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#1 (permalink) |
Are the Highest Response "Politics" Thread Subjects Least Likely to Impact Any of Us?
I see this as a trend here and I am very disturbed by it, because there are plenty of other places at TFP to discuss less relevant and pressing issues than the politics of governance, war, and international relations.
I increasingly find myself reacting to thread subjects that I view as least likely to affect me or this country in a serious way, by not posting to them, so as not to add to their prominence in any way. If even the members wiho are interested enough in politics get distracted by the current "top ten" thread list, then I don't hold out much hope for the future direction of TFP Politics: Here are the "top ten" current thread titles, highest number of views, first: ------------------------------------------------------ # of Views Posts 1.)Comatose Woman's Parents Hope for Legal Help ----- 2352 ---- 269 2.)We're number 37!! We're number 37!! -------------- 1425 ----- 131 3.)Does anyone think this is a good thing? ------------- 800 ------- 115 4.)ANWR: To drill or not to drill? ----------------- 689 ------ 87 5.)An enlightening interview with Noam Chomsky 389 31 6.)Men are better than women at being cops 547 60 7.)Poll: What is your political affiliation (or do you 353 32 8.)Is there some sort of daily Right Wing Memo? 230 27 9.)Playgirl editor fired after admitting being Republican 222 18 10.)Common Ground Exp.1: Universal Healthcare 188 21 This is just a snapshot in time, but the issue as I see it is do you want this TFP Politics Forum thread list to bear a stronger resemblance to the NY Times or the NY Post, to C-Span or to the "E" Channel ? A year from now, what do you think will matter more to you and your family, whether Ms. Schiavo gets her feeding tube reinserted, or whether the falling value of the dollar and the increasing scarcity of oil cause gasoline prices to approach $3.00 per gallon ? How about whether a former Playgirl editor sues her last employer, or whether Bush attempts to spend his "political capital" in ways that you agree or disagree with ? Do you agree that you shape the direction of this forum by the thread subjects that you choose to start, view, and post on? Do you agree that the trend is towards an avoidance of threads with contentious but highly relevant and potentially personally important issues ? Bush admin. policies that could increase the likelihood of a military draft, comes to mind as an issue that receives far too little attention and discussion here, for example. Do you think that this is a timely thread and an important observation? Have we become just a mirror here of a larger, distracted populace and it's legislature, or am I over reacting ? Last edited by host; 03-22-2005 at 05:27 AM.. |
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#2 (permalink) | |
Location: Tobacco Road
I think that if we only discussed war and international relations, the forum will soon slow down and eventually "wither on the vine" (like that one
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#4 (permalink) |
The posts which recieve the most amount of replies are the ones people feel most strongly about, and hence are the least likely to change their minds on. However, it does feel good to express ones opinion on a topic that an entire nation is buzzing about at the moment.
I think I disagree with you on the importance of the Schiavo case. Right to die advocacy has been quietly simmering around the world for some time now. When mass media begins to pick up on it, (Million Dollar Baby, The Sea Inside), it's usually an indicator that it's of more importance than we may attach to it at first. I really think the outcome of the Schiavo case will affect all right to die scenarios in the US for a long time to come. To another degree I think it's somewhat natural for the political forum to regress for a while. Politics has been such a heated and violent issue that some people may be taking a break from partisan bitchery. I know if I have to ever again argue about the legitimacy of war in Iraq or the anti-merits of Bush and Kerry, I'll go mad. Politics has quit being fun in this country and turned into a really hateful game. Consequently I think a lot of people have turned away from them for the time being. I may be entirely off base here, but perhaps TFP is reflecting this fact. |
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#5 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
The bonus to those topics, is that it introduces new voices into the Political forum. Doesn't it get kinda old, making the same argument time after time, and knowing full well how 90 percent of the people are going to react to a topic when it's started? You've got people talking in politics that normally wouldn't be in this forum, but they still have opinions and their opinions are still valid.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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#6 (permalink) | |
....is off his meds...you were warned.
Location: The Wild Wild West
Host -
I would have to agree about the "trend" here. Sometimes it is very disturbing. I too wonder if they are more pertinent things to talk about regarding American and World politics than the common themes we see. Let's look at a snapshot of threads started by a particular person: Quote:
I would say that a specific theme emerges if we look at these threads; all started by the same person. It seems that this person cannot get past any discussion that isn't about the evils of Republicans, conservatives or the Bush admin. It is almost as if these are the only political issues we face today. Like I said Host, I agree with you. I would think that there are a great many topics that can be discussed, that are equally important, that don't revolve the evils of all things conservative.
