It seems to me perspective is less in the eye of the beholder and more in the eyes of the seller, it just depends on what side you wish to purchase your brand of truth from. As I have said before, I read it all, and make my decisions based on my own perceptions of history and the stories of both sides, mixed in with what I consider to be common sense and from that, I still will never say I am 100% right, but I am still 100% hungry for understanding WHY, WHY the fuck humankind has to treat each other this way, it baffles me. But then extremism within religious ideologies in this day in age baffles me too, however, I was given the opportunity for a free education from the time of my birth, something many humans are not blessed with in this world today, especially many middle easterners. Where I feel education is the answer to humanities cohesiveness, I believe many Muslims view education (outside of the Koran) as the end to their perceived way of life, especially the basic education of ALL Muslim women, though this is just my opinion.
im not sure where you're going with this idyllic, except to say that its not really about the flotilla or the israeli raid.
but to rephrase what you're saying is that "ALL" muslims believe that the education of women is a thread to their society. you dont know many muslims by the looks of it do you. if you're thinking of women in afghanistan...then thats ridiculous. 99.9999% of muslim women dont live under taliban rule.
sure there are social pressures at play here, as there are political, theological and economic ones for the lack of education in 'muslim' countries, but thats for another thgread. but to say that muslims believe that all women shouldnt be educated is absurd. she-lish is a testament to that.
extremism isnt limited to religious ideology.... extremist idiocy is just as dangerous