Something BAD happened to black culture in the 70's which is when this war on poverty took off.
I'm not blaming the war on poverty, it had many good benefits (one being my parents got a college education). What happened, in my opinion, is people stopped blaming people for their predicament, but blaming whitey.
Having an excuse for not going first to college, then to school in general, education plummeted. At the same time the multitude of militaristic movements (black panthers) took off, is when the statistics show unwed pregnancies and children skyrocketted. This blaming others for peoples own mistakes and bad judgements only grew to the problem it is now. Want an interesting perspective? Look up what Bill Cosbey said and how these same people (who blame the right for everything) 180'd on Bill and austricized him for goign against the "whitey's to blame" mentality that has not stopped.