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#241 (permalink) |
Her Jay
Location: Ontario for now....
Thanks for posting your friends account of what happened dlish, it was a very good read, and glad to see he got out safe, too bad he couldn't bring out his personal effects with him, it seems like he had a lot of film of the incident that possibly could have shed some light on this, but as you said Israel isn't going to let any incriminating evidence get out after a clusterfuck such as this.
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#242 (permalink) | ||
Location: Ventura County
In 1930 Gandhi embarked on his infamous Salt March, protesting the British salt tax and in general British rule over India. His objectives were clearly communicated in advance and he openly did not allow females to participate because he expected violent response to a non-violent act. This started a series of non-violent actions that lead to India gaining their freedom from Britain. There was no B.S. in what he did, what he expected, and how he went about it, and it was not about salt. There was honor. In the matter of the blockade being run, I see subterfuge, misdirection, and attempts to manipulate public opinion using innocent people. And, I am not clear on if you don't see some of the problems, you perpetuate the deception, or if you just want to pretend some of the problems with what and how things happened are not real.
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch." "It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion." "If you live among wolves you have to act like one." "A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers." |
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#243 (permalink) |
Location: My House
Ace, sure, I would image that some of the passengers were there for a myriad of reason, personal, humanitarian, journalistic, political, etc.. but the mercenaries, the terrorist linked individuals, these are the ones I have issue with, the persons who would not just invoke violence but who thrive off of violence and fear as a means to an end. You may want to read my posts, I am all about the necessity of the IDF to defend themselves and that this was a plan orchestrated by self-indulgent anti-Zionistic, anti-Hebraic, anti-infidel individuals to bring about bad press for Israel and to devalue the importance of the embargo. I don't think that ALL 700 of the original passengers were aware of the fully violent plans and intentions of many of these unsavory characters, but I am a mother in a free country who would never subject my children to violence in the name of a cause so it is hard for me to grasp that women brought their children on board with the knowledge of what was coming, whereas many in the jihad culture will consider this a just maneuver in jihad, martyrdom is a very, very powerful weapon.
I am pretty sure if you read my posts you can figure out my view of this incident. We are still not done with the realty behind this incident either, espionage is a cyclic action that in exposing one angle you will in turn expose your assets if you move to quickly, so patience and distant and time are inherently one of the coverts most valuable tools. These deaths happened for attention, and attention is exactly what hamas is getting (just not the kind they wanted as they wanted negative press for IDF and Israel and positive press for Palestinians), however, more intelligent people are beginning to recognize the depths terrorists will go to feed their own warped appetite for death and destruction in the singular oppressive cause they seek to justify, not merely the surface cause of a few who simply wished to bring attention to the plight of the citizens of Gaza. 50 men with approximately $10,000.00 each would be pretty close to $500,000.00, at about $5,000 each, this kind of money could have bought the lives of 100 hungry people hoping to help their families, and the deaths of many innocents that these hungry, pigeonholed, and tyrannized suicide bombers could have blown up in their attempts at martyrdom, or simply a way out of hamas’ tyranny. Obviously this is all in my humble opinion, and many will say I seek out only the information that fulfills my views, and that that information is found only within the realms of pro-Israel and pro blah, blah, blah, or whatever it is that I am attempting to prove or my goal, but the reality is, I have no goals, I attempt to prove nothing. I am merely witnessing what is before me and stating my points of perception regarding these actions based on my own education in the realms of terrorism and what is unfolding in the ME. I have no stake in this conversation, it is not even a debate to me as I simply see this as black and white and it is blatantly apparent to me, terrorism and terrorist linked humans are tyrannical regime cohorts and that theses tyrannical regimes can, will and do persist in continuing and spreading, if permitted, the use of anybody and everybody within their ability to achieve their singular goals in the continuations of said self vindicating, tyrannous views of fear, hate and genocide, it really is that simple to me. Terrorism: The killing of non-combatants, with the specific intent of spreading or perpetuating ones own political, religious or ideological agenda by instilling fear of death in those who would normally, without coercion, reject the views of the movements leaders. Non-combatant being the key term here.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes. ![]() |
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#244 (permalink) | ||
Her Jay
Location: Ontario for now....
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#245 (permalink) |
In the interest of contributing a few data points, the Times has some (I think) new photos from inside the ship during the attack. They show some commandos injured at the hands of the passengers. Of course, the pictures don't really give you context - who instigated the violence, for example.
