first off which motor in the cavalier? the 2.2 or the 2.4? i have seen blown haed gaskets in both motor, and the 2.2 is a consiederably easier job than the 2.4. however every single time thaey have been cause by an overheat, so how bad was yours?
you need to get some more info though... find out if the head gasket is leaking internally or externally, also which fluid is leaking. due to the difference in pressures, oil has tendency to get into the coolant while running (due to oil pressure being about 40psi at idle and coolant at 15psi), however when the vehicle is off, the coolant gets into the oil cause it holds its pressure due to the heat. an external leak of either fluid is managable as you keep topping off fluids, however internal leaks due not last that long without causing serous damage. next ont he fule pump, is it an internal or external leak? internal will result in a hard start condtion as car will not hold pressure in the fuel rail while it is shut off. externally it will also be a hard start, but you have a fire risk, cause your exhast runs right by your tank.