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Old 08-24-2010, 01:19 PM   #601 (permalink)
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He relaxed into it, thinking, "This is what I've been waiting for!"
One said, "I know my products."
Stallion wilted.
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Old 08-27-2010, 10:36 AM   #602 (permalink)
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"Gees, bro," said S2, "you can give me words without giving me nightmares."
Stallion whacked him. "Since you're me, you must understand... Tend to our riders!"
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Old 08-27-2010, 09:03 PM   #603 (permalink)
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"One Unplastic is distracting," demurred S2, "If I can get her attention, she'll respond."
Stallion whacked him again.
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Old 08-29-2010, 09:43 AM   #604 (permalink)
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"What the fuck was that for?" asked S2.
"Tend to your rider," grumbled Stallion, leaving S2 muddling.
"Wait up!" he cried.

#3 had been waiting for such an opening.

"You should listen harder to your other self," he said.
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Old 08-31-2010, 05:59 AM   #605 (permalink)
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"You wanna walk?" his carrier asked.
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Old 09-02-2010, 03:22 PM   #606 (permalink)
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//"Watch yourself!" came crying, "Jismy Critical's everywhere!"
"What in Hell was that?" asked Mr. C.
"Don't move!" his lover responded.//
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Old 09-04-2010, 08:22 AM   #607 (permalink)
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//"What are we doing back here?" asked Snoddi, depressed by the beige surroundings of the three amigo's loft.
"I can only work with the materials I have," said Runni, "Haven't you been eating well?"
"#3's off tending to your kids, but I'm sure I can whip up a little something," offered Silenus.//
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Old 09-07-2010, 10:36 AM   #608 (permalink)
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"No! No more whippings, por favor. Five more days, just five more."
Before Snoddi & Runni could ask,
Silenus explained: "Disregard my whimpering mumble-mouth Cousin.
He's preparing for another hard-awakening.

Louden & Merrick began to stir.

Silenus asked Snoddi to let the dogs out.
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:15 AM   #609 (permalink)
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"C'mon, boys," he said cheerfully.

Louden & Merrick pantingly complied, but the 17 who followed hadn't learned any manners yet, & tripped Snoddi onto the grass. "Could have been worse," he reckoned, inhaling deeply.

Some time later, Silenus called, "Luncheon is served!"

"Good thing, too," Snoddi said to himself, "I've got the munchies!"
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Old 09-09-2010, 02:19 PM   #610 (permalink)
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The Cousin of Silenus decided: 'to heck with waiting for Mercury. I'm hungry now.'

He roused. Sitting under the table, eagerly awaiting the fine orts, he questioned Runni.

"I've lost count. Two Stallions, seventeen puppies & how many spores?"
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Old 09-09-2010, 05:23 PM   #611 (permalink)
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"Now, cuz," murmured Runni, as she slipped him a quiche, "you no doubt know better than I. You haven't lost your connection with Desiree's hairnet, have you?"
"Just trying to make conversation," he grumbled.
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Old 09-10-2010, 09:36 AM   #612 (permalink)
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Snoddi nudged him with his toe & handed him a piece of melon.

"Don't take it too hard, little guy," he comforted, "she's been a little abrupt since her experiment with latex."

The sound of hoofbeats came to them through the open windows, and the dogs set up a chorus.
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Old 09-18-2010, 01:27 PM   #613 (permalink)
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Desiree struggled in, supporting her brother.
#3 followed, enjoying one unplastic's cling.
"Something smells good," he said, "I could eat a horse!"
Both horses whinnied disapprovingly from the porch.
"Well, well, well!" said Silenus, "Who's the trollop?"
Before #3 could answer, as his countenance colored, there came a cry from the crawlspace. "Somebody help me!" it said, "I made a deal with the devil & the damn thing demands more."
Silenus was on it, like white on rice, & went clattering down the stairs.
"Was that Jackass Credential?" asked Runni of the room.
"I think so," said Snoddi, "Please pass the pancakes."
#3 was torn with indecision..."I'd better go see if I can help," he told one, disentangling himself.
"But I'm all alone here," she said, inexplicably.
"Introduce yourself & you won't be," quite rudely, he headed after Silenus.
"Here, dear," said Runni, "the sausages are quite juicy."
"Give me some!" came Cousin, cantankerous, "& pass down some OJ, as well."
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Old 09-19-2010, 01:12 PM   #614 (permalink)
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Igor had to duck as he strode through the door.
Napkins flew.
He stood in the foyer dripping. He turned to Cantore and asked,

