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Old 06-08-2007, 06:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
I'll ask when I'm ready....
Push-Pull's Avatar
Location: Firmly in the middle....
Getting pierced: Mental pictures from the journey

I'm sorry if I've subjected you guys to this for the past few days, and admittedly, I'm still pretty stoked about it. I just thought that with the diversity that we have here, perhaps I could add something for others who may be, or will be, going through what I have already done. While there are plenty of stories on the net pertaining to this, I believe that this is different in approach as I try to relate the more emotional aspects of the whole ordeal. I feel fortunate to have had the presence of mind to start writing when I did, because it conveys much more accurately what I was feeling at that time as opposed to reflecting back on the thoughts and emotions. I will be adding to this now and again as the thoughts come to me.

Anyhow, Mods, if you don't feel this is the appropriate forum, please take whatever action you feel necessary.

Getting a Prince Albert, the decision through the end.

While there are plenty of stories and information online about getting a Prince Albert, I didn’t find much beyond what I call “the adrenaline rush” stage of getting one. I want to document my thoughts and feelings both before and after getting my Prince Albert so that others who are contemplating this may have some insight to it. That is what this journal is all about. Remember, in the end, it’s your decision, and there is no right or wrong either way you chose.

T minus 48 hours.

In about 48 hours I “should” have a Prince Albert. This is because of a couple things. Firstly, the wife is out of town for a couple weeks. And secondly, I finally have a window of maximum healing available from work.

The first part is not because she isn’t expecting it (although not by the time she gets back…), but because her being gone allows me the freedom to do it without other obligations in the way.

The second part is because I get out of work early enough on Monday to make the hour’s drive up to the piercing studio and still be back at a reasonable hour. This is in conjunction with a 2 day “weekend” on Tuesday and Wednesday. Effectively, I can nurse the fresh piercing overnight Monday and keep a close eye on it Tuesday and Wednesday without having much going on either day.

So, in two day’s time, I “should” have a Prince Albert. That’s right, a ring through my dick. Sounds twisted, doesn’t it? Am I nervous? Hell yes I am.

So now you’re probably wondering “If he’s so nervous, then why go through with it?”

In it’s simplest terms, it’s for personal reasons. But then, I imagine that pretty much all piercings are for "personal reasons." I’ll try to explain it better.

Some people who haven’t done this (or at least thought about it) simply see it as something only a freak or pervert would do. Yes, there are people who are pierced that make us ALL wonder. And let’s be honest, the most noticeable pierced people appear rebellious or anti-social, and some are downright scary looking. But that’s because they are trying to make a statement, and the body mods reflect that. Now think about this….What if some Joe Average that you knew confided that he had a tattoo or piercing for years that nobody but him, his significant other, and doctor knew about? Would you be freaked? Would you withdraw your friendship? Would you ask WHY he would do that when he’s “such a nice guy”?

If you took the time to ask, you’d probably find out that he did it for, are you ready? "personal reasons". Perhaps to mark an occasion; a difficult time, a successful event, a death, a birth or a love. Sometimes it’s sexual, and sometimes it is simply because he could. The possibilities are endless, but the thing is this….He is still the same guy you’ve always known despite that tattoo or piercing.

So for explanation purposes, I am Joe Average getting a Prince Albert. I’m not trying to make a statement, or rebel against society. I have simply decided that I want to mark a time in my life with a piercing that nobody but my wife, doctor, and piercer know about. It is also partly sexual, but what research I’ve done leads me to believe that I’d be a fool to do it strictly for sexual reasons. Don’t get me wrong, I do hope that it feels good and all, but I’m not holding my breath.

I’m sure that some of you are asking, “OK, you want to mark a time in your life, but why the hell choose a dick piercing to do it?”

Valid question.

First off, it’s private. Or should I say, not in sight. I don’t have to be self conscious about it and wondering if people think I’m a freak because I have a friggin’ bolt hanging out of my ear, nose, or eyebrow. I won’t have to explain the boring details of what took place in my life that made me want this little souvenir. Secondly, for whatever reason, I am attracted to it. I feel compelled to do it. It’s something that “feels” right to me, almost natural. I’m sorry if this doesn’t drive the point home, but it’s really not anymore complex than that.

