Well so far I've done a few multiplayer rounds, again, still enjoying the maps, they'll take me a while to learn the ins and outs and how to approach them with each class.
I had a weird issue with it crashing to desktop without an error of any kind whenever it would finish loading a map.
I tried messing around with some settings.
if you go in to my documents/bfbc2 it stores some config files there.
settings.in has a line that says
I changed auto to 9 even though my card supports 10 because apparently people were reporting really good frame rates.
You can also edit the FoV in there.
that so with that, I went ahead and loaded it up and it stopped crashing.
I went ahead and filled out a post about how I think it's the dx detection that's crashing the game for some people so.. hopefully if anyone here has that problem, that'll solve it until they fix it.
I'm only up to the "crack in the sky" mission right now. I plan on beating it before I get too entrenched in the multiplayer