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Old 05-31-2004, 02:39 AM   #1 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Sweet Dreams

Posted this in my journal to test the waters, and was happy enough with it to extend it for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

Sweet Dreams

"Sweet Dreams" he said that night,
as our chat ended at a late hour.
With a smile I turned out the light,
my thoughts drifting away beyond my power.

And as I was standing there,
soft light reflected on the waters;
Out of the shadows crept a grey mare,
her footsteps speaking a whisper ever softer.

Until no longer in the moonlight
was her graceful form in view.
But still twinkling from twilight
were on petals glistening drops of dew.

With so light a step to not wake those asleep,
A wandering path leads to a shore.
Every step further towards the deep,
A calm gentle soothing is felt slightly more.

Details and memories dwindle in number,
I've been floating forever, it seems.
Until sunlight rays break through my slumber,
All because someone said "sweet dreams".
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 05-31-2004, 04:51 AM   #2 (permalink)
tecoyah's Avatar
Very nice.....makes you want to count your blessings, thanx.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Old 06-05-2004, 01:43 AM   #3 (permalink)
<3 Peetster
Location: Peetster's house.
Sweet dreams indeed.
Honey,We're home.
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Old 06-05-2004, 08:37 AM   #4 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Thanks for your comments, Tecoyah & Six

The juices are just flowing lately, this is inspired by Sting's "Desert Rose"

Gardens in the Desert Sand

The first hint of a coming change
almost undectable, a shift in the air
Brings to near sweet nectar,
gardens in the desert sand

Summer sun, never wavering
as it makes its journey overhead
Warm and heavy, the air encloses the senses
Brings to near sweet nectar,
gardens in the desert sand

A look above brings to view
an endless sapphire ocean
Slowly losing precious ground
to the steady march of foreboding clouds
which brings to near sweet nectar,
gardens in the desert sand

The invisible weight, a sweet intoxication
suspense mouting as the army draws closer
The winds find their voice;
their howling chorus
brings to near sweet nectar,
gardens in the desert sand

At last the first drop is let
slowly a steady symphony
of pit pat fills the air
Until the earth knows of no other sound
and brings to near sweet nectar,
gardens in the desert sand

With hands outstretched
and head upturned
every drop a trip to paradise
Turning with the wind
hidden in the dust
There I stand
drinking of sweet nectar,
gardens in the desert sand

Claps of lightning
a roar of thunder break
the reverie
Already the clouds have
found a new destination
And with them they take
ever further sweet nectar,
gardens in the desert sand
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
amonkie is offline  
Old 06-05-2004, 08:51 AM   #5 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
I like how you use repatition in it with the last line and a half. Good freeverse!
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
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Old 06-11-2004, 07:39 AM   #6 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
A Smile

Little more than a twitch of muscles
it can shape your mind for a day.

A stranger's friendly grin
A child's, toothless.
A day goes from full of clouds
to full of hope.

The knowing smile of one near and dear
warms straight through
A day goes from quickly forgotten
to marked forever in memory.

No escape in immunity,
no vaccination possible.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 06-12-2004, 11:00 AM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Utah
I love the way you lay down the words and they flow into me...
And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart
J.R.V.A. is offline  
Old 06-12-2004, 05:31 PM   #8 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City

Thanks for the comment... I usually read the poems outloud to myself as I'm working on them.... glad to see they have an effect on someone else. I think spoken words can have so much power

Another addition:

Sapphire Glass

A bone chilling breath across my cheek
A dead stillness in the air
Eyes adjust to the darkness

All to be seen in the shroud of black
Two orbs of sapphire, glass
Their gaze fixed upon my face

Obeying the silent command
Blankets fall away as I step beyond
The ground rushing, bringing oblivion

Except this ground holds translucent shades
Bent in the light cast by distant stars above
Faded lavender, then single blades
Holding perfectly shaped dew
dance across my vision

My mind struggles past lethargy
Age, wisdom reflected in those staring depths
Holding under key solutions of this mystery
Drowning out hope, leaving only veiled truth

In the same instant both comforted and terrified
Torn with indecision to heed or defy
Unspoken orders emitted from those spheres of ice
No longer time to choose

Lifted away, still not a clue
All too soon back within familiar sights
Left to wake once again
Alone, but haunted,
by piercing orbs of sapphire glass.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 06-12-2004, 05:59 PM   #9 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
Originally posted by amonkie
A bone chilling breath across my cheek
A dead stillness in the air
Eyes adjust to the darkness
Very good way of setting a errie feeling and mood to the poem.

