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#1 (permalink) |
Hiya Puddin'! Miss me?
Location: Silicon Valley, CA
gender and rape
What is your take on a woman raping a man? Do you think it's possible when taking into consideration men are known to obtain erections randomly without reason? Does a woman raping a man only involve vagina-penis penetration, or does it include oral, anal, etc.?
Your thoughts? <hr> When I took a criminology class, our teacher briefly touched on this subject but wouldn't go into detail since it's still an extremely touchy and controversial subject.
=^-^= motdakasha =^-^= Just Google It. BA Psychology & Photography (I'm not going psychoanalyze you nor will I let you cry on my shoulder. Have a nice day.) Last edited by motdakasha; 08-13-2003 at 04:33 AM.. |
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#2 (permalink) |
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
yes it does happen. I'm not speaking from experience but just from reading things on the net. I think that it's not widely reported because who would really believe it? Women are 'supposed' to be the weaker sex, No offense intended.
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?! |
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#3 (permalink) |
Location: The Netherlands
My definition of rape goes past penetration.
I think you can be raped without being penetrated (or as in the above case: have penetrated) Rape is the superlative of sexual harrassment. And the line doesn't lie at penetration, it lies before that. Remember rape is not just about the body, it is also about the mind. Note: i'm not sure of the word "superlative". I meant it as "an extreme form" or "worse than".
"Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. " - Murphy MacManus (Boondock Saints) |
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#4 (permalink) |
Sexy eh?
Location: Sweden
It's fully possible to give a man erection even if he doesn't want to (all it takes is the right kind of stimulation) so yes it is fully possible for a woman to rape a man. I do belive that a rape includes any form of action intended to give sexual pleasure to the rapist.
The problem a woman faces when trying to rape a man is to physicly subdue him (tie him up or something) so that she can stimulate his penis until it is errect. I've heard that stimulating a man sexualy when he is taking some kind of sleepingpill also works.. In my opinion it is fully possible for a woman to rape a man, it only requires a little more preparation. I agree with GoldenOuroboros on why it isn't reported in any greater numbers.
Life is shit, Death is even worse, So what's the point of killing yourself? /Ignatius Camryn Paladine |
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: Today: St. Louis.
Given my own understanding of my (male) body I would have to say that a woman raping a man would be possible, but difficult. Also, there's always strap-ons.
However, I'm going to take the unpopular stance of saying that (most) girls are psychologically different from (most) guys and that the kind of brute show of power and dominance that seems to motivate rape doesn't generally appeal to them. (Even less than it 'generally' appeals to men. Pardon the liguistic hewing and hawing here.) Women do psychologically brutal things to men every bit as damaging as rape. It's more that our culture elevates rape to a sanctified form of suffering to be respected and despised. A skeptical feminist might say that our culture elevates rape to be a crime on the order of murder because rape destroys a daughter's value to her father and husband to the same degree that murder destroys a boy. You'd have to have a strong belief in the patriarchy to swallow that one whole, however. |
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#7 (permalink) | |
I demand a better future
Location: Great White North
Who said she wanted him to screw her? She might want to give instead of recieve.
It is totally possible...
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#9 (permalink) |
Location: VA
Maybe if she was involuntarily stimulating the prostate while he was incapacitated... Nope, still not buying it, not in a strict male/female intercourse type of event.
"In Iraq, no doubt about it, it's tough. It's hard work. It's incredibly hard. It's - and it's hard work. I understand how hard it is. I get the casualty reports every day. I see on the TV screens how hard it is. But it's necessary work. We're making progress. It is hard work." |
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#10 (permalink) |
Registered User
Location: Oklahoma
Yes, it is possible. It isn't very common due to the problems involved many of which were mentioned above. the psychological differences between men and women would make it difficult for a man to turn a woman in for this. It just isn't something I have given a bunch of thought to. I have done the bondage thing when I was completely tied up, and it was up to her to give me an erection, etc. and it was extremely fun.
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#12 (permalink) |
Location: Somewhere near Hubby
The "date rape" scenario is more common. A man and woman are making out and the man has made it clear that he wants to go only so far and no farther.
The woman, if she is on top, and figuring that no man would ever say no and really mean it, could slide down on him and "take" him. I know a man who lost his virginity that way. He's catholic and had wanted to stick to the venial sins, not the mortal sins. |
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#13 (permalink) |
Professor of Drinkology
Women can rape men. If not physically by over powering, then mentally. Not saying women can out-think men, there are other threats and variables that can be made and manipulated.
Yes, men to get erections randomly. I usually have a semi when I wake up (aka., morning wood). Anybody brushing up against there is likely to make something happen ... I can't help it.
Blah. |
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#14 (permalink) |
Professor of Drinkology
I do agree that most women would not rape a man. However, I also believe that most MEN would not rape a woman!
Somehow talking about the psychological differences between men and women while pointing out that men have some sort of mutated, uncontrolable sex drive genetic implies that we, men, are still unevolved apes. I am a man. I keep it in my pants. I think women flaunt their sexual freedom in my face and flirt with me just to "fuck with my head"* but I would never taken sex from a woman forceably. That's crazy. * as one admitted excessive-flirt told me, some women do it just to get guys turned on and then drop them cold. It's a domination thing and it's mean. I hate it.
