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Old 12-04-2004, 08:13 AM   #201 (permalink)
Aladdin Sane's Avatar
Location: San Marvelous
Originally Posted by kollege_gal2000
In the middle of my class. It's great being a girl.

Please please please please describe how you did this!
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
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Old 12-04-2004, 07:28 PM   #202 (permalink)
Here to Help My Fellow TFP'er
Dawson70's Avatar
Location: All over the Net....(ok Wisconsin)
Originally Posted by Justsomeguy
Into the sour cream container when I worked at Taco Bell.

I swear as long as I live....I will NEVER eat at Taco Bell again
"I Finally Finished My Goal....You Can Too!

Yippie Ki Ya...
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Old 12-04-2004, 07:33 PM   #203 (permalink)
Here to Help My Fellow TFP'er
Dawson70's Avatar
Location: All over the Net....(ok Wisconsin)
In my tree stand while deer hunting (bored and cold)
On my wife's tits
in my wifes hand
In a clinic bathroom while waiting for a physical
While horseback riding (no...the horse didn't help)
After getting extremly wasted...... in my ex girlfriends underwear drawer....(I really didn't like her)
"I Finally Finished My Goal....You Can Too!

Yippie Ki Ya...
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Old 12-04-2004, 08:30 PM   #204 (permalink)
cyrnel's Avatar
Location: In my angry-dome.
The usual: planes, trains, systems lab at work after lamely missing a come-on from our group AA.

Got my g/f off in the car. I was driving. Hwy 680->280, Milpitas to Cupertino, about 2pm on a weekday. Definitely helped ease the stress of traffic for both of us. Possibly other commuters as well.

Still miss that girl.
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Old 12-05-2004, 11:40 AM   #205 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
snowy's Avatar
Location: Oregon
while driving down the interstate, in a hot tub, in a public pool, in a room full of friends while watching a movie, in a hotel room that I was sharing with my parents and brother...
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 12-05-2004, 12:20 PM   #206 (permalink)
Location: Shalimar, FL
hrmm, on the bus while on a band trip, in my friends living room while crashing on her couch, while my best friend slept next to me(he had a gf we couldnt fuck), in a hotel room full of girls and at the movie theater.
yellowchef is offline  
Old 12-05-2004, 02:15 PM   #207 (permalink)
Location: Albuquerque, NM
In the restroom of the Eiffel Tower. I was at dinner in Altitude 95 (the resturant up there) and it was really boring conversation. So my mind started wandering and before you know it, I was super horny. I excused myself to go to the restroom and tried getting myself off, but too many people were coming in and I was worried about how long I had been gone for.
"You always said destiny would blow me away. But nothing's gonna blow me away"- Something Coporate
" I do not pop pills! I take them and I eat them..."
- Foamy's friend
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Old 12-05-2004, 04:56 PM   #208 (permalink)
Location: NorthCoast, USA
7th grade, in class, staring at a hot teacher one table away. she was looking right at me when i exploded. got light headed from holding my breath and concentrating and about passed out. nobody had a clue. my technique was flawless. well, except for the sticky underwear.

11th grade, in class, staring at whoever, don't remember who she was, but she was cute enough, as confirmed by the mess in my bugle boys.

in some girls nachos when i was drunk and she was in the restroom. guess she didn't notice, because she ate them all.

at many jobs, many times.

in the airplane restroom on a flight to paris.

on a moving train in the restroom somewhere in germany.
Did you hear about the CrossEyedLover? He missed her kisser and kissed her pisser.

Last edited by CrossEyedLover; 12-05-2004 at 05:06 PM..
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Old 12-08-2004, 09:02 AM   #209 (permalink)
IN my office, right now actually...
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Old 01-07-2005, 08:19 AM   #210 (permalink)
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Hey All

My personal favorite is the time I was supposed to have a conference call between my office and head office. Now one of the managers in head office was extremely hot, just hearing her voice usually got my staff at full attention. So I called and started the meeting early, listening to her talk I couldn't help myself, I ended up going on the board room table, good thing we keep some paper towel in the board room. Other than that it has just been in my office, while driving and once in McDonalds bathroom but does it count if my at the time fuck buddy snuck in the washroom andwas helping me out?
BigSexy is offline  
Old 01-08-2005, 12:43 PM   #211 (permalink)
Location: Home.
While driving.
Harder than it sounds for a girl to do it properly.
Someday, someone will best me.
But it won't be today, and it won't be you.
Jonsgirl is offline  
Old 01-11-2005, 06:28 AM   #212 (permalink)
Location: New England
Hmm, lessee...

On my webcam? Though maybe that's not so strange.

