Yea, you've got it pretty much. I apologise, it was an rant of extreme rantfulness if i ever did see one. it sorta just flowed onto the screen from some hidden reserve of... God knows. I think basically what i mean is being aware without making a fuss. Making little changes without trying to destroy what's already working. Although, there is an extreme minority who are willing do anything to change everything. And yea, a western society needs people like that to a) change things (hopefully for the common good) or b) put our way of thinking into perspective. Either way everyone has a part to play. I guess realising that fact and accepting it helps me sleep at night. or something along those lines.
Dream like there are no limits. Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never been fucked with. Die sans regret.
Last edited by ~Lucian~; 03-21-2005 at 04:01 AM..
Reason: Stylistic reasons.. (or lack thereof)