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Old 02-09-2010, 10:46 AM   #1 (permalink)
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[PC] BFBC2 Players

Comes out in about a month.

who's getting it for sure? (or already pre-ordered.)
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Old 02-09-2010, 04:13 PM   #2 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Bought it today on Slickdeals.net: The best coupons, deals and bargains to save you money! for $20 brand new.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 02-09-2010, 04:40 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lasereth View Post

you slut, lol.
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Old 02-10-2010, 09:50 AM   #4 (permalink)
Stick it in your five hole!
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I wish people would stand still for me like that when I'm sniping. Anywho, pre-ordered and ready to go. My nick is WhattaHoot if anyone cares, hope to see you guys in game.
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Old 02-25-2010, 09:37 AM   #5 (permalink)
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PC players get a special treat.

preorders and new box buyers get a treat as well

people who buy it used can opt to buy these maps as DLC though.
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Old 02-25-2010, 06:18 PM   #6 (permalink)
Chicken scratch.
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Dude, I wasn't going to check these vids as the BF/CoD games kinda lost me a couple years ago, but holy craptastic, that first clip was totally bananas.

Gonna have to get me some!
One, two, three, four, fiiiiiiiifth.
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Old 02-26-2010, 01:52 AM   #7 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
For those of you that play the single player campaign, How do you feel BC2 compares to MW2's single player?
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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Old 02-26-2010, 12:29 PM   #8 (permalink)
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I'm really looking forward to trying out the conquest maps, they haven't showed any of that in the demo's that I've had a part in and it makes me wonder if it has the classic feel of the battlefield mechanics that they pioneered?

BF1942 was an innovative title from that conquest mechanic alone, it was funny to watch it get ripped off and adapted by star wars:battlefront games. haha. Oh well, March 2nd needs to hurry the eff up.
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Old 02-26-2010, 03:04 PM   #9 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Even though my preorder was canceled I'll still probably get it.

---------- Post added at 06:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM ----------

That dev walkthrough was great.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 02-26-2010, 03:16 PM   #10 (permalink)
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what happened to your preorder?
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Old 02-26-2010, 07:18 PM   #11 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
It was canceled? Shit on slickdeals.net gets canceled all the time because half the crap on there are fluke prices.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:57 PM   #13 (permalink)
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I demand more interest in this game. Dont be a punk and settle for your MW2 games

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Old 02-28-2010, 05:24 PM   #14 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Man that first montage was totally badass.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 02-28-2010, 09:38 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Heh..skillful edits. I like how he shoots at helicopters that are going down so it looks like it's been shot down by small arms fire.

---------- Post added at 05:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 AM ----------

Oh and I've pre-ordered...I'm sad to lose my 11 levels earned in the beta. And then I'm away on vacation for half of March..grrr.
"Punk rock had this cool, political personal message. It was a bit more cerebral than just stupid cock rock, you know"
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Old 03-01-2010, 12:47 AM   #16 (permalink)
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I got a lot of unlocks in BETA and rank , dang. Gotta start all over oh well, its fun blowing stuff up with C4 and RPG dudes from far away.
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Old 03-01-2010, 06:07 AM   #17 (permalink)
Chicken scratch.
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That was a very impressive "tutorial." This game looks really excellent.
One, two, three, four, fiiiiiiiifth.
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Old 03-01-2010, 02:57 PM   #18 (permalink)
Here, yet not all there.
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Location: Franklinville, NJ
My only hope is that the rest of the maps hold up as well as Port Valdez did.
The taint. Conveniently located between the snack bar and the dumpster.
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Old 03-02-2010, 08:11 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Anyone have any luck with getting it off steam? It's supposed to be out today..I was hoping for a midnight release last night.
"Punk rock had this cool, political personal message. It was a bit more cerebral than just stupid cock rock, you know"
-Kurt Cobain
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:31 AM   #20 (permalink)
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CAN'T WAIT TILL 5 PM!!!!!!!!!!!!
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 03-02-2010, 11:35 AM   #21 (permalink)
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1st off.

ADD ME in game "Shauk"

2nd off, it's bittersweet, my retail copy of Win7 wont be here til thursday, so i'm suffering from the pre-release shut down every 2 hours ;_;

3rd, holy shit I love all the maps so far.

4th, I've yet to figure out how to adjust the FOV like they said i'd be able to because right now, everyone is hella tunnel visioned, I walked up and took out an entire squad with my knife and pistol as recon because I just happened to be sitting like 45 degrees to the left of them as they all walked right past me.