Photographs of Battered Israeli Commandos Show New Side of Raid - The Lede Blog - NYTimes.com I don't know how to elaborate very much on the position I stated earlier. I think that the only truly salient structural fact here is the nature of the blockade itself and its disastrous humanitarian impact on Gazans. Everything else surrounding this event is largely an exercise in PR. |
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#246 (permalink) |
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
Super Moderator
Location: Australia/UAE
hiredgun, if you read the 3 part story that my reporter friend made a few days ago, you'll see that he reported the bashing of the israeli soldier.
idyllic - i take it you havent heard of the 'children overboard scandal'? you know..the story where the australian government used the sinking ship as a motive to politicise the presense of children on a boat. the only difference was that it was in australian waters governments could never lie.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay? - Filthy |
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#247 (permalink) | ||
Location: My House
Non-violent protest, would it have drawn the deaths, would it have drawn the attention? It is easy to find the realities of this incident if you look beyond the surface rhetoric of media outlets that have numbers of viewers to gain, pointing out that these terrorism linked individuals mentality resides within the pro-violence sect of Islamic extremism is easy if you open your eyes to jihad mentalities, these are not your everyday peace loving activist trying to change the world for the better of humanity, these extremists thrive on terror and death as do hamas, al qaeda, hezbollah, the taliban, etc. These extreme terrorism regimes and their ideologies are what I am talking about.... these criminals are against personal freedoms and they deeply oppose a quilted religious world that can and does create humanities peaceful coexistence. These tyrannical regimes leaders and followers will use any means, any peoples, any reason to kill in the name of their self glorification and extreme ideologies. This is the reality of extremism in Islamic fundamental religious sects. eventually I will learn how to embed pictures....... maybe, so if you wish to see the actual pictures you will need to go tho the sources listed, sorry. I am waiting for my husband to teach me, it may be a while. Quote:
But of course this is FOX, so whether Reuters admits to cropping or not, just because FOX released it, it must be wrong, right? Truths can be ascertained in common sense and history of conflict also, this conflict and the ME connections with Islamic extremism needs to be taken into account when trying to understand the realities of this incident. This is not the first time ships have sailed for Gaza under intentions of humanitarianism and have been stopped exposing tons of heavy weapons on-board (I am not referencing the Mavi Marmara.....). If you wish to see another different cropped image, visit here: Little Green Footballs - Another Cropped Reuters Photo Deletes Another Knife - And a Pool of Blood It seems to me perspective is less in the eye of the beholder and more in the eyes of the seller, it just depends on what side you wish to purchase your brand of truth from. As I have said before, I read it all, and make my decisions based on my own perceptions of history and the stories of both sides, mixed in with what I consider to be common sense and from that, I still will never say I am 100% right, but I am still 100% hungry for understanding WHY, WHY the fuck humankind has to treat each other this way, it baffles me. But then extremism within religious ideologies in this day in age baffles me too, however, I was given the opportunity for a free education from the time of my birth, something many humans are not blessed with in this world today, especially many middle easterners. Where I feel education is the answer to humanities cohesiveness, I believe many Muslims view education (outside of the Koran) as the end to their perceived way of life, especially the basic education of ALL Muslim women, though this is just my opinion.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes. ![]() |
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#248 (permalink) | |
Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
dippin was making this point earlier, but it's worth repeating in the blizzard of idf infotainment coupled now with arbitrary materials that defines non-violence every which way the sole point of which is to somehow "demonstrate" that the idf's version of reality is reality much in the way that a nike commercial's version of reality is reality. you know, that acquiring an active lifestyle is a matter of shoe purchases.
anyway, israel has broadened the list of materials allowed into gaza to include things like jam and halwa. here's a new article that goes through the stuff that dippin posted earlier about what the israelis, those champions of human rights, are letting into gaza: Quote:
on conditions in gaza brought to you by those champions of human dignity on the israeli right: Damning Report: Gaza Humanitarian Crisis Worst in 40 Years - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International Gaza's markets of unaffordable goods conceal reality of people under siege | World news | guardian.co.uk BBC News - Guide: Gaza under blockade but hey, the important thing is to be able to quibble about whether the flotilla of unarmed people that were attacked on the open ocean by the idf using live fucking ammunition fall under a shifting and disengenously constructed definition of non-violence.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear it make you sick. -kamau brathwaite |
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#249 (permalink) | ||||
Her Jay
Location: Ontario for now....
