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WhoaitsZ 06-10-2003 02:15 PM

way over-rated?
What are some bands or certain cds you hear so much about and think 'huh? they aren't that great...'

I'm a huge White/Rob Zombie fan but I just never can get into "..Devil Music.." much. it just sounds.... awful.

ok/ no attacking me.... The Beetles. not just cuz i'm young. i just can't stand 80% of what I've heard by them.

remember "The Hives"? those guys who looked like they were having a seizure and an orgasm at the same time? they.. suucked


whatcha think?

ps: please don't be too rude. these bands are some folks' children :)

focalevo 06-10-2003 02:38 PM

The first to come to mind is that evenesence (?who cares how it's spelled?) song that EVERY friggin' radio station is playing constantly!! Sorry, I just don't get what the fuss is about.

A recent CD, the new Disturbed 'Believe' CD was a huge disapointment to me. I really liked the first one, then they completely went comercial on me. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a band growing with each new disc, but what the hell happened to these guys?? Korn is a band that has slowly grown, but still kicks major ass with each new song/CD.

Zombie has gone the route of Disturbed, the old stuff is really good, then it's like Wal-Mart called and gave him pointers for his new stuff.

nuff ranting for now.

Jadey 06-10-2003 02:59 PM

I know I'm gonna get flak over this, but I've never been able to get into 2 bands that are generally considered "greats". Both The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith just don't do it for me. I like a few songs from each band, but I just don't see what it is about them? I still respect them for sticking around soo long, but i can't get into the music.

Another one is Def Leppard. I think they are god-awful.

Now, I'm a HUUUGE Pink Floyd fan and there are a lot of people that don't like them even though I think they are one of the best ever. Note, I don't think they are the best even though they are my favorite, I'm intelligent enough to realize that mass appeal is a big factor in determining the popularity of a band. So in that way I respect the bands I don;t like, but I still look for the special something that everyone supposedly sees that I don't.

Tom Thumb 06-10-2003 03:15 PM

I think The White Stripes are overrated. Good, for sure, but not the saviours of rock.

BulletBob 06-10-2003 05:11 PM

I'll second The White Strips being overrated but by far the most overrated band ever...


I don't understand, and believe me I've tried. What's so special about them? They're just another run of the mill band.

Mr.Deflok 06-10-2003 06:21 PM

BulletBob, I'm gonna give you two hours to take that back... take it back BulletBob, take...it....back....

I have to say any punk band that comes out these days and definately Avril Lavigne, totally fake and hasn't even got a good voice. There are a lot of New Zealand bands that don't even deserve to own an instrument but you guys would've never heard of them :)

Conclamo Ludus 06-10-2003 06:48 PM

Beatles - overrated
Nickelback - overrated
Metallica - overrated
Creed - was overrated, people are starting to figure that out.
Queens of the stone Age - overrated
Pearl Jam - overrated
Tom Waits - overrated

Some of them decent and even good, but still overrated.

I have to disagree with the Rolling Stones being overrated. They didn't invent Blues/Rock but they took it to some amazing levels. I didn't think so until this year when I started to pick up on them. I used to really dislike them. Aerosmith, overrated except for Janies Got A Gun. I think that song is underrated.

I enjoy the Hives and the Whitestripes but I would agree that they've been hyped way too much. Its good rock but they aren't groundbreakers. They seem more of a throwback to me.

gibber71 06-10-2003 06:49 PM

Maybe because I'm Canadian and it hear it hourly almost,but I have to say Nickleback and The Tragically Hip. Oh ,..man,.. when I refer to the Tragically Hip as the Tragically Shit,I think some people are ready to kill me.Being not far from their home town, it is something to be expected.

fuelmyfire 06-10-2003 09:41 PM

tom waits??

are you serious?

BulletBob 06-11-2003 12:40 AM

Oh, thought of another one. I'm a big fan of this band but recently I've came to the conclusion that they are WAY overrated. Nirvana is probably the most over rated band in history. If you think about the whole thing, they had one big hit in SLTS. They weren't one hit wonders because Come As You Are and Lithium were also popular but they didn't even have to best album of the 90's (Blood Sugar Sex Magik was much better). I guess the thing that bothers me most about Nirvana though is that the whole obsession with the band is only because Kurt Cobain decorated the wall with his inner thoughts. Had he not shot himself, they wouldn't be any more important musically than Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, or any other "grunge" band. But I'm still not taking the TOOL comment back. :D

Xiphias 06-11-2003 12:46 AM

Linkin Park are in my opinion the most overrated pieces of shite the world has ever seen. They're in the same league as those fake pop star bands. Horrible band.

I agree, that band evenesence are bad. Such posers.

rideough 06-11-2003 02:59 AM

Don't say that about the Hip man, that's not nice :mad:

Derwood 06-11-2003 05:22 AM

Grateful Dead
Rolling Stones

Opiate 06-11-2003 05:32 AM

im going to have to agree with Mr.Deflok here.....i think u should have a good long think about taking that tool statement back....

in regards to overrated bands: white stripes and metallica - both are good bands granted, but dont deserve the hype theyve been given imho.

gibber71 06-11-2003 07:13 AM

Re: gibber

Originally posted by rideough
Don't say that about the Hip man, that's not nice :mad:
I know,I know,..must admit,I do like a few of their songs,but have a hard time getting by Gord Downies voice,...Coura,.a,.a,.a,.a,.a,.age.:D :lol:

RatherThanWords 06-11-2003 07:26 AM

I can agree with many of you, but I'm surprised that someone actually said Phish. Now, I'm not a big fan of their music, but how many other bands do you know can play a 3 hour set, go play somewhere else and not repeat a single song. In fact, they have been known to go and play 5 nights and not repeat a single song. I think that's pretty amazing.

