Originally Posted by Milnoc
MSD, thanks for all the updates. It certainly demonstrates the seriousness of the American porn industry to ensure their profession is, for lack of a better term, biologically clean.
One can only wish other industries would pay as much attention to health issues as the porn industry. It really puts the question of morals in perspective.
You're welcome. And the reason the porn industry is so attentive is that they need to in order to prevent regulation, which would damage their profits. It's all about money.
Originally Posted by Xerxys
About the condoms in porn thing, I just had a mental breakdown ... err, bad pun. But still, porn appeals to the basest of the most fetishes there are out there ... to be considerate of the girls health by wearing a condom while having her do ass to mouth is, well, ironic, don't you think? 
The porn producer I'm quoting here has said that while ass to vag is guaranteed to give her an infection, he has never heard of anyone getting sick from ass to mouth.
Originally Posted by cybermike
I guess it's the scientist in me but all I'm thinking is how cool it'd be so see how the infection spread through the 22 people. Maybe track it back to the source and see how many people he/she didn't or could have infected. If the names were public, it'd be easy to find the connection.
AIM's contract allows them to release names, but they're afraid to because Darren James sued them in 2004 and they don't want to risk a lawsuit again.