I mean here's a post of yours from page 1, and you've just been looking for sources to make it so for the rest of the thread, say you have an open mind all you like, but your posts say otherwise. Quote:
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/62000 Last edited by silent_jay; 06-09-2010 at 12:16 PM.. |
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#250 (permalink) | ||
warrior bodhisattva
Super Moderator
Location: East-central Canada
More on the investigation here.
Some are taking the position that the proposed investigation is flawed. It looks like they won't be permitted to interrogate the soldiers involved in the incident, for example, and that the primary focus will be on the lead-up top-down decisions and tactics—factors/conditions that occurred before things turned bad. Quote:
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing? —Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön Humankind cannot bear very much reality. —From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot Last edited by Baraka_Guru; 06-09-2010 at 12:57 PM.. |
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#251 (permalink) |
Location: Houston, Texas
Reuters under fire for removing weapons, blood from images of Gaza flotilla - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Article explaining how Reuters cropped a knife out of an activists hand. That site probably takes Israel's side more often than not, but this same story is on many other news sites. The pictures prove that there were weapons aboard the ship.
Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.
Give me convenience or give me death! Last edited by Pearl Trade; 06-09-2010 at 02:13 PM.. |
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#252 (permalink) |
Crazy, indeed
Location: the ether
I would be very surprised if a boat that size didn't have knives on board. To act as if that changes anything or makes the use of live ammunition from attack helicopters somehow a symmetrical response is worse than anything reuters has done.
And as far as editing goes, we still don't have a full release of the videos and photos confiscated. |
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#253 (permalink) |
Her Jay
Location: Ontario for now....
No it doesn't, it shows there was a knife on the ship, and probably more than one knife on it, don't know many ships that go out to sea and don't have knives on board, they're quite helpful for many different things, to say it proves there were 'weapons' on the ship is false and quite the stretch of the imagination.
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#254 (permalink) |
Location: Houston, Texas
By weapons I meant knives. My fault for not clarifying. I didn't want "weapons" to mean "guns", though I believe the activists did have guns.
I'm not debating any attack coming from the choppers, to be honest I don't really know much about that. Would you like to give me the post number that explains that part of this story, dippin? A large part of the debate was whether the activists had attacked the Israeli's first, right? Isn't it possible that the activists attacked the Israeli's with knives, provoking the commandos to use deadly force in self defense?
Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.
Give me convenience or give me death! |
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#255 (permalink) | |
Her Jay
Location: Ontario for now....
As for the second part, it appears the Israeli's were firing from helicopters at the activists, check out dlish's 3 part post of his reporter friends account of what happened, it's from someone who was actually on the ship and was quite an informative read. |
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#256 (permalink) | |
Crazy, indeed
Location: the ether
Trying to board a ship in international waters IS an attack, so by definition the Israelis attacked first. |
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#257 (permalink) | |
Location: Houston, Texas
While dlish's report was compelling and a very interesting read, I think any and every story should be taken with a grain of salt. CNN, FOX, BBC, they're all biased in some way. Israel is trying to justify what they did, so they're going to spin it to make themselves look good. The activists are trying to make Israel look like shit, so they're going to say anything they want and hope it sticks. I think Israel had the right idea, they just went about it wrong. Slightly wrong, at the least. Both sides could have done more right. Based on what I've read, and along with my prior beliefs and values, Israel has my support. Like I said, everyone could have done something better, but Israel had the right idea; something went wrong along the way. I have a fairly open mind, but I can't see my opinion changing unless someone comes out with hard evidence. I bet a lot of people here share that reasoning.
Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.