I'd have to say in a lecture course at college, sitting next to my girlfriend (who came up with the idea), with a strategically placed jacket. Third row too.
"I really need to think of something cool to go in my signature." --Me.
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Old 01-11-2005, 10:24 PM   #213 (permalink)
In front of a mirror.
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Old 01-12-2005, 03:22 AM   #214 (permalink)
Location: alabama, usa
sitting in class back in high school
in the dorm room with my roommate across the room during my freshman year of college
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Old 01-12-2005, 10:41 AM   #215 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
Sage's Avatar
Location: North side
in an unused office in a floor that was being remodeled at the hospital where i work...
bathroom at work...
in my bunk bed at college with my roommate across the room from me...
in my bunk bed at boarding school with my roommate in the other bed...
outside on the big hill behind my parent's house when i was younger...
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Old 01-13-2005, 12:19 AM   #216 (permalink)
drawn and redrawn
777's Avatar
Location: Some where in Southern California
Originally Posted by 2aida
True story: I was at work and needed a pen quickly, so I grabbed one from a female co-worker's desk. I pressed a button that I thought would make the stylus come out, but instead it started vibrating. Otherwise it looked like a normal (kind of large) ball point pen.

It was simultaneously sexy and disturbing.
That "pen" would have been an awesome Christmas gift! And I think I might plant one at work as a prank. Too bad I don't work in the office. I'd miss out on the fun.
"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip."

Roger Zelazny
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Old 01-13-2005, 09:03 PM   #217 (permalink)
Location: Rochester, NY
Aft lavatory of a Lockheed L1011 TriStar
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Old 01-23-2005, 07:15 AM   #218 (permalink)
Location: Quebec
While driving a tractor lol
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Old 01-23-2005, 11:29 AM   #219 (permalink)
Location: Boston
Superman: The Man of Steel rollercoaster at Six Flags New England.

I couldn't finish of course, and will never do it again. Talk about sensory overload!
Coll Storm is offline  
Old 01-23-2005, 01:42 PM   #220 (permalink)
paulskinback's Avatar
In the swimming pool of one my rich friends. I was down one end, his sister and a gorgeous friend of hers were at the other, i was doggy paddle swimming with one hand and jerking carefully with the other. I'm sure they both knew, and probably got off on it.... or so i like to think.
'Everything that can be invented has been invented.- - 1899, Charles Duell, U.S. Office of Patents.

'There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.' - Ken Olson, 1977, Digital Equipment Corporation
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Old 01-23-2005, 02:01 PM   #221 (permalink)
Thank God hockey is back
lunchbox's Avatar
Location: Deeeeeetroit
Originally Posted by paulskinback
In the swimming pool of one my rich friends. I was down one end, his sister and a gorgeous friend of hers were at the other, i was doggy paddle swimming with one hand and jerking carefully with the other. I'm sure they both knew, and probably got off on it.... or so i like to think.

i think you need to look up the chuck palahniuk short story "guts"
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

-Douglas Adams
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Old 01-23-2005, 02:35 PM   #222 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
Can't say I have done this but apparently a few of the guys in my flight school, and maybe a few of the girls, have gotten off while flying around solo.
I prefer desert wines to dessert wines.

Dry and red
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Old 01-23-2005, 06:32 PM   #223 (permalink)
skier's Avatar
Location: Edmontania
Originally Posted by lunchbox
i think you need to look up the chuck palahniuk short story "guts"
I think you should totally disregard this suggestion to save your sanity.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim
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Old 01-23-2005, 07:41 PM   #224 (permalink)
Location: IOWA
At my highschool in a band practice room (their fairly small).
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Old 01-24-2005, 03:44 AM   #225 (permalink)
paulskinback's Avatar
Originally Posted by skier
I think you should totally disregard this suggestion to save your sanity.
Too late, I wish i had never read that story. Wheres the disclaimers here? lol
'Everything that can be invented has been invented.- - 1899, Charles Duell, U.S. Office of Patents.

'There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.' - Ken Olson, 1977, Digital Equipment Corporation
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Old 01-24-2005, 08:26 AM   #226 (permalink)
Location: seattle, wa
when i was younger, maybe in junior high, before i really knew the definition of masturbation, i used to like to "sit on swings". lately though, work is kind of an odd place, and not too often... but am sometimes encouraged by my boyfriend to play with myself in the bathroom of said public place and to put my fingers in his mouth upon return.
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Old 01-24-2005, 08:28 AM   #227 (permalink)
change is hard.
thespian86's Avatar
Location: the green room.
Some really weird places! While my grandmother was sleeping on the couch across the room I got a handjob in the middle of class once in highschool (does that count?) In my best friends kitchen... oh the memories are flooding back
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.
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Old 01-24-2005, 05:25 PM   #228 (permalink)
Location: TX
The bathroom at work
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Old 01-24-2005, 05:39 PM   #229 (permalink)
Location: Troy, NY
Nowhere too strange, but I accidentally blasted myself in the eye once, and holy f*** that stuff stings!!! Guys, spare your GFs their eyes and do not unload in them.
C4 Diesel is offline  
Old 01-24-2005, 08:06 PM   #230 (permalink)
in a cave