Tool - Not Overrated, because nobody that I know even rates them.

The Hives and the White Stripes - Like Them But overrated

Avril - So overrated she needs to die :)

Good Charlotte - Overrated and overcommercialized.

Scipio 06-11-2003 12:35 PM

Songs that "do it" for me:

DMB - The Stone
Nirvana - Drain You
RHCP - Parallel Universe
Rage - Battle of LA (the album)
Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil


Jay-Z - Big Pimpin (gotta love it)

Overrated Groups:

Creed (at one time)
Radiohead - (I love Radiohead, but every time they come out with an album, Spin has some
cover story like "radiohead saves rock," "radiohead=best band ever," etc.)
Guns n' Roses (November Rain my ass)

and, something that annoys me:

Any band with a "hot new single" off of their album that came out 10 months ago.

WhoaitsZ 06-11-2003 01:25 PM

okay. one rule is changed. if you put down TOOL you die!!!!!!!!!!

just kidding


the reason i'm a TOOL fool (sorry) is http://toolshed.down.net/lyrics/
the Lyrics are so amazing, especially Aenima and Lateralus. i thought they were way over rated too. but I got Lavteralus from a friend and i listened to it a time or two then one day its like i hit a swircth and got it. the line 'this body holding me reminds me of my own mortality, embrace this moment, remember we are eternal, all this pain is an illusion". this line gives me chills to this day. if you don't like em cool :) but give em one or two thorough listens. one other thing is I respect honesty. Maynard makes no bones or trickery with his words. he's honest, brutal to his core, but honest.
PS: i do, however, despise their last videos off of Lateralus. they are dumb.

oh and i can't stand Aerosmith. they had about three rememberable songs.

tinfoil 06-11-2003 01:31 PM

Putting down Tool should be an instant suspension from the board :D

The Hip is overrated? Man, I didn't know they even rated outside of Canada. I am not a big fan of some of their newer stuff, but it is nice to listen to their older stuff once in awhile.

The new Met-Trend-ica is highly overrated as well.

How about underrated bands?

Gandharvas. Grab a song called First Day of Spring. Then listen again. They are a local band that got a little shot in the spotlight with 'Downtime'. Eels is cool as well, though I have yet to hear their latest.

Opiate 06-11-2003 06:39 PM

now everyone knows where i got my sig from :D

ive another to add here. Red Hot Chilli Peppers. sure they are allright, but every damn song sounds the same! listening to stuff from blood sugar sex magic is exactly the same as any of thier new stuff. i feel as though their music hasnt progressed at all and dont see what is so great about them.

rockzilla 06-11-2003 07:32 PM

I'll jump on board with the White Stripes being overrated, they're alright, but anytime the press hypes a band as the saviours of rock, you're being set up for a big fall (unless you happen to be The Strokes). As for the Hip, I don't know about being overrated, but they've done nothing but go downhill since 'New Orleans is Sinking' which was on their second album.

Oh yeah, and Limp Bizkit, wayyy overrated, it seems to be catching up with them though.

As for underrated, Del Tha Funkee Homosapien, catchy, intelligent hip hop that isn't about gold chains, bitches or guns.

gibber71 06-11-2003 07:40 PM

I've got one more.And again since I'm in the great white north, I'll pick on my fellow citizens.'Sam Roberts.' This guy is supposed to be the next big thing,..fuck,..I saw him about 6 months ago,and really, it isn't in my nature to say things like this,but my band makes his band look like fucking amateurs.For any of his fans,sorry. Thought he sucked bigtime.

rockzilla 06-11-2003 07:46 PM


Originally posted by gibber71
I've got one more.And again since I'm in the great white north, I'll pick on my fellow citizens.'Sam Roberts.' This guy is supposed to be the next big thing,..fuck,..I saw him about 6 months ago,and really, it isn't in my nature to say things like this,but my band makes his band look like fucking amateurs.For any of his fans,sorry. Thought he sucked bigtime.
Hahah, I can't believe I forgot him, just last week a friend and I shared our confusion about how he could be "the next big thing", but then again, all it takes is one catchy, accessible, radio friendly, cookie cutter pop-rock song. Damn, I wish I could write one of those, I'd be set for life.

Hal Incandenza 06-11-2003 08:39 PM

I got into a vicious argument with a friend about this. My philosophy was that there are popular, legendary bands that I really hate, but to be truly overrated, the band has to be wrongly held up as culturally significant by a large number of fans, critics, etc. In other words, the band is nowhere near as influential as everyone says they are. This is still way subjective, but it's not like we're going to achieve anything like real objectivity on the issue anyway. Plus it's fun to argue about.

So with that in mind, I propose two:

* The Doors. Mediocre music, really bad lyrics. Jim Morrison's "wild" persona was already being done far more intensely by a young Iggy Pop. People have been influenced by Morrison's vocal style, I guess, e.g. Glenn Danzig, but Danzig made it a whole lot more fun (in the Misfits, at least).

* Pavement. Did they ever do anything that Sonic Youth didn't do earlier and better?

I would add the Grateful Dead to the above, but they influenced a lot of music and pop culture--for the worse, I would say (the Dead were soulless --> Phish are soulless --> most jam bands are soulless), but to each his own, etc.

Then there's Led Zeppelin. I loathe Led Zeppelin, but they've influenced a ton of bands I like.

Tool is pretty good.

vermin 06-11-2003 09:32 PM

I really like Tool, but all I've heard by them is Undertow (which I have on cd; love that bass) and the song schism.

I used to be nuts about Led Zeppelin until I heard Johnny Winter, The Allman Brothers, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughn, etc. playing real blues and I realized that Jimmy Page, while a good writer/producer, is not that exceptional a guitar player.