Give me convenience or give me death! |
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#258 (permalink) | |
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
Super Moderator
Location: Australia/UAE
but to rephrase what you're saying is that "ALL" muslims believe that the education of women is a thread to their society. you dont know many muslims by the looks of it do you. if you're thinking of women in afghanistan...then thats ridiculous. 99.9999% of muslim women dont live under taliban rule. sure there are social pressures at play here, as there are political, theological and economic ones for the lack of education in 'muslim' countries, but thats for another thgread. but to say that muslims believe that all women shouldnt be educated is absurd. she-lish is a testament to that. extremism isnt limited to religious ideology.... extremist idiocy is just as dangerous
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay? - Filthy Last edited by dlish; 06-10-2010 at 01:29 AM.. Reason: spelling |
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#260 (permalink) | |
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
Super Moderator
Location: Australia/UAE
what they dont have a right to do is attack a ship in international waters that posed no immediate threat. with that reasoning, al qaeda though that the USS Cole was fair game as it was in yemeni waters and posed a threat, but it doesnt mean that the USS Cole should have been bombed. pearl trade - i agree. even journalists cant be objective, and im sure of an arab slant to the story. at least it gives a different perspective to the IDF's/idyllics version that seems to paint everyone as terrorists onboard the flotilla. there truth lies somewhere herein.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay? - Filthy |
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#261 (permalink) |
Location: Detroit, MI
So you don't think that Israel has a right to inspect ships carrying weapons to Hamas...or you don't think that the ships are carrying weapons to Hamas...or you think they should be carrying weapons to Hamas?? If they are smuggling weapons to Hamas does it really matter if the ships were 1, 3, 5 or 100 miles outside Israel's territorial waters when the intention (from an Israeli perspective) is to deliver weapons specifically intended to harm Israelis??
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#262 (permalink) |
Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
but they weren't bringing weapons to hamas and everyone including the israelis knew that they weren't. so what's your point?
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear it make you sick. -kamau brathwaite |
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#263 (permalink) |
Location: Detroit, MI
If you are going to maintain a blockade to keep weapons out of the hands of Hamas I think it stands to reason you are going to want to inspect each and every large ship capable of carrying such that is headed into Gaza. Why else do you think they bother to inspect the ships at all?
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#264 (permalink) |
Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
that's not what the blockade is primarily about, powerclown. look at the information posted earlier about what's excluded by it. the argument that it's about weapons is ludicrous. it's not not about weapons, just as until yesterday is was also not not about halwa and fruit jelly (which were also prohibited).
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear it make you sick. -kamau brathwaite |
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#265 (permalink) |
warrior bodhisattva
Super Moderator
Location: East-central Canada
Well, we wouldn't want Hamas to get a hold of kitchen knives and slingshots, would we?!
Those marbles aren't toys; they're munitions.
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing? —Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön Humankind cannot bear very much reality. —From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot |
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#266 (permalink) | |
Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
you wouldn't think this necessary to say.
for the record, i think the mistake here was in not allowing the ships to do their off-load and leave as if the publicity from that was too dangerous for israel to bear because, presumably, it would get information out into the international press about actual conditions in gaza. which aren't great. like at all. at. all. so the mistake was strategic and followed from the logic of conservative politics in israel which relies way way too much on the phantom of "terrorism" to legitimate its various forms of colonialism. and from specific people inside netanyahu's cabinet who are nameless of course. once the idf was dispatched with real weapons and live ammunition and was seemingly instructed to forcibly board the ships, it was not surprising that something bad happened, really. i mean, there are weapons and real ammunition and aggression and panic all happening in a confined space. seems to me that the attempt to act as though all that matters is the dynamics that unfolded on the boats is pretty disengenuous. not as disengenuous as the attempts to paint everyone on the boats as some sort of "terrorist" operative. but still, all very idf disinformation, don't you think?
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear it make you sick. -kamau brathwaite |
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#267 (permalink) |
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
Super Moderator
Location: Australia/UAE
bet you dont know what halwa is...
it's better known as 'halawa' in lebanon, jordan, palestine and syria AL AMEERA FOOD INDUSTRIES ![]() ---------- Post added at 02:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 AM ---------- powerclown, no i dont think they had the right to board without reasonable cause to believe that they were carrying guns. thats because israel knows they werent carrying guns to hamas. even then, they could have waited till they came into israeli waters. there was no immediate danger to any israeli citizens. in fact israeli put its own soldiers at risk with their cowboy attitude that could have easily gotten their guys killed.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay? - Filthy |
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#268 (permalink) |
warrior bodhisattva
Super Moderator
Location: East-central Canada
Wow, why would Israel bar something so delicious?
