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uncle phil 06-18-2010 01:48 PM

golf was great...


Idyllic 06-20-2010 08:17 AM


perfect weekender, are you playing today (here and there)?

uncle phil 06-20-2010 08:30 AM

leaving in about 15 minutes, as a matter of fact...


Ourcrazymodern? 06-20-2010 08:45 AM

Happy Sunday! Have a good round.

An Idyllic one.

dlish 06-20-2010 10:47 AM

he's going to be a tiger out there..go get em boy!

come back and tell us how you fared after 18

LordEden 06-20-2010 04:56 PM

Sitting in an airport waiting for my flight.

Phil, I'm back.

uncle phil 06-20-2010 05:35 PM

heard you hadn't left yet...


LordEden 06-20-2010 05:47 PM

I'm sitting at the Charlotte airport waiting on the last flight back to Fayetteville going out tonight.


Plan9 06-20-2010 09:17 PM


I think Uncle Phil will be up at 0530 to post. Hmm.

dlish 06-21-2010 12:38 AM

i loathe americans ruining the Crocodile Hunters famous last words...

edens going to check this thread as soon as he touches down.

uncle phil 06-21-2010 02:14 AM

not before idyllic shows up...

Idyllic 06-21-2010 06:09 AM

Good Morning, this sleeping in thing is so Awesome. :) It won't last though.

Eden, I do believe your touch down is awaited....

LordEden 06-21-2010 06:41 AM

Touch down Jesus? I didn't get to ride by Big Butter Jesus when I was in Ohio. Made me sad.

Lish, you round about?

dlish 06-21-2010 09:27 AM

yeah buddy...

if there was a muhammad statue, it'd definately get burnt down...


settie 06-21-2010 09:30 AM


dlish 06-21-2010 09:40 AM

never TFP and drive Settie!

anyone but settie please!

settie 06-21-2010 09:53 AM


uncle phil 06-22-2010 02:33 AM

what an idyllic morning this could be...

LordEden 06-22-2010 03:59 AM

You got the hobbit instead.


Ourcrazymodern? 06-22-2010 09:53 AM

Happy Summer, Lord.

Calling Wisconsin, ring ring?

Fly 06-22-2010 05:49 PM


Phillip..........show your sorry ass.

uncle phil 06-23-2010 02:32 AM

that's with one "l"...


Idyllic 06-23-2010 02:58 AM

Good Morning uncle phil, hope your days have been birdie, eagle..... hole in one.:thumbsup:

I am going back to bed now, just up to make coffee (for my wonderful worker) and say HI and have a nice day. :) ZZZzzzzz

Maybe LordEden will make it by before noon?

dlish 06-23-2010 04:58 AM

nah, trolls dont like sunlight

wow, uncle phil chooses idyllic 4 times in a row!

imma gonna follow the trend


Idyllic 06-23-2010 05:59 AM

Their up, and I missed going back to bed, bummer..... time to ready the troops for the water park, a g a i n..... aarrgghhhhh

Jove, feel like playing this morning?

LordEden 06-23-2010 07:19 AM

Troll: http://quiron.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/troll-4.jpg

Hobbit: http://mattcbr.files.wordpress.com/2...gs-posters.jpg

How is that even close?

If you ever played D&D you would know these things.

Fly? You skip work today?

dlish 06-23-2010 12:16 PM

no, troll...

how is this....


the same as this....



Ourcrazymodern? 06-23-2010 01:04 PM

I take it that's a trick question.

What's your take on it, LordEden?

LordEden 06-23-2010 02:37 PM

Less beard? Better hygiene? Better cell phone adapters? I bet reception is horrible in those caves. Plus, I know you arn't a terrorist, but yeah, OCM is right. Trick question.

Wait, am I totally a troll in your mind now? I'm curious now.


uncle phil 06-24-2010 02:33 AM


ok, eden...

LordEden 06-24-2010 11:49 AM

Yep yep, I'm still waiting here wondering why dlish thinks I'm a troll. Guess I made one to many Allah jokes.

It's ok cause Phil stills loves me, right Phil? Right?....

uncle phil 06-24-2010 01:03 PM

right, but not like the jazz...


Ourcrazymodern? 06-24-2010 01:07 PM

Crying uncle.


uncle phil 06-24-2010 01:43 PM

don't be a whiner...


dlish 06-24-2010 10:55 PM

you mean troll's girlfriend? im ignoring his queries..can you tell?

third time lucky with idyllic?

uncle phil 06-25-2010 02:31 AM

nope, you got me...

now it's time for the idyllic one...

Idyllic 06-25-2010 02:57 AM

Good Morning uncle phil, I hope your day is condor, albatross, eagle, anyone of those birdie's will do, but I hope it is, at the least, par-taken of fun for you. :)

Maybe ocm will swing by soon...

dlish 06-25-2010 03:52 AM

too early in the morning for ocm and ring

one more for idyllic before i change my tune

Fly 06-25-2010 03:53 AM

phil you around?

uncle phil 06-25-2010 04:06 AM



dlish 06-25-2010 04:56 AM

still sleeping..


Jove 06-25-2010 10:33 AM

Not at the moment.

How about Idyllic?

LordEden 06-25-2010 10:54 AM

Nope, hobbit here. Still crying at night because dlish hates me.


uncle phil 06-25-2010 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by dlish (Post 2801121)
still sleeping..


tol'ja, only one "l" in philip...


ring 06-25-2010 11:51 AM

Hi, Phil with one L.

dlish? You need to assuage the Wee One's fear.