"Am I off course?"
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Old 09-20-2010, 10:31 AM   #615 (permalink)
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"As if escaping from Satan's embrace & being groped by my groupies as they helped me come home wasn't enough, now I'm expected to counsel a tropical storm? Get out of here, Igor. I'll be with you, directionless." Joyless Causality sat down at the table & served himself a heaping helping of hashbrowns.
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Old 09-21-2010, 07:58 AM   #616 (permalink)
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The Stallions were quietly communing, the closest they could come to reconnecting.
"I've been thinking," started S2.
"That we could take additional advantage of our situations," finished Stallion, because he had been thinking the same.
"Exactly. Field trip?"
"We're good to go!"

Just then, Cousin emerged with a straight-razor held delicately in his left hand.
"Which way did the storm blow?" he asked them. "Jelly Croissanwich needs a heading."

"Igor bumped off the hills & then back out to sea," they said in unison, shared a look, & stepped down off the porch. "See ya."
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Old 09-23-2010, 10:58 AM   #617 (permalink)
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"I've seen a lot of things," Cousin said to himself, "but I didn't believe my eyes that time," & reentered the house.
Jihm Contentment had just polished off his third plate.
"Nothing for me?" Cousin asked, disappointed.
"No," said J.C., "You?"
"The horses report the storm's back out at sea."
"I'll call the Coast Guard."
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Old 09-24-2010, 10:35 AM   #618 (permalink)
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"You've been wronger," opined Cousin, "but the Coast Guard isn't who you need to call."
"My last call fucked itself," said Jill Conflicted, "& I didn't enjoy the sensation."
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Old 09-26-2010, 04:25 PM   #619 (permalink)
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Jaime Contralto sang out: " The Stallions are coalescing convergent!"

Snoddi pointed, his mouth silently agape.
Runni, anticipating The ensuing Richter numbers, held the table steady.

The Cousin Of Silenus, still beneath the table, bit her ankle.

"Desist,you ort scrounging scoundrel," she bellowed.

Igor's last gasp/gust, flung the Stallions far afield.
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Old 09-26-2010, 05:51 PM   #620 (permalink)
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"You didn't know, did you?" asked Runni.
"No, what?" hers responded.
"I've been using your guts to produce our realities."
"I felt that," said Snoddi, "but reading too much into it seemed vain."
"Oh honey!" said Runni, "Grow into your own skin."

The stallions cantered up, looking strangely relieved.

"You've been on facebook, haven't you?" said Runni, tut-tutting.

They didn't quibble.

"Do you want a ride somewhere?" asked Stallion.
"Or somewhere else?" S2 rejoined.
"Watch yourself!" said Stallion, "We're in company."

S2 flicked his tail.
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Old 09-28-2010, 08:32 AM   #621 (permalink)
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"I'm surprised we aren't more excited," said Silenus from his window-monitor position.

"I should do the dishes," said #3.
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Old 09-28-2010, 01:19 PM   #622 (permalink)
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Rhodes handed #3 the dish-washing manual.

The Ghost of Igor offered to dry them.
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Old 09-28-2010, 01:27 PM   #623 (permalink)
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Incorporeal, with a high behind him, he did the job handlessly.

"Can I go play outside now?" he asked.
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Old 10-02-2010, 08:03 PM   #624 (permalink)
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Desiree's hairnet let out a high-pitched squeal that threw him into the closet.

Runni & Snoddi both looked at her in alarm, but Silenus only shrugged.