So I mentioned before that I’m nervous. I didn’t sleep that good last night. I think that’s partly because the wife is gone, and sleeping on the bed alone is odd. But when I was dozing in and out, my mind was wandering about the upcoming “event”. It was restless, nothing bad or good, just playing through all the details and stories I’ve been reading on this subject. Most of the stories I’ve read are good, and I have even done what I believe to be a fairly thorough Google search on any ill-effects of genital piercing and didn’t turn up much. Yes, there are some articles on how doctors don’t like “unnecessary procedures” and all, but I really didn’t find any readily occurring themes to the negative. In fact, most of the negatives I came across were more opinion than anything. In one case, I asked in a forum what negatives there were in getting a genital piercing, and one person responded that “Your dick could get infected and drop off.” Wonderful, I’m asking a legitimate question to make an important decision, and I get asshole responses like this, that really helps. Am I saying that there are no risks? Absolutely not. I know there are, but I’ve done the research, and I’m prepared to take care of it in order to minimize that risk as much as possible.

I do have thoughts about backing out by calling the place and canceling the appointment. But at some level, I know that this is what I really want. I seriously doubt that I’m going to cancel, but I do think about it. I guess we’ll see what tonight brings in the way of stray thoughts and dreams.

T-minus 2 hours…

Home from work, cleaned up, and ready to go. I’ve got everything ready, wrapping and such. Just waiting for the clock to hit 5:30. Need to stop at a drive-through for a bite so that I don’t go in on an empty stomach. Am I nervous? Hell yes! It is strange knowing that I can back out of this with a simple phone call. But while that is tempting, something keeps pushing me forward. It’s a battle in my head! Backing out is the easy way, but when you want something and all….. Guess I’ll be reporting back later!

T-minus 5 minutes…

I couldn’t find the place at first! Driving up and down the street, the common sense me seriously considered tucking tail and going the 85 miles back home. But the twisted me prevailed and found the place. I filled out some paper work and forced myself to read the aftercare sheet while waiting. And then…..

The BIG moment!!!

Brian was my piercer and took me back and had me drop ‘em. Did a little investigating, and informed me that while I would get the ¾” CBR I wanted, it would have to be a 10g instead of the 8g I wanted. This was because he was afraid that the receiving tube for an 8g would possibly tear my urethra. Oh well, guess I’ll have the pleasure of stretching after all! With that decided, he proceeded. The receiving tube was, well, weird. Not really unpleasant, just…different. I managed that easily. Then he did what most people know as a prelude to the actual act, he told me to take a deep breath. You can feel the needle as it makes it way through the various layers, but I can honestly say that it is over very quickly. It does pinch, but hell, I smashed my finger earlier this week and it hurt worse than this did. Like many stories you might read online about this particular piercing, I literally thought, “Is that it?” The jewelry went in painlessly and I was then sporting a ¾”, 10g stainless steel CBR through my dick. At this point, there was NO blood.

Three hours later…

Got home and took the dogs out for a walk, being ever mindful of where the German Shepard was at all times. That dog loves nosing up to you and his tail wags furiously. I just know it’s a matter of time before some part of him meets Mr. Albert. Anyhow, I got to the bathroom, pulled down the shorts, and took off the wrapping. A bit of bloody slime on my dick and balls, but cleaned easily when I took a quick shower and washed the piercing for the first time with the Provon soap they sold me. I managed a piss whilst in the shower, and was happy to note that there was no pain. A subsequent piss (sitting down on the toilet of course) was equally pain free, but with the added bonus of urine not coming out until there was sufficient pressure built up to eject the clot that was forming in the end of my urethra. I don’t plan on getting a whole lot of sleep tonite, and drinking a lot of water so I can keep it flushed out. As I type this, it is still weeping a little bit, but nothing that scares me. I was seriously concerned that I might be a “bleeder”, and that it would be much more sore/painful than this. That was one of the reasons why I waited until I had a couple days off. I really hope that this is the worst of it, because if it is, I’ll be in fine shape by Thursday when I go back to work.

13 hours later…

Slept poorly, mostly because I drank a bunch of water and had to piss every couple hours. Never did hurt at all, so I guess I’m lucky there. I did go piss into the shower stall this morning just so I could see how fucked up my stream is now. Let’s just say that it’s gonna be interesting to relearn how to pee straight. One of the times I woke up, I had a half-wood, no problems then either. So as of right now, my only concerns are some light spotting, keeping it clean, and how the hell I’m going to get dressed so I can get some things done today. I’m hoping that wearing semi-snug briefs won’t twist it too badly and start it weeping/bleeding more. Guess there’s only one way to find out!