Blah. Last edited by tritium; 08-13-2003 at 04:12 PM.. |
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#16 (permalink) | |
Location: Somewhere near Hubby
One thing that works well against such women is disdain. Men don't like to hear "no", but women don't like being ignored. In other words, silence or ignoring her is much more painful than dumping a bunch of anger and frustration on her. |
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#17 (permalink) |
Eccentric insomniac
Location: North Carolina
If you apply the same standards of rape to both sexes, then it is entirely possible. A man has a hard on whenever he is sexually aroused, that doesn't mean he wants to or is willing to have sex.
So if a girl is on top, and he says stop, and she doesn't *immediately* get off him, then it is rape, right? Reality of course, if very different. And, for the most part, rightly so.
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill "All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence |
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#18 (permalink) |
Cute and Cuddly
Location: Teegeeack.
A friend of mine was sleeping after a party, still at the house where the party had been. He woke up when a woman sat down on his face. He got shocked and pushed her off, he really didn't like her.
Isn't this the same thing as shoving your penis in somebody's mouth? I guess child molestation is a separate issue.
The above was written by a true prophet. Trust me. "What doesn't kill you, makes you bitter and paranoid". - SB2000 |
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#20 (permalink) |
Registered User
Location: Oklahoma
If I was your friend, I probably still would have done it. There was a time that I didn't necessarily have to like the girl to sleep with her. Those were my horn dog days of 18 to 23. I was very active and probably guilty of statuatory rape a couple of times when in college (a couple of irresistable 16 year olds come to mind). I also agree that most men wouldn't rape a woman. Rape is about power, and it takes a specific kind of man to do something like that. I don't claim to know everything, but in the circles that I run in, rape isn't something that would be done by most. Date rape, on the other hand, is much more likely (kind of like the scenario that Angela mentions above). |
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#22 (permalink) |
The thing is, a guy will eventually get a hard on if she does enough to it. Even though he might not want it...at least I believe this so. Anywho, I don't think this happens a whole lot, but what is a serious issue is woman abusing men. The law will RARELY do anything but laugh at you...and woman can be MEAN MEAN MEAN.
Tu madre está muy sabrosa ![]() |
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#23 (permalink) | |
Location: VA
"In Iraq, no doubt about it, it's tough. It's hard work. It's incredibly hard. It's - and it's hard work. I understand how hard it is. I get the casualty reports every day. I see on the TV screens how hard it is. But it's necessary work. We're making progress. It is hard work." |
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#24 (permalink) | ||
Hiya Puddin'! Miss me?
Location: Silicon Valley, CA
=^-^= motdakasha =^-^= Just Google It. BA Psychology & Photography (I'm not going psychoanalyze you nor will I let you cry on my shoulder. Have a nice day.) Last edited by motdakasha; 08-14-2003 at 07:18 PM.. |
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#25 (permalink) |
Location: St. Paul, MN
i think it tends to be a different kind...date rape looks very different when the key player is the man's social conditioning that he's supposed to like sex...
My first partner ignored me, repeatedly when i said "No" with increasing conviction. i could have thrown her across the room if i had wanted to, but after a while i lost the nerve to keep refusing. that my wedding tackle had some "performance anxiety issues" probably was one of the greatest blessings of my life. I don't think it was rape...even date rape. But it was coerced...and i have very mixed emotions about it. |
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#26 (permalink) |
Location: eh
its definitly entirely possible for a woman to rape a man........she could solicit al sorts of sexual favors for blackmail, or just date rape him, 'slip him a micky as they say' then when hes all drugged he thinks hes doing his wife when he wakes with a splitting head ache lying next to her
what puts a smile on your face?? |
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#27 (permalink) |
Location: Dayton, Ohio
it is very possible for a woman to rape a man. date rape is a horrible thing that I believe happens to a number of men who don't say anything about it because of the shame/guilt they feel. Society expects them to be "the big man" and very sexual. You're seen as less of a man if you didn't want to "do it" with a woman.
blah.... I wish people weren't so horrible to each other.
"Courage of the heart is very rare" |
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#28 (permalink) |
is a shoggoth
Location: LA
I'm sure your all getting sick of my "I have a friend/X/whatever" stories, but hey, I guess I have a lot of friends.
Anyway, I have a (male) friend from high school who was raped rather heinously. This girl he had no interest in had a huge crush on him, One night at a party he got drunk enough to pass out, and she dragged him off to a bedroom and slept with him. That was his virginity she took. Whats worse the next day his girlfriend dumped him for "cheating" on her. He was pretty messed up for a while after that.
Use the star one and you'll be fighting off the old ones with your bare hands -A Shoggoth on the Roof |
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#29 (permalink) |
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Here in New Zealand we've had a run of high-profile cases of adult female pedophiles raping boys, so that's one answer. Another is certain aspects of arousal are basically mechanical processes - you might ask "how could a guy get an erection for sex her doesn';t want?"; it's not a voluntary on/off process. For that matter, some women who are raped experience orgasms because they recieve physical stimulation - not because they wanted the stimulation. Finally, rape is about having unwanted sex; you can coerce someone to have sex in any number of ways: drugs or threats to a job or loved ones for example. If, after all, we consider it rape to fuck a woman who you've got too drunk to say "no", isn't the reverse true? |
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#31 (permalink) | |
Rape is a PHYSICAL act, not pychological. YES, rape can be <b>as little as</b> touching when it's not wanted, and need not involve penetration or even the involvement of any genitals, although if the person doesn't touch any "sensitive" areas, it's usually (legally speaking) assault (harrassment) and battery (any unwanted physical contact). |
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gender, rape |