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#1 (permalink) |
Location: Greenwood, Arkansas
The Katrina Victims from New Orleans--IBD Op-ED
This from the Investor's Business Daily Op Ed Page of Sept 30, 2005. Anyone see a problem with the facts or disagree with the conclusions? I didn't.
___________________________ Un-Married With Children Poverty: Post-Katrina critics constantly remind us that those who remained in New Orleans were largely black and poor. What they don’t tell us is that they were largely women and children. Never mind that had Katrina roared through Appalachia, those stranded would have been largely white and poor. Race and poverty have been inextricably linked in the media and the Democratic caucus with the less-thanstellar post-Katrina effort. Yet poverty is not a function of race, but of class. Common traits exist among the nonpoor — most are married and most got a good education. This is true regardless of race, and if those left behind in the Big Easy were largely poor and black, it is not because we haven’t thrown enough money at the problem. It may be because we have thrown too much. More than $7 trillion has been spent on poverty programs since Lyndon Johnson launched the “War on Poverty” four decades ago. The Washington Post reported recently that the federal government has more than 80 poverty-related programs on which it spends about $500 billion annually. Critics of the war in Iraq are legion, but critics of the war on poverty are hard to find. On which war has our money been more effectively spent? Have we really fought poverty or merely subsidized it? In 1960, before the war on poverty was declared, only 28% of black females between the ages of 15 and 44 were never married, and the illegitimacy rate among blacks was 22%. Today, the never-married percentage has doubled to 56% and the illegitimacy rate has soared to around 70%. Is this the result of racism and the legacy of slavery? No. What happened is that the war on poverty essentially destroyed the black family by replacing the adult male as the father figure and main provider in the family and then rewarding illegitimacy with a bigger check. If racism and discrimination were to vanish tomorrow, poverty would persist in direct proportion to the number of broken or single-parent families in our society. Of Americans of all races, only 6.4% of those living in married-couple families were below the poverty level in 2004, according to Census Bureau data. Among whites, only 6% of Americans in two-parent married households lived in poverty. Among blacks the figure was 6.9%. Among whites, 52% of children under the age of 5 in fatherless households were in poverty. Among blacks it was 58.1%. In the post-Katrina discussions, little attention was paid to a report from the National Center for Health Statistics that in 2003, 34.6% of all American births were to unmarried women, with the percentage among African-American women at 68.2%. For Louisiana African-Americans the illegitimacy rate was 76%, and in inner-city New Orleans the figure was no doubt higher. In a policy brief released by the Washington-based Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, an examination of 23 studies dealing with family structure and crime found the obvious — that neighborhoods with a high rate of illegitimacy have a high rate of crime, something that might help explain the post-Katrina looting. With a lower rate of intact nuclear families, and a higher rate of illegitimacy, it should be no surprise that only 30% to 40% of black males graduate from high school, and that if they do, they emerge with the reading and math skills of a white seventh- or eighth-grader, regardless of per-pupil expenditures. Remove the growing social, judicial and governmental stigma against heterosexual marriage and give minorities the means to escape failing schools. That would be a recovery effort that makes sense. _____________________________
AVOR A Voice Of Reason, not necessarily the ONLY one. |
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#2 (permalink) |
Easy Rider
Location: Moscow on the Ohio
The statistic that stands out to me is the over 50% of children under the age of 5 in fatherless households living in poverty. It makes one wonder, where the hell are the fathers and why aren't they supporting their offspring?
The poverty rate will not go down as long as young men/boys and young women/girls continue to procreate with no means or intention of supporting their children. I find it hard to believe that the "War on Poverty" is the only reason for this. The fact that society today accepts this behaviour as normal has something to do with it. I recall watching a Bill Moyer's (I think) special on PBS a few years ago where he interviewed teenaged boys and girls who had babies and questioned them as to why. Many of the boys bragged that it made them feel more like a man to impregnate multiple girls and many of the girls said that they just wanted someone (the baby) in this world who would love them unconditionally. The surprising part to me was that most of the girls interviewed were trying to get pregnant and did not consider marriage or abortion. |
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#3 (permalink) | |||
[QUOTE=AVoiceOfReason]This from the Investor's Business Daily Op Ed Page of Sept 30, 2005. Anyone see a problem with the facts or disagree with the conclusions? I didn't.
___________________________ I do....... Quote:
Manhattan, for example, has the largest per capita population of single households, along with one of the highest per capita income levels. NOLA is infamous, in the past, for having a corrupt police force. New Hampshire has a one percent black population, yet half or it's state prisoners are black. Out of wedlock births to white mothers has also sky rocketed in the same time frame that it has for blacks. Access to competent legal aid by the poor in NOLA is lacking, compared to what is available in other US metro areas. The high infant mortality rate suggests that health services are also below par. Louisiana ranks among the ten states with lowest per capita annual income: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0104652.html Could the following, zealous effort to restrict low income NOLA women from access to publicly subsidized abortion, be a mitigating factor ? Quote:
This is not a simple problem. It is a national disgrace and conservatism sermonizing in a right wing financial publication does not provide a satisfactory or a fair explanation to inequality of wealth in America. Last edited by host; 10-01-2005 at 09:43 AM.. |
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#4 (permalink) | |
Pissing in the cornflakes
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#5 (permalink) | ||
Easy Rider
Location: Moscow on the Ohio
What is it that makes young men/boys want to impregnate young women/girls when they have no intention of supporting their babies? What is it that makes young women/girls want to give birth under these circumstances? |
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#6 (permalink) | |
Pissing in the cornflakes
White America does just fine. As a while male in chicago my chance of being murdered is lower than a white male in many major europan cities. Something BAD happened to black culture in the 70's which is when this war on poverty took off. Who wants to bet it has nothing to do with healthy attitudes about sex?
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#7 (permalink) | |
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Having an excuse for not going first to college, then to school in general, education plummeted. At the same time the multitude of militaristic movements (black panthers) took off, is when the statistics show unwed pregnancies and children skyrocketted. This blaming others for peoples own mistakes and bad judgements only grew to the problem it is now. Want an interesting perspective? Look up what Bill Cosbey said and how these same people (who blame the right for everything) 180'd on Bill and austricized him for goign against the "whitey's to blame" mentality that has not stopped. |
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Tags |
katrina, oped, orleansibd, victims |