24 hours later…

Was pretty active today. Fortunately, my underwear was just about perfect for the job. Not too tight, but still held it in place. Best part was when driving and everything is just right, you feel the jewelry dancing. Quite the wicked sensation and a pleasant reminder of what you have. Weeping is at a minimum, and there really isn’t any discomfort. While the weeping is way down to almost nothing, I did notice that I’m quite bruised around the puncture. I know that this is normal, and will simply keep my eye on it. I did make sure to wear a pair of loose denim shorts, and I learned a new technique for getting in and out of the truck. I am acutely aware of the fresh piercing despite how comfortable it is.

In the pissing department, I’ve found that my stream, while no longer straight out the end of my dick, appears to be somewhat predictable. It now exits at about 30 degrees to the left. I can twist my dick about 135 degrees to the right, and aim down and hit the bowl without too much trouble. I still need a lot of practice though so that I can keep my pants and shoes dry when I have to use the urinal at work.

I still get a shiver up my spine when I realize that I’ve done it, and it’s a good feeling. It’s something that I’ve wanted for a while, and now I’ve got it. I am looking forward to healing enough to do the 10g to 8g stretch and trying out different jewelry. I do like the CBR, but I’d like to try a circular barbell too. All in good time though.

36 hours…

I’m used to sleeping on my stomach, and it is difficult getting good sleep only on my back and sides. I woke up a couple times last night when the piercing “stung” me as I went too far over on my side. Even woke up with wood once which was slightly sore, but not enough to give me grief. Afterwards, I could feel some soreness, and even the boxer-briefs I had on would rub the jewelry and cause it to be more notable. It wasn’t intolerable, but when I’m trying to sleep I tend to notice these little things a bit more. I also think that it’s time to give a sea-salt soak a try. Most things I’ve read indicate that this is a good way to relieve the soreness. Anyhow, no overnight spotting that I can see, and the bruising seems to be fading some. That only leaves me dealing with the comfort and peeing issues. Of course, I still have to take care of the wound itself.

I’m really having a hard time not telling the wife. Hell, I’m having a hard time not sending a picture to her cell phone! I mean, I’m pretty jazzed about all this, and she knows that I was going to do it, so I’m not afraid to tell her. I just want it to be a surprise. I’m thinking that I won’t say anything, and wait and see how long it takes her to notice this shiny bit of stainless dangling from my man-bits.

48 hours later…

All is well. Started the salt soaks this morning and learned that a cup of water in the microwave for 45 seconds is 15 seconds to long for comfort! 30 seconds works well. Did a good amount of work in the garage today and never had a problem. I even wore one of my tighter pairs of underwear and I’m still OK. However, I find that I’m still “nursing” it, which is probably a subconscious thing because it hasn’t given me any real trouble pain-wise. Absolutely no spotting at all today, unless you count the couple of dribbles of piss while trying to pee standing up.

I even went online looking for my next piece of jewelry. Will probably buy a taper and some pliers at the same time. Thinking of a circular barbell, 8g of course. Still have a few weeks before that happens, but it is fun to look through all the possibilities.

60 hours later…

Well, today ought to be interesting, as I have to head into work. I slept “OK”, but I simply am not doing well sleeping only on my back and side, and my back hurts for it this morning. I’ll have to see if there is a way to sleep on my stomach. I went to take a leak around midnight, and when I got back into bed, the piercing was stinging a little, the most it has so far. It quickly subsided, so I assume that all the rolling over and what-not irritated it and when I went to take a piss, it stung. At least I hope that is the case. Still no leaking, and I don’t see any crusties this morning. I’m going to at least keep up the after care for a few weeks just to be sure. I’m sure the wife will really enjoy making fun of me with my dick in a glass of warm salt water, lol.

4 days later…

Work hasn’t been too awful with the piercing. I’m finding myself being a little less conscious of it, but still careful when I have to be. Carts with lumber on them and tailgates are definitely things I’m careful around. I’m able to use the urinal at work, and only had a few sprinkles to show for it, so I’m confident that I won’t have to girly-piss unless I want to.

I was able to sleep on my stomach last night! Had to “tuck” it between my legs to keep the jewelry off the mattress, but I woke up without my back hurting and I felt rather rested to boot. Still keeping up on the after care by using Provon soap followed by a sea-salt soaks every morning and night. I only have very minor discomfort once in a while, and the bruising seems to be finally settling down some. I’ve even had a couple full mast woodies without any troubles or even discomfort. That makes me really happy, but I have yet to “try it out”.