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing? —Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön Humankind cannot bear very much reality. —From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot |
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#269 (permalink) |
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
Super Moderator
Location: Australia/UAE
probably so that israel can sell it to them instead i presume..or maybe they'll use the pestachia nuts as slingshot pellets.. who knows
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay? - Filthy |
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#270 (permalink) |
warrior bodhisattva
Super Moderator
Location: East-central Canada
Maybe they thought it can be used as a coagulant for homemade bomb materials or something.
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing? —Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön Humankind cannot bear very much reality. —From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot |
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#271 (permalink) |
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
Super Moderator
Location: Australia/UAE
its made of sesame seed mainly..maybe its oil would be refined to be used for hamas jeeps
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay? - Filthy |
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#272 (permalink) |
warrior bodhisattva
Super Moderator
Location: East-central Canada
It also has trace amounts of copper. They could smelt it and then Gaza would hit the Copper Age.
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing? —Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön Humankind cannot bear very much reality. —From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot |
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#273 (permalink) |
Location: Detroit, MI
Yeah, maybe they were more concerned with policing nautical speed limits and the potential harm done colliding with dolphins, sea turtles or flying fish or maybe even other ships fumbling to deliver god knows what into Gaza probably just more gummy bears and tampons. You don't want to acknowledge the smuggling of weapons into Gaza because then your whole story would fall apart.
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#274 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
It's pretty much impossible to have a rational conversation about things when both sides are simulateously right and wrong.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin "There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush "We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo |
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#275 (permalink) |
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
Super Moderator
Location: Australia/UAE
i dont think anyone in this thread has denied that there are attempts to smuggle guns into gaza..it just so happens that those guns were not on that boat. had they been, israel would have flaunted it to the worlds media by now.
i think you dont want to acknowledge that there were no weapons or terrorists, otherwise your story would likewise fall apart. keep the accusations going. thats the best way to sell it to fox and the rest of the world.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay? - Filthy |
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#276 (permalink) |
warrior bodhisattva
Super Moderator
Location: East-central Canada
Well, there's the rub, isn't it? It's difficult to sort these things out when the one holding the bag and all the marbles is the IDF.
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing? —Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön Humankind cannot bear very much reality. —From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot |
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#277 (permalink) | |
Location: Detroit, MI
Jazz I think you are right.
I'll do this one last thing, and let it go: Quote:
With the Israelis it seems pretty simple: Just stop bombing us please. |
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#278 (permalink) | |
Crazy, indeed
Location: the ether
As for the second part, the Palestinian authority and the West Bank have been "rewarded" for ceasing attacks and being the most willing to negotiate by the fastest expansion in settlements in recent history. |
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#279 (permalink) | ||
1) Historically, it has been acceptable for countries to enforce blockades outside of their own territorial waters. (The distinction, of course, is that this blockade is not widely recognized as legitimate - but the precise location of the incident is not really the issue.) Interception of goods en route is routine in a blockade. 2) Consider the counterfactual - if precisely the same incident had taken place a few miles east, in Israeli (or really Gazan) territorial waters, would it really change your mind about the meaning of the event? Would it have played out any differently? For me, the answer is a resounding no. If you look at the list of goods restricted, it is obvious for anyone with eyes to see - really, truly obvious, and I dare you to say otherwise - that a primary purpose of the blockade (along with keeping out weapons) is to deprive the Gazan population as political leverage. Make of this whatever you will. Many sanctions regimes work this way, and sometimes they are preferable to the alternatives. But please do not deny it or offer 'weapons' as a misdirection. For my part, I would argue that this blockade of deprivation - as opposed to the blockade of arms - is counter-productive. It might seem like a good idea to prevent Hamas from succeeding, but the audiences that matter believe that the Gaza crisis is Israel's fault, and the suffering of the Gazans is hurting rather than helping Abbas/Fayyad in the PA. So why continue? I appreciate that it is politically difficult for Israel to lift the blockade on its own without losing face - which is why I think the US could facilitate the change. ---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 PM ---------- Send the Sixth Fleet to Gaza | Stephen M. Walt Quote:
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#280 (permalink) | |
Crazy, indeed
Location: the ether
Sure, had it happened inside Israeli waters the disproportionate use of force would still be an issue, but it would be a different matter altogether. The best example of why these distinctions matter is what happened in Cuba in 1996, when the Cuban air force shot down 2 planes flown by protesters, and a week later more protests were organized. |
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activists, gaza, israeli, kills, navy |