I think a lot of the old music needs to be judged (in terms of overratedness) on what else was around at the time. Take a look at the billboard charts from '65 - '71 and see what was popular. There was nothing like the Beatles before the Beatles, shit loads of copycats during and after they hit it big. The Doors was a unique band with a unique sound; very few copycats 'cause Morrison was fucking nuts. Hendrix was one of a kind.

To me the Greatful Dead are the most overrated band ever. I've tried to listen to their music and I just can't endure it.

juanvaldes 06-11-2003 10:17 PM

$other_poster $favorite_band.

BulletBob 06-12-2003 12:03 AM


Originally posted by Opiate
now everyone knows where i got my sig from :D

ive another to add here. Red Hot Chilli Peppers. sure they are allright, but every damn song sounds the same! listening to stuff from blood sugar sex magic is exactly the same as any of thier new stuff. i feel as though their music hasnt progressed at all and dont see what is so great about them.

I'm astonished. Not because you said the Chili Peppers are underrated, I don't care about that part. "stuff from blood sugar sex magic is exactly the same as any of thier new stuff." Have you even listened to Californication/By The Way? If anything, people complain that the Peppers music have changed too much and that they lost their edge. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on Californication, as one or two of the songs such as Easily or Around The World do sound like BSSM era songs. But jesus, have you heard By The Way? There isn't a song on the album that sounds like BSSM. It's completely different. BSSM was an upbeat, rocking record. BTW is mellow and much more softer. I challenge you to name a song on By The Way that sounds like a Blood Sugar Sex Magik song. I'm also convinced that judging by your name you got pissed about the Tool comment, saw my avatar, and tried to provoke me. Nice try, but next time you might try acutally listening to an album before embarassing yourself.

Opiate 06-12-2003 05:55 AM

hah no i actually have californication on my shelf along with blood sugar sex magic and one hot minute. i dont mind their stuff but to me, in my honest oppinion, it all sounds the same. i find that listening to the cd's one after eachother it feels repeditive in the type of music they play. this is just my oppinion of them nothing more nothing less. to me, they arent as great as everyone makes them out to be.

and no, i didnt even realise your avatar was from the RHCP and wasnt having a dig at you. i do love my tool but im not the sort to have a go at someone because they have a different liking to myself. everyone is entitled to their oppinion.

no, i cant meet your challenge to name a song from BSSM that sounds like something from by the way. i dont have that cd (although i have heard most of the songs) and you are probably right in regards that they have changed heaps. but to me, one song is the same as the next, his voice, the style, to me just doesnt do anything apart from warranting a listen occasionally.

i apologise if ive offended, i didnt mean for it to be taken that way on your behalf.

rogue49 06-12-2003 07:09 AM

Pearl Jam - grunge
Grateful Dead - ol' timers
Avril - newcommer
Puff Daddy - R&B (it's all about the bling-bling with him, even JLo figured that out)

gibber71 06-12-2003 07:47 AM

O.K,.I've picked on the Canadian men.Now it's the women's turn.

Alanis Morrisette
Celine Dion(just as overated as Barbra Striesand)
Chantal Krazviuk(sp*)--married to singer from Our Lady Peace

tinfoil 06-12-2003 10:46 AM


Originally posted by gibber71
O.K,.I've picked on the Canadian men.Now it's the women's turn.

Alanis Morrisette
Celine Dion(just as overated as Barbra Striesand)
Chantal Krazviuk(sp*)--married to singer from Our Lady Peace

Man, you were on the right track until you mentioned Chantel. She's got just an amazing voice and she is one hell of a good piano player.

OLP, now that's overrated.

ShadowWraith 06-12-2003 11:04 AM

How can you call OLP overrated?! Albums like Naveed and Happiness is not a fish you can catch are amazing. I'll give you that their latest album Gravity isnt that great, but they have a ton of amazing older stuff like Clumsy, life, Theif, etc.,

LittleOralAnnie 06-12-2003 01:39 PM

Of all the bands I mention, most are because they were overplayed on the radio or they just suck monkey gnads..heh

Alanis Morrisette
Avril Lavigne
Blink 182
The Doors
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Tori Amos

Spektr 06-12-2003 01:46 PM

Linkin Park
Blink 182
Good Charlotte

They all suck. They all whine about stupid shit. I spit on them

alterEGO 06-12-2003 01:47 PM

Jimi Hendrix overrated? Hell he was one of the best guitarists in the world it saddens me that you name avril in the same list. Secondly pink floyd ain't overrated lots of people like em just because they're great. I get the feeling lots of people still don't know the definition of overrated.:rolleyes:

trance music is overrated.

Hal Incandenza 06-12-2003 02:56 PM


Originally posted by alterEGO
I get the feeling lots of people still don't know the definition of overrated.:rolleyes:
That's the thing--what do we mean by overrated? What qualities constitute overratedness? Sure, even if we end up with a list to describe what we mean by "overrated," it'll still be pretty subjective, but it'll help us make better arguments. LIke my thing with the Grateful Dead--I hate, hate, hate the Grateful Dead, but they had a huge cultural impact, one that I may just be missing out on. But a) I doubt it--I hear nothing exciting in the Grateful Dead or in 90% of their offspring--and b) cultural impact isn't necessarily a good thing: Deadheads, Nazism, fundamentalism, er, those kids today, etc.

WhoaitsZ 06-12-2003 03:41 PM


Originally posted by juanvaldes
$other_poster $favorite_band.

WhoaitsZ 06-12-2003 04:02 PM

hmm.. i meant to include both Led Zep and the doors. i fear crucifiction.

Dr.Who 06-12-2003 06:09 PM

Yeah, The White Stripes are Way over rated.

But the award goes to U2. Only two great album that you can listen from the first track to the last and you call that one of the best Rock group of all time??

