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Old 06-13-2009, 07:44 AM   #1 (permalink)
immoral minority
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Should the porn industry be more monogamous?

Porn Industry Hit With 16 Confirmed HIV Cases - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

I know it's a weird question, but should more porn stars stick with the same partners for multiple shoots? Or for months at a time should there be a limit to how many different people they can be with? Do the actresses and actors have a problem with this? (emotional attachment, prefer different partners, have problems working everyday with the same person,?...) Would it lead to better porn if you could follow this fictional relationship a 'couple' has over this period of time?
(For eample: NSFW Sell Your Sex Tape NSFW)

It isn't very common for STD's to get into the business, and when they do they are caught pretty quickly, so maybe the current system is working. And then again, you have plenty of amateur on-line competition that doesn't have to follow rules since there are only a few on-line.

I don't know, what do you guys think? Do you prefer watching 'unsafe' sex videos? Would it get boring if the same couples were in multiple videos? Do you even notice? I'll admit that over 99% of the videos I have are showing unsafe sex, it seems more real. Now, a lot of them are amateur couples that are probably in real life relationships and are monogamous, but it does seem more real and it makes it better to me.
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:35 AM   #2 (permalink)
The Reforms
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From all the interviews I've witnessed, most female actresses in the genre comment upon having a "safe list" of the specific male stars that she is comfortable working with, perhaps both because she knows the guy in question is always vigilant and tested, therefore known to be "clean", and maybe because she likes the guy's technique? who knows, I'm guessing on the second one.

In fact, some popular female stars have it written into their contract that they will only work with "so-and-so" male, and negotiate upon terms with which female buddy companion they also feel comfortable shooting scenes with as well.
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:47 AM   #3 (permalink)
I have eaten the slaw
inBOIL's Avatar
If the performers want to take more or less risk, let them. It might be a good idea for the industry to impose caps on the number of people an actor could perform with in a certain amount of time, but there will be some companies that will ignore that regulation.
And you believe Bush and the liberals and divorced parents and gays and blacks and the Christian right and fossil fuels and Xbox are all to blame, meanwhile you yourselves create an ad where your kid hits you in the head with a baseball and you don't understand the message that the problem is you.
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Old 06-13-2009, 10:23 AM   #4 (permalink)
yournamehere's Avatar
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In my opinion, condoms ruin a scene; I won't watch them. I know this eliminates many of my favorite actresses, like Jessica Drake, Keilani Lei, and Stephanie Swift, who always make their "costar" roll on some latex. Also, it's a common practice for many studios, like Vivid and Wicked Pictures to shoot scenes almost exclusively with condoms, so I seldom download scenes or movies from those studios.

The actresses have a right to protect their own safety; but if you're in a business that pays $5,000 for an hour of "work," you've got to accept the fact that you might be allowing a certain element of additional risk into your life. Especially if that business happens to involve putting something in your mouth that just got pulled out of your or someone else's ass.
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Last edited by yournamehere; 06-13-2009 at 04:17 PM..
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Old 06-13-2009, 11:29 AM   #5 (permalink)
Please touch this.
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This happens every few years. It gets detected and contained... rinse, repeat.
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:09 PM   #6 (permalink)
biznatch's Avatar
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I don't mind condoms in porn. Part of me would like them to be required, but that's not gonna happen. I remember watching porn in France on cable, and before the porn "movie" they'd run an announcement to stress the fact that condoms are necessary in real life, regardless of whether they were used in said movie.
I don't know, I think I"d like condoms to be the norm in porn because my friend recently told me he'd had unprotected sex with many girls, and that he'd never gotten tested. The fact that so many people are out there without a care in the world about protection truly frightens me.
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Old 06-15-2009, 08:01 AM   #7 (permalink)
kutulu's Avatar
I don't get why people care that an actor is wearing a condom.
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Old 06-15-2009, 08:44 AM   #8 (permalink)
Cielamara's Avatar
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Originally Posted by kutulu View Post
I don't get why people care that an actor is wearing a condom.
You probably don't want to know.
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Old 06-15-2009, 09:42 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by yournamehere View Post
a business that pays $5,000 for an hour of "work,"

Quote from a porn producer:
For a single scene? Some of the best girls can be very expensive. I think 3k was the most I paid one single girl.
The top contract girls in huge studios like Vivid might make 5k for a scene, but for an hour? Not going to happen.
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Old 06-15-2009, 11:36 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Okay, does it really change the meaning of my comment if you exchange 5K with 3K?

