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Old 03-12-2005, 03:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: New Zealand
Who are the minority? (A Journal Entry)

Here's something I wrote about a week ago in a random online journal, I'm not too sure what spawned it, maybe i was in a bad mood or something, but here it is.

"A journal?.. Stellar. I think i might just have to rant on and on about a pile or random while life ticks past, reality slowly kicks in and I wake the fuck up.

We go about life bitching about every little imperfection and blemish in an imitation of a magazine lifestyle. "my coffee mug's handle's too small. there's too much traffic. there's a stick in my anus. there's too many people living an imitation of a magazine lifestyle" (and yes, the latter was supposed be under speech marks)

It's all too easy to forget times long since past. Being a kid, climbing up trees over and over to make a jump, 'maybe this time i'll fly away and soar' The optimism. The hope. Somewhere along the road, the words breathed by an unrelenting youth were lost in translation. 'How can i?' became 'why should i?', 'where can i?' became 'where am i?'

Why appreciate when I can criticise? I mean, people listen to criticism whether they like it or not, the negative always has a greater effect on mood than the positive. Everyone wants to be heard, I know I do. Don't deny it.

Now there's an irony in this rant, which i'll have to change. All ranters of our society, the 'individuals' and deviants who must isolate society's flaws and who feel so far above it because they can identify a problem within it: Imagine if we didn't have our current system of existence. Where would that put them? without the majority, you don't have a minority and when it comes down to it a lot the 'minority' are just the majority in a different shell.

So who are the minority then? The minority are the ones who are truely awake, they're the ones who embrace what they have, that can accept an imperfect and often indifferent world for the few wonders and the beauty within it. They're ones who make a difference every day, whether it be small or miraculous by being aware of a society and adjusting its rules to acheive a postive result. They might not challenge every norm infact only challenge the ones that suit them, but they're doing it for them not to prove anything to anyone. In saying that, they know what can be seen as the not so good aspects of a system and know how to deviate when the occasion arises. They're aware without having to make a big deal about it and likely to say something along the lines of, "fuck it, i've got a life to live and not wasting my breathe on bitching about it"

You know exactly which one you are.


Now, what I wanna know is whether you'd agree with it? What are the flaws in my theory? What do you think about the whole idea? keep in mind, i was probably in a bad mood when i wrote it so, it might not be totally coherent.. so ask and comment away!
Dream like there are no limits. Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never been fucked with. Die sans regret.
~Lucian~ is offline  
Old 03-15-2005, 07:35 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Pennsylvania
Heh, you sound like me when I get pissed and write sometimes. So you're saying that the minority is the people who don't whine about everyday life, who keep making the changes that everyone feels, not complaining, not being showoffish, just doing it? Most likely, but I don't know if those people even exist, except maybe in very, very small numbers. Everyone has complained about something at one time or another, everyone has seen small things they want to be changed. And that's not a bad thing though; it can be beneficial. Each little voice, added together, can make a big change.

...or if I'm wrong, maybe you should clarify what you're talking about first. It is loosely organized.
TheFrogel is offline  
Old 03-21-2005, 03:57 AM   #3 (permalink)
Location: New Zealand
Yea, you've got it pretty much. I apologise, it was an rant of extreme rantfulness if i ever did see one. it sorta just flowed onto the screen from some hidden reserve of... God knows. I think basically what i mean is being aware without making a fuss. Making little changes without trying to destroy what's already working. Although, there is an extreme minority who are willing do anything to change everything. And yea, a western society needs people like that to a) change things (hopefully for the common good) or b) put our way of thinking into perspective. Either way everyone has a part to play. I guess realising that fact and accepting it helps me sleep at night. or something along those lines.
Dream like there are no limits. Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never been fucked with. Die sans regret.

Last edited by ~Lucian~; 03-21-2005 at 04:01 AM.. Reason: Stylistic reasons.. (or lack thereof)
~Lucian~ is offline  
Old 03-21-2005, 06:51 AM   #4 (permalink)
Master_Shake's Avatar
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
So if the minority is the people who don't complain, and you're complaining about people not being in the minority, does that make you part of the majority?

I don't entirely know what to make of this. Are you suggesting that people should act like the minority and stop complaining? Or are you saying that people just naturally fall into the two camps and there's nothing to be done about which side you fall into?
You know something, I don't think the sun even... exists... in this place. 'Cause I've been up for hours, and hours, and hours, and the night never ends here.
Master_Shake is offline  
Old 03-21-2005, 08:15 PM   #5 (permalink)
The issue isn't with the complaining, that's everyone's right (and my way to vent daily stress)... the issue is with the people that take it WAY beyond and make dumb laws preventing people from selling hot dogs in bikinis... Or shooting up a building because a practice done inside doesn't match their beliefs...

With that said, I'm going back to eating my Twinkie, playing my video games and ignoring the fact that I'm 20 years too old to do either...
MH73 is offline  
Old 03-22-2005, 02:37 AM   #6 (permalink)
Location: New Zealand
Mmm, I didn't mean to try to tell anyone to do anything, twas more of an observation. I was pretty pissed off when i wrote the entry and in my current mindset my opinion is probably more neutral i.e. do what you want, and just live your life.

At the time i was having a go at people who think they're making a difference or being different, but in the end are just conforming to clique or group which society already has a certain place for. Basically, society for the most part works (yea, i know it's debatable) and if you wanna make a positive change or whatever, then just do it in you're own way not just by following others. I think my minority idea's inaccurate for sure, it's more a continuoum, as with most abstract concepts. So it's the degree to which you conform or don't conform.. but through my way of looking at things.

Either way, it was just a thought and i'm a huge fan of freedom of choice in life so take from it what you will. As I said before, it helps me put things in perspective and lets me look at people and decisions in a larger scale. Only thing to avoid though is over generalisation, hence the idea of the continuoum.
Dream like there are no limits. Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never been fucked with. Die sans regret.
~Lucian~ is offline  

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