I totally disagree for the Beatles, there were years before there time (1965 to 1970 that is)

Creed is not over rated, it's just crap!

gibber71 06-12-2003 06:45 PM


Originally posted by tinfoil

OLP, now that's overrated.

Creed is not over rated, it's just crap!

Well at least now I feel better since I got stiffed out of Ozzy tickets in Ottawa tonight--thank's for the laugh.Didn't want to go overboard but I agree.

gibber71 06-12-2003 06:53 PM


Originally posted by Dr.Who

Creed is not over rated, it's just crap!

Sorry Dr.Who,attributed your quote to tinfoil. Still agree though.

tinfoil 06-12-2003 07:02 PM


Originally posted by ShadowWraith
How can you call OLP overrated?! Albums like Naveed and Happiness is not a fish you can catch are amazing. I'll give you that their latest album Gravity isnt that great, but they have a ton of amazing older stuff like Clumsy, life, Theif, etc.,
I used to like them and ya, Naveed was pretty good. I have seen them live a few times and man, it was a boring show. It was exactly the same as the cd only a bit louder. They don't move either. Gah. I could have gotten the same effect by listening to the discs really loud.

WhoaitsZ 06-13-2003 11:09 AM

uh lord. yes U2 sucks.

bono, PLEASE retire. Sting too.


Reese 06-13-2003 02:33 PM

-Mudde of Pud is way over rated.
-Coldplay.. I just dont understand this dude...
-Tatu.. bounces head in sequence with lesbian boobies...
-Ja rule.. He hasn't released a single..ever? he doesn't have enough original material so he has to feature j-ho and ashanti to get the song completed.
-50cent... yah.. umm.. this dudes first single was about rolling in dubs.. he couldn't afford no fuckin dubs, much less a benz.. oh yah... He got shot in the face so he'd Ghetto.. Wish it was a little to the left so he could be real gangsta!
-P.O.D... I thought they should have died and been buried in the same pit as creed..
-Anything new from any band that had a hit single in the 80s or before. (old stuff isnt overrated..)
-Any of the bands listed below suck because ** I ** can't tell them apart:
Alkaline Trio
American Hi-Fi
At the Drive-In
All-American Rejects
and thats just the "A's"
To save yourself from reading the WHOLE list why dont we just say "mainstream indie punk" music sucks.

/me builds a bullet proof, fire proof wall around himself..

gibber71 06-13-2003 07:16 PM


Originally posted by cybermike

-Any of the bands listed below suck because ** I ** can't tell them apart:
Alkaline Trio
American Hi-Fi
At the Drive-In
All-American Rejects
and thats just the "A's"
To save yourself from reading the WHOLE list why dont we just say "mainstream indie punk" music sucks.

/me builds a bullet proof, fire proof wall around himself..

Now that's funny.Even funnier is that I've never heard of one of those bands.But what do I know?;)

rockzilla 06-13-2003 07:34 PM


Originally posted by WhoaitsZ
uh lord. yes U2 sucks.

bono, PLEASE retire. Sting too.


Ahahaha, Sting, you should have never gone out on your own, you tantric sex having, rainforest saving, painful to listen to without Stewart and Andy, egomaniac.

sorry... love The Police, hate Sting

Soothe 06-13-2003 07:45 PM

Go to a Tool concert and tell me they are overrated... Maynard has an amazing voice, Danny is one best drummers out there, no one is as fast as he is. And Adam has his own muted guitar style that he came up with in lateralus that complements Maynard perfectly. It's easy to say they are overrated when you aren't paying attention to the lyrics and just the powerchords...

Almost everything mainstream except a few bands these days are overrated, most of the best music I've heard are from bands/artists who are relatively unknown. I remember seeing Intepol at a club in NY when no one even knew who they were :o

BulletBob 06-13-2003 08:00 PM


Originally posted by cybermike
-Mudde of Pud is way over rated.
-Coldplay.. I just dont understand this dude...
-Tatu.. bounces head in sequence with lesbian boobies...
-Ja rule.. He hasn't released a single..ever? he doesn't have enough original material so he has to feature j-ho and ashanti to get the song completed.
-50cent... yah.. umm.. this dudes first single was about rolling in dubs.. he couldn't afford no fuckin dubs, much less a benz.. oh yah... He got shot in the face so he'd Ghetto.. Wish it was a little to the left so he could be real gangsta!
-P.O.D... I thought they should have died and been buried in the same pit as creed..
-Anything new from any band that had a hit single in the 80s or before. (old stuff isnt overrated..)
-Any of the bands listed below suck because ** I ** can't tell them apart:
Alkaline Trio
American Hi-Fi
At the Drive-In
All-American Rejects
and thats just the "A's"
To save yourself from reading the WHOLE list why dont we just say "mainstream indie punk" music sucks.

/me builds a bullet proof, fire proof wall around himself..

This statement is completely, 100% true.

WhoaitsZ 06-13-2003 09:12 PM

guys........ i love tool.... but can you (and i too) discuss it on another thread?

gibber71 06-14-2003 09:58 AM

OK now.Time for a few more.

Smashing Pumpkins
Michael Jackson
Leonard Cohen
Oasis(quite possible the worst band ever)
Tim McGraw
Kid Rock
Any winners at award shows that begin their speech with,.."First of all,I'd like to thank God",..Don't thank God! Thank the music industry that produces non-talented hacks for the sake of the almighty dollar.

conversequietus 06-14-2003 01:38 PM

Godsmack is the most overrated band right now. Sully Erna should die and I mean that. He's a fucking tool.

Creed is overrated as well. Scott Stapp... Grr...

I try not to pay attention to "popular" music via television or radio. If everyone researched their music before buying it, I think "popular" music would be a little more tolerable.

