Mmm, I didn't mean to try to tell anyone to do anything, twas more of an observation. I was pretty pissed off when i wrote the entry and in my current mindset my opinion is probably more neutral i.e. do what you want, and just live your life.
At the time i was having a go at people who think they're making a difference or being different, but in the end are just conforming to clique or group which society already has a certain place for. Basically, society for the most part works
(yea, i know it's debatable) and if you wanna make a positive change or whatever, then just do it in you're own way not just by following others. I think my minority idea's inaccurate for sure, it's more a continuoum, as with most abstract concepts. So it's the degree to which you conform or don't conform.. but through my way of looking at things.
Either way, it was just a thought and i'm a huge fan of freedom of choice in life so take from it what you will. As I said before, it helps me put things in perspective and lets me look at people and decisions in a larger scale. Only thing to avoid though is over generalisation, hence the idea of the continuoum.