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Old 11-07-2004, 03:36 PM   #41 (permalink)
Observant Ruminant
Location: Rich Wannabe Hippie Town
Originally Posted by Konichiwaneko
Lol I know you are being facitious but I'll comment on this.

For people who think that the Metroplii is where all the money is, please be aware that yes a larger concentration of wealth is from there, but the raw resources used to accumulate that wealth, the actual tangibles are from the scarcely populated area. The business owners, and the workers share a mutual relationship when it comes to that. Most jobs inside the city are "Decadence jobs" those that aren't required if lets say, a nuclear strike occurred. So respect your farmers, and rural folks, they are the foundation to our society.
Out here on the west coast, we have the best of both worlds: high tech, a fair amount of industry, _and_ lots of agriculture. A West Coast Republic, with probably Nevada coming along for the ride, would be quite viable.

Now, would/should secession happen, especially of wealthier area like the West Coast. I think only under extreme conditions:

1) Conditions in general throughout the US would have to be very, very bad -- economically, socially, etc.

2) There'd have to be the strong perception in the area seceding that they were being exploited or persecuted by the rest of the country, or were doing poorly along with the rest of the country for reasons or decisions that they never agreed to. They'd have to feel that they'd been wronged, were being exploited, and would be better off on their own.

Frankly, the U.S. would have to be near collapse for the positives to outweigh the negatives on a decision like this, so short of that situation I don't think it'd actually happen.

However, there is an intermediate position: the state does not secede, but cooperation with the federal government is diminished. The feds come in to, say, raid pot farms or rogue communities of revolutionaries or people operating abortion clinics (under a new anti-abortion Supreme Court), and the state and local government refuse to back them up. In that case, the state might still be part of the US, but with diminished allegiance to the federal government.

It's happened in my area. Last year the feds came in to raid a medical marijuana plantation (basically tolerated by state and local government) in my very liberal county. They were met with a barricade manned by sick people in wheelchairs. They called the sherrif for backup. When the sherrif came out and saw what was going on, he had some choice words for the federal agents.

About two months ago, federal marshals raided an illegal radio station here in town. They came to the house to carry off the equipment; most of the people involved are just college-town anarchists. Anyway, the marshalls called for backup, and the cops didn't come this time. They said they were busy. The feds got their stuff, but tires were slashed on five of their cars. They had to be towed away.

This kind of diminished cooperation with the feds could be the rule of the day in a state that decides to stop cooperating with the feds. The feds come by and say, we think there are a bunch of revolutionaries meeting up in the mountains evading their taxes and committing abortions, back us up, and the locals say, you're on your own boys, we're busy with the policemen's ball. The power of the feds would be weakened greatly.

Last edited by Rodney; 11-07-2004 at 04:38 PM..
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Old 11-07-2004, 04:42 PM   #42 (permalink)
No, actually, they're not. Most of the GDP doesn't come from agriculture any more (the link claims a mere 2%).
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Old 11-07-2004, 05:32 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adam
No, actually, they're not. Most of the GDP doesn't come from agriculture any more (the link claims a mere 2%).
but do most of our products begin on a basis of farm items are raw resources? Which tend to be located in rural areas.

Many buildings, large structures built in cities, I can go to podunk places in Alambama that turn steel, concrete and stone and they would be the places that build the foundation of that building.

Seccession of cities would be fun because yes lots of money would be there, but there would be a stunning lack of resources. It would be almost like Japan.
Hesitate. Pull me in.
Breath on breath. Skin on skin.
Loving deep. Falling fast.
All right here. Let this last.
Here with our lips locked tight.
Baby the time is right for us...
to forget about us.
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Old 11-07-2004, 05:59 PM   #44 (permalink)
Minion of the scaléd ones
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Originally Posted by Konichiwaneko
...clinton didnt eventop 50% guys

Historically a 5 point difference is a definite win in the Presidential Election. What's with the 51% rhetoric...No president has gotten above that in 20 years.
Yup, and Clinton governed from the center. Best Republican president since Lincoln. Bush just scored a skootch over half the folks who voted, and sure talks like he won in a landslide. He needs to be disabused of that notion.
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Old 11-07-2004, 06:34 PM   #45 (permalink)
Observant Ruminant
Location: Rich Wannabe Hippie Town
Originally Posted by Konichiwaneko
but do most of our products begin on a basis of farm items are raw resources? Which tend to be located in rural areas.

Many buildings, large structures built in cities, I can go to podunk places in Alambama that turn steel, concrete and stone and they would be the places that build the foundation of that building.