Before you criticize someone, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry at you.......you're a mile away.......and they're barefoot. |
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#7 (permalink) | |
Republican slayer
Location: WA
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#8 (permalink) |
Location: Connecticut
I completely reject the premise of this post. The relevancy of the number of responses and views of each thread are self-defining, and although the subject here seems to be relevance of the topics that host laments, it's hard to argue against the numbers, which don't lie.
This is an online froum, a place for discussion of any topic that attracts us. I trust that my participation here is valid and worthwhile. I wouldn't be here otherwise. I think the premise of this particular thread is more about navel-gazing, and is therefore useless to me -- and yet I post! Isn't this freedom of expression marvelous? I think that the Scaivo case (#1 on the list) is an excellent thread of Politics. Everyone I've spoken to in the last two days has been nudged into discourse about the ethics of what's being decided, and that's great! It won't win anyone a Nobel Peace Prize or a Pulitzer, but the topic stirs a great deal of discussion about ethics and morality and legislative action. Host asks how it affects us seriously -- my attorney drafted a living will for me today, and tomorrow I sign it, notarize it, etc. My life was changed, and potentially I spared my family the grueling decision of what to do with what's left of my body someday. Relevancy is a difficult thing for one person to suppose for another person. It's condescending to complain that these threads are more or less valid to others. If host had an objective agrument to change the direction of the discussion, I'd like to hear it. All I see is a lament that the discussion isn't what s/he wants to talk about. Don't like it? Don't post.
less I say, smarter I am Last edited by meembo; 03-22-2005 at 11:58 AM.. |
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#9 (permalink) | |
the behavior of an increasingly imperialistic, increasingly secretive and unaccountable, regime that communicates it's message by means of openly propagandized rehearsed and staged "events" disseminated by politically sympathetic former news "bureaus", to an extent that is more reminiscent of Hitler's reich than of the Nixon White House, how differently would you particiapte on this political forum, than I am? You have chosen sarcasm to post your theme of objection to a list of thread titles to threads that I have started on this forum? Is that the method that you suggest that I use to communicate my concerns and to register my protest about what I see coming from Bush's government and it's supporters? I endeavor to back the premises of the threads that I start with news reporting from sources broadly recognized by what remains of the journalistic communtiy as "sources of record". I do not easily accept my own suspicions about the "Hitleresque" similarity I see in our present national government. When I attempt to second guess myself, I end up confirming my worst fears. I post what I have come to believe. Were I to use sarcasm or bitterness, or an advocacy for violent revolution be more palatable to you, KMA? I started a thread to discuss the direction that TFP Politics is headed toward. You started a thread recently themed with similar points. How did you react to those who responded by "shooting the messenger" ? Can you post your thoughts with less sarcasm and vitriol toward me? I posted about an observation that seems to have some merit, other posters have confirmed this. I welcome your "take" if you can stop being distracted by my authoring the thread. |
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#10 (permalink) | |
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
meembo- if you want to reject the premice of a post, hit the back button. While you are saying this post isn't relevent, you are also saying condescending to complain that these threads are more or less valid to others is wrong of host. Let me simplifiy that. You are rejecting host's thread and questioning his post, and for what? Beacuse host is rejecting other psots and questioning their relevancy. Mayeb you should consider the fact that you may have more in common with his beliefs that you think.
