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#1 (permalink) |
Location: Where the wild things are.
Why men are never depressed...
Men Are Just Happier People.
What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. A wedding dress is $5,000 but a Tux rents for $100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend. Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original color. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades! You on ly have to shave your face and neck. You can play with toys all your life. Your belly usually hides your big hips. One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache. You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes. No wonder men are happier... Feedback more than welcome, have fun with this....
Well, isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck fantastic?!? *Without energy, there would be nothing.* |
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#2 (permalink) |
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
I've not rented a tux since jr. high. I've got a Zegna tux worth nearly $2,500. And women stare at my ass. I don't mind, though.
Why are women happier? Multiple orgasms, mother-child relationship, control over sex in the relationship, you have deeper friendships and relationships... but this is all stereotypes. |
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#3 (permalink) |
Location: ....a state of pure inebriation.
Also, we don't bleed from our genitalia.
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion..." - Henry Steel Commager "Punk rock music is great music played by really bad, drunk musicians." -Fat Mike |
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#4 (permalink) |
Evil Priest: The Devil Made Me Do It!
Location: Southern England
This just proves you've never thought that "oh if you must" was the same as "yes, of course I want it up there".
Overhead, the Albatross hangs motionless upon the air, And deep beneath the rolling waves, In labyrinths of Coral Caves, The Echo of a distant time Comes willowing across the sand; And everthing is Green and Submarine ╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝ |
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#5 (permalink) |
The Reforms
Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
I had no idea I was so awesome.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi |
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#7 (permalink) |
Most of the things you mentioned are just life-style choices. Don't shave your legs or wear make-up if you don't want to. Who cares?
Men stare at breasts and butts ... but so do women. My wife has pointed out several nice physical forms over the years. Women judge men by our bald-spots and pot-bellies. Which do you think is more fair? With regard to fashion, women do it to themselves. If there was no demand the prices would fall. I WISH I could find more (and better) fashions for men. I'd love to have a closet full of different styles of clothes that would fit my mood. I detest most men's shoes and accessories. Women get to wear all kinds of cool shit. If I want to wear something with a little color I can get a tie. Whoop-de-fricken-do!!! I'd love to be able to come to work as a red-head one day and a brunette the next. In fact, when I was younger I used to dye my hair all kinds of colors. If I did that now people would give me a hard time if not demand that I remove the color (in the case of my job). Physiological differences (weight gain, pregnancy; opening jars) are nothing to focus on because you just can't change them. Societal differences: I really hope they are changing. A woman will one day be president of that I am positive. The pay differential is fading away. |
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#8 (permalink) |
Lover - Protector - Teacher
Location: Seattle, WA
Ahh yes, but you've missed the biggest reason that men ARE depressed, and the one that counters all of the advantages above.
We have to deal with women. Hah, sorry. But seriously, shouldn't this be Titled Humor and not Sexuality? Or does anyone actually believe this is discussable?