Go to www.allmusic.com and read about your favorite band. They'll suggest a million other bands to listen to and you'd be surprised how good the site is. Very comprehensive.

gibber71 06-14-2003 07:03 PM


Originally posted by conversequietus

Go to www.allmusic.com and read about your favorite band. They'll suggest a million other bands to listen to and you'd be surprised how good the site is. Very comprehensive.

Thanks a lot.Lot's of history.Checked a few things and is quite accurate.Mind you,it's just the facts but that's good enough.What a lot of work to put that together.Thanks again

rockzilla 06-14-2003 07:08 PM

I've discovered so much stuff great stuff because of Allmusic's "Followers" and "Influenced by" links.

gibber71 06-14-2003 08:38 PM

Forgot one.


brandon11983 06-15-2003 08:48 AM

TOOL is one of the most original bands ever.

Now those that suck:

ja rule, j-lo, creed, puddle of shit(uh... i mean mudd), linkin park, blink 182, avril, good charlotte, new found glory, 50 cent, evanescence (i.e. linkin park with girl on vocals), dmb, simple plan, afi, the vines, the hives, the white stripes, the assholes, queens of the stone age, rhcp (sell outs), korn, limp bizkit, chevelle, and any other nü metal.

WhoaitsZ 06-15-2003 09:38 AM

when Linkin Park first came oout I avoided
them like the plague, figuring another agnsty pop band done hard.

but they've shocked me.. they are awesome, especially for this day and age. they play instruments rather well, tle lead vocalist has a amazing voice and its [b]strong[/], the other guy (the rapper) is a true poet and does great.

even the lyrics are good.

i'm totally for getting rid of a bunch of bands... pretty much any "hard/metal" group that look like n'sync in bad clothes or rap where everybody has their blingbling!

fucking faking lying bastards.

bullgoose 06-15-2003 10:14 AM

Ok, I've been reading through this thread and I'd like to throw in my $.02. I've seen a number of posts that mention the Beatles as a band that the individual dislikes. I've also seen the Doors, the Dead, CCR, the'Stones and a couple of other bands from "MY" generation. Now it's my turn; I haven't heard a band in the last 10 years that I considered innovative enough to waste my money on; all the old bands you folks have mentioned were at least that; innovative. I'm no huge Beatles fan, I never liked the Rolling Stones, The Grateful Dead had a few tunes I liked, I DO like the Doors, CCR was red-neck rock; I'm not defending the bands, but at least they were breaking new ground- the new stuff I've heard recently just plain stinks; lousy vocals, weak playing and inane lyrics. And as far as Zepplin goes, EVERY "metal" band since the first Zepplin album are Zepplin wanna-be's. Led Zepplin was a revelation; NO ONE had ever sounded like that; of course, at the time, there were folks that said that Zepplin was great in the studio, but they couldn't play their stuff live, well that theory got shot in the ass real quick; Zepplin was as good live as they were on vinyl. I really feel sorry for music lovers today; there's nothing new under the sun, and as long as you guys keep buying second-rate crap, there won't be; don't support musicians who just go through the motions, demand innovation.

mercury-hg 06-15-2003 11:53 AM


Originally posted by bullgoose
Ok, I've been reading through this thread and I'd like to throw in my $.02. I've seen a number of posts that mention the Beatles as a band that the individual dislikes. I've also seen the Doors, the Dead, CCR, the'Stones and a couple of other bands from "MY" generation. Now it's my turn; I haven't heard a band in the last 10 years that I considered innovative enough to waste my money on; all the old bands you folks have mentioned were at least that; innovative. I'm no huge Beatles fan, I never liked the Rolling Stones, The Grateful Dead had a few tunes I liked, I DO like the Doors, CCR was red-neck rock; I'm not defending the bands, but at least they were breaking new ground- the new stuff I've heard recently just plain stinks; lousy vocals, weak playing and inane lyrics. And as far as Zepplin goes, EVERY "metal" band since the first Zepplin album are Zepplin wanna-be's. Led Zepplin was a revelation; NO ONE had ever sounded like that; of course, at the time, there were folks that said that Zepplin was great in the studio, but they couldn't play their stuff live, well that theory got shot in the ass real quick; Zepplin was as good live as they were on vinyl. I really feel sorry for music lovers today; there's nothing new under the sun, and as long as you guys keep buying second-rate crap, there won't be; don't support musicians who just go through the motions, demand innovation.
though i agree with most of what was said here, i've got 2 problems with it:

1) if you demand innovation only, then you're missing out on an artist/band who "perfects" a genre. if i decided that hendrix was all the rock/blues that i needed, i'd have never listened to stevie ray vaughan. if i stopped at zeppelin, i'd have never picked up on aerosmith, guns n' roses, pearl jam, STP, etc.
2) there is plenty of innovation to find in the past decade, it just may not be fit to your palate. if tool, system of a down, etc aren't creative/innovative, then i don't know what is

gibber71 06-15-2003 06:56 PM


Originally posted by bullgoose
I really feel sorry for music lovers today; there's nothing new under the sun, and as long as you guys keep buying second-rate crap, there won't be; don't support musicians who just go through the motions, demand innovation.
Bang on and thank you for that. If people only knew the value of talent.

rockzilla 06-15-2003 07:18 PM


Originally posted by mercury-hg
though i agree with most of what was said here, i've got 2 problems with it:

1) if you demand innovation only, then you're missing out on an artist/band who "perfects" a genre. if i decided that hendrix was all the rock/blues that i needed, i'd have never listened to stevie ray vaughan. if i stopped at zeppelin, i'd have never picked up on aerosmith, guns n' roses, pearl jam, STP, etc.
2) there is plenty of innovation to find in the past decade, it just may not be fit to your palate. if tool, system of a down, etc aren't creative/innovative, then i don't know what is

I'd also like to mention that I'm sure that there was just as much second rate crap back then as there is today. Every innovative band gets copied badly until the next big thing comes along, which gets copied and so on. There may be a ton of crap on the radio today, but if you know where to look, there's a ton of innovation in today's music.

