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Old 11-27-2004, 02:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
AfterBurn's Avatar
Weight Gain Help

Hi, I want to put on some weight because basically I'm a twig. I spoke to a few friends and they suggested weight gain pills. Can someone recommend me a good one that they tried or know someone who tried them and worked? Thanks!
smoking weed everyday keeps the doctor away
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Old 11-27-2004, 04:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
aa1037's Avatar
Location: New York
I'm in the same boat as you. I'm not a twig, but I do wanna gain weight (right now I'm about 6'2 190lbs and I'd like to be 220 then slim to maybe 210 for the summer).

First off, eat A LOT. Don't stuff with crappy junk food tho - lots of chicken, skim milk, lean meat. Get extra calories.
Next, be dedicated to working out. Lift heavy with lower reps than you usually do - I find that a good weight is such that you can do 4 reps yourself but need help before or during the 6th - (Max OT). Stick to the most basic, compound movements like bench press, dead lift, and squats.
Weight gain supplements are pretty nice too, just get something with lots of calories and protein and drink a couple a day. I really like N-Large 2. It has 52g of protein per serving and a nice 620 calories.

Good luck!
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Old 11-28-2004, 11:23 PM   #3 (permalink)
Give the man a prize! N large2 is the best hands down weight gainer you can buy...in my opinion. It has alot of protein and also alot of carbs-which are important if you are bulking. Plus it tastes better than most, and online you can find some pretty cheap deals. Make sure that you take in 1.5-2grams per lb of body weight in protein a day, otherwise,your just "pissing" your money away. I gained 40 lbs in about 8 months with an injury. Right now I weigh about 195 at 5'11" and so I consume 350 - 400 grams of protein( about 4-5 n large shakes a day plus high protein meals). At first it is hard to take that much in but after about 2 weeks if you're persistant your stomach will stretch and your metabolism will catch on and it gets easier. Be persistant, and dont forget to rest enough. Good luck!
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Old 11-29-2004, 06:02 AM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Dallas, Tx
you dont need pills. find out how many calories you consume each day and increase it by 500 each week until you start gaining weight. nothing will put on weight like food.
st33lr4t is offline  
Old 11-30-2004, 07:04 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Georgia
Eat and exercise. You've got to do both. You can try Creatine or something like that if you just want to look bigger. Also try L-Glutamine which is an amino acid. It helps a lot to keep the muscles from being so sore and helps also with recovery of the muscles after a workout. It keeps from losing the muscle you've put on.
I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. ~Marsha Doble
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Old 12-06-2004, 02:40 PM   #6 (permalink)
jcookc6's Avatar
Location: Venice, Florida
BEER will do it, never fails
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Old 12-06-2004, 05:04 PM   #7 (permalink)
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absorbentishe's Avatar
Location: T O L E D O, Toledo!!
Originally Posted by jcookc6
BEER will do it, never fails
Along with getting married and having kids! Man, I've put like 15 pounds on this year, and they aren't coming off...
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Old 12-06-2004, 06:13 PM   #8 (permalink)
"weight gainer" shakes are really expensive and mostly sugar. Just use "normal" whey protein shakes and double the dosage..it'll be much easier on your wallet, and you'll get the protein you need. Carbs can be found anywhere.
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Old 12-06-2004, 11:18 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: north america
im with jcook, the football season alone put on 20lbs, even coors lite or miller lite didnt seem to help
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Old 12-07-2004, 12:52 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Georgia
Getting married will definitely do the trick. It worked for me. Get married and get your wife pregnant. Works every time.
I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. ~Marsha Doble
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Old 12-12-2004, 02:34 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Virginia, USA
I just posted this to another question someone had regarding "getting definition" etc...

Don't forget that you're going to have a certain body type, but you can certainly change the way it works for you.

NEVER take pills, and don't resort to drinking or chemicals for weight gain. Have you looked at the celebrity magazines? Those people use drugs for everything, and all they get is re-hab (granted, for addictive substances, generally, but try to stay "natural" regardless)

So, here it is, again:

Hard work.
Find a sport you like, and supplement it with activities you dislike...for me, that's doing squats, or time runs. Ugh, I suck at running, but I can pack on muscle like it's my JOB.

And take the time to look through a Sports Illustrated, and realize that there are so many world-class atheletes out there who don't have the Adonis body-type, but they're good at what they do.

I recommend that you pick up a book like this:

Frances Sienkiewicz Sizer, Eleanor Noss Whitney
Nutrition - Concepts and Controversies (with CD-ROM, Dietary Reference Intakes Supplement, and InfoTrac)


Above is the book's website.

Once you buy this text, it's a good start for understanding basic nutrition. It does go over the benefits of exercise in a general sense, but is invaluable for the DIET ANALYSIS software.
If you are really serious about nutrition, (as you must be) then you can use the diet analysis software to get HARD DATA on your daily diet, and how it matches with your Recommended Dietary Intakes, the food guide pyramid (which is currently being totally changed by the FDA) and overall calorie needs. If you read the book, you'll learn that you may need more or less (generally more for young, active males) calories than 2,000 per day.

You need a plan, and a methodology, and more than anything, a way to get support. find some friends, find a nutritionist or a personal trainer to meet with every couple of months, to monitor progress. Numbers can be your best friend, in your situation.

Good luck, and stay motivated!
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gain, weight

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