Ourcrazymodern? 06-25-2010 12:21 PM

No he doesn't.

LordEden's fearless.

LordEden 06-25-2010 12:36 PM

Yo. Here.

Squeeeb! (Here's hoping he randomly shows up because of this.)

uncle phil 06-26-2010 02:40 AM

idyllic up this early?

Fly 06-26-2010 05:18 AM


talk to me OCM

Ourcrazymodern? 06-26-2010 07:29 AM

What would you like to talk about?

Let's talk about uncle phil.

LordEden 06-26-2010 09:39 AM

I bet he is playing golf. He likes that sport.


dlish 06-26-2010 11:18 AM

yes, master splinter...dude

what is it you command sir?

uncle phil 06-27-2010 04:19 AM

how about the fly?

Fly 06-27-2010 05:50 AM


dlish out there?

uncle phil 06-27-2010 01:27 PM

howzabout ocm?

Ourcrazymodern? 06-27-2010 01:31 PM



ring 06-27-2010 01:35 PM

Hi, hon.


uncle phil 06-27-2010 02:54 PM


lord of the hobbits?

LordEden 06-27-2010 03:58 PM

I has made kornbread.

Want kornbread, ring?

Xerxys 06-27-2010 04:58 PM

To rule them all? no no ring necessary, just me.

Now, where is our crazy modern world going to?

dlish 06-27-2010 06:32 PM


maybe uncle Phi_ _ ip could answer you

uncle phil 06-28-2010 02:34 AM

i can...

fly recovered yet?

Fly 06-28-2010 03:27 AM

yup.......sort of anyways.

dlish my man

Ourcrazymodern? 06-28-2010 12:11 PM

I'd be a jealous liar if I said I wasn't.

Maybe now, dlish?

dlish 06-28-2010 12:38 PM


wattup xeryxs

LordEden 06-28-2010 12:52 PM

I'm perverted, but not that perverted.

Phil, you off the greens yet?

uncle phil 06-28-2010 12:53 PM

yup, as of 1:00 - got half my lawn mowed, now browsing in chat...


Fly 06-28-2010 04:53 PM


Esen 06-28-2010 05:28 PM

dlish? I dont know havent been around much, feel like a newbie again

dlish 06-28-2010 05:55 PM

you may not be around as much, but bingo!

i summons our great spiritual master..

the great beegee

uncle phil 06-29-2010 02:35 AM

not yet...


Xerxys 06-29-2010 05:26 AM

Nope, I too await her ...

Idyllic 06-29-2010 06:07 AM

await, not yet, anymore......:)


Ourcrazymodern? 06-29-2010 06:14 AM

With bells on.

LordEden can verify that.

LordEden 06-29-2010 06:21 AM

I am here, sans bells.


ring 06-29-2010 06:33 AM

Thanks for the cornbread, comrade.


dlish 06-29-2010 07:16 AM

she's thbthbthbt'ing somewhere i hear...

Mr X, please make yourself known

uncle phil 06-30-2010 02:44 AM

fly this mornin'...

Fly 06-30-2010 03:52 AM


Eden you bastard.

LordEden 06-30-2010 03:55 AM

I am that bastard you speak of, old man.

Phil, hit the greens yet?

Jove 06-30-2010 04:19 AM

Probably, but I don't have confirmation.

Dlish, where are you going?

shalafi 06-30-2010 04:41 AM

haven't seen him. thought I'd pop in an say hi.

OCM around?

Ourcrazymodern? 06-30-2010 07:39 AM

Nice to see you.

I'm guessing LordEden.

dlish 06-30-2010 10:46 AM


jove, i always read your blog, i guess you didnt read mine? :P

Jozrael 06-30-2010 12:09 PM

I'll swing by for a surprise ;D.

OCM is my bet.

Fly 06-30-2010 08:23 PM


goin' with dlish

dlish 07-01-2010 12:34 AM

going going gone! and back in about 10 days actually.


uncle phil 07-01-2010 02:25 AM



LordEden 07-01-2010 03:52 AM

tis me phil.


Ourcrazymodern? 07-01-2010 05:16 AM

I can do that, barely knowing what it is.

Are you up & about, ring?

ring 07-01-2010 05:20 AM

The sunrise was peachy.

Perhaps Fly will alight.

seamaiden 07-01-2010 05:44 AM

No flys on me...although there might be soon. I'm off to a Thousand Island cottage for the weekend.

I wonder if the Lord is with us?

LordEden 07-01-2010 06:42 AM

I am always with those who believe in me.

*lighting bolt* *BOOOOM* *Insert bug zapping sound*

How about I just say HI instead.

Fly, you fall into the bush and get lost?

Fly 07-01-2010 07:42 AM

nope Canada day here........already drinking.........weeeeeeeee

come back Lord Eat me

uncle phil 07-02-2010 02:45 AM

fly's sleepin' in, so it must be idyllic...

LordEden 07-02-2010 04:08 AM

Nope, I'm here.


Ourcrazymodern? 07-02-2010 05:45 AM

What may I do for you, Lord?


Fly 07-02-2010 07:24 AM

sorry bud.........

come back and say high though OCM

Ourcrazymodern? 07-02-2010 07:40 AM

High Fly!

Can you see Eden from up there?

LordEden 07-02-2010 07:49 AM

I'm not as high as fly is, I wish I was.

Fly, come on back and bring me some BC buds.

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