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Old 08-04-2008, 07:20 AM   #7 (permalink)
Most of the things you mentioned are just life-style choices. Don't shave your legs or wear make-up if you don't want to. Who cares?

Men stare at breasts and butts ... but so do women. My wife has pointed out several nice physical forms over the years. Women judge men by our bald-spots and pot-bellies. Which do you think is more fair?

With regard to fashion, women do it to themselves. If there was no demand the prices would fall.

I WISH I could find more (and better) fashions for men. I'd love to have a closet full of different styles of clothes that would fit my mood. I detest most men's shoes and accessories. Women get to wear all kinds of cool shit. If I want to wear something with a little color I can get a tie. Whoop-de-fricken-do!!!

I'd love to be able to come to work as a red-head one day and a brunette the next. In fact, when I was younger I used to dye my hair all kinds of colors. If I did that now people would give me a hard time if not demand that I remove the color (in the case of my job).

Physiological differences (weight gain, pregnancy; opening jars) are nothing to focus on because you just can't change them.

Societal differences: I really hope they are changing. A woman will one day be president of that I am positive. The pay differential is fading away.
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