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Pearl Trade 09-01-2010 02:51 PM

Game over, try again.


BadNick 09-01-2010 04:15 PM

game still over

right, phil?

Pearl Trade 09-01-2010 04:34 PM

Wrong, Nick.

Is Uncle Phil in the building?

BadNick 09-01-2010 04:39 PM

ha...this is a two way street, PT (I saw you in the neighborhood but figured you were too busy)

right, phil?

Pearl Trade 09-01-2010 05:29 PM

Ha, just me and you, bud.

My fearless prediction: The Bad Man Nick

BadNick 09-01-2010 07:04 PM

ok, you win some you lose some.


Xerxys 09-01-2010 09:02 PM

Hi Nick. Is Uncle Phill awake yet?

Tully Mars 09-02-2010 01:30 AM

I am.

I'd guess Phil will be around shortly.

uncle phil 09-02-2010 03:09 AM

i are...


Fly 09-02-2010 03:54 AM


Nick around here?

Jove 09-02-2010 06:58 AM

Negative Fly trot tango niner,

What is your status Uncle Phil, over.

uncle phil 09-02-2010 07:16 AM

waiting for afternoon golf...


Amaras 09-02-2010 08:10 AM

Nope, it's me.

dlish 09-02-2010 08:12 AM

nup, he's still talking anal sex with jazz

how was your golf swing today phil?

uncle phil 09-02-2010 08:13 AM

i'll find out in a couple of hours; been pretty straight this week, though...

where's my hobbitt?

Ourcrazymodern? 09-02-2010 09:13 AM

maybe in those bushes to the left of the fairway


Xerxys 09-02-2010 09:38 AM

Prolly asleep. Where is the hobbit btw??

But I think BadNick will get to the next post first.

BadNick 09-02-2010 10:46 AM

el correcto, Xerxys'o ...I'm practicing "spanish as my second language"

I bet Tully can speak with the best of them. Right, Tul?

Pearl Trade 09-02-2010 11:21 AM

No, there's a spanish word everyone knows.

Yo, LordEden?

LordEden 09-02-2010 11:33 AM

Hobbit here.


BadNick 09-02-2010 12:34 PM


unc, is the storm affecting your game?

uncle phil 09-02-2010 12:41 PM

not yet...

just got a quick nine in this afternoon...

looking for ocm...

BadNick 09-02-2010 12:46 PM

? << unc, you forgot the ? in Ocm? OTOH, I'm sure I would respond to "BadNic"

how 'bout it, Ocm??

Ourcrazymodern? 09-02-2010 03:09 PM

how 'bout what?...(?)

nobody's light's on, so I'm stabbing in the dark,

in the shadow of Giant Hamburger.

BadNick 09-02-2010 04:41 PM

and a Giant shadow it must be!

unlike the somewhat shorter, stout shadow of uncle phil

Tully Mars 09-02-2010 04:43 PM

Fly what?


BadNick 09-02-2010 04:45 PM

a kite?

Tul, do you ever fly kites down where you are?

Tully Mars 09-02-2010 05:10 PM

No but many folks kite board in front of my beach I'd really like to get into that.


LordEden 09-02-2010 05:38 PM

Hobbit here.


Xerxys 09-02-2010 05:40 PM

Where?? I need a swatter, I fuckin' hate flies.

BadNick where are you?

uncle phil 09-03-2010 02:49 AM



LordEden 09-03-2010 03:57 AM

He's still sleeping off all that rum.


BadNick 09-03-2010 05:25 AM

I've been awake for 2-1/2 hours and already thinking about lunch.

I wonder if "self fulfilling prophecy" could possibly work in this thread?...or maybe call it wishful thinking. Not sure what I'm wishing for, but I'm gonna predict Baraka_Guru. Why, because I can.

Ourcrazymodern? 09-03-2010 10:41 AM

I wonder about a lot of stuff.

Like, if I had a die, could I distinguish green lights?

uncle phil?

uncle phil 09-03-2010 10:44 AM

back from a splendid 18 on the links...


BadNick 09-03-2010 10:47 AM

well at least she wasn't under-age, unc

Ocm? again
(that rhymes so I'm a poet
though I don't know it)

Xerxys 09-03-2010 10:39 PM

No modern crazy woulds here.

Uncle Phill, what are you up to?

Tully Mars 09-04-2010 01:20 AM

Not sure what that crazy guy up to but I'm sipping coffee.

What are you up to Phil?

uncle phil 09-04-2010 03:07 AM

just hanging out today, too windy to golf...


Ourcrazymodern? 09-04-2010 07:22 AM

In Eden there was no Moe's Tavern.

Hit me, uncle phil.

uncle phil 09-04-2010 08:35 AM



BadNick 09-04-2010 08:43 AM

I slept in late today. While I'm sipping my mug I'm gonna brew one of those "cold brewed" coffee things I saw in the food section here last night.

Xerxys, you hidding nearby?

uncle phil 09-05-2010 04:55 AM

he must be sleeping in this morning...


Tully Mars 09-05-2010 05:05 AM

I'm up. I'm up.


BadNick 09-05-2010 08:59 AM

been up for a few hours waiting for peco to cut up this huge branch that fell from my willow tree and pulled down their wires, almost crushed my neighbor's car. I need an everything bagel about now

I wonder if unc's out on the links yet

uncle phil 09-05-2010 10:10 AM

not today; tomorrow morning...


Ourcrazymodern? 09-05-2010 11:13 AM



BadNick 09-05-2010 12:13 PM

ring, ring, ring. Is this the party to whom I am speaking?

pick up the phone, unc

uncle phil 09-05-2010 12:21 PM



Ourcrazymodern? 09-05-2010 04:17 PM

by jove,

I think it's Eden!