As for the condoms; for me at least, the attraction of watching porn is the fantasy of imagining the feelings experienced while watching the sex act. And the feeling with a condom is nowhere near the feeling of a wet bareback ride.
If you want to avoid 95% of internet spelling errors:
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Old 06-15-2009, 12:26 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kutulu View Post
I don't get why people care that an actor is wearing a condom.
Then I imagine wearing a condom...

I imagine the dulled sensation... the hassle...

Totally distracting.
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Old 06-15-2009, 01:21 PM   #12 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Originally Posted by biznatch View Post
I think I'd like condoms to be the norm in porn because my friend recently told me he'd had unprotected sex with many girls, and that he'd never gotten tested. The fact that so many people are out there without a care in the world about protection truly frightens me.
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Old 06-15-2009, 02:31 PM   #13 (permalink)
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C'mon people - porn is fantasy; not reality. If you can't separate the two, you shouldn't be having sex yet.
Yes, it's scary that so many people still have unprotected sex outside monogamous relationships, but that's because of stupidity and/or alcohol; not because of pornography.

If you base your sex life on what you see in porn, there are very few women out there who will put up with your shit for long.
If you want to avoid 95% of internet spelling errors:
"If your ridiculous pants are too loose, you're definitely going to lose them. Tell your two loser friends over there that they're going to lose theirs, too."
It won't hurt your fashion sense, either.
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Old 06-17-2009, 11:55 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: venice beach, ca
diver's drown. soldiers get shot. electricians get electroed. porn stars get v.d.

the world continues to spin.
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.
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Old 06-18-2009, 09:09 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Commentary from a porn producer on another forum
So I guess it's time to talk about all the HIV drama currently going on.

Let me preface this post with my full acknowledgment that I have an agenda. My agenda is try to keep the government out of over regulating this business. With this acknowledgment I want everyone to understand that Cal/OSHA also has an agenda. They see this as a perfect opportunity to get involved into regulating the adult industry. Some of the facts haven't been discussed in public, namely no one has stated who the girl is that actually tested positive for HIV. The reason this information hasn't been given out is because during the last major outbreak, when AIM Healthcare released the name of Darren James, Darren in turned sued AIM Healthcare. He did not want his name released. Ever since this lawsuit AIM now is stuck between a rock and a hard place. They want to protect the industry and we even sign a waiver allowing them to do so, but this lawsuit with Darren James has made everything highly murky.

Here is the information as we in the industry know it. An older female performer (milf), who does not work regularly was tested on June 4th. She worked June 5th, but her test had not come back yet. The producer either lied to the talent, didn't check the talents tests, or the talent themselves didn't bother to check each other tests. The scene was shot on June 5th with the girls test still pending. On June 6th the test came back positive for HIV. The male talent she worked with was then quarantined and so far has passed all his HIV tests.

The scene should never have been shot, because the female talent did not have a valid test.

Since this happened Cal/OSHA stated to the LA Times, that the industry has had 22 HIV outbreaks since 2004. This is a bold face lie. Our testing facility, AIM Healthcare is open to the public. Anyone can come in and get tested. None of these people that Cal/OSHA referred to in that LA Times piece were infected while working in the adult industry. They were either trying to get into the industry and thus failed their test, which means AIM did their job, or they were civilians just getting tested like at any other clinic. The clear point here is that AIM did their job.

There's been lots of gossip in the industry and if you follow the gossip all signs point to the producer being the major fuck up in all this. The reason I say that is because he has skipped town. If he did nothing wrong, he has no reason to skip town. The gossip is that he told the performers the test was valid and then tried to blame it on AIM. AIM has nearly proven that they never said her test was valid, that on the day of the shoot it was still "pending". The producer made a horrible gamble and now it's going to not only cost him, but the rest of the industry.

The female performer who tested positive, seems to have contracted the disease outside of the industry.

Originally Posted by yournamehere View Post
Okay, does it really change the meaning of my comment if you exchange 5K with 3K?
5k an hour versus 3k a day is a big difference. And I still don't understand how it can turn people off that much to see a condom. Is the penis on screen really that inseparable in your mind? Then again, I still don't even come close to understanding the appeal of cumshots, either.
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Old 06-18-2009, 09:22 AM   #16 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Originally Posted by MSD View Post
Then again, I still don't even come close to understanding the appeal of cumshots, either.
According to Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman (in his book On Killing), it's an example of the penis-is-a-gun psych issue and part of the we're-killing-our-girlfriend domination type thing. Apparently our cocks are like Makarov pistols: only useful for executing prisoners.