Seccession of cities would be fun because yes lots of money would be there, but there would be a stunning lack of resources. It would be almost like Japan.
Not sure this is true. Through history, most cities have been built with resources from nearby: local stone, local cement, local brick and so on. In today's economy of mass distribution, the Alabama concrete might be cheaper at some city than the local product. But if the Albama 'crete wasn't available, they could produce it locally. I live in a urban/rural county just south of the SF Bay, and we produced and still produce vast amounts of cement, gravel, limestone, and so on for the metro area. The old Italian city-states of yore controlled quite large territories around the city proper, for food and resources. These areas were as dependent on the city, for trade and commerce, as the city was for their resources.

As for steel: from scrap, in the short run. And a constellation of city-states could trade among themselves. In my hypothetical West Coast Republic, on the other hand, there are enough active and mothballed-but-intact mills to get by.
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Old 11-07-2004, 06:41 PM   #46 (permalink)
Originally Posted by guy44

And secession nowadays is a silly idea. What SHOULD have happened is Lincoln could have told the South that they could seceed as long as they let blacks and Native Americans leave first. Then the U.S. could have developed without the money drain of the South...yeah, thats the ticket. I am being mildly facetious, of course. Mildly.
In spite of your caveat that you're being facetious, I'm motivated to post a couple of things.

First of all, the cause of the war wasn't slavery. The cause was the increasing economic clout of the South.

The North was perfectly happy to sell slaves to the South. Northerners, after all, were the owners of the slave boats. However, a point was reached at which the south didn't need to buy any more slaves, because their slaves were having children.

Furthermore, a growing Southern economy resulted in Europe beginning to divert its shipping to Southern ports. It was this increasing economic hit that caused the North to instigate war.

For those who will try to say that the North undertook the war for humanitarian reasons, I offer the following:

Non-resident blacks were forbidden to attend public schools in Connecticut because "... it would tend to the great increase of the colored people of the state."

William Lloyd Garrison, as cited in Virginia's Attitude Toward Slavery and Succession

New Jersey prohibited free blacks from settling in the state.

Massachusetts passed a law that allowed the flogging of blacks who came into the state and remained for longer than two months.

Indiana's constitution stated that "...no negro or mulatto shall come into or settle in the state..."

Illinois in 1853 enacted a law "...to prevent the immigration of free negroes into this state."

Oregon's 1857 constitution provided that "...No free negro or mulatto, not residing in this state at the time of adoption [of the constitution of the state of Oregon] ... shall come,reside, or be within this state..."

Beverly B. Munford, Virginia's Attitude Toward Slavery and Succession

"But why should emancipation South send free people North? ... And in any event cannot the North decide for itself whether to receive them?"

Abraham Lincoln, in a message to Congress, December, 1862

State /Year Blacks Barred from Voting
New Jersey 1807
Connecticut 1814
Rhode Island 1822
Pennsylvania 1838

Edgar J. McManus, Black Bondage in the North
It should be difficult to convince anyone that with laws like these on the books, Union soldiers were willing to fight and die for the freedom of blacks who were not allowed to reside in Northern states. However, there's a ton of revisionist history out there.

Even the Emancipation Proclamation only freed Southern slaves, NOT Northern ones. It even exempted from freedom those slaves in the areas of the South that were under Northern control. Read it if you don't believe me.

Looks like not much has changed--we still argue about the true reasons for going to war.
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Old 11-07-2004, 06:45 PM   #47 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Tophat665
Yup, and Clinton governed from the center. Best Republican president since Lincoln.
So you wouldn't have a problem if Bush waged war by stealing food from women and children, and then burned their houses? Oh, he instructed his general to burn the fields too, so they'd starve.

Nice guy, that Lincoln.
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Old 11-07-2004, 06:52 PM   #48 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Rodney

It's happened in my area. Last year the feds came in to raid a medical marijuana plantation (basically tolerated by state and local government) in my very liberal county. They were met with a barricade manned by sick people in wheelchairs. They called the sherrif for backup. When the sherrif came out and saw what was going on, he had some choice words for the federal agents.

About two months ago, federal marshals raided an illegal radio station here in town. They came to the house to carry off the equipment; most of the people involved are just college-town anarchists. Anyway, the marshalls called for backup, and the cops didn't come this time. They said they were busy. The feds got their stuff, but tires were slashed on five of their cars. They had to be towed away.

This kind of diminished cooperation with the feds could be the rule of the day in a state that decides to stop cooperating with the feds. The feds come by and say, we think there are a bunch of revolutionaries meeting up in the mountains evading their taxes and committing abortions, back us up, and the locals say, you're on your own boys, we're busy with the policemen's ball. The power of the feds would be weakened greatly.
Now that's funny!

On a more serious note, I'm still amazed that there is not more indignation about Waco. Military weapons were used against US civilians, the Feds were proved to have lied, and around 90 people, including children, were killed.