Sometimes I wish this game had UT sound effects "m-m-m-m-ega killllll"
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Old 03-02-2010, 05:04 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Well so far I've done a few multiplayer rounds, again, still enjoying the maps, they'll take me a while to learn the ins and outs and how to approach them with each class.

I had a weird issue with it crashing to desktop without an error of any kind whenever it would finish loading a map.

I tried messing around with some settings.

if you go in to my documents/bfbc2 it stores some config files there.

settings.in has a line that says
I changed auto to 9 even though my card supports 10 because apparently people were reporting really good frame rates.

You can also edit the FoV in there.

that so with that, I went ahead and loaded it up and it stopped crashing.

I went ahead and filled out a post about how I think it's the dx detection that's crashing the game for some people so.. hopefully if anyone here has that problem, that'll solve it until they fix it.

I'm only up to the "crack in the sky" mission right now. I plan on beating it before I get too entrenched in the multiplayer
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Old 03-02-2010, 09:10 PM   #23 (permalink)
Radio Monk33's Avatar
The multiplayer is terribly buggy right now. Hella hard to get into a game..a few times got the punkbuster kick (wtf). Othertimes it looks like major connection issues trying to get a game. Looks like its fairly widespread. maybe too popular right now.
"Punk rock had this cool, political personal message. It was a bit more cerebral than just stupid cock rock, you know"
-Kurt Cobain
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Old 03-02-2010, 09:24 PM   #24 (permalink)
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yeah in 2 hrs I got to play one complete map.

The single player WW2 thing threw me for one, was just like call of duty WAW.
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Old 03-03-2010, 08:22 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Radio Monk33 View Post
The multiplayer is terribly buggy right now. Hella hard to get into a game..a few times got the punkbuster kick (wtf). Othertimes it looks like major connection issues trying to get a game. Looks like its fairly widespread. maybe too popular right now.
Sounds like a typical BF game. When will DICE get their shit together with coding?
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 03-03-2010, 08:31 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Radio Monk33 View Post
The multiplayer is terribly buggy right now. Hella hard to get into a game..a few times got the punkbuster kick (wtf). Othertimes it looks like major connection issues trying to get a game. Looks like its fairly widespread. maybe too popular right now.
I dunno if you got it for steam but I decided to skip it this time because I had all sorts of punkbuster kick issues with CoD/punkbuster due to it not getting along with steam for some reason.

that said, seems to work fine for me now. Browser still needs some tuning, still takes a long time to get a list of servers or join a game, but eventually does so.
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Old 03-03-2010, 09:06 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Shauk I added you as a friend last night

I tried to get into 10 games and got into 2 of them. All I wanted to do in my short amount of time last night was fly a helicopter and I never found one. rage
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 03-03-2010, 05:04 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Gotcha. Got a couple adds from people I don't know who didn't identify themselves too so. *shrug*
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Old 03-03-2010, 07:43 PM   #29 (permalink)
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we allz need friends
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Old 03-04-2010, 06:17 AM   #30 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Bleh couldn't get into any servers last night either.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 03-04-2010, 09:46 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Yeah i did a "compare" to you and say you had like 2 kills 1 death. It was pretty hard for me to get in to a game, took me half an hour or so to populate the server list, apply filters and then spam join on the server I wanted to play on till there was an opening.

EA's server was really intermittent with connectivity. It wouldn't work for several minutes at a time but as soon as it got me in, it was all good to go.

I am starting to think that anyone intending to level a recon class should just play defense with the machine gun option on conquest maps, since snipers only really feel useful in rush mode to me.

I tried being a "sniper" mode recon guy for the 1st 3 levels and just got raped repeatedly because they're so vulnerable to machine gun fire from pretty much any distance >.>

Once I unlocked the 12x scope though, it was night and day in my survivability.

they just released a new server side update to help with connectivity issues, though I didn't really notice anything being faster/better on my end
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Old 03-04-2010, 10:07 AM   #32 (permalink)
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I hate to rub salt in wounds, but the 360 matchmaking is absolutely impeccable. I played a good 8 hours yesterday and the day before, and never once got kicked from a server or had to wait more than 30 seconds to connect.

To console you, (heh, KUN-SOUL, not CON-SUL)the graphics on the 360 look very BF1943ish compared to the PC.

Game is awesome though, that we can all agree on.