"It's not like residual humidity will hurt our cashmere," he said.
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Old 10-08-2010, 03:04 PM   #625 (permalink)
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Jittery Charismatic's feverish brow rode its own thermals in search of Igor's trail.

Snoddi fussed & fumed, " What about the Moth Eating Ones?"

"Go sleep with the hamsters!" Silenus roared.

"Huh?" Snoddi blinked.

Runni explained, "It's a cedar thing. Do what he says."
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Old 10-08-2010, 03:36 PM   #626 (permalink)
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"Mom," asked Rhodes, "why are you so dismissive of Dad?"
"He's only really good for one thing," said Runni.
"Have you checked his internet status lately?" asked Desiree, "According to It he has quite a few skills."
"Thinking for himself isn't one of them," sniffed Runni, "you must trust me about this."
"Why should I trust you at all?" whined Rhodes, "I resemble that remark!"
Desiree poked him. "Don't you dare tell!" she hissed.
"I blame Desiree!" blurted Rhodes.
"I blame the merman!" retorted Desiree.

"You should blame the system & your own reactions to it," said Cousin.
"Oh, shut up!" said Runni, so he bit her again.

Meanwhile, Snoddi was comfortable in the hamster cage. The Ghost of Igor was comfortable amongst the cashmere. Joy Contagious had forgotten what he was looking for & was making himself quite comfortable in the leather closet, two doors down.

one unplastic sat in the corner, looking quite lost.

"Some house-guests you bring me, #3," said Silenus, "& don't you dare shrug!"
#3 shrugged & said, "You taught me a lot."
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Old 10-13-2010, 02:44 PM   #627 (permalink)
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Silenus failed to restrain himself, & slapped #3.
"Where's your manual?"
"Where's your Manuel?"

"Boys," said one unplastic, "I've had some experience in the alley."

They looked at her with new regard.
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Old 10-15-2010, 02:04 PM   #628 (permalink)
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"Alrighty, then, listen up," she smiled, "I'm not slumming for nothing."

"There's no need to question my heritage!" huffed Silenus.
"What?" fluffed #3.

"Cousin's coming with me," said too, unplastically, "& I'll need the recipe for the quiche."
"I'd be happy to, sweetheart," said Cousin, his mind racing as it always did, to spite appearances, "but why do we need quiche?"

"You'll need your energy," she assured him.

"France, again?" whispered Runni.
"Harvest my guts at your pleasure," said Snoddi, "someplace warm if they've got it, without hamsters."
"I can't guarantee that, but olfactorally stimulating, yes! Cedar becomes you."
"Good enough," he acknowledged, & watched, mystified, as she created an impressionistic scene, complete with feelings.

Cousin said to one, "I'm still not sure quite how she does that..."
one unplastic said, "I have a handle on S2. Let's get you back into orbit."

Desiree's hairnet's squealed again, but more gently this time, unsure how they'd maintain their connection.
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Old 10-17-2010, 10:04 AM   #629 (permalink)
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The merman felt a tingling, somewhere near his tail.

"I knew their cohesiveness would require my assistance!"
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Old 10-18-2010, 02:16 PM   #630 (permalink)
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Desiree grabbed the taser from the grasp of One Unplastic's appendage.

"Ow," came the multiple cries from her hair net.

" Look at them fly & glow!," TACO shouted.

Jiminy Crockett began to report Northern Light Sightings.
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Old 10-19-2010, 06:11 AM   #631 (permalink)
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The Sightings began reporting back.
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Old 10-22-2010, 07:54 AM   #632 (permalink)
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13 from the north infiltrated positions.
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Old 10-22-2010, 02:34 PM   #633 (permalink)
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Desiree rejoiced at her offspring's multi directional choices,while

she & Jarmony Correlator watched the spore-lights configure their own

Silenus said: "I see thrones & giant pianos"

Rhodes saw: " fetching fillies near & far a field,'

Snoddi procaimed: "look! There are hamsters wielding paint brushes!"

