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#1 (permalink) |
Is mad at you.
Location: Bored in Sacramento
How long will a car last with a leaky head gasket?
So, I just got a call from my service center. I have a <b> '96 Chevy Cavalier </b>. It sounds like the </i> fuel pump </i>is losing pressure and I also have a <i>leaky head gasket</i>. They are asking about 650 to fix the fuel pump and 690 for the gasket. I have no desire to pay 1340 to fix a car that I spent 1800 on.
*How critical are these problems, can I ignore them for a while and get some useage out of this car for a few more months (4-6)? *Is one more serious than the other. Can I decide to fix just one of them? *Are there any other alternatives? *Do those prices seem reasonable? *I was thinking about taking my car to a garage that uses used parts, do I have any hope of getting a cheaper price? My main problem is, I am going to be moving in a month. It's too late to back out now, I've sold all my stuff, given my two weeks notice and am moving out of my place tomorrow. I house sit for a friend for a month, then I am out of here. I need this car to last for another 4-6 months. Any advice, or information would be greatly apreciated. Thanks
This too shall pass. |
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#2 (permalink) |
well it's tough to say without knowing where the gasket is leaking. If it's allowing oil into the coolant, your car could last quite awhile as long as you make sure to drain and replace the coolant often (this will get expensive). If it's leaking coolant into the oil, the car will not last nearly as long because the coolant will remove the lubricating ability of the oil.
If you only need a car for 4 months, why not scrap this car, buy a $500-$1000 beater car, and drive it till it dies. You could get a late 80's, early 90's civic for that kinda money and it could potentially last until your kids are in college ![]() |
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#5 (permalink) |
Location: Wisconsin...
If you have any friends that are mechanically inclined you could replace the headgasket for $200 in parts....thats assuming you don't have to shave the head or have a cracked head. Fuel pump you could do yourself easily....but it would be time consuming.
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#7 (permalink) |
Location: In the garage, under the car.
If it's an external pump, you are getting hosed on the price. I managed to replace mine for $200 doing it myself, and that's for a Porsche fuel pump. You should be able to find one for your Cavalier much much cheaper.
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#8 (permalink) |
Location: Grants Pass OR
unfortunately the prices are about right. the fuel pump is in the tank, and even for a pump from your local auto parts store it's gonna cost ya between $300 and $400 ( LINK ) the head gasket set (including the other gaskets your gonna need when replacing the head gasket) is gonna run you about $60 ( LINK ) but is a very labor intensive job, so yeah their price seems about right.
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#9 (permalink) |
Is mad at you.
Location: Bored in Sacramento
Thanks for the help up to this point. It has been very useful.
Ok. Let's say I go a bit nuts and decide to fix either one or both of these problems myself. How hard of a repair are these two problems? I don't have much experience working on cars, but I'm willing to read up on how to do the repair. I also have a few friends who have some car knowledge; I could probably bribe them into helping me. Where would I start? Is there a cheap way to find out the stuff I need to know about fixing these issues? I also have another idea, one which I don't like as much, but I'm going to ask and see what other people think. As luck would have it, I spotted some fliers around town today for a mechanic who is looking to do some repairs on the side to get some extra money. The idea is appealing, except for the fact that this seems like a great way to get ripped off. Is there any way I can check up on this guy? Any certifications I can ask to see? If he is legit, it might be a good way to save on some of the costs. If he is not legit, it is a great way to throw more money down the drain.
This too shall pass. |
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#10 (permalink) |
Location: San Diego
first off which motor in the cavalier? the 2.2 or the 2.4? i have seen blown haed gaskets in both motor, and the 2.2 is a consiederably easier job than the 2.4. however every single time thaey have been cause by an overheat, so how bad was yours?
you need to get some more info though... find out if the head gasket is leaking internally or externally, also which fluid is leaking. due to the difference in pressures, oil has tendency to get into the coolant while running (due to oil pressure being about 40psi at idle and coolant at 15psi), however when the vehicle is off, the coolant gets into the oil cause it holds its pressure due to the heat. an external leak of either fluid is managable as you keep topping off fluids, however internal leaks due not last that long without causing serous damage. next ont he fule pump, is it an internal or external leak? internal will result in a hard start condtion as car will not hold pressure in the fuel rail while it is shut off. externally it will also be a hard start, but you have a fire risk, cause your exhast runs right by your tank. |
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#11 (permalink) |
Is mad at you.
Location: Bored in Sacramento
It's a 2.2 . It turns out the head gasket is leaking coolant to the outside. I was talking to someone else about this problem and they suggested "Gunk Heavy Duty Block Seal" for the gasket. Anyone have any experience with this stuff?
Does the fact that it is leaking to the outside mean I have less to worry about?
This too shall pass. |
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#12 (permalink) |
Thank You Jesus
Location: Twilight Zone
Fuel pump is in the tank and labor guide calls for 2 hours to remove and reinstall, I checked local jobber and pump is $110 over the counter.
Head gasket is 8 hours labor and the head set is $90 dollars. If the coolant is leaking outside the head it isnt as big of a problem as an internal leak, but if you lose too much coolant overheating can be an issue. I would not reccomend a sealer due to the fact that is also seals cooling jackets inside the engine plus it will clog your heater core and other tiny cooling passages. I would have it checked elsewhere to confirm its the HG and not a hose or other coolant leak.
Where is Darwin when ya need him? |
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#13 (permalink) |
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow
If you have full coverage insurance...or protection against theft, do this:
Take your car to a parking lot at night, take a baseball bat to it beat the shit out of it, crush the headlights, break or crack all windows, destroy the dash, dent everything, spray paint it etc. The insurance company will total it, and give you a check. Put that towards a new Hyundai with a 100,000 mile warranty. You're driving a Cavy...so you obviously don't care about looks ![]() If not that,i'd say just try and sell it/trade it on something more reliable. J-bodys are so problematic.. |
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#14 (permalink) | ||
Is mad at you.
Location: Bored in Sacramento
![]() Every summer my area becomes a high theft area. Last year, punk kids took my POS car and beat the crap out of it. Unfortunatly this year they don't seem to be biting. I'm tempted to leave the car running with the windows down and a full tank of gas. Maybe I would throw in $100 bucks to help seal the deal. Punk kids would probably just take the money and leave the car though... It seems like a few people have suggested a trade in for another car. My question is, with the problems this car is having, am I going to be able to find an interested dealer? It seems like they would either tell me to keep the car, or they would offer me $20 to shut me up.
This too shall pass. Last edited by Harshaw; 06-07-2004 at 12:52 PM.. |
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#16 (permalink) |
Location: San Diego
if its truely external coolant leak, those 2.2s will run forever with it if you keep the coolant level in check. they are known for the external coolant leak... back corner actually (#4 cylinder)
Labor guide is mitchells... check your local library. |
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#17 (permalink) |
Location: Wisconsin...
You could trade it in with the problems...my roomate traded his 99 grand am with a very leaky intake gasket
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#18 (permalink) | |
Location: San Diego
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#20 (permalink) | |
Location: Wisconsin...
Yeah clean it up and trade it in ASAP you might not get alot for the car but you should be able to find a nice used car with an older 3.8L V6 in it...very reliable...or you just might find something else worth the money.....first look up the blue book value....and don't be too picky about the money they will give you...your giving your problems to them.
Donate now! Ask me How! Please use the search function it is your friend. Look at my mustang please feel free to comment! http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthread.php?t=26985 |
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Tags |
car, gasket, head, leaky, long |