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Old 06-18-2009, 12:45 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Update: Confirmed that the producer is Tom Moore, who fled the country immediately after the story broke, and rumors that Sharon Kane is Patient Zero are not true, actual PZ is a 42 year old woman who has rarely performed and is either his girlfriend or ex girlfriend. According to the producer I'm getting this from, the man who did a scene with her on the 5th is quarantined and has tested negative so far, but will likely never find work in porn again.

Last edited by MSD; 06-18-2009 at 12:50 PM..
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Old 06-18-2009, 08:50 PM   #18 (permalink)
fiatguy85's Avatar
Originally Posted by high_jinx View Post
diver's drown. soldiers get shot. electricians get electroed. porn stars get v.d.

the world continues to spin.
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Old 06-19-2009, 06:05 AM   #19 (permalink)
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MSD, thanks for all the updates. It certainly demonstrates the seriousness of the American porn industry to ensure their profession is, for lack of a better term, biologically clean.

One can only wish other industries would pay as much attention to health issues as the porn industry. It really puts the question of morals in perspective.
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Old 06-19-2009, 01:54 PM   #20 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
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I don't really get that Milnoc. Truck drivers get more oil changes in their trucks than the average person does, its just good maintenance.
Mind you the average citizen needs to get tested a whole hell of a lot more then they currently do, comparing how often they need to check and how someone in the porn industry needs to get tested is not really an accurate comparison.
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Old 06-19-2009, 02:29 PM   #21 (permalink)
Location: My head.
About the condoms in porn thing, I just had a mental breakdown ... err, bad pun. But still, porn appeals to the basest of the most fetishes there are out there ... to be considerate of the girls health by wearing a condom while having her do ass to mouth is, well, ironic, don't you think?
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Old 06-20-2009, 01:30 AM   #22 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
I guess it's the scientist in me but all I'm thinking is how cool it'd be so see how the infection spread through the 22 people. Maybe track it back to the source and see how many people he/she didn't or could have infected. If the names were public, it'd be easy to find the connection.
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:07 AM   #23 (permalink)
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blahblah, I was comparing the morals of the porn industry with the morals of other industries who, even though they should be paying as much attention to health issues as pornographers, often don't give a rat's ass. One example is the meat packing industry which has a reputation of hiring and abusing illegal aliens, and have all too often unsanitary conditions inside the plants.

And yet, despite all the overwhelming evidence, society will still put the meat packers ahead of the fudge packers.

Yes, that was a really bad one.
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Old 06-22-2009, 10:57 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Milnoc View Post
MSD, thanks for all the updates. It certainly demonstrates the seriousness of the American porn industry to ensure their profession is, for lack of a better term, biologically clean.

One can only wish other industries would pay as much attention to health issues as the porn industry. It really puts the question of morals in perspective.
You're welcome. And the reason the porn industry is so attentive is that they need to in order to prevent regulation, which would damage their profits. It's all about money.
Originally Posted by Xerxys View Post
About the condoms in porn thing, I just had a mental breakdown ... err, bad pun. But still, porn appeals to the basest of the most fetishes there are out there ... to be considerate of the girls health by wearing a condom while having her do ass to mouth is, well, ironic, don't you think?
The porn producer I'm quoting here has said that while ass to vag is guaranteed to give her an infection, he has never heard of anyone getting sick from ass to mouth.
Originally Posted by cybermike View Post
I guess it's the scientist in me but all I'm thinking is how cool it'd be so see how the infection spread through the 22 people. Maybe track it back to the source and see how many people he/she didn't or could have infected. If the names were public, it'd be easy to find the connection.
AIM's contract allows them to release names, but they're afraid to because Darren James sued them in 2004 and they don't want to risk a lawsuit again.
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Old 06-24-2009, 05:57 PM   #25 (permalink)
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16 cases of HIV since 2004???

And this is even statistically significant?

I'm willing to bet the farm that since 2004 there were more than 16 cases of HIV diagnosed amoung employees of the Royal Bank of Canada. But that wouldn't make headlines now would it.
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Old 06-24-2009, 06:14 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: My head.
Originally Posted by james t kirk View Post
16 cases of HIV since 2004???

And this is even statistically significant?

I'm willing to bet the farm that since 2004 there were more than 16 cases of HIV diagnosed amoung employees of the Royal Bank of Canada. But that wouldn't make headlines now would it.

I'm sorry, this is funny because if the royal bank of canada was to steal money, THAT would make headlines. Why, they deal with money, and they're not dealing too well.

Now, porn deals with non-consequential fantasies. When the fantasies start having consequenses, then we got a problem. Hence, headline.
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industry, monogamous, porn

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