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel |
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#9 (permalink) |
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
Super Moderator
Location: Australia/UAE
sorry i just had to reply to this one
Men Are Just NOT Happier People. Your last name stays put - for men it stays the same your entire life.. at least you have a choice n changing it The garage is all yours. - until the wife parks the volvo Wedding plans take care of themselves - with the usual complaining and nagging Chocolate is just another snack - that goes hand in hand with the belly You can be President. - so can president arroyo from philliphines You can never be pregnant - have you read the news lately? You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park - so can a woman. its not illegal You can wear NO shirt to a water park - so can a woman. you'll probably get in for free Car mechanics tell you the truth - i know as much about cars as you do The world is your urinal - takes as much trouble to find a tree as it takes to squat You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. - squat You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. - theres only one way..clockwise. remember that one Same work, more pay - more pay more responsibility, more pressure more chance of getting fired Wrinkles add character. - wrinkles are wrinkles on anyone A wedding dress is $5,000 but a Tux rents for $100. - i never told you to go buy one. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. - people stare at wills ass The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected - chicks fart and burp too New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. - you've never tried some of mine One mood all the time - youre obviously not male Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat - yes but who wants to talk to a female anyways? You know stuff about tanks - army tanks? fish tanks? water tanks? A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. - ill take the suitcase you can take the boot You can open all your own jars - i get asked to open everyones jars! You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. - everyone thinks im a prick If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend - thats cos you always not get invited when you're surfing the crimson tide Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack - i dont wear underwear Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. - one for the beach one for work and one for sport..yes.. is there any more need? You almost never have strap problems in public. - we have scratch problems in public You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. - but others do! Everything on your face stays its original color -men dont blush. get over it The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades! - have you seen bon jovi lately? You on ly have to shave your face and neck. - is that all i shave? .....dont you shave your legs and back? You can play with toys all your life.- most women have toys in their top drawer Your belly usually hides your big hips. - king kong bundy said that once One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color for all seasons. - why do u like looking like a parakeet? You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. - so can you..id rather a womans legs than a mans crotch You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife. - i can do your if you like You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache - i know women that grow moustaches You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes. -nothing wrong with buying 25 people the same present
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay? - Filthy |
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#12 (permalink) |
Location: Iceland
I don't see this as a very accurate list. Half of these stereotypes apply more to me than they do to my own husband... and the stereotypes about women don't apply to me at all ($5000 on a wedding dress?! I've never met anyone who spent anywhere close to that much.)
And think not you can direct the course of Love; for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. --Khalil Gibran |
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#13 (permalink) |
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
Super Moderator
Location: Australia/UAE
yeah true abaya.. she-lish spent 1500 aussie dollars on hers way back when..and i spent 120.
the list is very accurate and no stereotypes exist whatsoever
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay? - Filthy |
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#14 (permalink) |
The sky calls to us ...
Super Moderator
Location: CT
The pay difference is because a lot of older women in the workforce started when it wasn't as common for women to go to college. Add to that the fact that taking a few years off to raise kids is something women do that men don't (anyone who stops working for years at a time is going to be set back and make less than someone who continued working) and you have an explanation for the discrepancy.
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#16 (permalink) | |
drawn and redrawn
Location: Some where in Southern California
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#17 (permalink) |
has all her shots.
Location: Florida
I'll be sure to remind every hopeless, angst-ridden, sorry son of a bitch I've ever known how much more he has to be happy about than me.
Now this makes me happy. ![]()
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce Last edited by mixedmedia; 08-05-2008 at 05:21 PM.. Reason: adding hopeless, can't leave out hopeless |
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#19 (permalink) |
All important elusive independent swing voter...
Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
Best response post!! It's good to see you so passionate dlish!
"The race is not always to the swift, nor battle to the strong, but to the one that endures to the end." "Demand more from yourself, more than anyone else could ever ask!" - My recruiter |
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#20 (permalink) |
Location: Where the wild things are.
I didn't intend for people to take my post seriously. It was an email I received and I got a kick out of it. I know a lot of it is not fully true, but it's still funny to laugh at the potential sterotype of it all. But I also got a great laugh at some of your posts too. Especially dlish who took the time to give a rebuttal to each reason.
Well, isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck fantastic?!? *Without energy, there would be nothing.* |
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#21 (permalink) |
Location: Here, There, Everwhere
Men are always more mentally ill and depressed than women. It's why we all drink, smoke, do drugs, do reckless things, and endless other unhealthy coping mechanisms more so than the women ever will. I've always thought this is why we die so soon compared to women.
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#22 (permalink) |
We work alone
Location: Cake Town
No. Men die before women because they want to.
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future. Common sense is knowing that you should try not to be an idiot now. - J. Jacques |
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#23 (permalink) |
But You'll Never Prove It.
Location: under your bed
No. Men die before women because women want them to.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe |
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#26 (permalink) |
We work alone
Location: Cake Town
You would like to think that.
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future. Common sense is knowing that you should try not to be an idiot now. - J. Jacques |
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depressed, men |