Fuel pump is in the tank and labor guide calls for 2 hours to remove and reinstall, I checked local jobber and pump is $110 over the counter.
Thanks for the info. Where can I find a labor guide like this so I can try to decide if this is something I can do?
Originally posted by Stare At The Sun
If you have full coverage insurance...or protection against theft, do this:
Take your car to a parking lot at night, take a baseball bat to it beat the #### out of it, crush the headlights, break or crack all windows, destroy the dash, dent everything, spray paint it etc.
The insurance company will total it, and give you a check. Put that towards a new Hyundai with a 100,000 mile warranty. You're driving a Cavy...so you obviously don't care about looks .
If not that,i'd say just try and sell it/trade it on something more reliable. J-bodys are so problematic..
Every summer my area becomes a high theft area. Last year, punk kids took my POS car and beat the crap out of it. Unfortunatly this year they don't seem to be biting. I'm tempted to leave the car running with the windows down and a full tank of gas. Maybe I would throw in $100 bucks to help seal the deal.
Punk kids would probably just take the money and leave the car though...
It seems like a few people have suggested a trade in for another car. My question is, with the problems this car is having, am I going to be able to find an interested dealer? It seems like they would either tell me to keep the car, or they would offer me $20 to shut me up.