OK, Ustwo and Bodyhammer86, Chicago is freakin awesome! Yeah. I mean, what else you got downstate? That nasty-ass sandwich with the fries and cholesterol in Springfield? Peoria? Please.
The only sad thing about Illinois is that, outside of Chicago, its suburbs, and a few select cities, its mostly boring, awful, corn-ridden fields of nothingness. Thank God for Chicago.
And nobody here is arguing that the sole cause of the Civil War was slavery, nor that the north wasn't racist, nor that Lincoln didn't express racist and pro-slavery views during his life (he did). But please, don't give me this war of northern aggression bullshit. The Civil War was fought over INCREASING southern economic ability? Bwahahahahaha. Yeah, OK, and there were WMDs in Iraq.
And I suppose reconstruction was ruined by those darn black legislators, too, huh?
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