The rest of the company awaited...patiently as possible, believing the show of placement
would continue well into the moonless night.
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Old 10-26-2010, 06:26 AM   #634 (permalink)
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"Runni, noooo!" cried Snoddi, but quickly relinquished when he smelled the fresh Meditteranean breezes coming from her porthole.

"Well, that was unusual," said Silenus, characteristically disinterested, as they disappeared, "Now, back to the hamsters."

"I'd rather watch my sister's sparkling hairnet wonder babies," said Rhodes.

"I'd rather watch your sister's moon rising," said #3.

"Yes & yes," said Desiree.

Stallion shrugged & let the dogs out. The Ghost of Igor, having learned he was allergic to cashmere, let himself out. The Merman, part seahorse, sat offshore & brooded.
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Old 10-30-2010, 02:38 PM   #635 (permalink)
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While horses are patient, fish expect you to think more slowly.

Stallion was, therefore, unsurprised when the tide came in replete with baby seahorses.

"I'm warm-blooded!" he neighed.
"I am, too!" said the Merman.
"Sire!" cried Desiree, her hair unattractive, "Look at the sky."

When he looked up he was mystified. The Sparkles spelled out, "Don't hurt our father," across the vault of the heavens.

"Truce?" offered the Merman.
"Truce," agreed Stallion, "May I offer you a drink?"
"Anything but saltwater," he replied as he wriggled ashore.

"Where are you going, Mom-Dad?" asked his babies, in unison.

"Who have you been fucking with?" asked Desiree, with murder in her eyes.

(#3 had forgotten the manual, so she wasn't all that happy.)
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Old 11-03-2010, 08:26 AM   #636 (permalink)
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Luckily, Manuel strode up, complete with his tool belt.

Rhodes was startled but impressed.

"Got any odd-jobs needing doing?" asked Manuel with an accent.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:22 AM   #637 (permalink)
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Silenus asked to see Manuel's driver's license.

Rhodes handed Manuel a copy of his rights.

The sea horses began to tremble & whispered to Merman,
"No one told us there are wrights here!"

Desiree accused Silenus of unfair profiling.

Stallion took Silenus aside momentarily.

Meanwhile: The rest of the gang became wet & or dried out,
at the Neon Seahorse. A great little establishment located at the corner of 20'th & Valencia. It being not terribly obscure, there wasn't a Hipster in sight.

The two elder Hoofed Ones, cloven & not, stood just outside the entrance,
taking the last deep drags of what they had lit.

They entered the dim, red lit small club.

"So tell us what the fuss was about Silenus?" A few asked in unison.

Stallion explained, "Silenus was concerned. It was the tool belt. He thought Orion might be in disguise & after him again. Those two need to call a truce."
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Old 11-04-2010, 08:13 AM   #638 (permalink)
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Silenus cleared his throat, politely for a satyr.

"I wasn't profiling, I was profileering. It's part of my nature," he explained.

The former hairnet scattered, searching for a definition.

"Sis?" whispered Rhodes, "Are YOU still connected to THEM?"
"I feel that way, bro'," she soothed, "but I don't feel like myself anymore."

The merman shifted uncomfortably on his bar-stool.
"Thanks for the cocktail, friend Stallion," he said, "Could you give me a lift back to the beach?"
"It will be my pleasure," said Stallion, distracted, "I don't think you need to worry about Desiree any less, since her mind's been expanded."
"I'll bear that in mine."

"Did you feed the dogs before we left?" asked Silenus of #3.
"I forgot," said #3, gesturing towards Manuel, who was sitting in the corner twiddling his...thumbs, "He looks like he needs something to do."
"You should go with him," said Silenus.
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Old 11-05-2010, 08:38 PM   #639 (permalink)
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Runni & Snoddi reclined in the attic, enjoying the scenery.

"Do you think we should go help them?" asked Snoddi.
"Not just yet," Runni said, putting her tongue in his mouth.
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Old 11-14-2010, 10:50 AM   #640 (permalink)
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one unplastic removed hers from Cousin's.

"I'm glad they're not on my back," thought S2.
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