Originally posted by amonkie
All to be seen in the shroud of black
Two orbs of sapphire, glass
Their gaze fixed upon my face
Continuing with the spooky mood describing the orbs as eyes in darkness watching your every move. Very good!

Originally posted by amonkie
Age, wisdom reflected in those staring depths
Holding under key solutions of this mystery
Drowning out hope, leaving only veiled truth
A dark wisdom killing hope. I like it.

Originally posted by amonkie
In the same instant both comforted and terrified
Torn with indecision to heed or defy
Unspoken orders emitted from those spheres of ice
No longer time to choose
Nice way of showing both your feelings as well as the power of the orbs.

Originally posted by amonkie
Alone, but haunted,
by piercing orbs of sapphire glass.
That last line is my favorite. I like how you described the sapphire glass's gaze as piercing.
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
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Old 06-12-2004, 07:17 PM   #10 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Originally posted by NiceGuy

That last line is my favorite. I like how you described the sapphire glass's gaze as piercing.

That's my favorite line too... I started out with that and had to make sure I put it in there somewhere!
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 06-12-2004, 11:25 PM   #11 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
This piece is dedicated to a special person who's become an awesome friend.

~ Dedicated to NiceGuy ~
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna

Last edited by amonkie; 06-14-2004 at 12:06 AM..
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Old 06-13-2004, 10:15 PM   #12 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
I was speechless for a while, and I guess I still am!

amonkie, your words are so beautiful! From them flow a kindness that pierces to my heart and soul. It looks great too! Thank you!
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"

Last edited by ForgottenKnight; 06-14-2004 at 12:08 AM..
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Old 06-20-2004, 07:54 PM   #13 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
~ Thanks to NiceGuy for his help ~

Twinkling Eyes

Weary bones lay to rest
Another night has begun
Distant staccato fire pierces
No longer does he jump

Fatigue felt to his soul
So foreign a burden
Even closed eyes cannot remove
Untold horrors of the day

A frozen smile catches his eye
His saving grace in a never-ending hell
Her eyes twinkling back
A secret to tell

To return to his love
This life left behind
No greater wish
Could his heart make

Sleep overcomes
Fixed gaze slowly lets
Gunfire turned fireworks
As he dreams of his wife

Awake with a flash
He goes to save lives
So that other soldiers
Can join their wives

Now it's his turn
To come back from hell
A joyous returning
To his heart and will
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
amonkie is offline  
Old 06-20-2004, 08:10 PM   #14 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
A beautiful tribute to the military medics in Iraq!
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
ForgottenKnight is offline  
Old 07-04-2004, 11:53 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere between the Havens and the Earth
i was truely captivated by sweet dreams. i know you must hear it a lot but thank you for sharing because your writing is truely inspiring and absolutely wonderful
from the Havens I have fallen. . . to the earth as a mangled form. . . writhing in pain, my wings torn and bloodied. . . I have one purpose, only one goal. . . to find you and love you, for I am your. . . fallen angel
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Old 07-05-2004, 10:27 AM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Oregon
Thanks you.. Its good to read what other people have in there minds... What objects mean to them and the value of things around them...
Blessed By Pain
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Old 07-07-2004, 12:17 AM   #17 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Thanks for all your comments everyone

Working on another one, but was working like an insane person all last week, so waiting for the pieces to come together.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:10 PM   #18 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Broken China

Catching the eye in passing
patterns on glass win a second glance
Thoughts of what could go missing
Hand outstretched, he takes a chance

The delicate china placed at the center
Life moving onward, hand in hand
exhilarating, so much better
than ages solitary on a stand