Nobody even seems to care about any of that. All you ever hear about these days is the Patriot Act, a minor nuisance by comparison.

I guess since Clinton was so much more charismatic than Bush, he'll just get a free ride on that one.
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Old 11-07-2004, 07:53 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by fuzyfuzer
for secesion to work the seceding states would have to work together, that would never happen. we wouldn't have to fight an actual war to bring them back. we hold enough power that the US would ban imports from california and we would use our muscle to force our allies into doing the same. slowely we would starve them to death and we would come out victorious. don't get me wrong i would love to see secesion. i would be the first in line to try and make a country the way i would want it to be. without so many people with different views great things could happen in my eyes. the pure ecenomic powerhouse i would build would be unrivaled. i guess i am one of the people that everyone really needs to be affraid of.
I really don't think that that would happen today.

Money trumps boarders every time.

Business is one thing, politics is another.

Hell, there were lots of American companies who continued to do business with nazi Germany into 1943.
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Old 11-07-2004, 08:27 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Secession isn't going to happen. Revolution isn't going to happen. Civil war isn't giong to happen. It won't bother me much at all if any of them do, though.
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Old 11-07-2004, 10:25 PM   #51 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Living in a blue state that is mostly red (Illinois) the only part they get is Chicago, East St. Louis, and the Quad cities.

Heh the whole concept is stupid whining but its fun to see.
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Old 11-07-2004, 10:33 PM   #52 (permalink)
Bodyhammer86's Avatar
Location: Mattoon, Il
Hey Ustwo, I heard in my criminal justice class after election day that just about every county south of Cook county(Chicago) voted for Bush but since Chicago makes up over 55% percent of our state's population and is primarily democratic, Kerry won Illinois. Sad, isn't it?
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Old 11-07-2004, 10:45 PM   #53 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Originally Posted by Bodyhammer86
Hey Ustwo, I heard in my criminal justice class after election day that just about every county south of Cook county(Chicago) voted for Bush but since Chicago makes up over 55% percent of our state's population and is primarily democratic, Kerry won Illinois. Sad, isn't it?
Well there is East St. Louis, which is at its very best, a shit hole.

And there was one blue area south of cook, it might have been Campaign.

That was it though.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

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Old 11-07-2004, 10:49 PM   #54 (permalink)
By state:

By state, population weighted:

By county:

By country, population weighted:

By county, percentage:

By county, percentage, population weighted:

Details here: http://www.cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/election/
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Old 11-07-2004, 10:52 PM   #55 (permalink)
Also of note -

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Old 11-07-2004, 11:20 PM   #56 (permalink)
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OK, Ustwo and Bodyhammer86, Chicago is freakin awesome! Yeah. I mean, what else you got downstate? That nasty-ass sandwich with the fries and cholesterol in Springfield? Peoria? Please.

The only sad thing about Illinois is that, outside of Chicago, its suburbs, and a few select cities, its mostly boring, awful, corn-ridden fields of nothingness. Thank God for Chicago.

And nobody here is arguing that the sole cause of the Civil War was slavery, nor that the north wasn't racist, nor that Lincoln didn't express racist and pro-slavery views during his life (he did). But please, don't give me this war of northern aggression bullshit. The Civil War was fought over INCREASING southern economic ability? Bwahahahahaha. Yeah, OK, and there were WMDs in Iraq.

And I suppose reconstruction was ruined by those darn black legislators, too, huh?
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Old 11-08-2004, 02:12 PM   #57 (permalink)
Secession is an impossible, ridiculous notion....but damn, that map of the USC sure looks attractive.......
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Old 11-08-2004, 03:21 PM   #58 (permalink)
is awesome!
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Originally Posted by Konichiwaneko
it's what you get when people scramble to the inner cities to gamble for a chance of a dream job, only to find a majority of them will have minimum wage or unemployment. This results in a flux of people seeking government help more and more, which the democrats are more likely to endorse.

I like helping people, but a majority of those programs breed dependency and thus leading to more and more social programs, which ultimately cripple the future of or society and people. I believe that's what leads to the majority democratic vote.
What about farm subsidy? Or corporate welfare? Let's cut those first. You must have missed the giver-taker map above. Ever wonder why a gallon of milk costs twice as much as a gallon of gasoline?
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Old 11-08-2004, 03:25 PM   #59 (permalink)
is awesome!
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Whoa Manx! those maps are trippy! Can anyone explain to me the band of Kerry voters along the southern Mississippi? Is that Clinton country or something?
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Old 11-08-2004, 03:28 PM   #60 (permalink)
Personally, after the election, my first thought was to secede. (I live in LA). We are just going to take Arnold with us and to hell with the rest of the country. It's not going to happen. Its a ridiculous notion. but i wouldnt mind seeing it.

There's a quote about bushie-

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