KMA, you know what host's beliefs are. Anyone who frequents Politics is aware. His beliefs bear no weight in the issue brought fourth in this thread. He is pointing out that peoples interests tend to shift towards the entertaining more than the persoanlly relevant. It's a valid suggestion that deserves honest responses. Just fyi, host is a lot like me. The main differences I can see are 1. he is much better at finding sources, 2. he has been into politics longer, and therefore is more likely to see the 'big pictures' of politics, and 3. he is a little angrier (is that a word?). Aside from that almost all of our beliefs coincide. We both recognise very disturbing trends in politics and the midns of those effected by politics. We both recognise that certian finalities are upon us, but no one is willing to admit the elephant in the room. That is what this post is about. Host is trying desperatly to help people to figure this out for themselves. Don't condem him for that. You can disagree with him, of course. Let's show him the respect he deserves. That being said... YES! There is a trend in people not only of America but in many places around the world to tend to avoid the most rpessing realities, because they are unplesant, and pay attention to the entertaining; that which cannot effect us personally. This trend was brought on by mediasim (*coined term), or the movement towards being drones that are influenced, if not controled, by the various forms of media. What does this mean? You watch CNN's report on the Michael Jackson trial religiously, but you don't know abut the Bush administration blacking out almost all the information in hundreds of documents before releasing them to a conservative organization looking into President Clinton's controversial pardons four years ago on his last day in office. The scarey part: the news report I just read about this came from FOX NEWS. It's not the media is trying to control us by not showing us what's really going on. The truth finds it's way to all he media outlets. What's bad is that people are more likely to want to know what the little boy said about molestation from someone who was famous 20 years ago, as opposed to something RELEVANT. I'll just post that article about the cover up below in case anyone wants to read it. Quote:
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#11 (permalink) | |
Location: Connecticut
The premise of the post seems to be that most of the participation here (again, defined by host as the number of views and posts) is somehow not relevant enough to another person's liking, and that's what I reject. His opinion is directly contadicted by the evidence he provided in his own post. My reaction is that every thread in the top ten list that host posted in genuinely political, and condemning the posts as irrevelant is silly and illogical. For the crowd that gathers here in this forum, the threads are apparently very relevant, and the numbers bear that out. KMA pointed out clearly that host provides a great deal of other information and opinion to chew on, and I applaud that. Host points out host's relevant topics, and others do the same. Finally, hosts asked at the end of his post whether or not we agree with what s/he proposed. I answered his question, that I think the question itself is flawed.
less I say, smarter I am |
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#12 (permalink) | |
....is off his meds...you were warned.
Location: The Wild Wild West
I was pointing out that, while criticizing other's choices for thread topics, he has one clear agenda that he is trying to push--Bush/conservative bashing (which he has every right to do). And now that Bush/conservative bashing is decreasing and people are moving onto other topics, he seems upset about it, as if the other things we choose to discuss are irrelevant. There are multitudes of topics we can discuss, all are relevant to some degree, and they represent what individuals here want to discuss. If nobody wants to discuss the topic, then it goes away. If people want to discuss it, it stays current. I felt that his post was arrogant, judgmental and self-righteous and I was trying to point that out. He asked for our opinions at the end of his post and I was giving him mine, in my own way. BTW, Will - I heard the Clinton document thing a few days ago and was fairly impressed by it. This is not the first time that Bush has gone out of his way to protect Clinton and I admire him for that. I would guess that it is one of the reasons why Clinton isn't overly critical of Bush....I think Clinton feels like he owes him a bit. Plus, it shows that Bush can, at times, put himself above the political games often played. He could've handed over a lot of info that would've made Clinton look bad--but he didn't--and nobody would've criticized Bush if he had. You'll notice that Bush often publically speaks very highly of Clinton and has always treated him with more respect than most conservatives would be willing to give Clinton. I think a lot of good things about Bush are often overlooked, just as many of the good things about Clinton were/are overlooked by Republicans.
Before you criticize someone, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry at you.......you're a mile away.......and they're barefoot. |
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#13 (permalink) | |||||
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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#14 (permalink) |
Location: Ontario, Canada
I Think its kinda weird that the three of you (KMA-628, meembo, and will) all are trying to accomplish the same goal (I Take to be, Some more relevant threads) and are creating your own political debate over...it seems nothing...
kind of ironic? |
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#15 (permalink) | |
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
![]() ![]() That's the joy of politics. I consider KMA, Meembo, Host as friends of mine on this board. I regularly agree and argue with them over all sorts of crap. I'm not turning on KMA or Meembo or anything, I'm just disagreeing. After this post is gone, I'll still respect them, and I suspect they'll still respect me (at elast as much as they did beforehand). The irony is arguing over nothing in an argument about why people keep arguing and conversing over nothing. |
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#16 (permalink) |
Location: Ontario, Canada
Yea, i thought it was kind of funny, I read the first post, so I'm like ok, then I kept reading, and.. yea.. ended up there.... but the real funny part, is how in depth you guys went into eachother on NOTHING.. sorry still chuckling here
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Tags |
highest, impact, politics, response, subjects, thread |