I love playing medic.. something about having a machine gun and health kits fits my personality exactly.. run like a maniac, machine gun, run like a maniac, machine gun, sprint past a tank to heal some peeps, revive some peeps, repeat.
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel
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Old 03-04-2010, 10:31 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jinn View Post
I hate to rub salt in wounds, but the 360 matchmaking is absolutely impeccable. I played a good 8 hours yesterday and the day before, and never once got kicked from a server or had to wait more than 30 seconds to connect.

To console you, (heh, KUN-SOUL, not CON-SUL)the graphics on the 360 look very BF1943ish compared to the PC.

Game is awesome though, that we can all agree on.

I love playing medic.. something about having a machine gun and health kits fits my personality exactly.. run like a maniac, machine gun, run like a maniac, machine gun, sprint past a tank to heal some peeps, revive some peeps, repeat.
haha, well, to be fair the consoles style matchmaking service in the PC version works fine, it's just the server browser that causes all the delay for me. It's functional, just not 100% so.

This is one of those games that if you ever decided to sell your console version, you can still opt to pick up a pc version and come play with the rest of us at least
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Old 03-04-2010, 12:13 PM   #34 (permalink)
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I was a diehard PC gamer, especially shooters, and honed my skill with the likes of Doom, Quake, and ultimately Counterstrike (including cal competition) but I've had to move to consoles as of late simply because I find comfort knowing that the playing field is more even in terms of rendering, and that what I see on my screen with regards to foliage is what they see. Likewise, hacks for console FPS' are historically more difficult to create and maintain, in large part because of the closed nature of the console hardware.

Entirely single player games I still purchase for the PC, like Mass Effect 2, because mouse and keyboard is far superior as a control system. But in competitive games I much prefer the relative equality of consoles, knowing that TV size aside, we're much more even than someone playing on a brand new computer and someone playing on a two year old computer.

Back on topic, I absolutely love the 'armor' perks. It's nice to have a little bit of control beyond standard armor, to say.. hey, I want a bigger sensor range, or I want larger shells, or I want faster repair, or I want more health, etc. I wish they were able to do something about C4'ing a tank as it spawns (before someone gets in it) as it largely deters people from climbing in, for fear that someone has already mined it.
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel
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Old 03-05-2010, 02:52 PM   #35 (permalink)
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"btw: PC currently has more people playing and are in game servers than
both the consoles."

PC Gamers win this round. muhahaha.

Updates to the servers now and soon - Electronic Arts UK Community
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:58 PM   #36 (permalink)
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I hope PC gamers flock to BF2 in droves after Infinity Ward/MW2's big fuck you to PC gaming. I'm having more success today..but still a bit glitchy for joining servers through the browser and seeing friends online. But hey, at least I'm not getting kicked anymore.
"Punk rock had this cool, political personal message. It was a bit more cerebral than just stupid cock rock, you know"
-Kurt Cobain
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Old 03-06-2010, 01:21 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Radio Monk33 View Post
I hope PC gamers flock to BF2 in droves after Infinity Ward/MW2's big fuck you to PC gaming. I'm having more success today..but still a bit glitchy for joining servers through the browser and seeing friends online. But hey, at least I'm not getting kicked anymore.

TBH I'm not even sure who to blame for that fiasco anymore.

Activision bought IW for a mere 5mil, and IW turned around and made them BILLIONS, then on top of that, Activision fired the heads of IW mere weeks before bonuses were due, I guess they got pissed off at the gorilla treatment from Activision so they filed a pretty nasty lawsuit against them. The document basically accuses Activision of forcing them to come out with the sequel when they didn't even have plans to make it, having overly aggressive development schedule demands, and being responsible for the underdeveloped feel of MW2 and all the bugs and balancing issues that MW2 suffers from as a result.

Should be an interesting case.
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Old 03-07-2010, 11:04 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Can't get in a server today either. Says EA server is down or something. Ugh
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 03-07-2010, 01:28 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Yeah, expect more outages..they are rolling out additional server updates all the time from what I've read.

Makes me sad..im 300 points away from level 5.
"Punk rock had this cool, political personal message. It was a bit more cerebral than just stupid cock rock, you know"
-Kurt Cobain
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Old 03-07-2010, 05:29 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Battlefield Blog

400% higher load than they've had beyond all the previous battlefields so they def got caught with conservative estimates. Now we're paying the price of early adoption :\

It's pretty bad but once I get in to a server, I tend to hang on for dear life
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