Mentally, I’m still pretty stoked. I check it out often, just to see what it looks like, and I wonder what it’ll look like with some of the jewelry I’ve been checking out. It’s really cool when you are talking to someone and you think to yourself, “what would they say if they only knew?” It’s a cool feeling, and in a small way, is a confidence boost. It also makes me a little bit more aware of my manhood. A little jingle now and then kind of wakes you up, but in a pleasant way. So as of this moment, if I were asked if this was worth it, I would respond "Absolutely". It has been MUCH easier than I thought it would be, and while the rewards are certainly my (and my wife's) own, I have to say to anyone thinking about it, "Just do it!"

Anyhow, the wife is home on Sunday night, so I’m planning on not saying anything to her about it just to see how long it takes for her to notice. I’m really curious as to her reaction about it, even though I had her blessing. I wonder if she thinks that I wouldn’t go through with it? I suppose I’ll have those kinds of answers in a couple of days.

To Be Continued….
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-

"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-

DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-
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Old 06-11-2007, 12:20 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Manhattan Island
Very interesting read! Thank you. I always wondered why anyone would ever get this done. After reading this I now feel like I have a much better understanding of the motivation behind it. Congratulations on going through with it!
Terminal Frost is offline  
Old 06-11-2007, 02:17 AM   #3 (permalink)
Creizen's Avatar
Yeah this is definitely an interesting one, I mean, I've thought about an albert but the mental images of metal piercing that area is just too much for me. Much respect to you.

I have to say though, the way you wrote it with x time after, building up, I kept expecting you to suddenly write, "THERES A FOUNTAIN OF BLOOD COMING OUT OF MY PANTS AHHH HELP". I'm glad you had no real problems.
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Old 06-12-2007, 10:41 PM   #4 (permalink)
Thank you for writing this, it's information I've been looking for. I'm interested in knowing the sexual effects, so keep it updated please .
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Old 07-02-2007, 05:05 PM   #5 (permalink)
I'll ask when I'm ready....
Push-Pull's Avatar
Location: Firmly in the middle....
As promised, an update.....

10 days later…

All is well. Wife knows about it, and is happy for me. The bruising and tenderness are mostly gone. Still have a quick pinch now and then, but nothing major. Staying up on the aftercare is easy to do. Sleeping on my stomach is not a problem anymore, but I do have to position myself just right to do so. A few “hands-on” experiments haven’t really proven this piercing to be any more stimulating than before, but still is kind of nice feeling. I’m waiting until actual intercourse before passing any real judgment. Mentally, I’m still happy I did it, and I’m still thinking the “if they only knew what I’ve got in my pants” type things. All in all, this experience is still way over on the “positive” side of things.

1 month later…

Healed up nicely. Still doing the Provon soap at least once a day, and haven’t done the salt soaks in a week or so. It doesn’t cause me any discomfort at all except the occasional pinch now and then. I’ve gotten used to having to twist it to piss and haven’t had any issues with that. Even sleeping on my stomach isn’t an issue any more.

I’m still kind of stoked about it, and I am still in awe at how I was able to go through with it, but the novelty appears to have mostly worn off as far as the mental aspect. Instead of “Oh wow! I’ve got a PA!” it’s more like “Heh, its kind of cool.” I’ve made a few hints at some of my coworkers, but nothing that directly mentioned that I have it. One of my favorite lines is “I’d rather put another hole in my dick than…” Guys always grab their crotch when I say that. Mwahahahah!!! Little do they know that in some cases, I really do mean it.

Now, I’m sure you’re all wondering about “it”. Yes, it has been tested. The wife has obliged me by giving me a few different “test runs”. First was the hand job. Feels different, and depending on how she holds/strokes it, can actually add to the feeling. Second was a blowjob. Honestly, that was a bit uncomfortable, but I had a condom on, and it was kind of binding the ring to one side causing some discomfort. That happened about the 2-week mark, so it was probably a bit early and was still a little sore. I’m negotiating another “test” for that one. And of course the biggie, actual intercourse. Now, let me mention that right off, actual intercourse isn’t a 4 times a week thing for us. She has medical issues that keep us from that regularly. Anyhow, she relented, and allowed the final test to happen. Wrapped up in a condom, with plenty of lube, we felt....well, nothing different. I think that the ring was bound up against my dickhead inside the condom, and prevented any sensation that might have otherwise been felt. As with the blowjob, I will be negotiating another test in the future without the condom. The good news to all of this, despite the non-increase in pleasure, is that it wasn't a decrease in pleasure, and the wife isn’t bothered by it in that none of our activity hurt her.