Until one day, the moment came
hand once outstretched drops china to shatter
innocence lost, never the same
only shards remain of what no long matters

Slowly jagged fragments gather
Is eternity incomplete now her fate?
To now protect, a wall around her
Attempts to restore a pleasing state
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna

Last edited by amonkie; 07-31-2004 at 11:25 PM..
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Old 07-08-2004, 12:23 AM   #19 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
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Old 07-09-2004, 12:58 AM   #20 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Envelope of Silence

To some, a burden to bear
An existence not quite perfect

But to gain at the loss of one,
heightened sensation

Every touch felt
Every movement captured

Life's most important messages
found trifled not with words

Universal language prevails
far beyond spoken tones

To long for that not known?
Perhaps best left a mystery

An envelope of silence
to better appreciate
the echo of a whisper.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 07-09-2004, 03:33 AM   #21 (permalink)
tecoyah's Avatar
Originally posted by amonkie

An envelope of silence
to better appreciate
the echo of a whisper.
Damn....that was GREAT.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Old 07-10-2004, 12:59 AM   #22 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
Originally posted by tecoyah
Damn....that was GREAT.
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
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Old 07-10-2004, 07:02 PM   #23 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Here..... then Gone.

A mirage dancing before my eyes
Gone before dreams become reality
Life as on puppet strings
only moved when summoned

Rendered immobile at the whim
of whomever holds the strings
Powerless from the beginning
Life breathed in by skillfull hands

Lively dance
smiling face

Until robbed of breath
and put to death

Here, then gone
no mind of one's own.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 07-10-2004, 07:05 PM   #24 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
I'm sure many have felt this way before....

Watched Clock

An hour to go
A watched clock ticks so slow

Sick of this chair,
Inanimate monitor returns my stare

Cute guys all around
Who couldn't tell me from the ground

A single phone gives a ring
Makes us all want to sing

Saying the same things all day
Almost time to leave and play

To go home to an empty house
I could probably hear a mouse
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 07-11-2004, 08:42 PM   #25 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Calming Waters

A spot to rest under an emerald ceiling
Noises of urban life left far behind, unseen

All around, music to the ears
From trickling brook to cascading falls
Nature's symphony has an audience

Perched nearby, a soloist robin bobs about
Small little twitters accompany the sounds
All else falling silent to the chorus

Leaves gently rocking
Their hue almost too vibrant
Occasional crags of stone, towering
Peek through the colorful curtain

Refreshed, ascent begins again
Another place to stop,
A different melody
Just as tranquil, calming waters

Who ever would want to leave this place?
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 07-18-2004, 09:09 PM   #26 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Sleeping Angel

Softly he crept in, closed door blocking light
No sound for fear she'd wake
He stood watch over his new angel,
Every eyelash resting peacefully

No one ever told him
She'd make him feel this way
In his eyes, a perfect masterpiece
Every stare revealing more mystery

Her tiny hands in fists
Each finger so carefully detailed
When clasped around his hand,
More powerful than grown foes

When her eyes were open
So thoughtfully they'd stare
Pulling at his heart's strings
Her smile made his day

His life found new purpose
In this little bundle of pink
A better place, the world to make
Beauty for his sleeping angel
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 07-26-2004, 08:56 AM   #27 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Circle of Life

Circle of Life
a timetable of its own
Moving forward without permission
Holding back when all else fails
a demon meant to torment?
or a gift disguised
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 07-26-2004, 12:33 PM   #28 (permalink)
I change
ARTelevision's Avatar
Location: USA
amonkie, so happy to see these here!
I'll come back again re-read and comment again once they've sunk in over time.
Thanks for the good contribs!
create evolution
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Old 07-26-2004, 06:30 PM   #29 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
Good work! Keep it up!
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
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Old 07-26-2004, 08:30 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Southeast
Very nice. Do people also post song lyrics here as well?

Just wondering,
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Old 07-26-2004, 08:55 PM   #31 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Originally posted by ikewando
Very nice. Do people also post song lyrics here as well?