Phoolf 06-16-2003 06:24 AM


Originally posted by bullgoose
I really feel sorry for music lovers today; there's nothing new under the sun, and as long as you guys keep buying second-rate crap, there won't be; don't support musicians who just go through the motions, demand innovation.
There's always Screamo ;)

But seriously, whoever said that Led Zep were overrated are fools. Without them a hell of a lot of decent bands wouldn't exist today.

Bands I think are overrated:
Smashing Pumpkins (can't see why amybody can listen to them, bores me to death, and his voice annoys me)
Zwan (another one exactly like Smashing Pumpkins, sucks)
White Stripes because they're complete crap live and they just don't play instruments very well at all.
Avril Lavigne, she should die.
RHCP because BTW sucks so much it makes me ears bleed.
Foo Fighters, they have a couple of good songs on each album and the rest are completely mediocre.
RATM, Im fed up of hearing Zack De La Rocha whining about how blacks are mistreated and all the political crap, the music is great, his voice pisses me off now.
Audioslave, It's just Rage but with crapper vocals.
Guns N Roses, Sweet Child O Mine is the only tolerable song, the rest annoy me and Axel's voice makes me want to cry.
Incubus, I can name about 3 songs I like by then, the rest are complete crap.

I could go on for ages tbh but I won't

And to everybody who said that Pink Floyd, Metallica and Tool are overrated, you are also fools :p

WhoaitsZ 06-16-2003 09:10 AM

the smashing pumpkins and ZWAN sound about as much alike as Metallica and Mariah Carey.

if you've heard the radio stuff, then I'd pretty much agree; but their musicmusic (ie cds, concerts) are vaslty different.

Phoolf 06-16-2003 09:33 AM

I meant the same comments about them sucking ;). Not about how they sound.

Bobaphat 06-16-2003 03:05 PM

50 cent. He is not the next Tupac and if I have to hear "bottle full of bub" one more time I am going to shoot myself in the head. (which means I will likely be dead within 15 minutes).

Soggybagel 06-16-2003 11:22 PM

Okay I know this isn't really a "rant" thread but I swear a lot of you have to check your heads? I know you are wondering what overrated really is but I think that means are considered better in any such manner than what they really are. Well whoever the hell said Jimi Hendrix is overrated...know your history. People...I'm not that old (born in 80's) but you should know about how things were going. Jimi Hendrix brought a new sound with an electric guitar that kicks most modern day guitarists asses. Secondly, I don't particularily like The Beatles either but I don't deny their influence either. Think of it this way, how many Beatles songs have you heard in just regular pop culture occurences...and the fact that we are still talking about them and how the whole damn world mourned when John Lennon died...that to me is not overrated. Third...Michael Jackson. I agree he is a freak now. But in his heyday he was the goddamn king of pop. Besides the fact that he made more money in one album than most bands can dream about...he really did innovate music videos and brought pop music ideas and sounds.

Sorry...I'm so damn tired and pissed for some reason so I had to vent. As I said before I was born in the 80's so therefore I don't think you can really say how much cultural influence bands have had but from what I've heard from peers and "elders"....believe me...bands like The Beatles were and still are a phenomenon that rocked many a persons balls!!!

Do agree with bob about 50 cent though. People are hailing him as the next coming of rap christ but from what I've heard he is hardly rapping.

KillerYoda 06-17-2003 01:03 AM

Dillinger Escape Plan is way overrated. It's like they took these guys into a room and said "play something completely different at the same time." Everyone acts like it's genius.

fuzzix 06-17-2003 08:44 AM

Where to begin? I'd have a list ten miles long. I won't even try. Mainstream music is overrated - it appeals to the masses, because it is easy to understand, often without substance and purely money driven, resulting in heavy creative restrictions.

frozenstellar 06-18-2003 02:13 AM

overrated bands:

what korn has become
what silverchair has become
what incubus has become

Nostromo 06-19-2003 07:19 PM

The Who
The Doors
Sheryl Crow

I think Sheryl Crow is hot, but I hate every single song she's ever done.

aus5tin 06-20-2003 09:06 AM

I will preceed this by saying that I love Punk and that I am a punk,but I can't F-n stand the sex pistols. I don't care if they were some of the origionals in the movement. Lots of origionals suck. I appreciate their message and their tenacity, but I hate their music.

GSRIDER 06-20-2003 09:59 AM

Alot of the bands being spotted as over rated have been playing or getting airplay longer than many of you have been alive.

Sure YOU may not like them. But at the Time, Hendrix, the Beatles , the Stones, Joplin were breaking new ground.

I can't name 3 joplin songs but I know her whole fucking story and that right there says something about the staying power and writing credibility of someone who died before I was born. cThe only thing bad I can really say about the older musicians is that many of their songs are dated.

There is no way to compare Tool to Hendrix, two different eras, two structures. It's like comparing gonzo porn to the hair muff porn of the 70's? Really nothing alike.

Personally I grew up listening to punk, so don't think I'm some aging hippy defending my music, but all that crap they call "punk" now is mundane dribble. Their all fuckin over rated.

And as for the White Stripes.

When a guy and a girl... a girl who can't even play the fuckin drums..... can put a stamp on my brain for months, record a million dollar record on a mere 8,000, take rock wayyyy back down to it's roots AND still hold their own against a barage of MTV clones....

well, that is nothing to balk at, there is no way they are over rated. Sure their sound is not for everyone, especially in todays over saturated techno pop drivel dance core market. But the white stripes were not created for your listening soda selling merchandising pleasure. They just play the fuckin music.