So, one month later, I would have to sum up my experience so far as definitively positive. I’d be willing to go through it again with no hesitation, and am happy as hell that I finally went through with something that I had agonized over for so long. My plans in the near future are to stretch up with the purchase of some 8 gauge jewelry, possibly a curved barbell with some larger balls to prevent them from entering my urethra. I have to tell you, that’s an interesting sensation, and even more interesting when you realize where the ball is when you go to take a leak.

More to follow…..
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-

"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-

DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-
Push-Pull is offline  
Old 07-17-2007, 11:48 AM   #6 (permalink)
Lord over all I survey
Location: Northern Michigan
I got my PA done about a year ago. I don't care what anyone says - it hurts like hell. I screamed like a girl. My GF thought it was funny as hell listening from the other room. I love it, she says it's uncomfortable so I leave it out a lot. Would I do it again. Hell yeah!

Everything you've read (good stuff at least) is pretty much right on. If you've been on the fence about doing it. Just do it.

The account by Push-Pull is pretty much right in line with my experience.
( • Y • )

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

( • Y • )

- Jack Handey
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Old 08-22-2007, 06:57 AM   #7 (permalink)
Very interesting read, even if i dont wanna have a PA :P

Good job
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Old 03-17-2008, 08:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
I'll ask when I'm ready....
Push-Pull's Avatar
Location: Firmly in the middle....
And time for an update....

9 months later....

Just tonite, I sized up to a 6 gauge, 3/4" CBR. I happened to be in the Big City when I learned that I was getting a tax refund, so I dropped the $35 for it as a celebratory thing. I had been wearing an 8 gauge circular barbell since September, and the piercing had been getting looser as time went on. Loose enough, that if I pinched the "normal" hole closed, I could get leakage from the "added" hole.

My first stretch from the original 10 gauge to 8 was a bit of a flop at first, as I purchased an inferior piece from a local place. The metal wasn't up to par, and wasn't even polished very good. After having that in for 2 weeks, it REALLY started to hurt and scared me enough to take it out and put the 10 gauge back in. Lesson learned, my next 8 gauge piece was from a more reputable place, and after dealing with stretching it again, it was much more comfortable.

It might be worth mentioning that most piercers recommend that you eat something before coming in to get pierced. I'd like to add that is also good advice before doing a stretch. My first attempt at my my second piece of 8 gauge jewelry was thwarted by me nearly passing out! I had to lay down for several minutes and had the cold sweats for a while. I put my old piece back in and got the new one in the next night, AFTER eating dinner.

At any rate, tonight I followed my above advice, and proceeded to soak my member in slightly hotter than warm water to loosen him up, and applied a liberal amount of lube and patience. About 20 minutes later, I was sporting my new piece with little more than a dull ache. But it was soooo worth it! It looks really proportionate, not some skinny wire, but not this big-assed car rim looking thing hanging there either. I'm gonna let it settle in for a week or before I can report on how it feels, but I think I'm going to enjoy the weight of it giving me that little extra tingle now and then.

As far as sex goes, yes it does change things a bit. But it's not incredibly notable. Some report that it does magic for sensation, and I imagine that it's true for some. But in my case, while it does add some sensation to the head of my dick, it really isn't a "WOW!!!!" thing, just, well, different. I will say that it is VERY cool having the ring flicked by the tongue or fingers of a willing partner. It adds to the experience immensely, but I suspect that it is more a mental thing than physical.

Mentally, I still find it cool to think to myself that I've done something that most guys would cringe at. I do look at it in the mirror now and again and think that it looks good. And when I think about that ring being played with by the wife.... Schwing!!!! So if the question is "would you do it again?", the answer would most definitely be "YES! In a heartbeat!"
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-

"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-

DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-
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Old 03-21-2008, 12:50 PM   #9 (permalink)
Milnoc's Avatar
Location: Montreal
I thought that along with the pinless prince's wand I'm considering, I might also get a scrotal piercing as well. But according to the BMEZine Wiki, scrotal piercings can take between 3 and 9 months to heal! And it's a high risk piercing as well! Yikes! The same Wiki reports that PAs are low risk and heal quickly, hence their popularity.

It's funny. PA piercings, along with foreskin piercings, happen to be the safest genital piercings available out there, and they're also the most prominent ones when you're naked.