BadNick 09-05-2010 05:51 PM

it was heavenly today

wouldn't you say so, Eden?

uncle phil 09-06-2010 02:33 AM

he's probably still crunk...


Jove 09-06-2010 04:48 AM

Not yet..


BadNick 09-06-2010 07:31 PM

I've been busy all day but here I am!

Xerxys, you still up?

amonkie 09-06-2010 07:57 PM

he went to bed a long long time ago!

I'm up still and wagering so might OCM...

Xerxys 09-06-2010 08:02 PM

No, I did not, putting in the beginning touches on a paper that is due Wednesday. Go me.

BadNick what are you up to?

Tully Mars 09-07-2010 12:17 AM

Probably sleeping... lazy SOB.

Phil how the temps looking for today?

uncle phil 09-07-2010 02:15 AM

nice and warm...


BadNick 09-07-2010 03:39 AM

here, too. Sunny & 90F. Kids are off to their 1st day of school.

dlish, what did you have for breakfast? ...although where you are you might be having dinner. Please advise.

Ourcrazymodern? 09-07-2010 07:16 AM

What came before determines what's for afters.


LordEden 09-07-2010 07:51 AM

hitting this up lunch-break style.

Fly? I'm up before noon today.

Fly 09-07-2010 09:09 AM

rained out....you got lucky bro.

hell it's only 10 am man and i got 4 freakin' hours in today..........plus i woke the fucking rooster up again,i think he's starting to hate me.

wadda ya' think of that phil?

uncle phil 09-07-2010 09:31 AM

i think you're a top-secret, early awakening chicken plucker, that's what i think...


Amaras 09-07-2010 09:32 AM

chicken plucker, hehe....

Fly 09-07-2010 10:43 AM

you callin' me a plucker.....you plucker?

Tully's out and about......

Tully Mars 09-07-2010 11:00 AM

What can I say.. man about town. Though today I'm chilling by the pool.


LordEden 09-07-2010 12:28 PM

Yeah I'm here, waiting for 5 oclock.


uncle phil 09-07-2010 12:47 PM

15 to go...


Xerxys 09-07-2010 07:00 PM

Hi uncle phill. Where is BadNick?

BadNick 09-07-2010 08:27 PM

here is I

eye don't know Xerxys, not too many of us in here now.

Xerxys 09-07-2010 08:47 PM

Yeah, at around this time the safest bet is either me Uncle phill or Tully Mars for the ungodly AM hours but it seems whenever I choose uncle phill Tully deliberately intercepts and if I choose Tully, he waits for uncle phill to respond. I just can't win.

Thats one sexy eye.

Tully, I know you'll get this in the morning.

Tully Mars 09-08-2010 01:29 AM

You know me well.

I figure Phils up anytime now.

uncle phil 09-08-2010 03:10 AM

running a little late this AM...


BadNick 09-08-2010 06:27 AM

maybe he's being tickled by those lashes

what do you think, Tully? lashes with whips or eyes?

Amaras 09-08-2010 06:34 AM

I prefer a long eyelash, it's somehow sexier.
Unc' Phil?

Tully Mars 09-08-2010 06:40 AM

Nope just me...


Ourcrazymodern? 09-08-2010 07:28 AM

Not for quite a few generations.


Tully Mars 09-09-2010 01:58 AM

Nope, morning all.


uncle phil 09-09-2010 02:46 AM

as always...


Tully Mars 09-09-2010 02:47 AM

Yes, starting to see a pattern...

Nick's next?

uncle phil 09-09-2010 02:47 AM

or not..


BadNick 09-09-2010 05:21 AM

I'm late ...took a shower this morning so I smell nice

nobody around? I'll take a wild guess and predict amonkie since she probably smells nice, too.

Tully Mars 09-09-2010 05:39 AM


Maybe she's next?

Ourcrazymodern? 09-09-2010 08:36 AM


I predict uncle phil.

BadNick 09-09-2010 09:12 AM

I smell phil so he's probably around. Right, unc?

uncle phil 09-09-2010 12:31 PM

just got in from drizzly golf; might have a skin with an eagle on #5, though...


amonkie 09-09-2010 02:43 PM

Nope nope..

But I think Tully might be heading back around any second now...

Ourcrazymodern? 09-09-2010 04:03 PM

This jumping spider is heading for...


BadNick 09-09-2010 08:21 PM

This one is heading to bed in a few minutes.

it's late...maybe unc will be here bright and early

Xerxys 09-09-2010 08:37 PM

Doubt it. Lately he's been sleeping in. So maybe Tully Mars.

amonkie 09-09-2010 09:18 PM

Nope. I decided a couple hours was enough.


Tully Mars 09-10-2010 01:59 AM

Nope, me.


uncle phil 09-10-2010 02:10 AM

ya think?

where's idyllic been?

Tully Mars 09-10-2010 05:53 AM

Read "Pointless Announcements" I think.

Hmm, Eden?

Amaras 09-10-2010 06:07 AM

Idyllic's been.... busy.
Right, Unc' Phil?

Ourcrazymodern? 09-10-2010 06:46 AM


amonkie 09-10-2010 07:37 PM

hey back atcha!

Thinkin nick will be next to catch the wave....

BadNick 09-10-2010 08:03 PM

Hi! I'm wavin' at you.

Eden should stop by for a heavenly visit.

uncle phil 09-11-2010 02:42 AM

nope, but i'm up...


amonkie 09-11-2010 05:06 AM

nope. Me on a rainy day.


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