Just wondering,
People post anything of a written nature, that is their own work. If you are looking to post lyrics from bands you like or something, check out the Titled Music thread.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 07-28-2004, 10:14 AM   #32 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Endless Time

chills around
heart pounds
trapped in the now
what I'd give to move
forward or back
rewrite history
a rescue or a curse
to change stars ahead

so now the wait begins
a room never ending
accompanied alone
to begin walking
is to be always wandering

But to stay
is to be crushed
soul and mind alike
bent under stress
answers, questions
one always forms another
no end in sight
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna

Last edited by amonkie; 07-31-2004 at 11:27 PM..
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Old 07-31-2004, 12:11 AM   #33 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City

A wall of glass
visible to all but me
small things to laugh
but me, do you see?

Am I a fire to you
to touch me burns?
Or am I left
to my own defenses
All stripped from me in turn

My eyes cry out
For a single genuine touch
A willing ear to hear,
A word to soothe

Maybe you once saw my eyes
for you turned away
Left me standing here
Blindly to find my way
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 08-05-2004, 11:28 PM   #34 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Truth Unknown

Mystery standing before
Almost unveiled
Still enough darkness
Secrets left untold

A test of strength
Mocking tease
To my mind

With wisdom, lost hope
Of dreams and smiles
Shoulder set,
The world to face

To look back brings ache
Innocence, carefree
For to see the world
Rose colored glasses

No possible balance
Search for a fulcrum
Proves futile

Worst of all
Lack of choice
Death to soul
Rose or wisdom
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna

Last edited by amonkie; 08-06-2004 at 09:12 AM..
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Old 08-06-2004, 10:25 AM   #35 (permalink)
Location: Denver
*picks up jaw from floor*

Wow! Excellent group of works.

I have been pondering taking up writing since I feel a need to express myself. I think you just inspired me to do so.

<--The great infidel-->
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Old 08-06-2004, 11:13 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Location: Windy City
Originally posted by Polyphobic
*picks up jaw from floor*

Wow! Excellent group of works.

I have been pondering taking up writing since I feel a need to express myself. I think you just inspired me to do so.

Glad to be a source of inspiration! It took someone sparking me before I really got back into writing recently. Look forward to seeing your contributions here!
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 08-08-2004, 12:35 AM   #37 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Love Takes A Leap

Some say love takes a leap
A leap of faith
A stride of trust

Standing at the crumbling edge
Clutching the rail of safety
Hanging as if life
Depends upon my hold

I leapt once, tumbling down
The canyon growing taller
Hitting rocks of lies
A sharp cliff of betrayal

Enough tears
To have cried a river
Which only hardens
The final blow

A climb before me
Each step passing
Some block my path
Others move boulders

From the summit
Much time has passed
Warily gazing across
The all expansive gulf
A chance to rest
Hand on an ever present rail

To say love takes a leap
But to have only fallen
So much more will it take
To erase pain, to trust

So long, holding on
hands tired of safety
But no arms in which
To take the leap and land
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna

Last edited by amonkie; 08-08-2004 at 12:49 AM..
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Old 08-09-2004, 12:19 PM   #38 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Old, but new poem:

All of the others I've posted here as I wrote them, this one is out of order since I just cleaned my purse and found it scribbled on a piece of scrap paper, so should go between Truth Unknown and Love takes a Leap- more from the evolution of my mind:

Drained from worry
Mind set at ease
A lesson learned
Nature, no man owns

Now to tread more carefully
Wary of paths uncovered
hiding danger underfoot
Smiling baby, fatal bite
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna

Last edited by amonkie; 08-14-2004 at 03:12 PM..
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Old 08-13-2004, 10:51 PM   #39 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
For some reason my inspirations seem to always come as I should be drifting off to sleep....

~ In memory of Rat's grandfather ~
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna

Last edited by amonkie; 08-17-2004 at 07:14 PM..
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Old 08-13-2004, 11:42 PM   #40 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
COOL! That's awesome! The pic looks like a night shot overlying a sunset shot. And great poem!
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
ForgottenKnight is offline  

dreams, sweet

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