I can't go on... getting flustered....

tinfoil 06-20-2003 10:34 AM


How right you are about the Stripes.. They aren't my favourite band by any stretch of the imagination, but it was something new at the time, something fairly original. It wasn't they same old crap that was being churned out hourly by the media monopolies. It was basic and raw and damn catchy.

shinji 06-20-2003 11:15 AM

i think tool is overrated. people worship tool because they're a better than average nu-metal band that has some credibility.


Originally posted by cybermike
-Any of the bands listed below suck because ** I ** can't tell them apart:
Alkaline Trio
American Hi-Fi
At the Drive-In
All-American Rejects
and thats just the "A's"
To save yourself from reading the WHOLE list why dont we just say "mainstream indie punk" music sucks.

if you can't tell the difference between at the drive-in and the rest of this drivel, then maybe you're not the best person to decide what sucks or not.

bigbigcrazy 06-25-2003 09:24 PM

* The Doors. Mediocre music, really bad lyrics. Jim Morrison's "wild" persona was already being done far more intensely by a young Iggy Pop. People have been influenced by Morrison's vocal style, I guess, e.g. Glenn Danzig, but Danzig made it a whole lot more fun (in the Misfits, at least).

Then there's Led Zeppelin. I loathe Led Zeppelin, but they've influenced a ton of bands I like.

Tool is pretty good."

Let me just say that you my friend are a moron!
I don't hate you though because you obviously know not what you say. If you had been educated in music or taste in general, i would then be mad. but i'm sure you haven't so were still friends.

Soggybagel 06-25-2003 10:27 PM

All I have to say for this topic now is whoever says Hendrix is overrated should be slapped!!!

BulletBob 06-25-2003 10:55 PM


Originally posted by shinji
i think tool is overrated. people worship tool because they're a better than average nu-metal band
My thoughts exactly

jwoody 06-26-2003 01:07 AM

Coldplay. Fucking Coldplay. Two good songs does not make you great.

I say fuck 'em. Right in the ear.

dtheriault 06-26-2003 01:48 AM

part of the problem is that every critic hack wants to become the person who discovered so and so or wishes to attribute to them something that the band never aspired to.

i love music with all my heart and yet i've never had a poster on my wall, nor paid more than 20$ to see a show. to me bands are just entertainers. if i want philosophy or poetry i'll go to the professionals. i love my local taco chef as much as most bands.

here are a few bands that may or may not be over rated, but i never understood why so many liked them or they had such a great "insider" reputation.

Fugazi (and i love minor threat)
Husker Du
Rush (damn they suck)
Chilli Peppers (like fishbone better)
Grateful Dead (when the audience and the area around the concert are more interesting than your music you're in trouble.)
U2 (1 good album and 1 okay album and then...)
Snoop Dogg (give me tribe called quest, or public enemy any day)
Wire Train

2 cents


just a few i know i'll think of more later.

pornisbadforyou 06-26-2003 03:25 AM

the guy who said dillinger escape plan is overrated.... i dunno, i gotta disagree... that is one hell of a talented band.

KillerYoda 06-26-2003 05:59 AM


Originally posted by pornisbadforyou
the guy who said dillinger escape plan is overrated.... i dunno, i gotta disagree... that is one hell of a talented band.
I said it, and you my friend are overrated for calling me overrated when I said Dillinger was overrated, which they are.

Reggie6 06-26-2003 03:55 PM

I just kinda skimmed thru the post so I may be jumping the gun here, but I didn't see anyone mention KISS. Possibly the most overrated band ever. Come on... Domino? Rock n' Roll All Night? They have written some of the worst music ever.

modest 06-26-2003 09:44 PM


Originally posted by alterEGO

trance music is overrated.

trance over rated?....dont get me wrong i love jimi hell... i'll rip out castles made of sand on my strat....but i do love trance. you claim to like Floyd. Put a four to the floor behind their sound FX and you have trance...

overrated = Dashboard Confessionals
underrated = death cab for cutie

(recently came home from a trance party):cool:

hawkeye 06-26-2003 10:30 PM

Linkin Park;
Limp Bizket;
Avril Lavigne(sp?);
st. Anger;
bob rock as producer;
good charlotte;
and just about anything related to Emo.

sportsrule101 07-24-2003 08:21 AM

all new pop
and kiss, they were great entertainers but way overrated
tool blows as well

LivingDead 07-25-2003 11:10 PM

Disturbed - Down with the sickness

It got overplayed to death!

123123 07-26-2003 08:49 AM

I'll admit I just skimmed through many of the posts aswell...but I didn't see Kenny 'Friggin' G. OK...I understand you have to first convince yourself that this excriment is music. But, tons of yuppie "lovebirds" think it's great make-out music...even worse...many of them think he's a jazz artist.AAAHHHHHH!!!! Well, anyway you slice it...Mr. Gorelick's "music" is overrated on all levels....and may God have mercy on his soul (and those in the record industry who let this happen)

collide 07-31-2003 09:47 AM

Mariah Carey, the limelight whore, and her damn whistle register. She's definitely got a rare ability to reach those octaves, but I think she gets way too much credit for it.

90degree 07-31-2003 10:11 AM


...umm.. how old are you?

if you are any age under 30... then I am not sure that comment holds any weight at all. just my opinion ... KISS was HUGE when they were big... heh. and now... well... I dont honestly know.. have not listened to anything new by them in at least a decade.

obediah 07-31-2003 11:31 PM

I think the best way to answer this question is to tune into one of your many local clearchannel stations. "Rated" as in from major reviewers are pretty much all bought by the music industry. Even supposedly serious mags like Rolling Stone give a 1.5 - 2.0 star bonus for being pop music from a big label.

So it's safe to say that all pop music is overrated without commenting on the quality at all.

obediah 07-31-2003 11:45 PM

to answer the question in the more traditional way.

