is never what you'll pay in a store... you'll get one for around 124$ example: ... This might push you over the 375$ mark to build the install but who cares, Build a box enclosure, sealed, out of 3/4inch MDF 40$ (I build them myself, don't tell me I can't do one for 40$ I do it ALL the time) some rca and powerwire, 20$, and some highpass filters 10$, total project cost ~359$ - 425$
and then tell me who's stereo hits harder, sounds better, and was cheaper..... oh, and don't froget the dB meter
oh... AND on another plus side.. you'll be in a lower competition category at ISACA and you'll win more, bring home MORE trophies, and eventually get sponsored cause you aren't one of the ignorant drones that goes to a Car Audio shop and spends 1500$+ on the same kinda setup...
700$+ for only door speakers??
or 359$ for a door rattling, eardrum busting, bass-a-holic