on an x-ray table in a hospital

onstage in a deserted theater

30 feet up an oak tree

in the baptistry at my church
"We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are." -- Anais Nin
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Old 09-01-2005, 10:25 AM   #231 (permalink)
In High School Typing class after looking up a girls dress who just had white pantyhose and no panties on. I had plenty of modivation on that one
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Old 09-02-2005, 08:59 PM   #232 (permalink)
while driving
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Old 09-02-2005, 09:19 PM   #233 (permalink)
Hey Now!
Johnny Pyro's Avatar
Location: Massachusetts (Redneck, white boy town. I hate it here.)
Also while driving, in the woods, at work and at church (in the bathroom, God bless)
"From delusion lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to eternal life. - Sheriff John Wydell
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Old 09-03-2005, 11:42 AM   #234 (permalink)
While Driving? Hmmmm. Really not safe but it does explain some of the driving I've seen

Makes me seem dull and safe.
I guess having 2 g/friends who loved me masturbating while their face was about an inch from my cock was pretty cool/nice.
Yes they did swallow.
Lazy ladies, they got bored of sucking and asked me to finish myself! How tactless but they were cute so I didn't whine :P
Human beings : who could ever claim to like them all?
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Old 09-03-2005, 12:47 PM   #235 (permalink)
greeneyes's Avatar
Location: Charlotte, NC
While driving down the interstate following my boyfriend at the time on the way to his parents' house for New Years.
Put the blame on me
So you don't feel a thing

Go on and save yourself
Take it out on me
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Old 09-03-2005, 04:41 PM   #236 (permalink)
Sugarmouse's Avatar
Location: Preston lancs(i know i know)
i used to work in a pub/bar until recently, and in my break i used to creep upstairs where the kitchen was (it only got used at lunch so was usualy quiet) and my fave spot was in an alcove next to the fridges, resting my head on a bag of dried peas..was realy comfy! i always felt better aboutlong shifts knowing ihad that to look forward to.
other workers thought i went up there for a kip i think

dont know if anywhere else i can think of.i have to do it daily or i cant function, so its usually a case of 'yep here ll have to do.............'lol
had sex in public places that is more fun and less of a means to an end!Lol
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Old 09-03-2005, 06:52 PM   #237 (permalink)
hmmm, strangest place? well, prolly in the shower. (not much of a go-getter).
but i almost passed out because the water was too hot and i wasn't getting much air.
Check and mate, now king me.
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Old 09-07-2005, 04:24 AM   #238 (permalink)
Location: uk
My mate did it behind Buckingham palace when he was on gaurd duty there, which i thought was pretty cool because not many people have the chance to do that

Mine i would say was on a flight to spain with my parents, i dont mean sat next to them i went to the toilet

Almost anywhere at the moment, i need to do it once or twice a day, had one this morning in my ex's bed when she had gone to work, sorry festered
Yes and only if my own true love was waiting,
And i could hear her heart a softly pounding,
Yes and only if she was lying by me!
Then i would lie in my bed once again.

Last edited by bobillydylan; 09-07-2005 at 04:28 AM..
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Old 09-08-2005, 11:19 AM   #239 (permalink)
abaya's Avatar
Location: Iceland
--Interstate between Seattle and Oregon.

--A rest stop on the same interstate.

--Bathroom floor of my thatch-roofed chalet in Zambia.

--In my tent in a village in Zambia, with pigs, chickens, and goats grazing just outside.

--In my aunt's bathtub in Iceland.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

--Khalil Gibran
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Old 09-08-2005, 03:10 PM   #240 (permalink)
Lover - Protector - Teacher
Jinn's Avatar
Location: Seattle, WA
Let's see here:

* Basement of an unfinished (under construction) Middle School
* Inside of an abandoned Oil Refinery (creepy)
* In my friends basement (with him upstairs -- first time I saw Jennifer Love Hewitt)
* In an empty classroom (High School)
* Atop an X-Ray Research Facility (active)
* Basement of the University of Colorado
* Atop an Abrams Tank (fresh from OIF)
* On a train (same day as Abrams)
* Basement of a Church (..sorry, God)
* Atop a mountain (8500+ feet)
* Inside a semi-truck trailer
* Driving (of course)
* Middle of the forest
* Parents bed
* Inside a guard booth at Shenandoah

"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel

Last edited by Jinn; 09-08-2005 at 03:13 PM..
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masterbated, place, strangest

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