I agree strongly that the White Stripes, like all first wave (within the current wave) of garage bands are. They're kind of a boring amalgamation of what's come before, but they're better enough than boy bands, bad girl singers, "I'm a freak! Seriously, look at how freaky I am" poser-goth, and that horrid pierced/tattooed bang the drums and spins the beats heavy metal-rap-rock crap, that I and everyone else with any musical taste is excited to see them back.

Nirvana had the same thing going for them. And with Kurt winning the publicity stunt of the century award, they catapulted way into the overrated stratosphere. I remember about 3 months before Kurts stunt, MTV did a "Best Alternative Videos fo All Time", on which SLTS hit #9 or so. 3 months after the stunt they did "Best Videos of All Time" and SLTS was #1. huh? If I hadn't been poor, I would have broken my TV and then used the pieces to kill everyone at MTV.

I'm not a big fan of U2 or The Beatles, but would consider U2 much more overrated, even though the Beatles are rated much higher.

I don't see how Jimi Hendrix could be considered over-rated.

I also don't see how Tom Waits could be over-rated. Actually I do see it, if you sat around listening to some lame ass friends go on and on about him forever, and have seen every artist ever interviewed name his as one of their biggest points of inspiration, and then pick up a CD. You're going to go huh? this is good, but not that good. But then as you work your way through 30 years of excellent and varied releases, (oh say the 80's when all the other big 70's musicians were turning out electro-crap or just rotting in coke), and Tom was learning to use his tortured voice as just another instrument, you realize that Tom Waits is beyond trends, styles, motifs or other constraints. When you work through the varied tragic, dark, odd, weird, oddly-weird, yet all excellent lyrics you can understand why he's influenced so many people.

Panopticon 08-01-2003 02:09 PM

I think Dave Matthews Band is the most overrated band of all time. Certainly they are the most overrated band today, in my opinion. Their music just isn't good. Dave Matthews can't sing worth a shit, either. The biggest argument I hear about them is the fact that they have like Saxophones and Violins and shit...who cares? It still doesn't sound good. I applaud them for actually trying to be different with all sorts of instruments, but they simply don't pull it off. It sounds like trash.

punkgrl1984 08-01-2003 05:55 PM

I think U2 and Creed are SOOO overrated. I just don't like many of their songs if any.

Basket Case 08-01-2003 07:34 PM

Man, I don't think I could possibly agree more with bullgoose and BulletBob.

I've just got two things to say about all this rucus.

1. Music is an artform. You can't perfect a Dali painting. Add as many sprinkles and stripes as you want, your just fucking it up. Good music is created in its own perfection, and to try to "Perfect" that is just humping off the original artist for cash. For you see, it's not about trying to find something better than the Beatles, Stones or Doors, they're the best in their own respects. The point is to find something different.

2. I don't know how many times I have to enthesize the fact that TOOL SUCKS!!!!!!
Oooooh, 5/8 timming!!!
It's crappy teen-goth poetry set to odd beats.
Sonic Youth is weird to be artistic, Tool's weird to be weird to sell records.

deadbabiesrhot 08-02-2003 02:23 PM

Cannibal Corpse
Led Zeppelin
Most singles bands these days.

Katyblu 08-02-2003 05:03 PM

KISS- now back in the day they might have been kings but ever since the make-up came off they should just die
Aerosmith- again the old stuff is good but now- stop playing music!
Rolling Stones- Just die already!
The White Stripes
mariah Carey
P Diddy

krwlz 09-03-2003 04:44 PM

Definatly the beatles. Other then that, nothing imparticular comes to mind.

Fallen 09-03-2003 07:40 PM


2. I don't know how many times I have to enthesize the fact that TOOL SUCKS!!!!!!
Oooooh, 5/8 timming!!!
It's crappy teen-goth poetry set to odd beats.
Some get it. Some don't. I, personally, think Tool produces some of the most thought provoking, innovative, and down right kick ass music currently on the planet. It's fine that you don't like them, but for hell's sake man, you don't have to be such an ass about it.

trench 09-03-2003 09:30 PM


Originally posted by Panopticon
I think Dave Matthews Band is the most overrated band of all time. Certainly they are the most overrated band today, in my opinion. Their music just isn't good. Dave Matthews can't sing worth a shit, either. The biggest argument I hear about them is the fact that they have like Saxophones and Violins and shit...who cares? It still doesn't sound good. I applaud them for actually trying to be different with all sorts of instruments, but they simply don't pull it off. It sounds like trash.
Could't have said it better.

Underrated: Iced Earth

Acme-143 09-03-2003 09:39 PM

Look, I think it is downright funny that everyone can name someone who is "over-rated" and not present a clear or concise argument, much less spell anything when they are trashing some band. But then when someone responds by trashing a band they like, they freak out, bitching and whining about "How dare you not like them, they're freaking awesome".

If you don't like something, don't listen to it. You can. It's pretty simple, just turn off the radio, put in a CD, and quit crying. Pretty much I think it is childish to bash something because you don't like it. People are entitiled to their opinions, and fuck off if you can't accept their right to have them. You may think they are wrong, but you are no more right just because you can stream a bunch of fickle excuses why you don't like them.

Oh and that goes for Homophobes, Rascists, mindless "patriots" who say Islamic Muslims are "stupid becuase they bombed us and they should all pay", and religious zealots who do the same type of bashing with no reason on pagans. (<---I have heard this so many times it makes me sick. Pagans literaly means "non-christian". The Christian Churches make them out to be devil worshipers. In reality, Muslims,Hindus, Budhists, Athiests, and Agnostics are all pagans, just to name a few)

(Sorry for the rant, just being HONEST)

Exodus 09-03-2003 09:42 PM

I know im gonna get slammed for this.. but Pink Floyd never interested me at all. RATM either.

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