Push-pull, do you go to fitness centers or something similar? If so, do you wear your PA? How do non-pierced people behave around you in the locker room? Are they uncomfortable? Embarrassed? Disturbed? Hostile? And how about the behaviour of people who are pierced, not necessarily in the genitals?

Last edited by Milnoc; 03-21-2008 at 12:58 PM..
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Old 03-21-2008, 01:02 PM   #10 (permalink)
telekinetic's Avatar
Location: Fauxenix, Azerona
Makes me miss my frenum Stupid hyper immune system, healing it out in 2 months
twisted no more
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Old 03-21-2008, 08:24 PM   #11 (permalink)
tisonlyi's Avatar
you thought about piercing it again? behind the scar?
"I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." - Winston Churchill, 1937 --{ORLY?}--
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:44 AM   #12 (permalink)
I'll ask when I'm ready....
Push-Pull's Avatar
Location: Firmly in the middle....
Originally Posted by Milnoc
Push-pull, do you go to fitness centers or something similar? If so, do you wear your PA? How do non-pierced people behave around you in the locker room? Are they uncomfortable? Embarrassed? Disturbed? Hostile? And how about the behavior of people who are pierced, not necessarily in the genitals?
Uhh, not yet, but I have a high likelihood of entering into a law enforcement academy where it will undoubtedly be exposed in the locker room and such. I'm not exactly sure how/what the reaction will be, but worse comes to worse, I can always just give 'em a twisted smile and tell them the wife likes it.

Besides, who cares what others think about something so personal? It was my choice, and I was done with the mental anguish once the needle went through. I'm not going to worry about it, but I do have to admit that I wouldn't mind making a few guys cringe.
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-

"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-

DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-
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Old 03-22-2008, 10:29 AM   #13 (permalink)
Milnoc's Avatar
Location: Montreal
Originally Posted by Push-Pull
Besides, who cares what others think about something so personal? It was my choice, and I was done with the mental anguish once the needle went through. I'm not going to worry about it, but I do have to admit that I wouldn't mind making a few guys cringe.
My thoughts exactly with my future PW if I can handle it. I'm even thinking of getting Haida style tattoos as well, running along my side and up my spine (where it's the least hairy) from my shoulders to my feet. I've always found Haida art to be incredibly beautiful, and wouldn't mind wearing some.

Man! All these years of being an incredibly ultra-boring individual, and suddenly, while I'm in my early forties, I want to completely overhaul my body in every possible radical way! What's eve weirder is that I've NEVER, EVER had a desire to do anything like this, even during my teenage years! It's as if I woke up one morning and said to myself "that's it! I'm fed up being boring! I wanna go ape-shit! What can I do that will make me feel good and possibly freak a few people out?"

Now... What to pierce?
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Old 05-28-2008, 02:39 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Dallas
It is great to know that I am not the only one with a totally positive experience with a PA. I was able to start with an 8g and by just the weight and movement of the jewelry stretching the opening, I was able to upsize to 6g and later to 4g, where I stopped. After my piercing I was on such adrenalin rush that I almost wanted to have something else pierced, but sanity prevailed. My piercer used a trick to preclude bleeding. She pierced with a 10g needle and immediately stretched it to 8g. Never had a drop of blood. Initially I wore a 3/4" 8G circular barbell, but the irritation was major, so I switched to a 8g curved barbell and that was perfect plus I could swing it around and use it as a short PA wand. About 3 months ago, I decided to try the 4g circular barbell that I had bought before I was actually pierced. I put it in and have never looked back. Guess I just needed to let my PA heal before going with the circular barbell.

My thoughts on the curved vs circular barbell, the circular gives a LOT more sensations, but the curved has the advantage when beating off of becoming a short PA wand. I did btw, have a custom PA flex wand and as well as rigid wand made as I am one of those pervies that likes his cock stuffed.

Here is a suggestion about condoms. Buy the larger size and lube it internally copiously. The slightly larger size and the lube allow the cock and the PA to move around inside the condom. Whether wearing a condom or not, I get a lot of sensations from the PA moving around during a rigorous fuck and as you pointed out having it played with by a tongue or fingers has to experienced as it can't be described.

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Old 05-29-2008, 01:12 AM   #15 (permalink)
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oh, and if anyone has some showerhead peeing issues, it happens, i make a nice tube of toilet paper around my hand, fit it over my glans like a sleeve et voila.

"I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." - Winston Churchill, 1937 --{ORLY?}--
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