Commentary from a porn producer on another forum
So I guess it's time to talk about all the HIV drama currently going on.
Let me preface this post with my full acknowledgment that I have an agenda. My agenda is try to keep the government out of over regulating this business. With this acknowledgment I want everyone to understand that Cal/OSHA also has an agenda. They see this as a perfect opportunity to get involved into regulating the adult industry. Some of the facts haven't been discussed in public, namely no one has stated who the girl is that actually tested positive for HIV. The reason this information hasn't been given out is because during the last major outbreak, when AIM Healthcare released the name of Darren James, Darren in turned sued AIM Healthcare. He did not want his name released. Ever since this lawsuit AIM now is stuck between a rock and a hard place. They want to protect the industry and we even sign a waiver allowing them to do so, but this lawsuit with Darren James has made everything highly murky.
Here is the information as we in the industry know it. An older female performer (milf), who does not work regularly was tested on June 4th. She worked June 5th, but her test had not come back yet. The producer either lied to the talent, didn't check the talents tests, or the talent themselves didn't bother to check each other tests. The scene was shot on June 5th with the girls test still pending. On June 6th the test came back positive for HIV. The male talent she worked with was then quarantined and so far has passed all his HIV tests.
The scene should never have been shot, because the female talent did not have a valid test.
Since this happened Cal/OSHA stated to the LA Times, that the industry has had 22 HIV outbreaks since 2004. This is a bold face lie. Our testing facility, AIM Healthcare is open to the public. Anyone can come in and get tested. None of these people that Cal/OSHA referred to in that LA Times piece were infected while working in the adult industry. They were either trying to get into the industry and thus failed their test, which means AIM did their job, or they were civilians just getting tested like at any other clinic. The clear point here is that AIM did their job.
There's been lots of gossip in the industry and if you follow the gossip all signs point to the producer being the major fuck up in all this. The reason I say that is because he has skipped town. If he did nothing wrong, he has no reason to skip town. The gossip is that he told the performers the test was valid and then tried to blame it on AIM. AIM has nearly proven that they never said her test was valid, that on the day of the shoot it was still "pending". The producer made a horrible gamble and now it's going to not only cost him, but the rest of the industry.
The female performer who tested positive, seems to have contracted the disease outside of the industry.
Originally Posted by yournamehere
Okay, does it really change the meaning of my comment if you exchange 5K with 3K? 
5k an hour versus 3k a day is a big difference. And I still don't understand how it can turn people off that much to see a condom. Is the penis on screen really that inseparable in your mind? Then again, I still don't even come close to understanding the appeal of cumshots, either.